413 entries in 0.805s
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: "In addition, for those interested in keeping their tokens from the losing blockchain as a keepsake, we will support a one-time withdrawal of the deprecated tokens, provided that the losing chain is still functional when you attempt a withdrawal. Specific instructions on how to access your tokens on the old chain to follow."
mircea_popescu: yes, but not at the same time dress like a professor. or, for that matter, by a fifty year old white male.
mircea_popescu: ~ darker than the gypsies (slaves, at the time), you spent years begging around here, you, well received yet failed to profer as much as thanks. we fed you bread and salt (i dunno, it's a romanian thing) and wine from our ample cave, but when the morn came you took a shit in the flowerbed, laughing. then through thousand year old forests walked to no apparent benefit (literally, for love of the ho), and so there you see : no
asciilifeform: i specifically wanted a new site, independent of old and producing no down time when tweaked
Framedragger: i would like to scan the whole /0 0:65535 range some time though, i'm sure there'd be quite a few ssh servers lurking behind strange ports, and quite a lot of them could be old embedded gadgets. just speculation tho
mircea_popescu: old time bitcoin scammer ; kicked out around the time of the great mp scammer purge of 2013
mircea_popescu: and yes, "lower bound", you know ? like this : "if the universe ends up being less old than X, we'll have to re-do all these calculations, somehow. i have no idea how the fuck, so let's hope it doesn't happen - and also thar mars rises on time. fucking precession.
mircea_popescu: in unrelated news, "This is your XQJ-37 plasma cannon. The only trouble is that since the old model XQJ was cobbled together from junked Amiga motherboards, you can only have one shot on the screen at a time."
mircea_popescu: not really. young boys have a terrible time. nigh on impossible for old women.
jurov: asciilifeform: i was some time on freelancer.com picking nuggets that indians won't do (like adding mysql plugin in C, or fixing old perl ERP) and I wasn't earning much for few months, and then one of the people approached me with much bigger and $better$ project.
mircea_popescu: in entirely unrelated but omfg i can't believe this - cascadia dwelling derpy mother of slavegirl that wants to think of self as "fiber artist" but otherwise crochets like any old woman since time immemorial, landed what to her appears as a very good deal. she sells her stuff in a senior citizen center gift shop. for a 15% comission. to understand each other : she provides the merchandise. she provides the sales workforce. sh
mod6: i'll catch up by the time im like 394 years old.
mircea_popescu: for curiosity, i actually checked the old logs. this was reg'd apr 10th 2012 ; at the time i was hanging out in #bitcoin-otc-eu ; he mentioned it there sometime on the 12th that caught my eye and the rest be history.
mircea_popescu: it was a 20 minute old txn at the time it was included in a block.
mircea_popescu: (unrelatedly - i've re-read the arabic old texts. the previous time i did this they ended up in the fire. somehow, the shit's grown EVEN MORE offensive over the years. scarcely can explain this wonder - the people involved have been dead for a thousand years.)
mircea_popescu: it'll be either a chick nobody could conceivably want for any purpose, so basically an old prune before her time,
mircea_popescu: i can't think of a time this was the case, in either the old country or the america.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: that's an apt analogy in that both car and hdd are superficially affordable, but not practically. old car costs hundreds if not thousands in unexpected maintenance EVERY YEAR. hdd costs time, space, troubleshooting, etcetc. a car you own outright (ie. no debt payments), like a desktop you own outright (ie. no winbloze avec nsa) are exceedingly high-end appointments. neither is 'accessible' in any way.
phf: actually one van dweller i knew was this nasty, 60 year old hippie dude, sort of ram das like character. i think all he did was cruise from one west coast hot spring to another. he would always have an utterly zonkered, 20 year old, supermodel looking girl in his van, every time i'd run into him, a different one.
mod6: this thing doesn't play nice trying to run it more than one time with old artifacts laying around.
asciilifeform: 'A similar problem exists with the biggest futures market in the world: in crude oil. Here, traders have been having a merry old time taking advantage of a notional glut, driving the price of crude lower and lower. They could drive it as low as $1 a barrel, but then what? The problem is, nobody on earth can produce oil that cheaply, and so a day will come when somebody will demand delivery on their $1/bbl crude contract, and t
shinohai: Reading. I still like old-fashioned books so I spend a lot of time in Library.
