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asciilifeform: re: bitstamp: if the story is true, they've fucked their public goat.
mircea_popescu: so thailand got a new goat in charge huh
pankkake: goat started the trend, I guess
thestringpuller: Goat is still alive?
pankkake: lol goat left me negative feedback "well known scammer, avoid!"
mircea_popescu: Naphex: cloudflare makes little sense to me << or to anyone whose brain works enough to power a goat.
mircea_popescu: "learn the secret nigerian dairy farmers hate : how an Edinburgh mum built a functioning goat out of tooth paste and some wood shavings"
asciilifeform: bob the goat-builder?
decimation: I guess if bob can convince people that his goat orgy is a secure bridge, then he's good to go
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: The part where they finally liquidate after a bunch of "no u" back and forth between Gar and Goat
Duffer1: man i wish goat hung out in here
mircea_popescu: what if there's going to be a scam report next from garr that goat sold him THE CHEAP SHAREs
kakobrekla: 03:39.19 ( +mircea_popescu ) ".6 for the shares I bought at .6 or higher. I have all the other shares, some were bought at .1 or so. I got 80% back and saved me a few years of courts and whatever (and he saved 20 years in jail). " this crap makes exactly 0 sense. < it doesnt need to make sense, goat is an idiot but garr is bigger one. it is possible he bluff pressed it.
minersdidit: thickasthieves and goat are on WOT
BingoBoingo: Maybe we can improve on a topic raised on Goat's forum?
asciilifeform: 'bob the bridge builder' fucks goat after goat, has done a whole herd, but remains listed in the phone book under 'bridge builder'
MGK: I have a few deals on there, 1 for over $10k with Goat
ozbot: This Could Be a Baby Geep, a Rare Sheep-Goat Hybrid
BingoBoingo: http://gawker.com/this-could-be-a-baby-geep-a-rare-sheep-goat-hybrid-1560279115
BingoBoingo: Seems like the goat forum where the lulz sit just beneath the surface
punkman: I should move further away from the city and get my own goat
MisterE: that goat cheese is the bomb too
MisterE: goat is my fav
punkman: I really prefer sheep/goat to cow milk, but can't find any consistent supply
mircea_popescu: cog is nominally not goat's.
benkay: goat suspension?
mike_c: and the goat suspension of 2014. cog is trading again too
mircea_popescu: this is EXACTLY the goat suspension of 2012, by the book.
asciilifeform: re: GLONASS: russia fucked the goat when it decided, in late '70s, to copy american CPUs so that warez can be used instead of investing in software dev.
mircea_popescu: you want this because you're a goat
mircea_popescu: same with goat. he was in here explaining how great future silver has,
mircea_popescu: just like all the rest of goat's stuff. if you're the sort of person that believes things some guy claims, it was real.
moiety: was goat's lambo actually real btw or a trollstory
BingoBoingo: Maybe Goat's next lambo will be the original model
Duffer1: Goat mad
thestringpuller: whatever happened to goat?
mircea_popescu: goat has a wot now ?
nubbins`: tg2: that's what goat did with his forum
nubbins`: pankkake: referrals? sounds like goat's forum
mircea_popescu: this andy greenberg imbecile is really getting my goat.
benkay: goat me
mircea_popescu: no, goat part is clear. tat/neobee part
benkay: was goat not a pirate pass through operator?
benkay: lol "much as goat is not related to pirate"
asciilifeform: hasn't 'Cryptocat' already fucked its public goat?
mircea_popescu: goat can't manage to go through two hours without trying to suck up to someone, he's quite eastern.
mircea_popescu: (goat was at the time running the more obviously fraudulent, highest volume shit glbse was listing)
mircea_popescu: as far as i recall, about a week before disappearing, nefario froze goat'
moiety: err who to the goat rape pic?!
kakobrekla: >Goat's posts are disappearing.. by whom?
ninjashogun: and about Goat, I know just that one person trusts him and has been in touch for over a year.
ninjashogun: I was NOT referring to Garr only Goat.
