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asciilifeform: 'replaced with other-abled oppressed poor black female with hiv dancing macarena in a wheelchair'(tm)(r)(uncle al schwartz)
snsabot: Logged on 2017-01-27 17:54:54 asciilifeform: al schwartz wrote about the roofs, iirc it was. semiconductor firms replaced cathedral roofs all over europe, for 0 cost. just to get the valuable pre-hiroshima metal.
snsabot: Logged on 2018-03-24 12:14:29 mircea_popescu: right. rather in fact like respiration -- everyone has it, and ALL THE TIME ; it takes al schwartz to blow rather than inhale when organometallic fireball's going on.
asciilifeform: hind-gut fermenters. (tm)(r)(al schwartz)
asciilifeform: 'i was all fuckedup on drugs; but then i found jizzus; nao i'm all fucked up on jizzus; but that's ok, i'm taking drugs for it'(tm)(r)(al schwartz)
asciilifeform: lol iirc schwartz himself had a piece on 'those who did not set vcr'
asciilifeform: schwartz ? i think he took up... whiskey
mp_en_viaje: http://trilema.com/2018/lets-read-together-uncle-al-schwartz-hexadecimal-dependency/#selection-41.1-45.1
asciilifeform finds that for all the 'modern' , still ends up writing hand-htm to throw into it just like al schwartz in 1995
a111: Logged on 2019-03-14 14:32 asciilifeform: ( i dunno if al schwartz drank, but may as well )
asciilifeform: ( i dunno if al schwartz drank, but may as well ) ☟︎
asciilifeform: recall story of where asciilifeform ~personally~ described to schwartz how to cut adelberger 100% out of the loop for under what mircea_popescu's bmw costs.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: possibly was schwartz. had also a great point where 'crackpot will find how to take the 'proof' to where its demolition requires ever slightly moar advanced grasp of subj than he is able to muster'
mircea_popescu: may be schwartz ? but as a bonus : http://trilema.com/2010/voi-nu-meritati-respect/#selection-41.0-41.597 hory shit, 100% costa rica's heredia-alajuela axis!
asciilifeform: very al-schwartz-ian formatting.
asciilifeform: kinda like in late '90s asciilifeform read sci.physics just to watch al schwartz trash idjits
asciilifeform: they , in words of al schwartz, 'hind gut ferment'. they metabolize, but no thinking is necessarily involved
asciilifeform: sorta how asciilifeform had 'the keys' in 2010 and had all the ducks lined up to run schwartz eotvos, and would have at least achieved some lulz if uncle al had not chickened
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: recall poor old al schwartz's reply to s.nsa ? 'if you succeed you will be killed or bought'
asciilifeform: i also suggested to schwartz to place mesh radio in the bottles, but thread went nowhere.
asciilifeform: al schwartz at one time was into 'messages in bottles' , dropped in various spots from airplanes, tracked receipt ( many folx actually mailed in ! the postcard ). i suggested this variation to him.
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/F2IT4 << oblig al schwartz
mircea_popescu: and no, there's nothing wrong with saying "universally, except for the morons". car tanks are universally filled with gasoline (except for the morons -- such as those who try straight toluene, or those al schwartz speaks of, or etcetera -- there's no "consensus" escape from reality, and so in plenty of cases there's no difference between divergence and idiocy)
asciilifeform: probably a simple calculation would tell us 'nope'. and if al schwartz were here, he might deign to post it
mircea_popescu: al schwartz's "believe it or not ketamine dun work" has a lot to do with "well... you've been to the dentist all these many years ?"
mircea_popescu: in other items perhaps of interest to the specialist, apparently i had forgotten the link for http://trilema.com/2018/lets-read-together-uncle-al-schwartz-hexadecimal-dependency/#footnote_9_78266 ; now added.
mircea_popescu: right. rather in fact like respiration -- everyone has it, and ALL THE TIME ; it takes al schwartz to blow rather than inhale when organometallic fireball's going on.
mircea_popescu: (which, incidentally, is why socialism is dream-like, ie what happens when mind goes to sleep. they very much http://trilema.com/2018/lets-read-together-uncle-al-schwartz-hexadecimal-dependency/#footnote_1_78266 : "we have no legitimacy and no possibility of ever being legitimate" "but if we were based on a representative mandate we'd have such possibility" "yes but we don't have it" "but if we claimed groups support us it'd
mircea_popescu: and i've quite enjoyed reading al schwartz. in peristaltic news, wikipedia thinks there's a dozen al schwartzes out there, NONE of which this one, and none of which worth any kind of mention.
