600+ entries in 0.631s
mircea_popescu: this is by no means singular derapage of one stray goat, either. "how do you check the correctness of a program ?" "very simple -- first, you build an universal corectness checker. then, you feed it your problem. done!"
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 02:47 asciilifeform: in such a way as to judas goat the authors of said code to rewrite it such that it DEMANDS the new 'improved' compiler.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 02:47 asciilifeform: in such a way as to judas goat the authors of said code to rewrite it such that it DEMANDS the new 'improved' compiler.
mircea_popescu: sure. still, this looks like a home office clerk rather than an actual contractor. woman had all the intellectual power of a pet goat.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 02:47 asciilifeform: in such a way as to judas goat the authors of said code to rewrite it such that it DEMANDS the new 'improved' compiler.
asciilifeform: in such a way as to judas goat the authors of said code to rewrite it such that it DEMANDS the new 'improved' compiler. ☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
erlehmann: judas goat, that is harsh. and to the point.
asciilifeform: point re esr, is that he agreed to work as an ideological judas goat to counter rms
a111: Logged on 2017-05-30 20:48 asciilifeform: could be that academic sees letters from plebe as 'hey, a talking goat'
asciilifeform: could be that academic sees letters from plebe as 'hey, a talking goat' ☟︎
asciilifeform: on other hand, i've never owned an entire goat, so cannot claim to be first class goat cook.
mircea_popescu: wait until i point out i've never met anyone under 30 who both spoke english and could properly butcher a goat.
mircea_popescu: what is, goat flapper ?
mircea_popescu: so how about "i wonder why the terrorists hate us" is rendered as the correct and adequate "boy we must suck -- not even those sandniggers living in goat dung want us."
shinohai: I have no nearby monasteries unfortunately .... there is a farm in this little place called Ellijay nearby that makes decent goat cheese.
mp_en_viaje: anyway, the striking thing a bout the afghani dwelling is that it's not a hut. it's a tower, if need be essentialized to a pillar, but basically a machinegun pillbox. AROUND IT like around the medieval castle the women's items, huts and bread ovens and children/goat/pig stys are build. but the dwelling is basically this donjon.
mircea_popescu: anyway, i guess it's the best he can do, with what he has. which is sad but then again what can you expect. the goat - grazes.
gabriel_laddel_p: -10 magicaltux -0.5 49 7,566 Feb 26, 2014 pathetic Judas Goat.
mircea_popescu: it is, literally, more respectable a use of his time to upload homemade goat porn to 4chan
mircea_popescu: taleb will, with all the panache of a dedicated goat fucker, publish items on medium.com
asciilifeform: 'and now they come to tell us in which hole to fuck the goat, and to consider transition to sheep, and to send opium west, not east, ' etc.
asciilifeform: 4kB is about half a second of goat fuck. 4kb is 1/8 that.
jurov: sha512: 45d2dd64fee8410f3a42715e557b20a480e234ae04fa9e18552bbc0510fc5f57288dbfbdc813ad9f4563a29fcae45caf8d885f96c2f6df55da1febac1b3515ff goat.svg
asciilifeform: http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/tmp/goat.dxf << and i will not that i HAVE NFI WHAT THIS LOOKS LIKE or if it corresponds to what i saw when i drew the fucker!!!!
mircea_popescu: !~translate en to zh-CN "plateau copy goat"
asciilifeform: if afghani did not want to fuck goat, he should move to rotterham ?
trinque: the signed curse would be stood by in court / at the gallows, whereas something like "I am responsible for some of this" is what, the part that killed my goat, or "always not that part" ?
asciilifeform: neither ~quite~ ready for battlefield, but nearly there, picked it up again after goat properly fucked
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Nah, it was a constipated goat looking to buy brambles
BingoBoingo: Well numbers had to come from somewhere... Is this Fuck goat related?
