1000+ entries in 0.472s
Neil: blockchain.info fucked again
davout: anyone else receiving fake wallet backups from blockchain.info?
Neil: The last 2 weeks are the first time in a long time at least 50% of the time I open blockchain.info it shows a block over 1hr old.
BingoBoingo: Like Blockchain.info when from being useful, cultured manure to straight up salmonella liquishits
BingoBoingo: So blockchain.info started looking really sickly really fast.
dexX7: at least that's what is shown, if you log into a blockchain.info wallet
ThickAsThieves: i see bitstamp isnt invited to the blockchain.info hot to buy page
nubbins`: https://blockchain.info/wallet/how-to-get-bitcoins
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/address/1PQgp6UkeeqGvU6TSseYs2nR28xQmfkFQN
Neil: https://blockchain.info/tx/b94eaf3c16ad7dd35ea3b9e11a70cf9172adf4898c9b4db90761ef4ba327e777
dexX7: quick, get a blockchain.info tag
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/address/1JuSXqRgzkHKAKyyXqqiSnPTUcMweGWHEN
Namworld: Apparently someone just used my email to register a My Wallet on blockchain.info... wtf?
bitcoinpete: https://blockchain.info/tx/4ee89f7cf824a85ad5f11d52604ffdebe9f01302bcea8ddec0af450f9185ddf1
kakobrekla: >Safello announces a $600k investment round lead by prominent Bitcoin advocates Erik Voorhees and Roger Ver joined by Blockchain.info CEO Nicolas Cary and angel investors Victor & Victor. The Sweden based company also launches a complete redesign of their website to gear up for their European expansion as the safest way into Bitcoin.
kakobrekla: http://blockchain.info/tx/001ef3beb93da31ca03a0643951c594623df5f4fb670536a07614ea7c23053e4 vs http://blockr.io/tx/info/001ef3beb93da31ca03a0643951c594623df5f4fb670536a07614ea7c23053e4 vs http://blockexplorer.com/tx/001ef3beb93da31ca03a0643951c594623df5f4fb670536a07614ea7c23053e4
dexX7: kakobrekla: another orphaned block? https://blockchain.info/block-height/288294 + http://pastebin.com/xLFmbfD0
dexX7: but there was only one block in the network and two on blockchain.info due to the fail, right?
dexX7: there is no orphaned block listed for 288788, but i only have blockchain.info as source
mircea_popescu: (i don't keep much of an eye on blockchain.info since there exists blockr)
mircea_popescu: if a service like blockchain.info goes down (ie, stops listening to the chain) it may end up with the impression a meanwhile discarded block is still valid
kakobrekla: anyway, whatever it is its blockchain.info related, not bitcoin
dexX7: there is this overview for example: https://blockchain.info/block-index/472689/000000000000000020cc76f78a24a6bc1c6d55e5514ee9b900ba08b3f97bc4a6
dexX7: fyi: blockchain.info is broken, https://blockchain.info/block-height/288788 misses 225 transactions (ids: http://pastebin.com/gsa0c3iQ)
ThickAsThieves: blockchain.info bought clarkmoody
Duffer1: https://blockchain.info/address/1BTCorgHwCg6u2YSAWKgS17qUad6kHmtQW
Neil: Or is blockchain.info full of it?
mircea_popescu: http://blockchain.info/charts/market-price << this is lulzy in its looks lol
ThickAsThieves: why is TF's btc addy making weekly payments to people? https://blockchain.info/address/1GLadosEkeAsLReqS3yQ51E1R3wVtbJCDF
ozbot: MemoryDealers.com founder Roger Ver abuses admin access at Blockchain.info
Duffer1: what's the extent of Ver's involvement w/ blockchain.info? is it angel investor only or does he have a more active role?
