500+ entries in 0.378s
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Out of curiosity could you report what your node does when fed this thing purported to be block 592450 https://blockchain.info/block/000000000000000000129d844f9717256ffde5555b345f987f25339520e76734?format=hex
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, i expect she's just comparing to blockchain.info or w/e other webwallet
a111: Logged on 2019-04-02 11:03 spyked: noob question re bitcoin: is there an expected time for tx propagation to peers' mempools? details: I'm running a fully synced trb node, connected to trusted republican nodes using -addnode. I've sent 2 txen using sendtoaddress ~3hrs ago and none of them are on e.g. blockchain.info so far
spyked: noob question re bitcoin: is there an expected time for tx propagation to peers' mempools? details: I'm running a fully synced trb node, connected to trusted republican nodes using -addnode. I've sent 2 txen using sendtoaddress ~3hrs ago and none of them are on e.g. blockchain.info so far ☟︎
mircea_popescu: Mocky so flush them via whatever, iirc blockchain.info sent correct ammt.
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/address/172Wm6TXmfnUGp9yXPorJrhRZzj4PSqRor << not even enough of a clue to seed his busking hat, the orc.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: These are blockchain.info style things where they market "all the crypto happens in your browser window"
ben_vulpes: wowee, when i reload blockchain.info first it shows one number for how long a block's been advertised and then shortly thereafter, another number indicating they've known about it for longer than they said at first!
ben_vulpes: and eyy, just caught a block before blockchain.info
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/D6quD << blockchain.info . eggog.
shinohai: https://blockchain.info/address/13Do2uy94HMBy1SuAYP7rbGA9s3ZbnJG7f <<< this is clean trb addy, bitpay says "invalid address"
shinohai: blockchain.info on the phork: "To ensure they remain safe while the network is in transition, we will temporarily suspend bitcoin send, request, buy, sell, and exchange functionality roughly 12 to 24 hours before the time of the fork until the network stabilizes. "
a111: Logged on 2017-10-25 13:46 phf: the address that they want payment already had two .055 transactions, so quite possibly people are biting https://blockchain.info/address/12SvNEQq1y2gffUpJCGtwgzjjgDrZVor6L drained into https://blockchain.info/address/1HA7Qe2LCq7mb2YVewpM2PCA1dsjWN3MhE
a111: Logged on 2017-10-25 13:46 phf: the address that they want payment already had two .055 transactions, so quite possibly people are biting https://blockchain.info/address/12SvNEQq1y2gffUpJCGtwgzjjgDrZVor6L drained into https://blockchain.info/address/1HA7Qe2LCq7mb2YVewpM2PCA1dsjWN3MhE
phf: the address that they want payment already had two .055 transactions, so quite possibly people are biting https://blockchain.info/address/12SvNEQq1y2gffUpJCGtwgzjjgDrZVor6L drained into https://blockchain.info/address/1HA7Qe2LCq7mb2YVewpM2PCA1dsjWN3MhE ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: and in other lulz, loads of larger ops (including blockchain.info) are actually behind the chain tip now
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform see, coinbase. bitpay / blockchain.info dun stand a chance.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/08/blockchain-info-huffs-fumes/ << Qntra - Blockchain.info Huffs Fumes
shinohai: Oh ffs .... "blockchain.info to support Ether"
a111: Logged on 2017-07-14 16:47 mircea_popescu: aaand trinque, incidentally, as it just occured to me -- can you get deedbot payments online by the end of the month ? seems somewhat likely usg is gonna turn off its "webwallet" bullshits from blockchain.info down.
shinohai: All signs point to this .... blockchain.info is added as DNS seed for segwit2x in recent commits on shithub
a111: Logged on 2017-07-14 16:47 mircea_popescu: aaand trinque, incidentally, as it just occured to me -- can you get deedbot payments online by the end of the month ? seems somewhat likely usg is gonna turn off its "webwallet" bullshits from blockchain.info down.
mircea_popescu: aaand trinque, incidentally, as it just occured to me -- can you get deedbot payments online by the end of the month ? seems somewhat likely usg is gonna turn off its "webwallet" bullshits from blockchain.info down. ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: (for bonus lulz, compare and contrast with the rogerzus ver blowing up the cover of blockchain.info to try and recoup a half bitcoin or some shit. bassically contemporaneous events, and yet at least headcount reddit still thought ver actually has anything to do with bitcoin.)
