900+ entries in 0.337s
pankkake: " We use the time of the transaction from http://blockchain.info/ to determine the exact second where the option was created, and then we use the list of mtgox transactions that is available via the http://Bitcoincharts.com/ mtgox historic API to determine both the opening price and the closing price of the option. "
mircea_popescu: for mpif holders : dooglus paid, j.dice mpif investment withdrawn safely, https://blockchain.info/tx/c2236225dc87abbd2babcf99078976fc6b50d6819b41ed786049bbca1cb0a17f
gribble: blockchain.info is up
mircea_popescu: ;;isitdown blockchain.info
benkay: <TheNewDeal> wtf is going on blockchain.info // have they gone evil yet?
TheNewDeal: wtf is going on blockchain.info
mircea_popescu: <mdev> them at the helm that insult and put down everything, from andreas, to blockchain.info, to /r/bitcoin to altcoins, list goes on and on << you know this sounds like cheap copying -assets :D
mdev: I talked to another op in private about it, and lol...that channel is just not good with them at the helm that insult and put down everything, from andreas, to blockchain.info, to /r/bitcoin to altcoins, list goes on and on
mircea_popescu: blockchain.info mixing is a joke. break bitbet mixing.
justusranvier: This isn't even a particularly good tool, and it breakes blockchain.info mixing: http://www.coinjoinsudoku.com/
mike_c: https://blockchain.info/tx/e6a777345ccb5e65ca496a1ef123710f5f17f21d695563be47d1846635cf20d3
only: https://blockchain.info/address/1FfmbHfnpaZjKFvyi1okTjJJusN455paPH
only: https://blockchain.info/address/1F1tAaz5x1HUXrCNLbtMDqcw6o5GNn4xqX
chetty: https://blockchain.info/tx/7ecad9a3e67bebda52c0bdafb53863938b86e30e58eb179aec747903b50baa2d
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/tx/84c505049bb782b490cc3fb7633238082afb2a2ec21bf1ea0596d6cbc2a61c1e largest bit, in may last. when did isntawallet fail again ?
ThickAsThieves: Then, Shared Send was discontinued. Even the old URL for Shared Send (https://blockchain.info/wallet/send-shared) redirects to their SharedCoin page now."
ThickAsThieves: For a while, Shared Send was the only option. Then SharedCoin was introduced and for a while they were both available in the blockchain.info wallet.
assbot: Confirmed: blockchain.info Shared Coin is broken : Bitcoin
pankkake: https://blockchain.info/unspent?active=1nick1RghphWeKG47ZDjpjJQLnjFvwCty&format=html
mircea_popescu: Mats_cd03: mike_c: http://bitbet.us/bet/802/bitcoin-to-drop-under-300-before-june/#b58 i dont see the funds https://blockchain.info/address/17HvePmDqPnKjZ79FrB1yicZPqyxTN4BnR << looking into this.
Naphex: so anyone who tried to use blockchain.info in the last i dunno 5-6 hours
Mats_cd03: mike_c: http://bitbet.us/bet/802/bitcoin-to-drop-under-300-before-june/#b58 i dont see the funds https://blockchain.info/address/17HvePmDqPnKjZ79FrB1yicZPqyxTN4BnR
benkay: blockchain.info
benkay: does blockchain.info provide a testnet endpoint?
poutine: moiety, Well I recently familiarized myself with several aspects of the source code, and have been writing some custom transactions myself, https://blockchain.info/tx/15c2b9bc3b93e0c0a037c5fa8402d0e34e13d3bb0ce7fca65888e5d24e597dcc is a recent one. Just taking an interest in the core functions of the cryptocurrency and the communities surrounding it
Naphex: what is up with BlockChain.info lately
poutine: punkman, Well I redeemed that one, if you click the spent output: https://blockchain.info/tx-index/57230279 and then run the input script through xxd -p -r, you get
poutine: https://blockchain.info/tx-index/57225697/0 <- I made this redeemable multi choice puzzle transaction w/ embedded message yesterday
poutine: Hi I saw this tx on mainnet: https://blockchain.info/tx/2bb7e8720356f79a9005488a529ab12d6f516879b2357224204cb5f2b780fd02
punkman: http://blockchain.info/address/1ChancecoinXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXZELUFD
pankkake: https://blockchain.info/tx/771a80f9c62f971a8dd02fa342f5c1856c8b39a7d5d7feb527489984f651670a
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/tx/eb37287bdebf6b52553f1538e7c46e0ec4f1cd4701d5c17ad9f6047a0fa52814 you mean this ?
