500+ entries in 0.445s
a111: Logged on 2017-05-18 20:25 jurov: wtf http://mpex.co/history_of_bitcoin_stock_exchanges.html
a111: Logged on 2017-05-18 20:25 jurov: wtf http://mpex.co/history_of_bitcoin_stock_exchanges.html
shinohai simply makes mpex.co point wherever he damn well pleases with his specially-crafted hosts file.
jurov: wtf http://mpex.co/history_of_bitcoin_stock_exchanges.html ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: (cur | prev) 01:18, 10 May 2014‎ Agyle (talk | contribs)‎ . . (4,611 bytes) (-40)‎ . . (removed reference to mpex.co, not reliable source, and didn't seem to verify information anyway. see WP:RS.) (undo)
mats: http://mpex.biz http://mpex.co http://mpex.re http://mpex.site are all expired
PeterL: mpex.co not responding, what is the correct tld?
Framedragger: what's the latest mpex url? mpex.co does seem to be down, fwiw
mircea_popescu: perhaps to be doubled up with a rule that all corporations are referenced as Name (MPEx:<a href=http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.NAME>Name</a>) or Name (Scam) as the case may be.
davout: trinque: same problem on bitbet's contract http://mpex.co/assets/s.bbet-2FB7B452.txt mircea_popescu's sig only verifies if utf8 is forced
asciilifeform: mpex.co no longer showing mpoe ?
davout: trinque: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.BBET see 3.2. (d)
nubbins`: maybe he means undisputed here: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.MPOE
koinplug: but http://mpex.co/faq.html says there's only one exchange address, 1Fx3N5iFPDQxUKhhmDJqCMmi3U8Y7gSncx
nubbins`: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.MPOE looks like the market's reacting pretty strongly to mp's rashness
nubbins`: if you look at the graph on http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.MPOE you can actually see the precise moment where MP announced his imaginary mining cartel.
nubbins`: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.BBET
mircea_popescu: http://mpex.co/
thestringpuller: Atomicat: http://mpex.co/faq.html#3
gribble: mpex.co is down
PeterL: ;;isup mpex.co
assbot: Logged on 30-11-2015 15:39:58; mircea_popescu: so : the new proxy list is http://mpex.biz/ ; http://mpex.co/ ; http://mpex.re/ ; http://mpex.site/
mircea_popescu: so : the new proxy list is http://mpex.biz/ ; http://mpex.co/ ; http://mpex.re/ ; http://mpex.site/ ☟︎
adlai: http://mpex.co
gribble: mpex.co is down
adlai: ;;isup mpex.co
felipelalli: BingoBoingo, but what about this? http://mpex.co/?mpsic=D.BTGO
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.QNTR << based on last statement this contract will be changed correct?
gribble: mpex.co is down
wyrdmantis: ;;isup mpex.co
gribble: mpex.co is up
pete_dushenski: ;;isitdown mpex.co
pete_dushenski: ;;isitup mpex.co
mats: nvm, available at http://mpex.co/mpex-mktdepth.php
assbot: Logged on 31-08-2015 17:33:11; jurov: unrelated to this, it is kinda rotating mpex.co .bz .ws etc. proxies and *always* at least one is inaccessible due to "Temporary failure in name resolution"
jurov: unrelated to this, it is kinda rotating mpex.co .bz .ws etc. proxies and *always* at least one is inaccessible due to "Temporary failure in name resolution" ☟︎
assbot: Wallet MPEx.co [WalletExplorer.com] ... ( http://bit.ly/1JmdcrU )
asciilifeform: https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/MPEx.co << new l0ltron
mircea_popescu: <a href=http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.MG>S.MG</a>, Bitcoin Games
williamdunne: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=X.EUR
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2014 11:29:00; random_cat: mircea_popescue: <a href="http://xeur.bitcoin-central.net/">here</a> on http://mpex.co/?mpsic=X.EUR is apparently invalid
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.co/assets/s.bbet-1F2489E8.txt
kakobrekla: see http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.BBET
mircea_popescu: curl http://mpex.co/assets/s.bbet-1F2489E8.txt | gpg gpg: Signature made Sat 05 Jan 2013 02:13:25 AM ART using RSA key ID 1F2489E8
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.co/assets/s.bbet-1F2489E8.txt
jurov: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.BBET does not verify, for example
jurov: http://mpex.co/faq.html#18
copypaste: You laugh but we've gotten like 30 BTC from donations. Enough to buy a pass to trade on mpex.co! ;)
thestringpuller: bitmex d00d says, and i quote, "it is trivial to mitm mpex.co cause it uses http"
jurov: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=X.EUR davout, no liquidity since yest
trinque: Naphex: here's a good example by the way of what can be done with what we have: http://mpex.co/faq.html#18
nubbins`: Adlai what does http://thebitcoin.foundation, http://mpex.co do to your crackpot filters
mike_c: elephant: http://mpex.co/?=PHPE9568F36-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42
kakobrekla: hehe, is true; http://mpex.co/?=PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42
hegemoOn: im discovering mpex.co and trilema
coventry: Going to sleep now, but I have a question and will check up in the morning: I read the mpex.co FAQ, including #17. Why would someone pay 30 BTC to participate in this market?