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/06/bitcoin-latecomers-try-pumping-blockchain-info-flush-with-fiat-cash/ << Qntra - Bitcoin Latecomers Try Pumping Blockchain.info Flush With Fiat Cash
IamAGirlsoInever: https://blockchain.info/payment_request?address=16au4MEVdqVzXtkpK96YTavkfSuT7iAruS&amount=25&message=So%20I%20can%20has%20some%20bitcoins
shinohai: They are like blockchain.info where the most important "upgrades" are cute animations to the UI
asciilifeform: the heathens think it to be 50 btc : https://blockchain.info/address/16va6NxJrMGe5d2LP6wUzuVnzBBoKQZKom
a111: Logged on 2017-03-03 17:25 asciilifeform: ( https://blockchain.info/tx/5da9e054f81716ff54fefa10fae3c025685faf5170d1b270b3384a3406d781e0 << typical example of tx spamola, in recent few blox. and yes i'd rather link to mimisbrunnr but it does not seem to have linkable tx knob presently. )
asciilifeform: https://blockchain.info/block-height/420000 same version tag for instance.
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/block-index/1472286/00000000000000000204cd2c9840023f1434f3dcdd7f471e4b8c8638d14d7006 << "bitcoin unlimited" block lel
asciilifeform: fwiw the heathens seem to have this same 419373 , https://blockchain.info/block-index/1242663
asciilifeform: ( https://blockchain.info/tx/5da9e054f81716ff54fefa10fae3c025685faf5170d1b270b3384a3406d781e0 << typical example of tx spamola, in recent few blox. and yes i'd rather link to mimisbrunnr but it does not seem to have linkable tx knob presently. ) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i don't really do blockchain.info style "public support". i think i have the stuff somewhere, i'll have to dig for it. basically it's, blk* live on /sda ; blkindex.dat and friends live on /sdb which happens to be a ramdisk.
asciilifeform: e.g., https://blockchain.info/block/000000000000000000f8f669ea6bc02e5a5d8b93a44fb39f1ef6cb355d20c01b
asciilifeform: btw how come i see 'Unable to decode output address' messages at blockchain.info ? i thought they had latest weirdo addr prb system
a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 22:55 ben_vulpes: blockchain.info falling behind?
mircea_popescu: the poor situation of the shambling abomination is the deep reason for repeated humiliations delivered recently to blockchain.info for instance.
mircea_popescu: i'd say blockchain.info broken infrastructure ?
hanbot: test tx via trb using sendtoaddress fails to send diddly squat, meanwhile @ blockchain.info: transaction rejected by our node. Reason:Script resulted in a non-true stack: []
shinohai: weird thing is I see mimi ahead of blockchain.info lots of times
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, check out blockchain.info failing to get its txn included now : http://archive.is/N7xxz
mircea_popescu: don't tell me he had a dispute over who's paying for the two slices of pizza with some other captain of industry and ended up going into the blockchain.info admin interface all over again
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-12#1601941 << this is a useful record in that one can take the list of mimisbrunnr , which exists timestampted in chan, and compare to list of blockchain.info for instance, see what dt is involved. sum it up over 10k blocks or whatever ☝︎
asciilifeform: in other lulz, https://blockchain.info/tx/d38bd67153d774a7dab80a055cb52571aa85f6cac8f35f936c4349ca308e6380
shinohai: blockchain.info website only shows 442709 to me xD
shinohai: ^blockchain.info
ben_vulpes: blockchain.info falling behind? ☟︎
thestringpuller: UK "banned" end to end encryption with Investigory Powers Act of 2016. I think it basically says companies in UK have to put back doors in their shit or they are "non-compliant", thus making end-2-end encryption illegal. Effects Blockchain.info users (who operates in UK). Takes effect 2017...