fluffypony: we could do "Best Blockchain.info" and give it to assbot
kakobrekla: https://blockchain.info/address/1PJN8Y2iiNEUE9HxAXJuF6AwDps9yENBTi
mircea_popescu: davout https://blockchain.info/tx/1838de8d5b227cdbd6d42170487d82f3ebce42e8969a48749a55ad1474ac13e3
jurov: look here: https://blockchain.info/tx/35fd728c68e583ab4978e32f3fe373dffb800ad97b5b75410a5c0954848eb513
bitcoinpete: jurov dignork i think reusing does work, let's look at this address, which may or may not be mp's bitbet address: https://blockchain.info/address/1K4FswVNus5xJZJ6TYqAzWSy3tXBBFdGnM
Naphex: davout: https://blockchain.info/api/blockchain_wallet_api
fluffypony: it's basically Blockchain.info talking about decentralisation
pankkake: https://blockchain.info/address/1Eck6cgGzEb9N42CFhcsCBQhZQStoJbHRK my tries of spamming for bitbet, 0.04 total. not as bad as I remember
bitcoinpete: Nic Cary , the CEO of Blockchain.info, interviews Fereshteh Forough and Roya Mahboob about the Women's Annex Foundation initiative which helps and supports women through education and technology, starting from Afghanistan. The content providers on the Women's Annex platform are getting paid with the Digital Currency Bitcoin which allow them to finance their expenses and costs easily without facing problems with the banking system an
gribble: Bitcoin Charts / Charts: <http://bitcoincharts.com/charts/>; Bitcoin Market Price (USD) - Blockchain.info: <http://blockchain.info/charts/market-price>; Bitcoinity Markets - Bitcoinity.org: <https://bitcoinity.org/markets>
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/tx/6ea5c6f1a97f382f87523d13ef9f2ef17b828607107efdbba42a80b8a6555356
mircea_popescu: anyone remember https://blockchain.info/address/1HKywxiL4JziqXrzLKhmB6a74ma6kxbSDj btw ?
ThickAsThieves: so, i'm not clear how making thin clients and acting like blockchain.info will make you money
MichalisBTC: The space we are entering with "Blockchain as a Service" is kind of competing with blockchain.info, some features overlap. his advise on that was that indeed we need more of these type of SaaS to help the eco-system...
dexX7: it's pretty much worthless related to verification, e.g. https://blockchain.info/address/1111111111111111111114oLvT2
dexX7: ;;later tell fluffypony re: "Blockchain.info still have to approve tags based on the reference material" -> http://canibuildasitehandlingotherpeoplesmoney.com/b.html
fluffypony: HeySteve: you linked to blockchain.info/ru/tags which is russian
fluffypony: https://blockchain.info/address/1KHfLixa2idRnZXMUfEisBati1vpywaH6E <- MaidScam raised 6240 BTC so far
jurov: blockchain.info's "taint analysis" is very crude implementation of WoT, perhaps?
fluffypony: https://blockchain.info/address/1KHfLixa2idRnZXMUfEisBati1vpywaH6E
fluffypony: ok so then can't you use blockchain.info to push it once it's signed?
fluffypony: dexX7: afaik blockchain.info has rawtx support
fluffypony: HeySteve: looks like it's been refunded: https://blockchain.info/tx/d1fb2e48a5c4ff458e50f425a1f5d9c073cbf59cbaec5fb04bc3cb85511ba23f
dexX7: does anyone know since when blockchain.info is offline?
artifexd: Blockchain.info bought bitcoin.com?
davout: fluffypony: if it comes back it'll be some sort of lightweight version of blockchain.info, the URL would be the actual private key for the wallet
TestingUnoDosTre: here's my tx https://blockchain.info/address/17GnrasopAN9TKFSH88v7f3qEHbY4vkDJ3
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell keonne <dexX7> is the blockchain.info guy here? block w height 296055 throws an exception -> https://blockchain.info/de/block-index/383285/00000000000000004014a2cb13c0760539b9a353c8f4934b878446fbd8ee4932
dexX7: is the blockchain.info guy here? block w height 296055 throws an exception -> https://blockchain.info/de/block-index/383285/00000000000000004014a2cb13c0760539b9a353c8f4934b878446fbd8ee4932
Naphex: anybody from blockchain.info / or with connections to buy some ad space on it?