ascii_butugychag: old timers are especially allergic to real-time anything
phf: also zen doesn't support most of the modern x11 extensions, that you might want for running something like firefox. in fact last time i checked it didn't support xrander, which is an old image composition extension that might as well be standard
phf: see for example http://trilema.com/2014/the-forum-and-its-implementation/, http://trilema.com/2015/time-to-rehash-that-old-strategic-superiority-discussion/, http://trilema.com/2012/gpg-contracts/
mircea_popescu: here's the thing : not your call to make. by the time they need or can benefit from that sort of thing, they're old enough to pick their own/
mircea_popescu: <punkman> mircea_popescu: was that the new phuctor box? << nah, the old qntra cluster. makes it the 2nd time in about a month wtf.
asciilifeform: today i use a tripod and ordinary digital cam, similar to how old-time spies used 'minox'
punkman: there were a couple local ebay-clones here that passed all their data to the taxman. "oh you sold 6 old phones this year? and what did you not have time to incorporate and register for VAT?"
ben_vulpes has been waiting for this particular old tomato for some time
mircea_popescu: anyway, in the general, this is the closed form life equation of people doing something worthwhile : they have a terrible time as kids because their parents are idiots ; they get fucking stampeded as adults, because people are lazy ; they get all the accolades, moneys and bitches when they're old, because it doesn't do anything for them anymore (thus it's finally safe) ; once they're dead they get to be the face sellin
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-11-2015#1316243 << at one point (see old logz) i came very close to solving this. basic idea is to set up a dynamic equilibrium situation where anyone who deviates from correct wallclock time becomes prey in proportion to this deviation. ☝︎
phf: give me that old time religion
pete_dushenski: "I would not be surprised to find out that you work as a plant security guard for just above minimum wage, on a night shift, where you use your time reading to try to be able to impress others with your intelligence, or that you live in a basement apartment, or drive a 2o year old junker."
assbot: Time to rehash that old strategic superiority discussion. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1L0IMrh )
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/time-to-rehash-that-old-strategic-superiority-discussion/#comment-115521 << i let it through because mildly curious if the shilled "titan miner firmware upgrade" has a rootkit or something in it
mircea_popescu: "oh, our new fad diet is to only eat old car seats!!1 IT WORKS!!1". yeah, in the 1.7% of the population whose sticking point at that time happened to be a lack of X, which X is abundant in used car seats, it "helps", until the metabolism gets wedged into something else.
phf: i spent a long time biking through north east dc and was friends with a dc cop at umd and i know that north east is hellhole ready to burst. i'd bike during day time and would have old black guys on the street corner go "whacha doin here white boy". but then i moved to philly and ghetto here is not north east nor baltimore by any measure. i can walk up to 69th street or kensington and as long as i'm smart about it, nobody will pay me any at
deedbot-: [Trilema] Time to rehash that old strategic superiority discussion. - http://trilema.com/2015/time-to-rehash-that-old-strategic-superiority-discussion/
BingoBoingo: Eh, kunstler is old enough father time will probably get him before you do mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-09-2015#1281152 << ianae but my reading at the original time (back when i even sponsored development in the then-nascent alt paradigm, see http://trilema.com/2013/so-this-urbit-thing/#selection-35.0-37.0 ) was that they actually had pretty much the same idea as alf, which is to say the old sherlockism : "once you've eliminated all stupid, what you're left weith, however improbable ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'This is not the first time the 32-year-old Mr. Shkreli, who has a reputation for both brilliance and brashness, has been the center of controversy. He started MSMB Capital, a hedge fund company, in his 20s and drew attention for urging the Food and Drug Administration not to approve certain drugs made by companies whose stock he was shorting.' << mega-l0l
asciilifeform: [insert old thread here to save time]
assbot: Logged on 30-05-2015 17:38:54; asciilifeform: think of it this way (possibly paraphrasing old thread.) imagine you discovered a cache of plutonium bricks in your back yard. (rtg in space probe fell apart?) would you let them go to a scrap dealer for 100 usd each? knowing that they are worth millions, and at the same time risking your arse by revealing that you ever had them to begin with? or would you say 'fuck you' and dig a deeper hole?
mircea_popescu: but there was a time, people and jackals ate the same three day old carcasses.
mircea_popescu: under the guard of some old prune too dessicated to fuck them in the first place. Not waste MY fucking time with it.
