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mp_en_viaje: let 'em see how well "believe women" works on the mud floors, work out their "animal rights" aggenda on the goat that ate their last remainign crotchrag and so on.
mp_en_viaje: spyked, i wouldn't say "romanians" did it. piulitia did it, the sort of retarded wanna-be bureaucrat goat. "extorsiunea unui degajament", exactly.
mp_en_viaje: or kicking everything out, installing own harem in there, castle billy mountain goat & his merry ewes ?
mp_en_viaje: not like they'll magically learn how to build ust because the neighbour's goat died, either.
mp_en_viaje: i dunno, to me he seems just a figurehead / sacrificial goat of a bunch ofretards looking for the main switch
diana_coman: :D I was thinking mountain_goat all the time
mircea_popescu also never realised before that billymg actually stands for "Billy, Mountain Goat".
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-20 21:17:29 asciilifeform: lobbes: i imagine getting rid of dependopotamus must rock, even more than 'expel the cow and the goat' in the chelem tale. suddenly all the surfaces 2x cleaner, the bag o' benjies 'magically' fuller...
asciilifeform: lobbes: i imagine getting rid of dependopotamus must rock, even more than 'expel the cow and the goat' in the chelem tale. suddenly all the surfaces 2x cleaner, the bag o' benjies 'magically' fuller...
snsabot: Logged on 2019-06-30 02:02:16 asciilifeform: i suspect it aint the one he has, fwiw, but rather the one in that jewish tale where rabbi tells man 'bring into your house the cow, goat, sheep, then chase'em out sometimes and rejoice in their absence'
BingoBoingo: Along the way carrier based Joint Strike fighter F-18E/F "Fat Hornet" was ready in time to face goat herds in 2001 and cripple Iraq in 2003
a111: Logged on 2019-07-16 13:33 asciilifeform: ip-over-dead-goat doesn't cut it, people have tried
asciilifeform: ip-over-dead-goat doesn't cut it, people have tried ☟︎
asciilifeform: i suspect it aint the one he has, fwiw, but rather the one in that jewish tale where rabbi tells man 'bring into your house the cow, goat, sheep, then chase'em out sometimes and rejoice in their absence'
mp_en_viaje: e this fixed idiocy in the world, you're no longer an unwashed urchin because the goat was the unwashed urchin and the goat was killed therefore you're now clean and respectable.
mp_en_viaje: "legal" proceedings in the reich are strictly indistinguishable from the ancient practice of playing with the scape goat. first you feed it. then you put ribbons in its hair. then you kill it and pretend lik
a111: Logged on 2017-12-05 17:15 asciilifeform: and 'Ian Clarke is the founder and coordinator of the Freenet Project...' << single-handed judas goat and jailer of who knows how many idjits who thought they were 'communicating seekoorely'
mp_en_viaje: but anyway, you can't crown yourself king in places that aren't kingdom. the only thing you can crown yourself, or be crowned for that matter, in new zealand is scapegoat. which isn't the sort of crowning anyone who's not actually a biological goat is interested in.
asciilifeform: spin the goat!
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, yes, well, electing a goat to drive bus ain't gonna get any busses driven.
mp_en_viaje: i want my goat milk kefir ;/
mircea_popescu: so far, the theory here articulates "1. the incest porn can't be odepian-fueled because 2. the only possible perception of his own mother is as a lesser teenage goat which 3. he can't be bothered with the better ones, why the fuck would he be interested in the lesser ones not to mention 4. if he actually was in the slightest interested, us suburban life would likely consist of the boys gangbanging the wives after schoo, "thur
mircea_popescu: why not painted goat.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> shinohai: there's maybe half a mil of these on whole continent, and nobody's building any moar of'em << My hometown has large swaths of brick single family homes built to house workers for now defunct "my pet goat" condensed milk plant.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: didja reply 'perfect, you look exactly like goat
mircea_popescu: u look like a goat fucker."
mircea_popescu: and the thing that truly gets my goat, is that all this inane "simplicity -- computers have to do the work for people" reinterpreted as "computers have to do the work to compensate for utterly destructured psychogenic noise -- and you have to write the assurance software for the software they run" was only pushed in the first place so "accessible" because then "more people get involved". forgetting all the while that the "peo
asciilifeform: i dunno that goat and not boar. iirc danielpbarron used to have moar courage.
mircea_popescu: eh, there's infinitely better things to sad over, than the idle contemplation of the intricacies of "why this goat is not boar".
mircea_popescu: hopefully riding a trained goat!