Duffer1: oh i mean accusations of fraud by Goat against Garr
ninjashogun: I didn't say it's my opinion. I don't know Goat personally at all.
Apocalyptic: " Goat is very trustworthy." I lol'd
ninjashogun: Duffer1, No I'm not involved with Cog. I just know that as far as this person is concerned Goat is very trustworthy.
Duffer1: i was referring to Goat's post history
ninjashogun: My comment is about "His Most Eminent Highness Grand Caesar Imperator Goat"
ninjashogun: sorry if it's Goat. Not sure if that means Garr.
Duffer1: Goat's on a warpath
kakobrekla: goat is going to sue garr now
mircea_popescu: so has goat. so has gigavps. so has teh bitcoin foundation. around scamming for quite some time now.
benkay: ip-over-dead-goat!
asciilifeform: everyone with a net connection, including Pashtuns using steam modems with ip-over-dead-goat have, at this point, 'had bad experience with startups.'
BCB: dexX7: GOAT is trying to do that
gribble: Duffer1 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 9 hours, 26 minutes, and 3 seconds ago: <Duffer1> he did, but Goat was going to do his own
benkay: (twist: it's goat!)
Duffer1: he did, but Goat was going to do his own
Duffer1: is Goat around? whatever happened to his physical litecoins?
Apocalyptic: I heard goat is building one too
dub: fuck you bitcoin, fuck you in the goat ass
BingoBoingo: Most male vetrans I've seen drunk enough to spill the dark secrets spill that they didn't kill people. A majority of the women who admit to being in firefights admit to shooting to kill people because they really don't want to carry goat boy to term if the base is over run
imsaguy: goat?
nubbins`: was in a band once called Goat, the Provider
nubbins`: maybe he can add content from goat's private forum too
asciilifeform: this chap is not a schneier, he's an 'fda grade-A' mathematical judas goat.
nubbins`: oh, a friend has some goat meat that he wants to sausage
mircea_popescu: anyway, funny how goat got double paid, suckled something from pirate, suckled something from suckers buying debt...
mircea_popescu: Duffer1: big one and number two.. anyone taking bets one of those was goat? << yes. how much you wanna bet ?
copumpkin: there was no way for pirate to think that goat's name is chaang noi :P
mircea_popescu: Q: Next account, Goat.
BingoBoingo: No one believe's Goat's name is Chaang Noi, but he proceeds as certain as does only remembering James of James Gibson
copumpkin: lol, pirate doesn't believe for a minute that goat's real name is chaang noi
BingoBoingo: Well, Moustakiswas the one to Bring up Gibson's last name, and the cubby white kid known as Goat is only refered to as Chaang Noi as far as I have made it so far.
Duffer1: big one and number two.. anyone taking bets one of those was goat?
mod6: lol, goat-rapers
mircea_popescu: scams don't go away anymore, they just age and reemerge, goat style.
nubbins`: phun phact: DXM is just as effective in pill form as it is in syrup form, and pills don't taste like goat anus; syrups are popular because people feel that having their throat coated with the shit means it works better
nubbins`: it's true, cough syrups should taste like goat anus
mircea_popescu: Prometh with Codeine will no longer taste like ghettofab syrupy purple, it will taste like how all cough syrups should taste, like goat anus. They aren’t meant to fucking mix with Sprite and enjoyed after a long night of fucking your bitches and collecting taxpayer-funded benefits; they are meant to be choked down because you’ll do anything to get rid of that fucking cough.
asciilifeform: ;;rate MagicalTux -10 pathetic Judas Goat.
[\]: where's goat when you need him? he's good at that.
kakobrekla: as much as goat is not related to pirate
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Would be a shame if a stiff milking gave goat the MRSA
mircea_popescu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58-atNakMWw << goat finally built his exchange.
BingoBoingo: Reconcile Goat and Cabbage?
mircea_popescu: human, goat, whatever. hispano, jew, you can pick it.
punkman: cat is thief, goat is snitch
kakobrekla: did the chang goat get him or what
kakobrekla: "rpietila, the Vassal of the Mighty Goat"