126 entries in 0.646s
mp_en_viaje: you know why rabbits sleep with their eyes open, btw ?
mp_en_viaje: so go to one of those nails-and-hair spa things, get mutliple rabbits in the same half hour
asciilifeform: perhaps if were well-managed, would consist of tractors an' rabbits
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: it isn't that asciilifeform is convinced 'oh we'll win a suit and roll in dough' but that i haven't other constructive idea. ( to tell BingoBoingo 'hey get 2wks head start on rabbits and drinking to death' imho not constructive. )
BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-10-07#1941319 << I didn't manage to find the Trilema I wanted to link on that point. In the line I wanted to link you said something to the point of "raise rabbits, or do anything", I intend to litigate the Latecho issue, get more involved in National Party politics, etc. I wanted to honestly capture the despair my failure wrought on myself for myself and to read myself. And I feel less pregnant and more ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo_, i tell you i don't comprehend this defective approach, as seen in "I don't know if I can continue to make camp in Uruguay on Qntra alone or in combination with the local economy of faltas. Maybe I breed rabbits" and elsewhere.
mp_en_viaje: fucking hell, go fucking discovering america. raise rabbits. what the fuck, "what we always did doesnt work" "do something else" "no, we just want to do what we always did" "but it doesn't work" "it must!"
mp_en_viaje: 6.b. "Her face was perfect to him" provoked protest because it's a cop out : the woman "kills two rabbits with one stone", by avoiding BOTH the work of describing her face, AND the work of explaining credibly why these two like each other. yet the job of the writer is 100% and precisely NOT to make this deal ; because if they make it, even once, then their story inescapably becomes "this is a good^H^H^H^Hgreat story'
mircea_popescu: indeed it was ; and so it did ; and woe and sadness upon the half men riding their half-measured rabbits to battle.
mp_en_viaje: spyked, people like to pretend. have you ever seen http://trilema.com/2016/e-pericoloso-sporgersi/ ? exactly representative of 80s "fucking like rabbits", "ma stii pe mine -- punct ochit, punc tlovit" etcetera.
BingoBoingo: Could try rabbits like cazalla did
BingoBoingo: There's Y-chromosone bipeds who swear they keep getting robbed by motochorros. It's the same folks all the time, because they won't stop going around like fucking scared rabbits.
mircea_popescu: everywhere else, they're like rabbits who can't fly -- nobody seems to notice.
a111: Logged on 2018-11-23 01:09 BingoBoingo: Duckling is best baby easter animal. Much better than fucking rabbits.
BingoBoingo: Duckling is best baby easter animal. Much better than fucking rabbits. ☟︎
asciilifeform: whale is looking for plankton; if he were filter feeding for, e.g. , rabbits, in the sea -- might have problem
BingoBoingo: Here most of the motocicletists seem to be delivery folk. Behave like scared rabbits. Do shit like coast with motor off downhill on sidewalks.
asciilifeform: early '90s odessa 'old horse market' sold from live rabbits to icbm guidance block components
mircea_popescu: there is no way to escape this, whoseover goes for many is our enemy and i shall personally knife his rabbits.
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, do you know why rabbits sleep with their eyes open ?
mod6: When I was out west, most of the deer were "mule-deer" much smaller than their northern conterparts. But there were wild-boar... so I guess I guy could have his pick from jack-rabbits or boar, or mule-deer. *shrug*
mircea_popescu: "das man", that average animal of two goats and three rabbits. but still, two words etc.
adlai encounters another bug, adds `G++ = cxx` to fix, wonders how deep the shithole rabbits
mircea_popescu: (likbez #2 : ant colony, nature's finest example of star topology, is for this reason uniquely bad example for the (correctly defined) "complex system". the boom-bust cycle of rabbits and other small rodents much better examples. complex systems are made of like parts, not worker-queen sorta nonsense.)