BingoBoingo: Wait, Roger Ver still has some affiliation with Blockchain.info after his $50 blowup? http://two-bit-idiot.tumblr.com/post/77960201159/roger-ver-denies-any-inappropriate-involvement-with-mt
Duffer1: just imagine if blockchain.info goes down
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/tx/e6d4cfbbc45b5e3cfcfa36613b04a8732c7b4606f5dbbd8af3ba06d8f3899fc2
nubbins`: i abbreviated blockchain.info
ozbot: Joint Statement Regarding MtGox | Blockchain.info Team Blog
ThickAsThieves: http://blog.blockchain.info/2014/02/25/joint-statement/ kraken just happy for the free advertising
ozbot: Joint Statement Regarding the Insolvency of MtGox | Blockchain.info Team Blog
the20year: http://blog.blockchain.info/2014/02/25/joint-statement/
Bugpowder: dignork: all the addresses that had near even splits off of this transaction https://blockchain.info/tx/478ea915aa3a2e54503c43e1c5659722b42a784412423a05394c83a44affb805
dexX7: must be legit - "bitcoin" (not "Bitcoin", well at least sometimes), "Blockchain.info" (not blockchain.info) and round quotation marks.. matches the style used in previous statements ;)
Bugpowderr: and there is a very clear pattern starting here https://blockchain.info/tx/478ea915aa3a2e54503c43e1c5659722b42a784412423a05394c83a44affb805
Duffer1: ya probably fastest to get set up on blockchain.info for a wallet address, then start bitpay kyc account procedures probably takes a while
nubbins`: +1 for blockchain.info
mircea_popescu: if youwant to keep them prolly blockchain.info, or sure, multibit.org
mircea_popescu: go to blockchain.info, you can set one up in like a minute
random_cat: mircea: apparently the operator is looking for "investors" and posted a bitcointalk thread which got picked up by blockchain.info... see https://ro-invest.com/
diametric: pankkake: https://blockchain.info/address/1HKCHx1RFhNHuF3NxLviHdrjNFzJbCTvrC
benkay: this is disappointing: https://blockchain.info/address/13iGD7nu6kXTtPS9DxKhY4gJdgchvdXJFH
mircea_popescu: https://blog.blockchain.info/
Bugpowder: https://blockchain.info/address/1DbD7zFjYSQRiATc8dHxWUWSM9YmQYR9JW
Bugpowder: https://blockchain.info/address/1LNWw6yCxkUmkhArb2Nf2MPw6vG7u5WG7q
mircea_popescu: http://blockchain.info/p2sh << lol. beleeted
mircea_popescu: Safello, which also saw Blockchain.info CEO Nicolas Cary invest, is currently revamping its website, and promises a range of new services in the coming months.
Chris_Sabian_: how about this one: https://blockchain.info/charts/n-transactions-excluding-popular?timespan=all&showDataPoints=false&daysAverageString=1&show_header=true&scale=1&address=
BingoBoingo: Now I just have to see if my withdrawal of most of herbijudlestoids's BTC makes it from Openex to https://blockchain.info/address/1LvCuntsJyFFQsLuJhBXBPokbQa7SAyMr4
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/charts/n-orphaned-blocks?timespan=2year&showDataPoints=false&daysAverageString=1&show_header=true&scale=0&address= kinda large spike in orphaned blocks recently?
ThickAsThieves: Altcoin Having Huge Affect on Bitcoin Hashrate, Transactions Grid to Halt ~ Karpeles -- source: https://blockchain.info/charts/hash-rate
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves was blockchain.info os ?
nubbins`: so it seems the inturnet is really upset about apple pulling blockchain.info from the app store, hey?
antephialtic: mircea_popescu: see this chart (https://blockchain.info/charts/estimated-transaction-volume?showDataPoints=false&timespan=&show_header=true&daysAverageString=7), and try increasing the daysAverageString in the url
ThickAsThieves: "BitcoinJ is widely used across the Bitcoin community; some users include Bitcoin Wallet for Android, MultiBit, Hive, blockchain.info, the biteasy.com block explorer (written in Lisp!), Circle, Neo/Bee (Cypriot payment network), bitpos.me, Bitcoin Touch, BlueMatt's relay network and DNS crawler, academic advanced contracts research and more."
