700+ entries in 0.315s
ascii_field: https://blockchain.info/address/14QPeQ2UZaMw9khqQeisVNT54j6A3U5KfE << l0l, it's still full
asciilifeform: i'll laugh to death if it's from 'blockchain.info' or the like
assbot: Logged on 16-06-2015 13:38:28; jurov: https://blockchain.info/address/1CoinBr662GWdiqVz8mXJUnYjWZbBchKAb lol the "public note" (and no, CoinBr will not double your coins)
jurov: https://blockchain.info/address/1CoinBr662GWdiqVz8mXJUnYjWZbBchKAb lol the "public note" (and no, CoinBr will not double your coins) ☟︎
shinohai: welp blockchain.info is back up
shinohai: lol blockchain.info (0 connections)
assbot: Logged on 30-05-2015 00:20:52; cazalla: check it out, some people are stress testing the network to make the argument for a blocksize increase https://blockchain.info/new-transactions
cazalla: check it out, some people are stress testing the network to make the argument for a blocksize increase https://blockchain.info/new-transactions ☟︎
cazalla: kakobrekla, should work now, https://blockchain.info/address/17owg8RWb73qfE5HeQk6gg6RAgEUfxPXks is the address anyway
mircea_popescu: williamdunne a lot of posturing originally, also the famous incident of using his blockchain.info credentials to spy on random people.
ascii_field: jurov: nope. ( https://blockchain.info/address/1LBimqMN5ftYgfQthcrBpqPDpC4H3c2w7o )
mircea_popescu: copypaste https://blockchain.info/tx/eea8640039c6eeb7ee7d3b109f540eb1c1283202526952381ba2ace420e11906
pete_dushenski: https://blockchain.info/charts/avg-block-size?timespan=2year&showDataPoints=false&daysAverageString=1&show_header=true&scale=0&address= << call it a doubling-and-a-half of block size over the last two years.
Adlai: then made a great public show of returning them to blockchain.info's creditors
Adlai: tl;dr: 'johoe' who took >250 coins from blockchain.info users by looking for predictable r-values
gribble: blockchain.info is up
mircea_popescu: ;;isup blockchain.info
mircea_popescu: and blockchain.info is also not coming up for me
assbot: Logged on 08-04-2015 19:36:57; fluffypony: "Investors who want to apply, please make a deposit to 12imkbv4SzUJ3tdWT9j2yfuGirrsHoMDso or click the link below https://blockchain.info/qr?data=12imkbv4SzUJ3tdWT9j2yfuGirrsHoMDso&size=400"
fluffypony: "Investors who want to apply, please make a deposit to 12imkbv4SzUJ3tdWT9j2yfuGirrsHoMDso or click the link below https://blockchain.info/qr?data=12imkbv4SzUJ3tdWT9j2yfuGirrsHoMDso&size=400" ☟︎
trinque: https://blockchain.info/address/1gtQEh8TVk6Pie2Ba6yYoSokaUvDdKpLT << it went out
ascii_field: i though the 'jar' was just a turd that loads from blockchain.info
PeterL: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-03-2015#1064867 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-03-2015#1064869 << somewhere I have an excel function that does this, grabs balance from blockchain.info or some such website ☝︎☝︎
nubbins`: https://blockchain.info/address/1F3fzDm5yM5dsPmP9andV2UJgSvrsLHXXm
Adlai: blockchain.info pander to idiots by misrepresenting this as taint(address1,address2) = percentage
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/address/1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9 << gotta say, nice of all teh peeps sending donations
trinque: mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/address/14zzR9FfAZFEUxPAGrFoDAQDhEeiEpYtG5
mircea_popescu: cazalla https://blockchain.info/address/1Ps2m56aEudGVKj7ch8mAje4x6bBzGVNgU << the 48k looks more like 1000ish actually there in the past week ?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-03-2015#1041571 << https://blockchain.info/address/16crkmdoaK6Tq8NP3FVK7Uxq5Dwdicb3c3 ☝︎
danielpbarron: the most recent one was this guy: https://blockchain.info/blocks/
kyuupichan: Perhaps site needs an alarm where e.g. it's compared vs blockchain.info or blockr.io?