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, that sounds close to "and then goat ate the wolf"
mircea_popescu: diana_coman seems the reasonable available goat-and-cabbage pacifier
mircea_popescu: hey, "why didn't you see the goat" is in the end a boundless question, "i just fucking didn't. i don';t know why, obviously it's there, but i did not see it"
asciilifeform: not to mention that even 'soldier' noad, is not actually cheap, costs like horse not like goat. ( considering that you want ssd, something like a respectable net pipe, uninterrupted current, distance from mordor, if available, etc )
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-24#1865590 << one time, a moron/filipina/african/whatever got $500 together, and in preference of buying indoor plumbing, or a gf/goat/whatever, bought miami ticket. once there, discovered it sucks terribly. first impulse was to leave a very scathingly honest review on miami.yelp ; but in the 18 minutes the page took to load (hurray for "modern" ux2.0 pid eins!) they changed their mind, left ver ☝︎
asciilifeform: ohnoez! folx gettin' passports without having ever fucked a goat in the name of prophet!
asciilifeform: the hilarity is that the 'terrorists' ( goat-flavoured orcs ) have 0 prob with the idjicy, they have their hawala
a111: Logged on 2018-06-18 21:03 asciilifeform: i.e. 'hi i am goat and i expect this to work just like all goat pens i've sat in'
a111: Logged on 2015-01-21 01:37 mircea_popescu: very common problem people have on the internet, the "everyone is as stupid as me / everyone's a goat the same gender and age as me" issue.
asciilifeform: the end of that road loox something like BingoBoingostan, where if you want to get something other than pile of goat shit or a 'samsung' lcd tv, gotta smuggle it past the border in anal pouches
a111: Logged on 2015-01-21 01:37 mircea_popescu: very common problem people have on the internet, the "everyone is as stupid as me / everyone's a goat the same gender and age as me" issue.
asciilifeform: i.e. 'hi i am goat and i expect this to work just like all goat pens i've sat in' ☟︎
asciilifeform: that, or goat fucking, but it aint as if city bois had access to goats
mircea_popescu: this "ima write poems in chuchka because russian too hard to learn" sorta bs really gets my goat.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: naaa, moar like 'if you win and poor after 10y, we sell you into afghan goat slavery'
BingoBoingo: Sleep in the hills with blanket, kalash, and a local goat-girl
mircea_popescu: "usg sucks" "i don't like how you used the word suck" | "usg is dumb" "i don't approve of the usage of verbs" | "the goat is dead" "i don't like the syllable count and this has nothing to do with my suspicion the goat may be a veiled reference to usg".
a111: Logged on 2018-05-22 20:59 mircea_popescu: well, do you then see how this is the only available blade of "fiat corrupts" for the empire ? dull and small as it is, it's their mangy goat, one and only.
mircea_popescu: well, do you then see how this is the only available blade of "fiat corrupts" for the empire ? dull and small as it is, it's their mangy goat, one and only. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2013-12-22 18:53 asciilifeform: 'you fuck one goat...'
a111: Logged on 2012-09-06 19:10 Chaang-Noi: im a goat mother fuckers!
a111: Logged on 2014-05-25 21:19 mircea_popescu: Goat owe me 3740.35 BTC. This is a serious scam and he is playing rich with MY money. 2012 I invested a lot in his Tygrr-bot. I thought it sounded like a cool arbitrage bot. It was hard to go profit and a lesser amount was lost to exchange failure.
asciilifeform: ah if goat retirement, then sure
mircea_popescu: understand that when you opt ot make "small donations" as a palliative measure to reconcile the goat and the cabbage you're not using the tool. this is orcism, "i don't know how to work vacuum cleanner but did some fingerbanging of the dust ad interim"
mircea_popescu: no, duck is basically goat. gamier.
hanbot: i prefer the goat at the top of the hill here. technically he lives at a bus stop, but it's a few acres of grassy knolls, peppered with impromptu climbing/jumping obstacles set up by someone with a lotta scrap parts and a blowtorch
BingoBoingo: There was a Goat bitcoin in-vest thing in 2012, and then there was a Goat litecoin in-vest thing 2013-2015. And kinda just lost track of the lulzmine
spool: lol, ive seen signs going up for goat lawncare this year
BingoBoingo: Automating the virgin goat pipe threader would be a good application for that Rockchip board
mircea_popescu: "o wow, new goat! holy moly billy bob, this one's a virgin!"
BingoBoingo: Actually probably easier to get a goat costume for the threader
BingoBoingo: Yeah what you gotta to is put a pipe threader in his goat's asshole
mircea_popescu: dude thinks pantsuit is right ; hates the fact that i exist, and the way i tend to rub pantsuit nose in the necessary pantsuit failure / gloat at the success of my rape & "sociopathy" campaign REALLY gets his goat.
asciilifeform: the french had fucked their goat long before this checkmate tho
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> what i was thinking of, is sorta like the diff b/w usa motorcyclist and orc : the ameritard buys 'harley' on credit, because he saw some movies once; the orc has old zundapp simply because that's all the petrol he can afford , and all the parking that's to be had in his goat shed << Nah, they do not ride zundapps. They ride a lot of Yumbos and other chinese imports.
asciilifeform: what i was thinking of, is sorta like the diff b/w usa motorcyclist and orc : the ameritard buys 'harley' on credit, because he saw some movies once; the orc has old zundapp simply because that's all the petrol he can afford , and all the parking that's to be had in his goat shed
mircea_popescu: there's also an interesting property, whereby every domestic also has its parasite (obviously). cow has tb. goat has scabies. on it goes. chicken -- salmonella.
