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mircea_popescu: ie, you've fucked the goat.
assbot: Hillary adopts new ‘goth’ look to appeal to youth   — The Dandy Goat ... ( http://bit.ly/1LCpcY4 )
assbot: Logged on 07-10-2015 01:38:05; mircea_popescu: and in general, two types of problems. 1. "build me a bridge" ; 2. "find me the leak". 1 is blocking, but 2 isn't - if a baby goat finds the leak the leak's just as found as if jesus had found it.
mircea_popescu: and in general, two types of problems. 1. "build me a bridge" ; 2. "find me the leak". 1 is blocking, but 2 isn't - if a baby goat finds the leak the leak's just as found as if jesus had found it. ☟︎
punkman: pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-10-2015#1290898 << and here i was using goat feta all this time. i need to get out more. < I agree, crumbled feta is teh best omelette cheese. ☝︎
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-10-2015#1290898 << and here i was using goat feta all this time. i need to get out more. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: It isn't called "horny goat weed" for nothing
mircea_popescu: But, somehow, when we mention it, he wears a look so grim we wonder if he rode the goat ---- or if the goat rode him!
assbot: "RIDING the GOAT" Very strange Fraternal Lodge Initiation, 1928. - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1VmarwS )
ascii_field: '...He mutters passwords 'neath his breath, And other things he'll quote ---- / They surely had an evening's work when father rode the goat.'
ascii_field: 'We leave the big piano shut and do not strike a note; / the doctor's been here seven times since father rode the goat.'
assbot: Goat Riding tricycle ... ( http://bit.ly/1OEIEUc )
ascii_field: http://phoenixmasonry.org/masonicmuseum/goat_riding_tricycle.htm << see also.
ascii_field: and 'riding the goat' is what, not absurd ?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-09-2015#1281097 << if a hog fucks a goat in my presence, in the sense that i was in the same country at some point, this does not qualify the resulting hogbeast as "my bastard" ☝︎
mircea_popescu: nobody cares what some anon goat fucker thinks on any topic. on your knees, answer humbly and move on.
mircea_popescu: so does shrem. obviously he's not one bit sorry he fucked the goat.
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-09-2015#1266672 << mongolia has what, tcp-over-dead-goat modem ? ☝︎
thestringpuller: pedo the goat is the thailand guy right?
mircea_popescu: mike the goat is not the same as pedo the goat.
felipelalli: I'm reading http://shitco.in/2015/08/19/the-bitcoin-xt-trojan/ now. Who is this guy "goat"?
assbot: Mike the Crypto Goat | Exploring Internet security, crypto and civil liberties. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Lkk1s4 )
asciilifeform: wasn't 'goat' a sc4mz0r of some description ?
assbot: shitco.in | Author | goat ... ( http://bit.ly/1LkjYfT )
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: http://shitco.in/author/mike1337/ << 'goat'
mircea_popescu: the goat-to-btc atm.
BingoBoingo: Hearn lost so bad "unidentified" turrorist bombed expat Thailand today. Presumably to try to get Goat and scare people with insulfation faith in USG out of defecting.
asciilifeform: 'your average Romanian fellow would readily prefer to earn 11 units, when everyone else earns 10, instead of an alternative where he earns 90, when everyone else earns 100, indifferent to the fact that 90 is still, significantly above 11. This, in the language, is called "the neighbour's goat problem".' << but this is rational !
ascii_field: punkman: the goat-fucking ones - sure
ben_vulpes: with a goat?
mircea_popescu: what man buys a goat that is already milking a cow.
decimation: I was watching a 'banking' show on the BBC the other day. it featured a young afghan who managed to make it from goat-fuck-stan to the uk welfare state
mircea_popescu: well this is like asking why did the goat piss its left leg and not the right
mircea_popescu: that these twerps are still suckling that old goat in 2015...
mircea_popescu: just as soon as we're done with the festivals dedicated to their dressing up as the sacrificial goat.
mircea_popescu: is this going to be another scammer doing the goat routine ?
ascii_field has taken to pronouncing 'goat', 'voat', with accent on syllables, as in 'coax' cabl
decimation: asciilifeform: what gets my goat are the constant pleadings for money money and power to do 'cyber'
awokestillY2K: where goat is best lamb,being most resourceful\
awokestillY2K: tastes like lamb goat
mircea_popescu: the morally responsible is jwz, not bush not anyone else. yes the president is getting beheaded, that's how symbolics work. and it is the job and the duty of the politico class to play the goat.
fourhunderdtypes: mmm goat
punkman: kinda hard to distinguish baby goat/lamb after cooking, at least for my taste buds
BingoBoingo: Goat and lamb both delicious, as are suckling pigs
punkman: dunno about humans, but baby goat is delicious
asciilifeform: what good is downtime if it's in afghan with 300 baud modem-over-dead-goat
assbot: Logged on 17-05-2015 17:59:08; asciilifeform: i can change yours to 'pgp over dead goat' and it'll parse.
asciilifeform: i can change yours to 'pgp over dead goat' and it'll parse. ☟︎
asciilifeform: sorta how one can't un-fuck goat
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller well, see, the opinions of people who do not own 30 btc to their name as to the comings and goings of places where this is a minimum requisite bar do not constitute proper ignorance. it's like saying country bumpkins in montana have no idea how broadstreet works. they obviously don't, but this because the goat does not know calendars.
assbot: The Frogs - I'm Sad, My Goat Just Died Today - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1K4KdIR )
mircea_popescu: "but i have a shirt and shoes!" "so does my goat."
assbot: Mike the Crypto Goat | Exploring Internet security, crypto and civil liberties. ... ( http://bit.ly/1JsyvV1 )
danielpbarron: who also calls himself "goat" (same goat as on forum?)
mircea_popescu: for all their pretenses, they do not qualify as a town, they're goat herders at best.