BingoBoingo: "Professionally our methods of transmitting and reviewing the results of research are generations old and by now are totally inadequate for their purpose. If the aggregate time spent in writing scholarly works and in reading them could be evaluated, the ratio between these amounts of time might well be startling. Those who conscientiously attempt to keep abreast of current thought, even in restricted fields, by close and continuou
mircea_popescu: i mean time warner paid a billion for myspace which was worth ~0, sure, turner's old and stupid.
ag3nt_zer0: trinque: yeah it was... mellancamp brought it that night... it was his 14 year old sons bday or something and he brought him out to play bass or something it was a good time
mircea_popescu: by the time yoiu're that old, more women held your cock to pee than to suck it anyway
mircea_popescu: the last time things made sense to me i was 5 years old.
mircea_popescu: another thing much in the vein of the old time pub function above was the "calificare la locul de munca", the last breath of apprenticeship.
phf: james lafond incidentally wrote how old time pubs were places were men could run wild boasts by the others and get called out or not, and that this form of conversation has been lost. seems to me in "consensus" places there's always some fuck ready to butt in into any point, just to make a counterpoint, that it's inconceivable for redditards that there's a dozen reading and thinking without running their mouths
mircea_popescu: lol. this entire "cheap suits" business has its comedic value. here's something you wouldn't know : while visiting here, ben_vulpes got to meet my tailor, on the grounds that we walked by his shop downtown and teh old jewish gentleman ran out to assure his dearly beloved mr popesco that his suit will be done in time.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: time to inform mr and mrs old timey derpminers, the qntra ones
mircea_popescu: They use my old writings to make claims about what Bitcoin was supposed to be. However I acknowledge that a lot has changed since that time, and new knowledge has been gained that contradicts some of my early opinions. For example I didn't anticipate pooled mining and its effects on the security of the network. Making Bitcoin a competitive monetary system while also preserving its security properties is not a trivia
mircea_popescu: (ftr, very old peoples do survive in france as well - same places they do in the east. like the normans, say, or the gascons. much hay was made by the plains populatrons about this also, at the time they were still trying to understand themselves seriously - say 3 centuries ago)
mircea_popescu: in the sense that yes they could come out of ANYWHERe, and make a hole anywhere, but then had to spend time to loot, and then had to come back AT THE HOLE, ie not anywhere. so either take time to make a new hole or go back to where the old one was. in either case, giving the imperial army enough time to plug their ass.
assbot: Logged on 09-08-2015 05:25:46; onlooker: I have a son, he's 9 months old, I have to change his nappy, he doesn't respect math, time, copyright or patent. He's poor. My nephew is 12, he has no money of his own, but he has a computer, mines his own coins, and although they are not worth much, he's able to participate, He can't participate in Banking, he's not even allowed to use his own account
onlooker: I have a son, he's 9 months old, I have to change his nappy, he doesn't respect math, time, copyright or patent. He's poor. My nephew is 12, he has no money of his own, but he has a computer, mines his own coins, and although they are not worth much, he's able to participate, He can't participate in Banking, he's not even allowed to use his own account ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'Meanwhile everyone else continues to practice medicine as best the means available allow also, but according to what the knowledge of the time allows. And everyone else is going to be the professionals in the field of medicine in Sicily cca 1200, whereas our teleported professional is just going to be a quaint curio, undistinguishable and undistinguished from the weird old lady making pretty young things swall
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu you'd be an even older old man by the time you went through a billion eth
ascii_field: anyone recall old thread about banks getting time from gps antennae ?
