100 entries in 1.932s

a111: Logged on 2019-06-23 06:59 mircea_popescu: and this paroxistic-avoidant approach worries me universally,
phf is stuck in the exact same rut, for instance. i have never in my life
seen this approach to things work. not once, not FUCKING ONCE, and this is all the more indicative as it's one of the most commonly deployed broken strategies.
mircea_popescu: and this paroxistic-avoidant approach worries me universally,
phf is stuck in the exact same rut, for instance. i have never in my life
seen this approach to things work. not once, not FUCKING ONCE, and this is all the more indicative as it's one of the most commonly deployed broken strategies.
☟︎ hanbot: right right, i mixed 'em up. and yeah, i'm planning on grabbing
phf's keccak v.py in step 3, if only because i've
seen diana_coman's pop up in cuntoo tests so i'd like to test the ver less traveled.
shinohai: I am observing new trb node I hadn't
seen previously, from "Mir Telematiki Ltd" .... is
a111: Logged on 2018-12-19 22:28
phf: mircea_popescu: i've given a more nuanced answer over the logs. i've said that stuff from last year is junk, i'm not sure about stuff from this year, because i haven't inspected it yet. short of asciilifeform's periodic jabs, there was simply no reason to dedicate more time to it, considering that from a useful work perspective this is
seen as a hobby, and i already have a backlog of things i actually need to be working on.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-02 20:04
phf: i'd say it's more like 80s lego and modern lego (if you haven't
seen, now it's all >50% custom per-toy parts, that can be snapped to a traditional lego coupling, but otherwise non-universal)
mircea_popescu: and while at it, the essential part of "#b-a => #trilema transition happened" isn't even so much the (very extremely never-
seen-before) narrow time wondows ; but the fact that ~it very much was~ on own fucking schedule. i don't recall having to hassle anyone about anything. it was a coupla days cuz it took me a coupla days, and it was a week because it took trinque,
phf & gang a week.
phf, good info, thanks. looks like cheapest flight in august is bouncing around $1250 to $1350, haven't
seen the $1150 sighting again. If I push it out past labor day looks like $950
a111: Logged on 2018-06-22 03:42
phf: well for one, they all talk like the doms they've
seen on tv, "i bore me now" "run along little pet" i mean what's next "beg, worm"?
a111: Logged on 2018-04-09 14:31 mircea_popescu: a right. hanbot do me a favour : download ~only~ those patches which are in the leftmost trunk
seen on
phf's viewer (so exclude vtools_vdiff_sha, and its dependents) and try to flow again ?
ben_vulpes: shows up as speshulchar ^L in emacs; i've
seen this before in other lispwads written by the github crew and don't really know what to make of it. convention of the ancients? perhaps asciilifeform or
phf or someone else who's literate and knows history could enlighten me.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-09 14:31 mircea_popescu: a right. hanbot do me a favour : download ~only~ those patches which are in the leftmost trunk
seen on
phf's viewer (so exclude vtools_vdiff_sha, and its dependents) and try to flow again ?
lobbesbot: mircea_popescu:
phf was last
seen in #trilema 13 hours, 26 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: <
phf> “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right (nytimes.com)”
a111: Logged on 2018-04-09 14:31 mircea_popescu: a right. hanbot do me a favour : download ~only~ those patches which are in the leftmost trunk
seen on
phf's viewer (so exclude vtools_vdiff_sha, and its dependents) and try to flow again ?
mircea_popescu: a right. hanbot do me a favour : download ~only~ those patches which are in the leftmost trunk
seen on
phf's viewer (so exclude vtools_vdiff_sha, and its dependents) and try to flow again ?
☟︎☟︎☟︎ BingoBoingo: Well, someone is piling hardware in the US? I haven't
seen volunteers yet other than
phf to courier
phf: aha. good deal. agreed that most machines i've ever
seen have a /bin/sh, not all have a /bin/bash.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-07 02:52 asciilifeform: ^ anybody
seen anything of this kind ? mod6 ?
phf ? ben_vulpes ?
a111: Logged on 2017-12-28 23:37 mircea_popescu is also happy at how diana_coman 's code veers towards literate style. you've
seen this
phf ?
mircea_popescu is also happy at how diana_coman 's code veers towards literate style. you've
seen this
phf ?