ThickAsThieves: https://blockchain.info/address/1LSLFzSMD1ZDSiNV1bvJm9QNj1EhnC49eg
kakobrekla: well, blockchain.info wallet is client side rite, so that should work too
ThickAsThieves: dude, yknow blockchain.info even has an escrow multi-sig feature thing
gecko_x2: well we used blockchain.info as escrow
ozbot: My Wallet - Be Your Own Bank - Blockchain.info
gecko_x2: https://blockchain.info/wallet/0ad7110b-eb0a-47e6-8281-ad425b966a6d
ThickAsThieves: the new blockchain.info logo looks lame
Neil: https://blockchain.info/block-height/282405 Smallest SHA256 ever? I think that block would pass for 20 trillion difficulty
pankkake: especially since blockchain.info has been behind a few times already
NineBitByte: blockchain.info =/= bitcoin's blockchain
NineBitByte: uh, everything using blockchain.info's API and their wallet site/apps
Vexual: if blockchain.info break, how mych other stuuf breaks?
pankkake: fuck blockchain.info showing me dollars by default
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/tx/b94eaf3c16ad7dd35ea3b9e11a70cf9172adf4898c9b4db90761ef4ba327e777
BingoBoingo: https://blockchain.info/address/1LvCuntsJyFFQsLuJhBXBPokbQa7SAyMr4
Ademan: http://blockchain.info/address/1BzJcj21nQ8q74GR2NPyEnnQDTn2ZibJFc
jurov: http://markets.blockchain.info/ O.O
asciilifeform: it almost certainly fetches from blockchain.info or the like.
asciilifeform: sure. but the idea is, let's say AV firm goes to blockchain.info and says
asciilifeform: who wouldn't love to see the server log for https://blockchain.info/address/1HrMpG9JZ71gzXHPdyo2dwcExhKRGtBjQg# ?
asciilifeform: and, say, blockchain.info might decide to hide it
nubbins`: https://blockchain.info/address/1FFirnLctcZxVx5otnLNZ4dDGUkMBM4vNr
mircea_popescu: the source oif this one seems to be https://blockchain.info/address/151d4rzMhRnyfYUvHrvfADcgKgNdjMmLsd
asciilifeform: anyone notice 'blockchain.info' denominated in usd now?
ThickAsThieves: https://blockchain.info/charts/bitcoin-days-destroyed?timespan=all&showDataPoints=false&daysAverageString=1&show_header=true&scale=0&address=
ThickAsThieves: https://blockchain.info/charts/bitcoin-days-destroyed?timespan=120days
KRS|Gotyawallet: https://blockchain.info/address/1AYtnRppWM7tWQaVLpm7TvcHKrjKxgCRvX%20?
ozbot: Bitcoin Hashrate Distribution - Blockchain.info
ThickAsThieves: https://blockchain.info/pools
dexX7: speaking of bitcoin and outputs.. https://blockchain.info/tx/f0d9df5e1b0312f9b5a61cd3469083c3f2c8945de4dc648f4218ddbd0a2cdfdc?show_adv=true =D (take a look at the output scripts)
asciilifeform: https://blockchain.info/address/1DTiiobTw8LTFwCRoVVCg1gYeBfe4tzyHN
pankkake: https://blockchain.info/address/1scamqWYiVspdfHwpvgwv8ge2GTNQDAWL it werks.
pankkake: no, blockchain.info broken
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/address/1CjPR7Z5ZSyWk6WtXvSFgkptmpoi4UM9BC < this is the incoming address for ghash
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/blocks/GHash.IO
pankkake: I think gribble uses blockchain.info, because when they're broken he's broken
mircea_popescu: anyway, that thread is funny because : http://blockchain.info/address/1HZNsUqQxKVLmfPfCAzLwrnVDzx8CxwxnM
nubbins`: blockchain.info web wallet works just fine on my phone