BingoBoingo: Only certain thing is that noone wants to be a goat at scaping time.
mircea_popescu: see, cuz goat imagines everyone's a goat, and what, ro is a small enough country that x and y would know each other
a111: Logged on 2017-12-13 23:16 mircea_popescu: the fundamental problem of eg, india, where everyone aborts girls because they don't want to pay for their raising to the level where they can be married ~because the trade value of the she-cow is NOT ENOUGH~ is really the fundamental problem of humanity : yes the cost of living went up, but the price of a head of cattle, or a goat, OR A WOMAN as such didn't go up. it went down. it's much cheaper to buy an ox now, either in s
mircea_popescu: the fundamental problem of eg, india, where everyone aborts girls because they don't want to pay for their raising to the level where they can be married ~because the trade value of the she-cow is NOT ENOUGH~ is really the fundamental problem of humanity : yes the cost of living went up, but the price of a head of cattle, or a goat, OR A WOMAN as such didn't go up. it went down. it's much cheaper to buy an ox now, either in s ☟︎
asciilifeform: and 'Ian Clarke is the founder and coordinator of the Freenet Project...' << single-handed judas goat and jailer of who knows how many idjits who thought they were 'communicating seekoorely' ☟︎
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> hey BingoBoingo wtf is a 'testosterona' ? boiled goat balls, straight from 1950s quackeries ? << direct translation of testosterone. Probably what's being marketed is a depot formulation of testosterone attached to a long chain esther
asciilifeform: hey BingoBoingo wtf is a 'testosterona' ? boiled goat balls, straight from 1950s quackeries ?
hubud: He's a goat farmer
asciilifeform: in quite other vintage lulz, http://www.ominous-valve.com/xerf.html >> 'The United States lost this war, after Brinkley veered off into Nazi politics. He became a Hitler sympathizer, dropping the good-doctor act for a different kind of mass psychology... ...The US government had put up with goat glands, but those didn't sabotage FDR's efforts to swing pre-war, public opinion over to the Allies. This was way more serious stuff. It did
shinohai: "I am disappoint Mom, took this out to pasture and it did not fuck goat"
midnightmagic: "goat". doh. Okay. I wonder if that's Chaang-Noi. What the heck is he doing with the SKS keyset..
asciilifeform: midnightmagic: i do indeed have a 5G dump, mailed in by somebody with handle of 'goat', on oct 20 2013. it was among the first items fed into phuctor.
shinohai: *05:48:42 <-- mac_____ (rm@goat.sex) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
asciilifeform: trinque: nah, that's ogun badagris answering an out-of-spec goat sacrifice
asciilifeform: there was goat or somesuch
mircea_popescu: iirc this baby's been pregnant for long enough to make a goat by now.
asciilifeform: high-end judas goat.
mircea_popescu: he could believe orcas fly through the (1900s version of) ethereum at the behest of a burning goat's skull ; for as long as this strange array of notions doesn't get in the way of his daily life it's called subclinical.
asciilifeform: turns out goats really do think 'hey, it moves, has legs, IS ANOTHER GOAT'
mircea_popescu: THIS is what your money's fucking buying omfg, "i live in the country so i can spend 80k a year on renting a cardboard box and have nice coasters which are worse than a fucking pile of dried goat shit"
asciilifeform: goat will go to the soup pot still thinking of man as simply a vertical goat, 'and if the cards had fallen differently, it'd be him under the knife' etc
mircea_popescu: and that time man walked into goat herd, picked fattest kid, slit his throat and splashed everyone in blood was you know "never proven to have happened" hurr durr.
mircea_popescu: anyway. goat finds it very easy to not think about the gun in the drawer in the house it's not allowed to go into. and so comes to conclusion man is ~goat.
mircea_popescu: it's perfectly fine if half children's and if still poledancin' hos then girls' too calories come from meat. but this comes to what, 20-30k a week for a young woman with three children, ie about 6kgs ? that's a goat not a cow.
mircea_popescu just got through making goat buttermilkj marinade for cow tongue for girl's barbecue tues. pray for me that it works, because a) they never had cow tongue and b) they never saw diary marinade and generally c) pretty suspicious side glances all around.
mike_c: it's less than a goat!
mike_c: my goat order is still pending. somebody wake up the intern at snsa that fills orders ;)
mircea_popescu: hanbot heh. i expect it's deeper than that, though. dork is romanian, and that country had a ~50 year period of enforced equality-through-poverty the likes of which the us can only dream of. this has the side benefit of every kid expecting every other kid be you know, a goat of ~same size. maybe this other guy has a slightly newer car, that's the accepteable limit of it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform oslo to ulaan-batoor, bus to goat-town, 3rd on left.
mircea_popescu: he couldn't, eg, have been a syrian geodesic engineer. or a lebanese partizan. or a central asian goat herd.
mircea_popescu: so let there be a lot of goat-headed new jews, what.
mircea_popescu is all for an organised effort of "their own community" forced goat prostitution. why exactly is hillary clinton not naked in the barn atm ?
a111: Logged on 2017-06-03 02:47 asciilifeform: in such a way as to judas goat the authors of said code to rewrite it such that it DEMANDS the new 'improved' compiler.