a111: Logged on 2019-04-11 19:45 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: the sq.metrage of cell grows exponentially with bitness of lut
a111: Logged on 2019-04-11 19:45 asciilifeform: so e.g. 64 would give you a die with, what, 8 luts.
a111: Logged on 2019-04-12 02:11 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-11#1908273 << i neglected to add to this: the wider the lut, also the slower ( why -- will leave as exercise, but it aint difficult to figure out )
a111: Logged on 2019-04-12 02:30 asciilifeform: ( by asciilifeform's napkin estimate, there are possibly 52 bits of addressable electric memory on planet3 atm.. )
PeterL: so if you have your tile in a 3d cube, then 6 bits would cover four directions plus up and down?
PeterL: the wallpaper thing you linked made me think of spacegroups, yes.
PeterL is chemist, but I don't do much with spacegroups these days
BingoBoingo: !!v 01F1ACE5B09A112868C7269570B74B8827E32E6035EAB7965608B245AC4A051B
BingoBoingo: !!invoice billymg 0.05129959 Rockchip quarterly
BingoBoingo: !!v 4B2E01E4CA2A6297C0DCF08CEC7B5AD0DC129DD169AF1600F3AB462F9B481A94
deedbot: Invoiced billymg 0.05129959 << Rockchip quarterly
BingoBoingo: !!invoice bvt 0.002 Shared hosting monthly
BingoBoingo: !!v D0D1EA5B2051FEA3D0105CA1BA41F051CB40E8666D59434077ED0050BC1012CB
deedbot: Invoiced bvt 0.002 << Shared hosting monthly
BingoBoingo: !!invoice jurov 0.03230734 TBF Colocation monthly
BingoBoingo: !!v DFF86FB646C2BB1288DEAE9C46D5B38B52B3A244DF25838E163137547F8ECB19
deedbot: Invoiced jurov 0.03230734 << TBF Colocation monthly
BingoBoingo: !!invoice trinque 0.03430734 Colocation and Shared Hosting monthly
BingoBoingo: !!v A6A7D1356BAFB3FD24F34FF6A07BA4890AE69E642E1B47289D0934D0E4052D3B
deedbot: Invoiced trinque 0.03430734 << Colocation and Shared Hosting monthly
PeterL: would it fit on your whiteboard? or is that what you meant by draw with pen?
PeterL: three minute job if you already put in X minutes setting up the capability
a111: Logged on 2017-12-29 20:50 asciilifeform: in other idiocies, 'you are rightly observing that svg doesn't support word-wrapping directly. however, you might benefit from foreignObject elements serving as a wrapper for xhtml fragments where word-wrapping is available.'
PeterL: only a terrorist would not want to run javascript/adobe/whatever shit they are served to do this task ...
PeterL: my inner MP is saying "you should be able to explain it with text, shouldn't need fancy graphics"
a111: Logged on 2019-04-12 20:03 asciilifeform: somehow in 1985 someone somewhere had comp that's an actual fucking tool for thought, and where could go p=and(x,y) q=or(x,p) r=and(p,q) and get a set of gates arranged in neat rows and with minimal-length non-intersecting wires between'em . and today not.
deedbot: asciilifeform updated rating of OriansJ from 1 to -1 << read-only brain
BingoBoingo: Well, wouldn't be the first case someone returns to reaudition after a few months of reading if it wasn't long enough
Mocky: greetings asciilifeform, BingoBoingo
a111: Logged on 2019-04-11 17:55 mp_en_viaje: nothing wrong with getting +ev newbies.
Mocky: read yesterday's log, you mean there or elsewhere?
Mocky: ah yes. More specifically, I don't wonder about making chix rise from the earth, but how to make it +ev starting with the first, as opposed to adding the 6th
☟︎ BingoBoingo: Catch girl, test girl with low risk work, follow by catching next girl
Mocky: yeah I suppose no other way than just trying it
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-12#1908406 << at work when I'm the only one who can answer for issues peripherally related to our project even though I'm the newest, coworkers act as if I'm some sort of different species. maybe I'm a member of homo giveashiticus and they aren't, who knows. But no, I don't expect mp has martian dna and that success in some particular realm is thus unattainable.
☝︎☟︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-04-12 21:26 asciilifeform: ( we also have pretty good description of how bird flies, but so far when asciilifeform flaps arms, for some reason dun get off ground.. )
Mocky: agreed, it dun suffice to read.
BingoBoingo: Mocky: Well, is there someone you can deal with when the contract comes to its end... who knows enough and has the power... to pay you for being a givashiticus?