1009 entries in 0.559s
pankkake: they can't use blockchain.info?
dexX7: but saw just that blockchain.info has a mixer included now
dexX7: i know about the blockchain.info note.. i was just wondering about how he phrased the sentence
dexX7: oh look https://blockchain.info/de/address/1GameCdKcrjr8mfDzDQMQX83zaZ1bU8UQP
betsson: and this: https://blockchain.info/address/13NBQBDvF3W3LrTyWiWbeeuVevNQf4KkqT
betsson: this: https://blockchain.info/address/13NA362VWY11VZ9L2QGNv1VEdF2i4oxG1y
pankkake: I know you can do it from the blockchain.info web wallet
ThickAsThieves: https://blockchain.info/address/12sENwECeRSmTeDwyLNqwh47JistZqFmW8 people have taken to begging
jborkl: https://blockchain.info/tx/1c12443203a48f42cdf7b1acee5b4b1c1fedc144cb909a3bf5edbffafb0cd204
dexX7: i remember this guy ... https://blockchain.info/tx/2af75fb4e50a14bf247575bf426615d01f9d6db4d88dc0668d27c88259f68691 and actually send him even a step by step tutorial how he can rebroadcast his tx with a fee :S
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/tx/1c12443203a48f42cdf7b1acee5b4b1c1fedc144cb909a3bf5edbffafb0cd204 195k btc on the move
freeroute: BingoBoingo: they do, but only 2TH atm, see ActM public addy - https://blockchain.info/charts/balance?address=1DJpsvnM7xTnQbWEhLYyCyfxQyxwupEzCa
dub: Nuggie_: if you mean blockchain.info dont use that either (bu the answer is yes)
snackman: Could anyone explain to me why https://blockchain.info/tx/2af75fb4e50a14bf247575bf426615d01f9d6db4d88dc0668d27c88259f68691 shows my transaction, but http://blockexplorer.com/address/13EW8oUL5mzLiBbYpZouNqjNsFhabiSoeX does not?
Nuggie_: this is mine: https://blockchain.info/tx/0fb0db68dc7fa0c098c7e43da95e80795ec810b3b0a2f561ec196a16d54542c8
snackman: I sent http://blockexplorer.com/address/13EW8oUL5mzLiBbYpZouNqjNsFhabiSoeX and this: https://blockchain.info/address/13EW8oUL5mzLiBbYpZouNqjNsFhabiSoeX
snackman: I'm also confused because I see this: http://blockexplorer.com/address/13EW8oUL5mzLiBbYpZouNqjNsFhabiSoeX and this: https://blockchain.info/address/13EW8oUL5mzLiBbYpZouNqjNsFhabiSoeX
snackman: https://blockchain.info/address/13EW8oUL5mzLiBbYpZouNqjNsFhabiSoeX
thestringpuller: https://blockchain.info/charts/miners-operating-profit-margin
pankkake: it's on blockchain.info but not on my node yet
pankkake: https://blockchain.info/tx/e1699b69d9a54c8b256599a3c6e9fac83e9cdf7e482d10d613197ca457302415 my first bitcoin
kleeck: https://blockchain.info/charts/hash-rate
nubbins`: blockchain.info says 47
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/block-index/438406
pankkake: blockchain.info doesn't have your private key. however, they could get their javascript replaced, for those who don't have the browser extension
auto2nr1_: has blockchain.info ever been hacked?