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/address/1EoXPE6MzT4EnHvk2Ldj64M2ks2EAcZyH4
shinohai: https://blockchain.info/charts/mempool-count <<< quite the mempool spike today
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> https://blockchain.info/tx/2ca768252bf2db0f9631a90275f8a4580f8d1f4b692da571354e12954e7bd462 << nonstandard subsidy txn << motherfuckers.
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/tx/2ca768252bf2db0f9631a90275f8a4580f8d1f4b692da571354e12954e7bd462 << nonstandard subsidy txn
shinohai: https://blockchain.info/tx/07e5bcbb823e2fde467ee451b47d4dba32d4eb76e671e68499bba14346cf858c?show_adv=true <<< Someone dislikes Bahamas in the OP_RETURN graffiti
a111: Logged on 2016-11-20 05:10 pete_dushenski: re: diff jump, largest pool now down to 18%, 2nd place at 17% according to https://blockchain.info/pools. top two pools had ~50% just six months ago when famous bbet tx was 'lost'. competition is heating up within the not-so-monolithic chinese cartel. nothing divides and conquers like btc y'know.
pete_dushenski: re: diff jump, largest pool now down to 18%, 2nd place at 17% according to https://blockchain.info/pools. top two pools had ~50% just six months ago when famous bbet tx was 'lost'. competition is heating up within the not-so-monolithic chinese cartel. nothing divides and conquers like btc y'know. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: Blockchain.info is blaming their recent downtime on a DNS attack against their registrar. << that part is correct ; mitm tried and mostly failed.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2016/10/blockchain-info-is-down-apparently-people-still-had-wallets-there/ << Qntra - Blockchain.info Is Down – Apparently People Still Had Wallets There
mircea_popescu: shinohai so it'd be practical for something like that, you know, all blockchain in memory. no disk seeks, faster. if you run something like blockchain.info (though i doubt they hold it all in ram)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: iirc 'blockchain.info' rejects all high-S.
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/search/a86c3b4efb1be5862dff6740a16cae83a785e78eb8a81b49c6f3337ca8e0b1cc << sees one, not the other.
shinohai: Neither show up on the blockchain.info turd
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, is blockchain.info being mitm'd atm ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523472 << afaik it just imports the blockchain.info version. ☝︎
asciilifeform: https://blockchain.info/address/128VPofnGL1BCZdjgbyf8gRpuAALD3SLJj
shinohai: has anyone checked the rng for the new blockchain.info `wallet`
a111: 619 results for "blockchain.info", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=blockchain.info
shinohai: $s blockchain.info
mircea_popescu: someone shjould ask him what ever happened to those 10 btc he broke blockchain.info to trace
thestringpuller: And links to >> https://blockchain.info/tx/e688df0207f885aa9d4dc61092817cf17334f981c577c16f840b0523216cbb4c
shinohai: https://blockchain.info/tx/d0ec21e1d73d06be76c2b5b1e5ec486085bda8264229046c11b95f66f2eded83?show_adv=true
asciilifeform: https://blockchain.info/tx/cc455ae816e6cdafdb58d54e35d4f46d860047458eacf1c7405dc634631c570d << lulzies
davout: and here goes bitbet: https://blockchain.info/fr/tx/a0f12a33413ec3a38e3ae931068febec133b083d72810fc586a8b1c5f0d7922a
nubbins`: danielpbarron: https://blockchain.info/tx/b6f7f5ce3ab9bddf0bf5c32ec4b01d7ac5a590396ff87ae0a846975cd5303458/