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo: he was born in '69 to "The son of an impoverished Bedouin goat herder"
ben_vulpes: lol and there's a guy going by goat in the trollbox
mircea_popescu: linked for "Slimy folks like “Busta Troll” are hijacking Facebook pages of conservatives, replacing the content with goats and anti-conservative messages. Some believe a goat is used because it is a Satanic symbol; many of the conservatives are targeted because of their Christian or Jewish views."
fortune501: your goat?
cazalla: got a bit of left over goat's leg that i slow cooked from the other night if ya keen
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-04-2015#1083766 << this option is not unlike proving you didn't fuck a goat by proving you impregnated it.
asciilifeform: classical gambit - fuck a goat, folks will forget that you also fuck babies and guinea pigs
mircea_popescu: must be goat.
mircea_popescu: who is this then, goat ?
asciilifeform: netbsd on dead goat ?
ascii_field: 'For a goat may butt, and a worm may sting, / And a child will sometimes stand; / But a poor dead soldier of the King / Can never lift a hand.' (herr kipling)
asciilifeform: is it connecting preferentially to nodes in afghanistan, ip over dead goat ?
assbot: Alien goat vomit - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1vq2Z7M )
BingoBoingo: Reflashing firmware is one of those things that should require a goat sacrifice. Fort Mead would smell better.
mircea_popescu: the difference between a goat and a goat herder is certainly not apparent to any passing lady of society.
asciilifeform: dead goat ?
asciilifeform: at present, you end up connecting to a node using ip-over-dead-goat-modem and curse your fate until disconnects
mircea_popescu: i'd rather email a goat.
assbot: The Frogs - I'm Sad, My Goat Just Died Today - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0fV3T )
gribble: I have not seen goat.
jurov: ;;seen goat
mircea_popescu: and a cockroach named goat ?
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: This is why it is better to be a Ram than a goat. Sure, techinally you are sheep, but who can oppose you when you are angry? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk1fUzkqwbQ
nubbins`: "everyone else is a goat the same age and gender as me"
mircea_popescu: very common problem people have on the internet, the "everyone is as stupid as me / everyone's a goat the same gender and age as me" issue. ☟︎☟︎
mod6: ah. maybe a stuffed goat bladder or something
BingoBoingo: It's like how kakobrekla responsibly got a car while goat got an infinite money sink
TheNewDeal: I had some spicy goat soup earlier this week, was delicious
xanthyos: You shall not boil a young goat in its mother.s milk.
mircea_popescu: they probably sold it, of course, but if they did not, they have a lot more liquid btc than say goat.
nubbins`: in that sense, mp is successful, but so is goat
asciilifeform: herr dooglus must be on an ip-over-dead-goat acoustic-coupler modem...
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if there's a psychiatric lesson here, it is that resisting crud is not necessarily from cleverness, but could also be on account of being a goat herder in afghanistan and what even is all this recycled food.
saifedean: I was saying... pork is the shittiest of meats, as pigs eat shit. Beans are crap. fish is the food of kings... as for land food, lamb is the best, followed by beef, goat, chicken, everything else, then pork.
mircea_popescu: r goat, you may now believe you discovered 'em, but they are being produced somewhere else and were invented by someone else.
mircea_popescu: jurov: not openssh but openssL. as it is under BSD, they're free to do whatever wit it. << yeah openssl. not a question of under bsd or not, idea was more like : the proof that USG.HB was a thing, that was then implemented as openssl.HB is the fact that looky, a Win.HB apparently exists(ed). like, if you find a goat on a field you may think you've both discovered and invented the goat. but if you then later find anothe
mircea_popescu: http://lphoto1.ask.fm/453/619/198/910003027-1s773fl-e47199neshdsmf0/original/image.jpg << here's a happy goat just in case
mircea_popescu: nubbins` o look! people built houses for their secret goat paramours or ?
ben_vulpes: spider silk componds in goat bladders?
TheNewDeal: did anyone else (like goat or theymos) get in trouble a la http://bitbet.us/bet/486/james-gibson-aka-gigavps-to-be-named-as/ ?
TheNewDeal: Chaaaang-Noi / goat never signed up for gpg , aye?
jurov: currently he's involved in "on-going détente with various counterparts from other cultures, such as the Estonian Santa Claus (Jõuluvana or "Old man of Christmas"), the Finnish Santa Claus (Joulupukki or "Yule Goat"), and other Santa Claus, Father Christmas, and Saint Nicholas figures"
punkman: fractional reserve goat
Vexual: theye confused the unbanked with people in africa who own half a goat
mircea_popescu: which in the grand scheme of things isn't really much at all. they've already fucked the goat in the public market long ago