trinque: https://blockchain.info/address/1BkCTj36DMdcF8TVa1by9zfwdcMFm3VAES << note the unconfirmed txn
trinque: mircea_popescu: hello there. https://blockchain.info/address/1BkCTj36DMdcF8TVa1by9zfwdcMFm3VAES
trinque: https://blockchain.info/address/1BkCTj36DMdcF8TVa1by9zfwdcMFm3VAES << deedin'
danielpbarron: https://blockchain.info/blocks/Bitcoin%20Affiliate%20Network << this miner is using the new version
BingoBoingo: https://blockchain.info/charts/avg-block-size?timespan=all&showDataPoints=false&daysAverageString=1&show_header=true&scale=0&address=
mod6: for this tx: https://blockchain.info/tx/2c2314f353013f920d8fbfde242d7d23ba4cb9b97dc24f481dd0ccfd8f56324c?show_adv=true
danielpbarron: also from that article: "The nodes that really matter are the ones that provide valuable services. It doesn't matter if you upgrade. What matters is if Coinbase, BitStamp, and Blockchain.info upgrade."
trinque: I guess I could just ask blockchain.info for the confirmations in the meantime
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/address/18YKtNeAy43kFVBzynHeusiaiiAa8pCZFP << sole txn lol.
mthreat: cazalla: Here it is: https://blockchain.info/tx/4cb1574e6bbb5f5d39b00a8791d82e11a6dc32600a02f80266f94268ee518a0d
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/address/16crkmdoaK6Tq8NP3FVK7Uxq5Dwdicb3c3
gribble: blockchain.info is up
mircea_popescu: ;;isup blockchain.info
davout: TheNewDeal: blockchain.info failed miserably at detecting them for a while, don't know if that's changed since, but afaik it's perfectly standard, and nodes will relay them
mircea_popescu: mats: its hilarious that anyone wanted to pay so much as 1mn for blockchain.info << you are thinking money as in, someone earned / saved these. that's not what's happening there : they're spending money that was simply created by yellen / conjured up by accounting fraud / etc.
mats: its hilarious that anyone wanted to pay so much as 1mn for blockchain.info
punkman: coderwill, so you work at blockchain.info?
fluffypony: oh noez, blockchain.info was down, now bitcointalk is down, err'one panic
mircea_popescu: lol you just social engineered blockchain.info ?
assbot: The problem of digital identity, or how to circumvent Blockchain.info 2FA and e-mail authorisation | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1AQ4s3N )
mircea_popescu: TomServo: https://blockchain.info/charts/balance?address=36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2 << that the ethereum "investment" address ?
TomServo: https://blockchain.info/charts/balance?address=36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2
adlai: so being a little anal retentive here... http://bitbet.us/bet/1093 is really just asking "does blockchain.info switch to gigacoin"
cazalla: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=919414.msg10104284#msg10104284 180 coins.. gone, kept his blockchain.info passwords etc in gmail by looks of it
thestringpuller: how do you resolve? blockchain.info I personally wouldn't trust as a resolution source
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/address/1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9 << lol check it out, teh foundation's slowly trickling in donations.
assbot: Broadcast Transaction - Blockchain.info ... ( http://bit.ly/1s6D7Mt )
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: https://blockchain.info/pushtx
BingoBoingo: Does anyone know if https://blockchain.info/address/1JoktQJhCzuCQkt3GnQ8Xddcq4mUgNyXEa is the Bitstamp cold address?
cazalla: nfi any of this true but rumoured bitcoin theft address, nice 1 btc fee too https://blockchain.info/tx/07a78d55fc17a2809e031116e71ac63faa6c2ea9e29480b4fa59031683b506b8
assbot: Those derps… RT /BryceWeiner: /blockchain.info published private keys. http://t.co/B6tmulgmyY
assbot: Those derps… RT /BryceWeiner: /blockchain.info published private keys. http://t.co/B6tmulgmyY
BingoBoingo: Silk Road auction payout? https://blockchain.info/address/1E9QDjSzUMuYdy4vePXxZhmkGeopkm1VfZ
assbot: blockchainwallet comments on VICTIM: 100 Bitcoins STOLEN from blockchain.info Wallet during the Security Leak 12/7/2014 ... ( http://bit.ly/1yJ6iGk )
assbot: buddhamangler comments on Blockchain.info Security Disclosure ... ( http://bit.ly/1yJ4KMp )
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, the derps derped about their webwallets on blockchain.info being safe. In the end it was blockchain.info that fucked them.
