800+ entries in 0.732s
mircea_popescu: nanotube well the recent "We will steal user's btc and deliver it to the usss" stuff is pretty much fucking the goat.
BingoBoingo: Wait, to my knowledge goat doesn't hate me!
mircea_popescu: but no, some guy claiming he;'s goat and hates bing
thickasthieves: basically goat only knows how to say "i am awesome, i make lotsa coins, think of me as a financial beast plz!", but in 5000 different ways
thickasthieves: ive read too much of goat
nubbins`: thickasthieves you ever read something goat wrote?
thickasthieves: goat is satoshi i though
mats_cd03: nubbins`: dat goat?
nubbins`: 90% sure that's goat
nubbins`: i wonder is goat actually in thailand?
kakobrekla: goat the chaang doesnt have ddos capabilities
mircea_popescu: mebbe. on the other hand, the absolutely only person who would care enough about goat to name goat would be goat himself.
kakobrekla: some other goat perhaps
kakobrekla: at least no chaang goat
kakobrekla: i havent heard this guy 'sueing' anyone - so not goat.
assbot: Logged on 15-10-2014 02:39:56; DowntimeBsns: i'm goat
Vexual: ! goat + police
assbot: 565 results for 'goat' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=goat
mircea_popescu: !s goat
mircea_popescu: this actually was... goat ?
mircea_popescu: mkay, so with the 3rd attack the list of goat's botnet ips went from 1k to 3k items
DowntimeBsns: i'm goat ☟︎
kakobrekla: thickasthieves if 'goat' says he is going to sue lawlsky, its the real thing.
thickasthieves: or at least someone who purports to be goat on tview chat
thickasthieves: goat is gonna be at the lawsky thing
asciilifeform: decimation: browser is 'judas goat' that leads folks into places they would never voluntarily go
mircea_popescu: devil goat ? which is that one ?
brianhoffman: I’m working through your devil goat entry
mircea_popescu: this is what goat claimed re pirate, the whole clutch of them re nefario etc.
thickasthieves: goat is polluting the tradingview chat now
nubbins`: so goat pays 1000btc and now the blockchain is 25TB larger, forever
RPrpRP: nah i'm goat.
BingoBoingo: Did you make sure the goat was a virgin?
kakobrekla: peer review scape goat?
assbot: The Frogs - I'm Sad The Goat Just Died Today - YouTube
asciilifeform: clearly they had a small problem assembling the priests, finding a suitable goat (or virgin - or both) to sacrifice on schedule, etc.
TheNewDeal: best comment on the article "I want a spider goat condom, that I can pass down to my male grand child."
asciilifeform: not really the sensational chimera the article suggests. ordinary goat that secretes a usefully spidersilky protein in the milk.
pete_dushenski: silk+goat+canadian research = darpa toy
assbot: The Silky, Milky, Totally Strange Saga of the Spider Goat - Modern Farmer
mircea_popescu: they are no major concern for the usg in either case, because man who hangs for a goat might as well hang for a goat and a chick
mircea_popescu: goat sperm'd have a better shot impregnating toad eggs.
mircea_popescu: lmao that guy is going to be so much fun in a decade or so. i r hope someone's saving jjmothy's derpage, just in case he goes all goat later on
punkman: I'd rather have a goat
BingoBoingo: FoOdies: Mess is why you go to the Goat's house
pankkake: TF isn't claiming he's a Trusted Member yet, otherwise it's textbook goat
mircea_popescu: this business where one scams a buvncha people, lays low for half a year-ish etc was patented by goat. he did it like 3-4 times to date.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: if this was twitter I'd hashtag that with #delusional << is the tradefortress character pulling a goat ?
nubbins`: i'd wondered what happened to goat, seems he's banned from the forums
mircea_popescu: lol goat's repute preceeds him
assbot: Where is Goat? (The scammer)
mircea_popescu: who in turn was goat 2.0
assbot: Goat by Cameron Little — Kickstarter
punkman: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/startkicking/goat https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/668802520/big-awesome-burrito https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/5500212/i-want-to-make-ice-cream https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aboundlessworld/fried-rice
indiancandy1: i stoped eating meat because i saw a goat being slaughtered and skinned alive
fluffypony: goat was going to come to the conference?
mircea_popescu: pankkake: and of course Goat is on every bitcoin scam apparently << he just pumps them.
pankkake: and of course Goat is on every bitcoin scam apparently
nubbins`: sorry, i was talking about goat
thestringpuller: whatever happened to goat? Do I have to just read or can someone give me tl;dr ?