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2018/lets-read-together-uncle-al-schwartz-hexadecimal-dependency/ << Trilema - Let's read together uncle Al Schwartz' Hexadecimal Dependency
asciilifeform: ( did we ever do the al schwartz crushed roach pheromone thread ? let it be said that even insect can sometimes 'learn from the death of others' )
asciilifeform: ^ fans of al schwartz will recognize
mircea_popescu: (schwartz above is laurent schwartz, provided an elegant translation of the non-functional nature of dirac's delta by using distribution limits to model it)
mircea_popescu: sooo are we sticking to pre schwartz notions of "physicists are talking nonsense" ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i've been thinking about sending ffa , when finished, as an article into the saecular derps' 'cryptology journals', strictly for the lulz of getting their reject barf , and then posting, a la al schwartz
asciilifeform: and fwiw the 1 serious open question i know of , that could be answered with costly machine -- is the al schwartz eotvos test. pretty low energy, at that.
asciilifeform: ( contains, incidentally, schwartz also )
asciilifeform: schwartz played ~same role, (unpaid..) on sci.chem, sci.physics, a few elsewheres.
mircea_popescu: al schwartz just wanted to get along.
asciilifeform: al schwartz's material for 1.
asciilifeform: al schwartz discussed a few.
mircea_popescu: al schwartz is such a treasure of specific information.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: al schwartz wrote about a similar parasite in fish
asciilifeform: as uncle al schwartz wrote, re mexico's nationalization of syntex co (maker of 1st synthetic progesterone) -- 'it died, and as always they called it 'bad luck''
asciilifeform: at one time i found a reply from al 'uncle al' schwartz that sat in a spam queue for (yes) several years
mircea_popescu: tons of retardedness with morgan freeman, aaron schwartz, what have you.
asciilifeform: consider the difficulty of getting thinking folx to so much as consider al schwartz's parity violator.
asciilifeform: 'lab nigger' (per al schwartz)
asciilifeform: al schwartz wrote about the roofs, iirc it was. semiconductor firms replaced cathedral roofs all over europe, for 0 cost. just to get the valuable pre-hiroshima metal.
asciilifeform: (uncle al schwartz)
asciilifeform: when i ran chirality numbers for al schwartz, it took ~6 mo of cluster. and that's small change.
asciilifeform: (at one time al schwartz and i modelled a scheme with ordinary champaigne bottles floating in ocean. it can work)
asciilifeform: per al schwartz, 'biologists wash hands ~before~ toilet. chemists - ~after~. physicist - never needs wash'
mircea_popescu: such elegant expression. schwartz iirc ?
asciilifeform: some years ago i had a very lengthy exchange with al schwartz about an ocean bottle relay
mircea_popescu: same reason al schwartz doesn't make his way here ; and same exact reason i dunno, lew rockwell can't pass my idiot filter.
asciilifeform: al 'uncle al' schwartz's father, for instance, was - iirc - a tailor, who never read a book cover to cover in his entire life.
asciilifeform: al schwartz, iirc, did indeed fuck twins
asciilifeform: http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/placebo.htm << oblig. al schwartz.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: so this'd be more or less al schwartz's 'assembly line of phd' doom.
mircea_popescu: this being a large part of why i'm not impressed with, eg, schwartz ; or naggum ; etc.
asciilifeform: al schwartz's proof that n-dimensional sphere has more and more of its volume closer and closer to the surface as N approaches infinity
mircea_popescu: i am not even discussing the schwartz fellow at all, i dun really know him.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu can laugh at schwartz for being the sort of fool who lands in the mousetrap where adelbergers matter to begin with;
asciilifeform: schwartz had a very plausible recipe for room-temperature supercon, for instance.