assbot: Blockchain.info Security Disclosure | Blockchain Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1G7jiHS )
assbot: fluffyponyza comments on Blockchain.info becomes the second website (after Facebook) to have been issued an HTTPS certificate by DigiCert for their .onion address. ... ( http://bit.ly/1pXLZTI )
mircea_popescu: "In investigating these claims, BitBeat viewed a bitcoin address at Blockchain.info that was cryptographically proven to belong to GAW and in which almost 28,000 bitcoins"
assbot: Blockchain.info wallet robbed : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1vnjNJ9 )
babbys_first_bit: is blockchain.info the only online wallet where the website owners can't just run off with my coins
mircea_popescu: in other news, the chan4chan webiste donation address ? https://blockchain.info/address/1KaHdHYgYUDUYuMYCXLu83gXuniZMiSMhb
Vexual: https://blockchain.info/address/1EyeKB2BoV6btP3Nhzoqf2dVUpBNdRsd1e
ben_vulpes: https://blockchain.info/tx/325613a4b0882570b4265f879ea0eec1130986ba3cdb49c2dc2e2ab977175f55
nubbins`: say, a blockchain.info employee
nubbins`: https://blockchain.info/tx/233caa80975f203b65927c705e5fa2876354ab6ddb8c4f684ca76ebeab44ab71
joecool: oh cool it hooks into blockchain.info now, very nice
mircea_popescu: punkman https://blockchain.info/address/1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny << seem you got the url, and also check it out, regularly spent!
cazalla: https://blockchain.info/address/148MpUsfJvgv5xGWvVqKLeVuuvy3pN8QGg one of the guy's alleged addresses
BingoBoingo: https://blockchain.info/tx-index/3c32fb3a29c078a81c40b6d88865e87bd80229a03c75b4c51fc784c79f64e117 PC1 is closed
assbot: 2000 Coinbase Accounts Phished Via Blockchain.info Public Notes | Qntra.net
ben_vulpes: https://blockchain.info/address/1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9
ben_vulpes: https://blockchain.info/address/1D4kG2YPA6WHnkVs57VJXsRkpEF2TNB6zP
asciilifeform: https://blockchain.info/address/1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9 << mega-lol.
nubbins`: https://blockchain.info/address/149LB8VYaT1BdMLyQUL92Kj6KrJfNwcp64
nubbins`: next, that address is funded: https://blockchain.info/address/14GVvUrtrNvszwKEr9Qnqevmuy3RNHA3yF
punkman: nobody wants to mine this deed tx https://blockchain.info/tx/6968268ccd854ca4c3caccab830341ccbc11ce629a7c2462a89103c3e98221c7
punkman: success! https://blockchain.info/tx/aaa9c986ae676a6970eb180fe38368bca16b143cd0ca74821893d08b7e5b664e
nubbins`: https://blockchain.info/block-index/314817
ben_vulpes: 252448 is 243.23046875 KB according to blockchain.info
assbot: Bitcoin Address Tags - Blockchain.info
punkman: if anyone has a clue about bc.info tags, let me know why it hasn't verified https://blockchain.info/tags?filter=16
nubbins`: https://blockchain.info/tx/08da464bf2037d36f7e4ac68f5fa9bc1dfc9c4cc707d446caaf5b51dcd6b87e4 if anyone is interested
cazalla: https://blockchain.info/block/00000000000000001139b5d2073c74267dc905feeac7a23cf537d25e66961182 is that largest block size ever?
punkman: also interesting is the address for 0x00, you can sent money to it but you can't spend it https://blockchain.info/address/1FYMZEHnszCHKTBdFZ2DLrUuk3dGwYKQxh
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/address/171BanmCMde84Zr28Z4EsCzXw4nGZdfPaG << output still unspent, btw.
PinkPosixPXE: 12:51 <+Adlai> why does the damn thing say "blockchain.info" though >_< << It says "Verify Balance at" (on top) then "Blockchain.info" at the bottom, for idiots I suppose.
Adlai: why does the damn thing say "blockchain.info" though >_<
ben_vulpes: mike_c: watch wallets on blockchain.info