Mats_cd03: meanwhile goat brags about 4M in fiat to random
asciilifeform: what's he using? ip over wood-fired dead goat ?
mircea_popescu: but basically yeah, there's names which serve as marks of failure. something with goat involved, or nefario, or preston byrne or taaki etc can only fail
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> feels like I'm reading Goat << quite.
pankkake: feels like I'm reading Goat
nubbins`: i wonder will goat ever get around to getting his certs printed
assbot: NSA Custom Hardware: The FLUXBABBITT Implant (And Why It’s Important) | Mike the Crypto Goat
davout: (also donators, where goat made some splendid display of butthurt)
TheNewDeal: ooooh goat's milk - so milky
mike_c: goat embezzlement!
chetty: If someone gives me a goat I will never tell
mircea_popescu: davout except satoshi is misleading, itcould receive a goat.
jurov: or a goat
Vexual: dyou ever get goat?
TheNewDeal: reminded me of a time I invited some friends over for a meal that someone cooked for us, and one of them swallowed a goat bone (he hadn't had goat before)
TheNewDeal: had some pretty tasty goat curry at an indian buffet tonight
pankkake: the few posts of Goat that were archived show how much he trusted pirate wasn't a ponzi. If you're looking for lulz.
pankkake: interestingly the only one I accused of deleting posts was Goat
nubbins`: i've done some business with goat, nice enough guy, seems a bit scatterbrained
Phinnaeus: Question: I met Goat in KC last year. Is he a good guy?
Vexual: that thing is cooler than a goat on something
moiety: BingoBoingo: re: goat on a cliff. "If you squint just right you can see how it got there" lolol
asciilifeform: decimation: pretty much everyone fucks the goat right off the starting line - by using a vlsi rng
kakobrekla: i dont recall goat before 'chaang-noi'
BCB: is goat in here
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla, wtf was goat going as in 2012 ? btcking something or the other ?
mircea_popescu: goat is in there
pankkake: I've tried to find goat, roger ver, and other forum vips from 2011-2012
gribble: Prosciutto, Goat Cheese and Fig Jam on an Eggnog/Butternut Crust: <http://www.farmfreshfeasts.com/2013/11/prosciutto-goat-cheese-and-fig-jam-on.html>; stuffed butternut squash | Fig Jam and Lime Cordial: <http://figjamandlimecordial.com/tag/stuffed-butternut-squash/>; Bits and Pieces | Fig Jam and Lime Cordial: <http://figjamandlimecordial.com/2014/03/28/bits-and-pieces-2/>
assbot: Depressed goat is reunited with best friend, ends hunger strike | Good News - Yahoo News Canada
bitcoinpete: https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/good-news/mourning-goat-reunited-best-friend-ends-hunger-strike-163550205.html
assbot: His Most Eminent Highness Grand Caesar Imperator Goat | Page 12 | Bitcointa.lk
BingoBoingo: https://bitcointa.lk/threads/his-most-eminent-highness-grand-caesar-imperator-goat.318417/page-12#post-6636159
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: re: bitstamp: if the story is true, they've fucked their public goat. << the story is both true and not really new.
assbot: His Most Eminent Highness Grand Caesar Imperator Goat owe me 3740.35 BTC
assbot: His Most Eminent Highness Grand Caesar Imperator Goat owe me 3740.35 BTC
mircea_popescu: Goat owe me 3740.35 BTC. This is a serious scam and he is playing rich with MY money. 2012 I invested a lot in his Tygrr-bot. I thought it sounded like a cool arbitrage bot. It was hard to go profit and a lesser amount was lost to exchange failure. ☟︎
assbot: His Most Eminent Highness Grand Caesar Imperator Goat owe me 3740.35 BTC
thestringpuller: with goat
assbot: His Most Eminent Highness Grand Caesar Imperator Goat owe me 3740.35 BTC