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-12-14 22:51
phf: hmm, there's a bit of complexity there as far as producing files/directories shuffle, which might take longer, but i'll start with paring things down. i haven't yet
seen diff/patch sources closely!
BingoBoingo: <
phf> i think this is the happiest i've
seen BingoBoingo ever << This would not be inaccurate
a111: Logged on 2017-11-23 21:17
phf: i've
seen properly indented code before, that never the less lost or misplaced parenthesis here or there. naggum actually had a rant somewhere how most experienced lispers actually discover nesting issues by doing reindent. but if you're a newb, you're going to lose a parent, but keep the code shape the same
phf` anyway, we're getting, imo, the smallest lockable, stand-alone item. whichever that is. in no case less than 4u, except really, we much prefer to discuss by the kw and gb, as
seen in the convo earlier.
jhvh1: asciilifeform:
phf was last
seen in #trilema 2 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: <
phf> asciilifeform: that i figured out, the whole contraption reminds me of that ru anti-temper device pdf that you posted recently
a111: Logged on 2017-09-02 20:04
phf: i'd say it's more like 80s lego and modern lego (if you haven't
seen, now it's all >50% custom per-toy parts, that can be snapped to a traditional lego coupling, but otherwise non-universal)
phf speaking of "father of nation" pedo -- ever
seen the bridge to kwaii ?
a111: Logged on 2015-09-21 21:39
phf: mostly amusing, at the local coworking i've probably
seen all the stereotypes in flesh. girls with social sciences ph.d. doing research projects, guys pushing feminist rhetoric in every conversation, black transgender talking about white oppression, all manner of "you can do anything" mentality. it's like irl tumblr out there
a111: Logged on 2017-03-24 02:54 gabriel_laddel_p: tbh I would have thought
phf would have
seen the masamune video & flown out here to get his free install the next day, but apparently the rest of you are less excited about this than I am
gabriel_laddel_p: tbh I would have thought
phf would have
seen the masamune video & flown out here to get his free install the next day, but apparently the rest of you are less excited about this than I am
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-03-22 20:52
phf: ben_vulpes: i was thinking of wiring in an auto-upper for never
seen accounts, but given the quality of ups.. i do wonder, if were to up them "faster" maybe they'll talk better
a111: Logged on 2017-03-22 20:52
phf: ben_vulpes: i was thinking of wiring in an auto-upper for never
seen accounts, but given the quality of ups.. i do wonder, if were to up them "faster" maybe they'll talk better
a111: Logged on 2017-02-10 16:49
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-10#1612963 << mosh works over udp, and mitigates latency, dropped packets, and interrupted connection all the way to doing transparent roaming, so benefits are only
seen on hardware in question: can still do useful work even over very dodgy connection
jhvh1: asciilifeform:
phf was last
seen in #trilema 1 day, 22 hours, 3 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: <
phf> so if you have a system that you implemented fast, but it's slow, but you know how to now slowly make it fast, you have a strategy. if you're chasing corner cases, running a profiler and get mostly flat distribution, writing in special cases, etc. you don't have one
jhvh1: thestringpuller: jurov was last
seen in #trilema 2 days, 18 hours, 3 minutes, and 43 seconds ago: <jurov>
phf: zero width is prolly okay, negative-width-joiner would be illegal
jhvh1: thestringpuller: jurov was last
seen in #trilema 1 day, 23 hours, 7 minutes, and 2 seconds ago: <jurov>
phf: zero width is prolly okay, negative-width-joiner would be illegal
phf was last
seen in #trilema 1 week, 2 days, 0 hours, 39 minutes, and 58 seconds ago: <
phf> or perhaps digitalocean is just shit
a111: Logged on 2016-08-21 00:59
phf: for all the jokes about russian vodka drinking, the amount of "functional alcoholism" i've
seen in ussa is staggering. i literally cut contact with about 70% of my friends from my 20s, because they are slob alcoholics with no self control. so it's either health nuts who don't touch the stuff (or rarely) or else it's "50 minutes of квас and then race to the bottom" crowd
a111: Logged on 2016-08-21 00:53
phf: russians have a concept for it, "квасить" to drink socially in a controlled manner. failure at квас is
seen as a character flaw. a grownup is supposed to go be able to go at it for like 5-6 hours without the embarrassing "passing out face first into the salad" eventual outcome. when you're in your 30s, you should be able to do it for 5-6 hours, then be able to freshen up and do work, etc.