skinnkavaj: Also hiring developers for new blockchain.info server with goal of making it better + LTC support
Namworld: Here's an interesting spam transaction on Silkroad's seized coins address: https://blockchain.info/tx/0e8a3dfd2f734233dd8fceb82a1c0c3a3af0373101dc8f13cf13fb5ff7786f63
jurov: you won't believe what hassle blockchain.info makes of it
jurov: it it's involved (like on blockchain.info), pls male a screenshot
mircea_popescu: o hey, check it out : the c++ experience guy also relays. http://blockchain.info/ip-address/
ozbot: Blockchain.info celebrates 500,000 wallets with free bitcoins : Bitcoin
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/address/1FfmbHfnpaZjKFvyi1okTjJJusN455paPH all those 324 btc tx ... http://www.pachd.com/free-images/technology-images/phone-dial-pad-01.jpg :D
nubbins`: https://blockchain.info/tx/011c3ab10f8fcf815fe19ad1f44be47da372654c861a5b338dcb35aa4d094573
pgp: mod6: Regarding miner profits, Blockchain.info has not updated it's assumption of Watts/GH in a long time. Latest hardware is at around 10 Watts per GH not 650 Watts. Miners are still making plenty...
mod6: i've been thinking about this chart lately: http://blockchain.info/charts/miners-operating-profit-margin << even after the rally, look where it is.
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/address/1FngtAcZsLfK89MNe7TqzyqVtSype8TiVD uh oh silkroad coins on the move
Scrat: https://blockchain.info/block-height/264096
nubbins`: another tab next to "receive money" on your blockchain.info account
nubbins`: http://blockchain.info/tx/db3ed0a71adb085df9ef190c20a4fcf36ef8988bff86eeeccd7ed6328aa3381a
nubbins`: http://blockchain.info/tx/c99eab8a071d91ce60de038c0d6bff8a51d9f566ef977edc91f6bcf091b7c06f
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/tx/c5c6436dc53cd90306e6e9f958af32cde67506888ed012e4d57cd34e6bb5460a 50 btc were paid as "ipo fee"
asciilifeform: https://blockchain.info/address/1F1tAaz5x1HUXrCNLbtMDqcw6o5GNn4xqX
b0n1: https://blockchain.info/address/1t4k5Y4NFFkvEAqBPymW2PDA5pZqiRm11 look at the notes... haha ;)
b0n1: https://blockchain.info/address/1t4k5Y4NFFkvEAqBPymW2PDA5pZqiRm11
VanCleef: blockchain.info down, just had a video pop up of Chris Hansen telling me to take a seat while the fbi arrives
Vexual: blockchain.info throttles their taint analysis to make it seem their mixing service works
pankkake: no, blockchain.info messing up
jurov: https://blockchain.info/tx/6767905591307d8228b99dd22a580eb0e970e2d8a9add28bf2f3046660a1eae8 so bitbet uses patched bitcoin so such dust txs are allowed?
Duffer1: https://blockchain.info/address/17psAW21J4twanAFWmbcd5WdX2pKeX3trm
jurov: same thing verifies on blockchain.info but not in bitcoin-qt
ozbot: Bitcoin Hashrate Distribution - Blockchain.info
dexX7: http://blockchain.info/pools uh oh
nubbins`: feel free to come over to my house whenever you want, i'll let you log in to your blockchain.info account
ThickAsThieves: have a blockchain.info account that has spending money in it
pankkake: this is a relatively new mining address: https://blockchain.info/address/16cv7wyeG6RRqhvJpY21CnsjxuKj2gAoK2
Graet: if blockchain.info had their shit together they would tag more blocks properly not just by "relayed by"
pankkake: https://blockchain.info/tx/e1a7215ee507c69b5bd260306ee8e7f4fe0a1b3d8c23c0e244d2447af263faad "/P2SH/ /ozcoin/stratum/ "
pankkake: and even then, while it's well connected, blockchain.info fails to recognize the transaction origin
zoinky: http://blockchain.info/es/blocks/
pankkake: https://blockchain.info/address/1Nq5CJduAmzxxm2bG9nAPXZUcgi1hRFi5z
kakobrekla: jurov https://blockchain.info/sl/tx/3412bfc49523a669c4e4173a4e5673a65fc68b40f62cb4ff7b057457e0b4adaa
Neil: https://blockchain.info/address/142BHpdq4wey7PC3Cp5QiUoshF19u3yvHN
gecko_x2: http://blockchain.info/charts/hash-rate
mircea_popescu: http://blockchain.info/charts/hash-rate << this fucking graph is mind boggling
gecko_x2: http://blockchain.info/charts/hash-rate
fractal: the 200BTC was returned to this address --> https://blockchain.info/address/12HUyZeNFqk4db2EM7GY5e6homTVTpPd7Z
CheeseDooles: http://blockchain.info/block-index/411338/0000000000000020c334379c4642537b5ab82f4a01e09216b438a55d90733d5e
jborkl: http://blockchain.info/tx/4ed20e0768124bc67dc684d57941be1482ccdaa45dadb64be12afba8c8554537
ThickAsThieves: blockchain.info/wallet/escrow
ThickAsThieves: Is there an altcoin equivalent to blockchain.info?