soneelks: (it's actually goat but the chef says it's lamb)
mircea_popescu: company's 50 bux can not buy a democrat posters, your 50 bux can, but they can't buy you a goat in afghanistan.
asciilifeform: buncha goat herders.
ben_vulpes: (goat is very useful for blackberry control)
asciilifeform: i knew where to sell goat in washington.
asciilifeform: goat, unlike google 'coders', has market value.
mircea_popescu: if your crazy chechen cousin brought you a goat, you wouldn't want to KEEP it
asciilifeform: 'i'm not a transgendered goat, i dress up as one voluntarily'
asciilifeform: programmers have a mindboggling lack of grasp of basic ecology even compared to illiterate afghani goat herders.
mircea_popescu: not really. just in comparative terms. you know, like the sow looks good next to the goat.
mircea_popescu: the modern variant of the scape goat.
mircea_popescu: historically, it was ensured by exactly the same process that ensures you can find your goat in http://trilema.com/2012/anonimity-or-the-urban-versus-rural-dispute/ - which is to say low pop density and the necessary orcishness therein produced will "protect" you in the sense not having lasers protects you from shining them in your eyes.
asciilifeform: 5 goat / minute.
mircea_popescu: he lacks the capacity of ownership much like goat lacks the capacity to sing.
mircea_popescu: rifle of Middle Eastern goat herders, guys named Abdullah, and backwoods militia types who like the fact that it shoots cheap ammo and has ballistics like their familiar .30-30." <<< amusingly, these are actually quite good points.
mircea_popescu: and a goat is closer to a young woman than any old whore - it's tighter down there.
asciilifeform: it is a sort of inverse of the parable with the rabbi who tells schmuck to 'put in the goat and the sheep, in your house, then slowly expel them'
adlai: exactly this. the neuroleptic goat has its place alongside the tolerance break and other shirts of assorted hairyness
asciilifeform: saying 'i read on reddit...' without link is quite pointless, you already admitted to habitually fucking farm animals, why not then share whether goat snatch is tight or not, it won't hurt
mircea_popescu: no strength in depth, break their charge take them all in for rape and goat herding.
asciilifeform: greece is dead and full of goat fuckers, does not cancel aristotle.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-01#1474455 << and in goatfucklandia it is common for everyone to fuck a goat. what of it. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: you ever took a good look in goat's eyes ?
mircea_popescu: chaangnoi aka goat aka 1k other things is some derpy wanna-be living in thailand and for a while doing whatever dubious coolie business in and around glbse. mostly pirate-related scammerships.
assbot: Logged on 15-03-2016 12:33:48; nubbins`: did goat elbow a button when he pushed pirate-backed assets?
nubbins`: did goat elbow a button when he pushed pirate-backed assets? ☟︎
asciilifeform: illiterate peasants hitting one another with broken-down spades over a stolen fuck-goat
mircea_popescu: while inept shit like you know, "artistically" putting one's hair over one's pubis really gets my fucking goat.
mircea_popescu: as you can tell, that bfl thing utterly got my fucking goat.
mircea_popescu: o boy. does tmsr recognize marriage with goat ? woman ? no less than 3 ? what ?
mircea_popescu: so... don't laugh at the goat, you never know when you'll be riding one.
asciilifeform: left alone, they could not make even a goat.
asciilifeform: even with ip-over-dead-goat, 1MB key is what, a few min.
BingoBoingo: <ascii_butugychag> thestringpuller: sacrifice a goat to satan << It's heretic apple, gotta sacrifice satan to a goat since woz is gone.
ascii_butugychag: thestringpuller: sacrifice a goat to satan
ascii_butugychag: with money. but then turns out that said goat was subsidized by american occupying soldiers...
ascii_butugychag: do i have to catch own goat ?