mod6: <+
phf> there's periodically things that claim to be vpatches, but they don't have genesis. i think a notable example of that is v.pl, which has been published as v.pl, and then followed up by vpatches that are supposed to superseded each other rather than form a chain. generally i've
seen that pattern a lot, people publish something, than publish a second vpatch, that doesn't build on previous vpatch, but su
phf was last
seen in #trilema 35 seconds ago: <
phf> %
seen phf gribble: mod6 was last
seen in #trilema 7 hours, 28 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: <mod6>
phf: ah oh yeah.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-24 02:05
phf: i'm sure you've
seen cl-6502, and i think there's a compiler from the same guy (or perhaps cl-6502 has a compiler too i don't quite remember)
phf was last
seen in #trilema 3 hours, 17 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: <
phf> ascii, cyrillic, greek, accents
a111: Logged on 2016-06-14 05:18
phf: but i haven't
seen those problems yet in the bitcoin codebase, the problem that i did see is a certain deliberate apartness of tinyscheme related code, that subtly violate my assumptions in a nagging way that i described above.
gribble: thestringpuller was last
seen in #trilema 10 weeks, 1 day, 21 hours, 20 minutes, and 0 seconds ago: <thestringpuller>
phf: turning the logs into genius.com?
a111: Logged on 2016-05-30 18:05
phf: no, but i've
seen some extensive libraries in apparatchik homes that i know for a fact nobody read
a111: Logged on 2016-05-30 17:45
phf: there will be no great library of tmsr, but on the other hand no accumulation and exchange of amulets and fetishes of knowledge, because the last can be subverted in all kinds of ways we've
seen already.
phf was last
seen in #trilema 2 hours, 10 minutes, and 15 seconds ago: <
phf> christ man why would you do that to yourself
deedbot: adlai rated
phf 2 << blogged the best lisp bitcoind i've
seen yet
adlai: $rate
phf 2 blogged the best lisp bitcoind i've
seen yet
phf: i'm just saying there was plenty of opportunities to speak up against crazy in the past, and i saw plenty of crazy and i just thought everyone else took it in strides, as part of the game. apparently not! <- at a stretch crazy might be
seen as an insult I suppose
phf was last
seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 days, 11 hours, 16 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <
phf> "experimental" forms to compensate for lack of rigour.
phf: what do you mean "first
seen nodes"?
phf actually asciilifeform has a point : two signature lists are needed. complete and dependent. C = all signatures
seen on any of the packages pressed ; D = the set of all signatures on which the current press depends - ie, without them you can't reach that leaf.
punkman: mircea_popescu:
phf yes, the list of all signatures
seen to reach that leaf. << that would just return "asciilifeform" :P
phf yes, the list of all signatures
seen to reach that leaf.
phf was last
seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 0 days, 10 hours, 53 minutes, and 25 seconds ago: <
phf> or maybe it's picking up your gcc since you have it installed. homebrew compiler selection algo is all kinds of creative
phf was last
seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 4 days, 22 hours, 11 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: <
phf> or maybe it's picking up your gcc since you have it installed. homebrew compiler selection algo is all kinds of creative
phf> i suspect that failures in this case are
seen as being on bleeding edge, sort of meta-meta-maker << maybe the truth is, the people who buy teslas don't have anywhere to go anyway.
assbot: Logged on 11-10-2015 21:42:49;
phf: went to a movie theater to see The Martian. i only ever watch movies when in-wot recommend something enough, so i didn't realize how bad a movie can be, and this was one of the worst movies i've ever
seen. snl "you can do anything" skit done with a straightface.. in space! but anyway, they've replaced all the regular rows, with reclining sits, and you can push the button for the sit to recline. i was
assbot: Logged on 11-09-2015 14:20:34;
phf: i was in moscow few weeks after iphone 5 release and saw status games golden youth would play with it, polished girls coyly extracting iphones to pretense that bought it in new york just last week, iphones on tables at expensive cafes, etc. i've
seen more iphones over a weekend out then in moscow then i've ever in the states. nothing like that was happening after 6 came out, of course it's my impressions, but i
mircea_popescu: this follows in the wake of a few threads mostly brought to a head by the opnessl idiocies you might wish to review
phf if you've not
seen them before.