mircea_popescu: what, schwartz got named in schroedinger's testament or what is it.
asciilifeform: *schwartz
a111: Logged on 2014-07-27 19:05 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in 2010 i concocted a variant of the test that could be carried out for approx. 50k USD, from scratch. schwartz answered that, in his estimation, the test would work to spec, but results would not be accepted by the field unless carried out on one of the two existing eotvos balances. one - adelberger's, one - chicom.
asciilifeform: rather like al schwartz's roach repellent which merely moves them to the neighbouring flat.
asciilifeform: as i said years ago. as schwartz said. etc.
mircea_popescu: of schwartz's.
asciilifeform: sorta what i said to schwartz !
mircea_popescu: well, principally schwartz has power to prevent schwartz. usually through variations of imgur thing.
asciilifeform: would have 0 power to prevent schwartz.
asciilifeform: is the presence of the 2 eotvos balances a net positive? or would we actually have a handle on schwartz's result if everyone was STUCK with my $50k version of the experiment (calorimeter.)
asciilifeform: 'can't have a police state without police' (tm) (r) (al schwartz)
asciilifeform: according to al schwartz
asciilifeform: learned this from al schwartz, and eminently confirmed in years since.
assbot: Logged on 19-01-2016 18:53:40; ascii_butugychag: iirc mircea_popescu does have the 1377 w4r3z full tarball of al schwartz
ascii_butugychag: iirc mircea_popescu does have the 1377 w4r3z full tarball of al schwartz ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 00:14:23; assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 14:02:09; mircea_popescu: "Why Mr. Schwartz, that is brilliant! We have no staff positions open at this time, but we will certainly try your idea."
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 14:02:09; mircea_popescu: "Why Mr. Schwartz, that is brilliant! We have no staff positions open at this time, but we will certainly try your idea." ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "Why Mr. Schwartz, that is brilliant! We have no staff positions open at this time, but we will certainly try your idea." ☟︎
mircea_popescu: basically in that space you'd just cauchy-buniakowski-schwartz the fuck out of everything
asciilifeform: incidentally al schwartz did this
asciilifeform: al schwartz's 'victimhood olympics'
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-11-2015#1325802 << al schwartz understood this very well, and had some riotously hilarious essays on subj ☝︎
asciilifeform: or al schwartz
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-10-2015#1291275 << 'Do not disparage the diesel cycle. Napalm may smell like victory, but diesel evokes big trucks, heavy equipment, iron ships; hot oil, spanners the height of a man, 1" drive socket sets, and no stinking Kettering ignition systems.' (uncle al schwartz) ☝︎
ascii_field: 'can't have police state without police !' (tm) (r) (al schwartz)
assbot: Logged on 23-07-2015 18:17:13; gabriel_laddel: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-07-2015#1209698 << I would pay for a video of Stoya reciting PURSUING THE LIMITS OF FAILED SYMMETRY + a few other Schwartz works while being fucked.
asciilifeform: since we're on the subject, i do not regard it as a proven fact that schwartz tied the rope by himself
asciilifeform: ask al schwartz about the univ. of beijing carrying out (yes) the eotvos trials.
asciilifeform: al schwartz woke up
ascii_field: prolly for same reason al schwartz didn't
mircea_popescu: at the very margin, this discussion reduces to the discussion of al schwartz' lack of access to measuring processes, if you recall it.
gabriel_laddel: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-07-2015#1209698 << I would pay for a video of Stoya reciting PURSUING THE LIMITS OF FAILED SYMMETRY + a few other Schwartz works while being fucked. ☝︎☟︎
gernika: mircea_popescu no he seemed to make eye-contact, connect, etc. Aaron Schwartz, who I met at a similar such party (possibly even the same one) struck me as being much more of an autist.
ascii_field: but put yourself in the place of herr schwartz. you get invited, and then some rotter throws shit in your face
asciilifeform: trinque: i've spent years trying to pull naggum, uncle al schwartz, et al out of the landfill