ascii_butugychag: this, like any operation against a thermodynamic gradient, is a fragile and temporary thing, and tends to end bloodily, but it is why we have computer and not fucking-goat
ben_vulpes: and no this is not "electron" this is why did isaac fuck ahmeds goat
assbot: Goat Rentals Take Off In Seattle On First Day Of Amazon Home Services | KUOW News and Information ... ( http://bit.ly/20itWpe )
BingoBoingo: punkman: from same wrap http://kuow.org/post/goat-rentals-take-seattle-first-day-amazon-home-services
ascii_butugychag: i have not paid the shaman, did not drink the goat blood, will not link
danielpbarron: >> Once in awhile I think maybe the jihadists should win. Sigh. New York values. >> They would just replace the booth with a goat.
punkman: kakobrekla: but goat needs lots of preparation to make it good, horse not so. << you need younger goats
kakobrekla: incidentally i drank goat kefir yesterday - it tastes like licking goat balls
pete_dushenski: kakobrekla: the ethiopian and indian restaurants around here do goat very well around here
kakobrekla: but goat needs lots of preparation to make it good, horse not so.
kakobrekla: 7 euro for goat.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: thestringpuller you hafta understand this "X is a scammer" bullshit is pretty much ALWAYS some sort of entrenched structure trying to wash its sins on the cheap. oh, "madoff" scammed ? Really ? HE diod it ? not the 1k+ "experts" that recommended him to his clients etc ? not all the various "supervisors" and "authorities" ? it was... maddof ? << this is why goat et. al pumping pirate have vanished from existence.
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> LOOK BRUCE WAGNER is back << that's probably that goat fuckwit.
mircea_popescu: this poor goat is dead alfie. why you beatin' it.
mircea_popescu: how's he not better, how's he different from every afrigan goat ex-herder (the flood/drought/global warming/xenu killed the goats) that's now a garbage trawler ?
asciilifeform: let's say usg had not supplied the goat fuckers with modern rockets, infinite ammo, food, etc. then what, precisely, would've distinguished them from the red indians ?
assbot: Gävle goat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1PVoNkF )
punkman: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A4vle_goat
punkman: and believed that he was taking part in a completely legal goat-burning tradition. After Jones was released from jail he went straight back to the US without paying his fine. As of 2006 it was still unpaid."
punkman: "2001: Goat set on fire on 23 December by Lawrence Jones, a 51-year-old visitor from Cleveland, Ohio in the United States, who spent 18 days in jail and was subsequently convicted and ordered to pay 100,000 Swedish kronor in damages. The court confiscated Jones' cigarette lighter with the argument that he clearly was not able to handle it. Jones stated in court that he was no "goat burner",
mircea_popescu: no, that was before nefario, theymos, goat & the rest of the friends split.
asciilifeform: wake me up when afghani goat computer is built.
punkman: speaking of which, I have the cutest little goat ribs marinating in the fridge
mircea_popescu: not yet old enough to own his own goat, something pashtun kid passed with flying colors age 11. but hey, maybe "we" "need" to spend more on "education". clearly it's been doing wonders for them.)
asciilifeform: cleaning kalash in kandahar with own piss every morning between goat fucks ?
pete_dushenski: i know this is just supposed to be 'normal soviet retardation' but holy jeez does this get my goat
assbot: Goat Babies in Pajamas! - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1W9IgSg )
asciilifeform: whereas mircea_popescu could, if he for some odd reason wished, live in antarctica. so it is not 'goat country' for him.
mircea_popescu: (you realise "goat country" is a proxy for disability right ? we don't call them cruthces, we call them mechanical mobility aids! )
mircea_popescu: i read it on goat-and-me.com
mircea_popescu: ansd you know, the universal supreme goat council (USG) had a secret conspiracy to import wolves into the forest, to keep the baby goat herding behaviour going\
danielpbarron: why not goat?
mircea_popescu: miss california / miss usa aspirant, asked by that slime perez hilton what she thinks of same sex marriages, didn't have the presence of mind to tell the old fag to stuff it with the bullying, as this is about hot young women not about wrinkly old poofs nobody would fuck with a loaned goat penis,