BingoBoingo: How many more reddit girlies can we make feel reflexive disgust at rabbits because truth? This needs to be answered.
mircea_popescu: which is precisely why, widely speaking, economic progress happened in the west, with the sandyvagina'd women that didn't marry and didn't have kids, rather than i nthe east, or in china, with the loving and tolerant she-rabbits.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo lol imagine, we made a fat loser with no friends hate rabbits.
mod6: alright, i'll have to get something like those. will report (with pics?) when I get the next couple of rabbits.
BingoBoingo: Remember not to skimp on the gloves. Rabbits can carry some nasty bacterial diseases
BingoBoingo has lots of local rabbits. They tend to keep to the clover.
mod6: people say not to eat the rabbits around here because of all the lawn fertilizers and things. not sure if that's accurate or not.
mircea_popescu: eventually it was "just take some fucking rabbits!"
mircea_popescu: didn\t know what to do with them. but the rabbits DID know.
mircea_popescu: ended up farming rabbits.
mircea_popescu: actually knew a gal that started trying to make a garden, but she was a ways off from my house and 10 feet from the forest. so rabbits came wiped it EVERY NIGHT. so she put in traps.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> maybe train your cat to decapitate rabbits ? << dog gets a bunch. but apparently not enough.
mircea_popescu: maybe train your cat to decapitate rabbits ?
mod6: Fuckin rabbits ate the shit out of my zuccs.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what experiment is necessary ? https://aos.iacpublishinglabs.com/question/aq/700px-394px/long-baby-rabbits-stay-mother_c2bade73e49e674b.jpg vs https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71vHuqY2cpL._SX522_.jpg
mircea_popescu: more like variation i think. rabbits, pigs, all have this boom feeding thing.
asciilifeform: 'I give you Count Okuma of the Tokyo Hochi, “…a race of thieves with the hearts of rabbits. America to any warrior race, is not as a foe, but as an immense melon, ripe for the cutting…North America alone will support a billion people; that billion shall be Japanese with their slaves. Not arid Asia, not worn out Europe (which, with its peculiar and quaint relics and customs, should in the interest of history and culture, be in a
BingoBoingo: But that's old news and rabbits are adorable. Chihuaua is basically rat.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-24#1471513 << reminds me of far more interesting case in 17th c where some chick had dead rabbits stuffed in uterus and 'birthed' them ☝︎
trinque: (in all fairness to the rabbits, I'm aware of at least one instance of a rabbit eating the ears off his weaker brother)
trinque: the lottery metaphor doesn't square with the wolves and rabbits metaphor at all.
phf: It started with wolf teaching rabbits to hunt with a playfulness and earnestly "this how you put mouth on jugular see!!" with rabbits going "eww jugular how to hunt carrots like mp?" with an obvious "wtf durp" response
mircea_popescu: you kidding me, these doods be multiplyin' like rabbits. i think there's more b-a kids than there's b-a adults.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> but i'm developing overexposure allergy to this "i don't understand anything so therefore here's my expert opinion on things" << I kinda handle it the same way one handles lower animals acting in ignorance of the futility of their efforts. Birds hitting windows, dogs barking at trains, rabbits fleeing pedestrians into traffic...
BingoBoingo: Mice faster still. Occasionally dogs and bunny rabbits, make still more specific targets than apes.
BingoBoingo: "Rabbits have very strong feelings about the ACW. It's one of the reasons you never see black people with rabbits, as rabbits remain dogmatic supporters of the CSA and slavery to this very day. Your average rabbit is basically a furry Nathan Bedford Forrest."
assbot: Greenville girls sells rabbits at Illinois State Fair for $4,500 | Belleville News-Democrat ... ( http://bit.ly/1fBENbf )
Vexual: choice cut and or rabbits
mircea_popescu: you know you could distil your own rabbits!
ben_vulpes: like rabbits off cliff
pete_dushenski: i recently learned that ostrich and 'hares' (presumably rabbits too?) are also not kosher
fortune501: dont fuck near the rabbits
mircea_popescu: because their primary market was w/e, rabbits or something.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-03-2015#1055519 << by and large, this depends on how you measure efficiency. rabbits are larger than chickens, but more efficient, under the "food to usable foodstuff" conversion paradigm. turkeys are larger than chickens and less efficient. etc. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: rabbits don't go to college on account of raceism.