asciilifeform: 'Part of the functionality of our site is that we have to give out decrypted server seeds (to assure users no bet manipulation has occurred) and put a new random seed in place, essentially trashing the old revealed seed. Hufflepuff found a way to “confuse” our server, and made it give out a decrypted server seed that was also an active seed. This was done by sending it more requests than it could handle in a small time per
mod6: the Gentoo patches for gcc 4.8.4 changed during this interval from v1.5 to v1.6. Nothing special here. Wonder if there are this many changes to old ebuilds all the time?
mircea_popescu: a decade passes, and the thirteen year old is confronted with the sad circumstance that hanna likes basketball players and rachel likes football players, and to become either you gotta talk to the respective coach, and the coach says you gotta spend all your time practicing. well... he can't readily spend all his time twice over.
mircea_popescu: "[How is it possible for an adult American to need to spend full-time maintaining a 20-year-old house? I got some insight into this the other day. << holy shit the us has turned into 80s romania.
danielpbarron: sure, but block zero would still have the old unix time stamp in it, or else it wouldn't be valid, right?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-06-2015#1167403 << there's no reason to stick with the old unix time convention. bitcoin time, starts at block 0. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 02-06-2015 10:34:32; nubbins`: given that the outstanding debt and the box of tees are 18 months old and 20 months old, respectively, i think it's time we settle up
nubbins`: given that the outstanding debt and the box of tees are 18 months old and 20 months old, respectively, i think it's time we settle up ☟︎
asciilifeform: think of it this way (possibly paraphrasing old thread.) imagine you discovered a cache of plutonium bricks in your back yard. (rtg in space probe fell apart?) would you let them go to a scrap dealer for 100 usd each? knowing that they are worth millions, and at the same time risking your arse by revealing that you ever had them to begin with? or would you say 'fuck you' and dig a deeper hole? ☟︎
asciilifeform: mats: jumping into the middle of an instruction is as old as time
cazalla: i can't articulate it well but i'm sure i've read alf mention it before that it's part of the bezzle.. have you work and paid just enough to cover bills but never enough that you could be free of it within your life time, at least until you're washed up and old
cazalla: mircea_popescu, lulz no but for anyone else, retention staff often have better deals than pay on time ask no questions customers, so you port your electricity/gas to another provider, old provider comes back to you during cool down period and offers something better
fluffypony: "The slim, dark-haired 14-year-old, who attended a small private high school in the Valley, befriended Chad's brother Scott, who led him to DEN. Mike had an interest in acting, so when Collins-Rector outlined the possibilities for stardom offered by the site, the boy began spending time at the mansion, where there was one key rule. He recalls: "If you were going to sleep over, you had to get into either the pool or the hot tub—and
asciilifeform: <felipelalli> Sorry if this is old, but did you guys see that? https://github.com/gavinandresen/bitcoin-git/commit/5f46da29fd02fd2a8a787286fd6a56f680073770 << axe-time, sword-time, wind-time, wolf-time...
mircea_popescu: !rate random_cat 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate sgornick 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for ocminer from 3 to 1 with note: Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate ocminer 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate namworld 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate bugpowder 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate onefixt 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for lyspooner from 3 to 1 with note: Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate lyspooner 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate lyspooner 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate cory 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate reeses 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate smickles 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate imsaguy 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate trancegeek 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
mircea_popescu: !rate copumpkin 1 Old hand. Long time, no see.
BingoBoingo: Clinton has looked old for a long time
mircea_popescu: ironically, the jewish situation... oh gawd. at the time of the holocaust, the hasidim were arguably the most advanced troop in the world. certainly > 90% of jewry by cultural and intellectual weight, if 50% or so by mass. for all the squalor of the old manhattan, which is what eastern europe was, the place rocked.
mircea_popescu: at the time they were spending massively on some sort of "re-whatever" urban thing. turned a bunch of the old mills into artist lofts and whatnot
trinque: arguably this is the first time this deedbot has seen any of these docs, so I don't think it makes sense to use old transactions as the timestamp
mircea_popescu: when you're old it's time for "years employed" metrics.
nubbins`: maybe 3 years old at the time
trinque: dunno that there ever was a time where rule of law did matter here; I'm neither old enough nor educated enough to say