126 entries in 0.555s
cazalla: i had 2 rabbits in cage with just water so i could butcher following day
cazalla: i only kill rabbits
punkman: cazalla: how many rabbits do you have now?
BingoBoingo: rabbits are delicious
moiety: rabbits really?
cazalla: moiety: seriously though, rabbits
cazalla: rabbits, manuls, anything
mircea_popescu: "but little rabbit... they EAT rabbits!"
BingoBoingo: Hard to say if it aged Reagan or if he had a lucid moment after year 2. Cater was afraid of rabbits.
TheNewDeal: why did you decide on rabbits?
TheNewDeal: how do you keep the numbers managable, don't they fuck like... rabbits?
mircea_popescu: "Like rabbits, after eating they initially produce soft green feces, which they eat again to take in further nutrition, before producing the final, solid, fecal pellets."
mircea_popescu: yeah, plenty of rabbits with money all over the forest.
chetty: rabbits can carry a bacteria thats kinda like plague
mircea_popescu: midnightmagic rabbits carry human able parasites ?
ozbot: Woman Chased By Cute Bunny Rabbits - YouTube
cazalla: have rabbits, have sausage add on thingo for the kitchenaid
moiety: people are so ridiculous. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/japan-woman-chased-by-stampeding-herd-rabbits-video-1437033 they say she makes a lucky escape....
cazalla: i had to bring my meat rabbits inside
asciilifeform: besides, they needn't travel far. chinese will 'convert them to rabbits and squirrels' for hatters.
nubbins`: i've got a line on rabbits too, might try some of that
ThickAsThieves: so eat rabbits and avocados
mircea_popescu: pankkake i made the mistake of querying the mod that did it. here you go : "because wtf is mtgox already! look they've been announcing ltc for like a year. it's a dying dog saying it's going to start eating rabbits, i'm not taking bets on whether it actually does. besides, they're a known group of scammers and liars, what's to keep them from fronting ltc trades? and then obviously even if they did manage to implement t
jcpham: hops around like a sack of rabbits
mircea_popescu: jborkl cause i cut up rabbits.