pete_dushenski: reading darwin atm and his comment on the 'breed like rabbits' thing is less 'huge numbers' and more 'anywhere, anytime'
mircea_popescu: nah, they breed like rabbits
nubbins`: "twenty rabbits should be enough for anyone"
mircea_popescu: nubbins` the lulziest part there is the "rabbits and fish" thing. i imagine cazalla may have a good laugh.
asciilifeform: when i was a boy, these were being sold, laid on carpets in the town market, right next to rabbits and dogs
gabriel_laddel: I've nothing else to say. Your grasshopper article coupled with the rabbits exposition covers it all. Don't try and make things into that which they are not. And if you have a kid, care for /them as an individual/. Your life is over. Make way for the next generation.
mircea_popescu: nobody can chase an explosion of rabbits.
gabriel_laddel: some of the luzly ones read... re-read... re-read and eventually ask "Does he hate women or...?" (Not rabbits article)
thestringpuller: "I keep seeing rabbits."
BingoBoingo: "I keep seeing rabbits."
mircea_popescu: cazalla: plowman has ample room for gardening, perhaps rabbits and even other livestock.. plowman is actually plowking! << we'll talk once your kid grows up a little. it's not about you. it's about the Vladimir Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization.
cazalla: mircea_popescu: plowman desperately needs city man because well, his village is so boring watching flies fuck is a release <<< plowman has ample room for gardening, perhaps rabbits and even other livestock.. plowman is actually plowking!
pete_dushenski: lol ya, guns for hunting moose and rabbits
undata: the US "tech economy" is filled with rabbits who think the food and water just fills itself.
Vexual: free rabbits
Vexual: is cazalla looking for an au pair? free rabbits
mircea_popescu: lol rabbits
cazalla: asciilifeform, you DO know i raise rabbits right? *here comes cazalla and his rabbits talk again*
asciilifeform: aha rabbits.
cazalla: asciilifeform, i wish, just rabbits but i'm sure you know this
saifedean: yeah i was kidding, ive rarely had rabbits and never had its brain, but i do love sheep brains, and all gizzards
cazalla: so i butchered 6 rabbits this morning and a crow swooped and took a bunny head, imagine the poor kid that finds that in his backyard lol
cazalla: speaking of rabbits, how about i turn these http://i.imgur.com/5Tk3rhN.jpg into some gloves for thickasthieves, where da white wommenz at btw
assbot: 138 results for 'rabbits' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=rabbits
gabriel_laddel: !s rabbits
mircea_popescu: he lives basically in this model railroad world. all they got there is rabbits, quail and the occasional deer. tinycountry.
cazalla: CheckDavid: Aren't rabbits a plague in Australia? <<< they were but then they were not but now they're becoming a problem again due to calicivirus resistance
CheckDavid: Aren't rabbits a plague in Australia?
BingoBoingo: Some sort of Australasian Journalism Startup with rabbits.
assbot: Rabbits Milked for Human Protein; Drug Soon for Sale?
asciilifeform: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/12/091201-rabbits-milk-human-protein-drug << apparently good for ~120mL/day.
BingoBoingo: Nice. Bunny rabbits are delicious.
BingoBoingo: devthedev: He might be cleaning rabbits atm.
mircea_popescu: it is impossible if one allows runaway complexity for "ux" and other idiotic reasons. but then again so is any scenario of chasing two rabbits.
Vexual: where are rabbits even from?
Vexual: or: i don't know cazalla kills his rabbits
mircea_popescu: i am surprised and appalled at the shocking lack of rabbits with this package on their head.
Vexual: arent they just big rabbits?
Vexual: cazalla, they prolly already have rabbits there
Vexual: your rabbits prolly command a higher price in tassie, people apprecieate good meat down there
mircea_popescu: so you have to evacuate the whole shebang like crazed rabbits, and do a shit job of cleanup in the process