BingoBoingo: SatoshiJack: Well you don't want to leverage a block explorer too much. I mean how often has Blockchain.info been down this month
SatoshiJack: SJ -- will be taking atc --- been mining like hell to get a little bank going --- working on the backend support for it -- don't have all the function of blockchain.info over @ blockr...
minersdidit: https://blockchain.info/charts/n-transactions?timespan=1year&showDataPoints=false&daysAverageString=1&show_header=true&scale=0&address=
minersdidit: https://blockchain.info/charts/cost-per-transaction
SatoshiJack: I will give you full details in a day or so -- we are going through the code now -- and figuring out what we have tobuild for it --- our big thing is -- how we generate address etc... I need to be able to generate like 1000 or so at a time -- and also to be able to submit transactions similar to how brainwallet.org works with blockchain.info for transaction submits...
BingoBoingo: Is piuk still at Blockchain.info?
keonne: BingoBoingo: I see no reason not to use blockchain.info for day to day spending
keonne: I use blockchain.info wallet to just keep track of the paper wallets
BingoBoingo: keonne: Do you use a blockchain.info wallet yourself?
keonne: benkay: i dont run blockchain.info but I do work there
benkay: keonne: you run blockchain.info?
dexX7: blockchain.info tends to be broken for some time now
artifexd: https://blockchain.info/rawtx/df74678b86bdf78656b92a1fd7da70aa35ecba12847decd684485fb0a79e728c?format=hex
Chris_Sabian: ok. so if im trying to manually push the transcation via https://blockchain.info/pushtx , were is the raw hex then??
artifexd: Or https://blockchain.info/rawtx/df74678b86bdf78656b92a1fd7da70aa35ecba12847decd684485fb0a79e728c
dignork: Chris_Sabian, https://blockchain.info/tx/df74678b86bdf78656b92a1fd7da70aa35ecba12847decd684485fb0a79e728c
mike_c: jurov: it shows the scripts, yeah. https://blockchain.info/tx/df74678b86bdf78656b92a1fd7da70aa35ecba12847decd684485fb0a79e728c?show_adv=true
jurov: blockchain.info shows raw tx in advanced mode, no?
cgcardona_: blockchain.info is pretty good of course. Coinbase has been all kinds of screwy lately.
asciilifeform: https://blockchain.info/tx/b649dbbd792cd03e6a472e53596877a08e41053a6078595ce712c37935445742
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/address/1N2f642sbgCMbNtXFajz9XDACDFnFzdXzV "Final Balance -221.60279421 BTC" >_>
tg2: https://blockchain.info/address/1JfvCK3NAaKdQZCmu4vBjGhqAzxYrePsHg
ozbot: Webwallets Will Always Fail - Fr33aid's wallet robbed, Blockchain.info complicit in 2FA compromise
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/address/1B6NP9eb4RKy9tRrXYCJnNcenZkrt5Q2gb
dexX7: fyi: checked the last 100+ blocks. blockchain.info is in sync
dexX7: well, worst case is probably that you are "behind". coins should never be at risk, especially because blockchain.info is not the holder of coins
dexX7: but i have no idea, how you could see that something is wrong, if you only look at blockchain.info itself
dexX7: until a few minutes ago blockchain.info was more than 6 blocks behind
User__: do you guys trust https://blockchain.info ?
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/orphaned-blocks << did they drop?
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/tx/7f3eadf5ada45c1eff3342eedc5153e1e2b1ec21e391ab8247c756ad4a08472c is unconfirmed vs. 2 conf in reality
dexX7: but blockchain.info is still broken
dexX7: do you use blockchain.info as source?
Neil: blockchain.info borked again
ozbot: Blockchain.info (bIockchain) on Twitter
benkay: you might be able to troll the blockchain.info operators into putting 100B on "we totes have your butts"
blackwhite: it means like http://blockchain.info/
dexX7: hm. but blockchain.info doesn't hold any btcs?