BingoBoingo: http://trilema.com/ has threatened to bring the house down and if he is successful, then so be it. << IHB you prolly want to link MPEx.co as the actor and particular trilema pieces justifying the MPEx position
bitcoinquestinos: mircea_popescu: what is http://mpex.co/
felipelalli: Let me ask one thing guys about MPEx website: why not the total shared issued is displayed at http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.QNTR ? Wouldn't it be a useful information? I could find this info on http://trilema.com/2014/qntra-sqntr-october-2014-statement/ but I think it is handy to display on the stock page. Thanks.
jurov: lobbes, have you seen http://mpex.co/?r=1 ?
empyex: mod6: MPEx-Status: mpex.bz (89 milliseconds), mpex.co (91 milliseconds), mpex.ws (102 milliseconds), mpex.biz (167 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (592 milliseconds)
empyex: mod6: Proxies: mpex.ws mpex.bz mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
gribble: mpex.co is up
davout: ;;isup mpex.co
PeterL: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=F.DERP looks like the person who bid based on the 10X valuation mistake finally removed their bid
danielpbarron: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=D.BPAY << like this?
jurov: http://mpex.co?mpsic=D.RDDT hahaha
jurov: but mpex.co says 17 satoshi
jurov: 152.87354128 << mpex.co says this is nov s.mpoe dividend
jurov: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.BBET says dividend was 1.44548619 , but monthly report and my records say 1.45215309
empyex: mats: MPEx-Status: mpex.biz (112 milliseconds), mpex.ws (119 milliseconds), mpex.co (123 milliseconds), mpex.bz (132 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (462 milliseconds)
empyex: mats: Proxies: mpex.bz mpex.biz mpex.co mpex.ws mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
empyex: jurov: MPEx-Status: mpex.bz (5108 milliseconds), mpex.biz (5108 milliseconds), mpex.co (5120 milliseconds), mpex.ws (5230 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (5505 milliseconds)
empyex: jurov: Proxies: mpex.ws mpex.bz mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
empyex: jurov: MPEx-Status: mpex.bz (97 milliseconds), mpex.biz (98 milliseconds), mpex.ws (116 milliseconds), mpex.co (217 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (451 milliseconds)
empyex: jurov: Proxies: mpex.ws mpex.biz mpex.co mpex.bz mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
empyex: mircea_popescu: MPEx-Status: mpex.ws (63 milliseconds), mpex.biz (109 milliseconds), mpex.co (110 milliseconds), mpex.bz (116 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (461 milliseconds)
empyex: mircea_popescu: Proxies: mpex.bz mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.ws mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
empyex: FabianB: MPEx-Status: mpex.bz (5107 milliseconds), mpex.co (5110 milliseconds), mpex.biz (5151 milliseconds), mpex.ws (5248 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (5462 milliseconds)
empyex: FabianB: Proxies: mpex.biz mpex.ws mpex.bz mpex.co mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
empyex: BingoBoingo: MPEx-Status: mpex.biz (106 milliseconds), mpex.ws (109 milliseconds), mpex.co (113 milliseconds), mpex.bz (114 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (683 milliseconds)
empyex: BingoBoingo: Proxies: mpex.biz mpex.bz mpex.ws mpex.coinbr.com mpex.co Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
gribble: sdffsd was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 hours, 19 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: <sdffsd> Mircea, I can't access mpex.co, what's going on?
empyex: mircea_popescu: MPEx-Status: mpex.biz (116 milliseconds), mpex.bz (131 milliseconds), mpex.ws (350 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (1681 milliseconds), mpex.co (error)
empyex: mircea_popescu: Proxies: mpex.biz mpex.co mpex.bz mpex.coinbr.com mpex.ws Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
sdffsd: Mircea, I can't access mpex.co, what's going on?
empyex: jurov: MPEx-Status: mpex.biz (94 milliseconds), mpex.co (117 milliseconds), mpex.bz (168 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (552 milliseconds), mpex.ws (2112 milliseconds)
empyex: jurov: Proxies: mpex.bz mpex.ws mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
mircea_popescu: jurov http://mpex.co/db_dump.php you see that ?
empyex: jurov: MPEx-Status: mpex.biz (107 milliseconds), mpex.ws (107 milliseconds), mpex.bz (107 milliseconds), mpex.co (114 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (474 milliseconds)
empyex: jurov: Proxies: mpex.biz mpex.co mpex.ws mpex.bz mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
empyex: mircea_popescu: MPEx-Status: mpex.co (119 milliseconds), mpex.biz (152 milliseconds), mpex.bz (242 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (10266 milliseconds), mpex.ws (error)
empyex: mircea_popescu: Proxies: mpex.bz mpex.ws mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller http://mpex.co/assets/s.wol-468F4AD0.txt what dfo you mean not linked ?
thestringpuller: the signed IPO's are not linked on MPEx.co
empyex: jurov: MPEx-Status: mpex.co (102 milliseconds), mpex.biz (103 milliseconds), mpex.bz (114 milliseconds), mpex.ws (277 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (719 milliseconds)
empyex: jurov: Proxies: mpex.ws mpex.bz mpex.biz mpex.co mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
gribble: mpex.co is up
thestringpuller: ;;isup mpex.co
empyex: mircea_popescu: MPEx-Status: mpex.coinbr.com (466 milliseconds), mpex.co (error), mpex.biz (error), mpex.ws (error), mpex.bz (error)