solrodar: https://blockchain.info/tx/b6f7f5ce3ab9bddf0bf5c32ec4b01d7ac5a590396ff87ae0a846975cd5303458
nubbins`: asciilifeform feel free to verify on your own node; blockchain.info may be incorrect
nubbins`: https://blockchain.info/tx/6ad6de39290431f2077c3e972d72e4fae7eb3bf384a966b9bf7f1c0832e6a7c1
nubbins`: ben_vouspes https://blockchain.info/address/1AhQe7VKxvAcnEBbt9mt5iwwxY9LeKbJtR
dooglus: they also think kB is spelled with a capital K. whenever blockchain.info disagrees with another block explorer, it's wrong
pete_dushenski: in other matters of discrepancy vis-a-vis bitbet, https://bitbet.us/bet/1217/bitcoin-main-net-block-size-to-increase-before/#c5748 https://blockchain.info/block-index/1087033/000000000000000006ee25df43ce4b44f6ee4f67032da09bba60001c34437017 http://blockr.io/block/info/401585
assbot: Bitcoin Block Explorer - Blockchain.info ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qr4jiQ )
trinque: https://blockchain.info/address/1BkCTj36DMdcF8TVa1by9zfwdcMFm3VAES
mircea_popescu: check it out - blockchain.info lost google spot.
BingoBoingo: * mircea_popescu recalls the lulzier years in 2011-2012 back when roger ver was actually pretending to be like, a business man, and stuff. << NEver forget $50 Blockchain.info chargeback because Ver's sticky hands were in all the things then
punkman: https://blockchain.info/charts/transaction-fees-usd?showDataPoints=false&timespan=1year&show_header=true&daysAverageString=7&scale=0&address= not bad
punkman: https://blockchain.info/en/charts/hash-rate?timespan=all&showDataPoints=true&daysAverageString=1&show_header=true&scale=0&address=
punkman: https://blockchain.info/block/00000000000000000603cba76274b479a7507ef9585518b06e192f1a6255b5b8 cool mil in this block
jurov: https://blockchain.info/charts/hash-rate hahaha
jurov: https://blockchain.info/charts/hash-rate shows exahash already
assbot: Logged on 12-01-2016 22:24:10; punkman: the main chain of blockhain.info. can be problematic if blockchain.info starts displaying both 1mb and >1mb chains concurrently
punkman: the main chain of blockhain.info. can be problematic if blockchain.info starts displaying both 1mb and >1mb chains concurrently ☟︎
kakobrekla: seems like blockchain.info resolves that bet
BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-01-2016#1365659 << I tried this February 2013 at around $20/Bitcoin with a few IRL contacts. Most gambled everything to nothing, the other one lost theirs to a pnoHe blockchain.info wallet. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/tx/09e82c06cc5fbe3c0f2c2b6a1f575e8ecbb2a92bb493ca3a318525b1eeabe2bd << as you can see the input is mined
jurov: blockchain.info and blockexplorer.com know nothing of d8e60a0979024cce9159bd7b59594eae7dec627db5ac6bd088866afea533b0e9
kakobrekla: https://blockchain.info/address/1EMmmcooTXe64SY5X3FwTC1HU1t32XLWPx
BingoBoingo: Blockchain.info integrated that one from bitinstant at one point
mircea_popescu: point remains : as far as bitcoin is concerned, the thing is as irrelevant as the messages blockchain.info keeps "tagging" transactions with. the people who have no business in bitcoin but for whatever emotional/psychogenic reasons are misrepresented or misrepresenting themselves as involved WILL necessarily find a way out. there's just no way to stay attached if you;'re not attached.
ben_vulpes: https://blockchain.info/tx/58262fa8436e0d35b73e43caef8c6e4d929507a3acb9d44e56b26b48251e30e8 << HODAMN
TheNewDeal: https://blockchain.info/tx/7dbfdd2f32899da5bbe73dbb6e749f98176f8a6ff02027c16e37fac7b3135163