FeeCoinGiveaway: yo FREE COINS ass https://blockchain.info/address/1BigBitzyouKT2eVYvHbRUNMkCp9bvAvSu
dexX7: more nodes make the network more robust.. i'm not sure how accurate this is, but currently there are only 838 nodes connected which doens't seem very much: https://blockchain.info/nodes-globe?series=onlineNow
pankkake: just look, https://blockchain.info/ 41 minutes without a block
ozbot: Bitcoin Statistics - Blockchain.info
kleeck: http://blockchain.info/stats
kleeck: http://blockchain.info/charts/hash-rate
ThickAsThieves: https://blockchain.info/ticker
dexX7: https://blockchain.info/tx/c7a36aaadf94e010236601a673f9cc6b36ac5cabb1bad7f50a25d75bc41f0f3b
frb: Ukyo: http://blockchain.info/tx/782e5a896d85ac957adec6a2c79a5c15c6337a91010700988374eb685aa4562a
Scrat: even if you factor in the popularity of blockchain.info
mod6: FabianB: hmm, ok. it seems to me that blockchain.info gets off more than blockexplorer.com. but *shrug*
mod6: blockchain.info shows 247614 also... but blockexplorer.com shows: 247524
usagi: Yes blockchain.info is missing a lot of transactions
FabianB: any known issues with blockchain.info today?
Chaang-Noi: anyone ever send some btc then have the client crash, the client after restarting thinks it sent the coins but blockchain.info does not see them? if so what do. thanks
enclosurefrednom: http://blockchain.info/de/address/1Fx3N5iFPDQxUKhhmDJqCMmi3U8Y7gSncx
Namworld: Also gox API and blockchain.info API to convert to other currencies and show addresses balances.
cosmo: matthew_boyd, more like bitpay or blockchain.info
mjrIII: let's go to blockchain.info and see how many just-dice transactions vs s.dice transactions happen
Scrat: ws.blockchain.info. 300 IN A
Scrat: topace: as far as I can tell blockchain.info is using throwaway VPSes as the websocket endpoint
mircea_popescu: "we moved some to cold storage", as in Feb 28 20:45:31 <mircea_popescu>also no, http://blockchain.info/tx-index/57331947/df4d038d7734abe9385ae2d8973d8a6d42e3214489d54e6d53e30e3e0ff31076 is not me being stolen from. even if it was relied via moscow.
ThickAsThieves: http://blockchain.info/address/mz77WBQSpvYAiDFu9sCveYmzYQC5ZQpvq2
ThickAsThieves: https://blockchain.info/address/1KbAD8KU1u6uw6nHSJEYpdZfgQbNbTAkH2
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla http://blockchain.info/address/1Fx3N5iFPDQxUKhhmDJqCMmi3U8Y7gSncx it's in there.
dub: blockchain.info will beep at you when new txns hit an address
mircea_popescu: https://blockchain.info/address/15HpBoo2DqaeJPW28ATzZMNnUTfqZQYA9H
kakobreklaa: only the txes made automagically by the system have blockchain.info note attached to them, such as proposition refunds
Chaang-Noi: https://blockchain.info/address/1MatthewNWrightisaScammer124DNsfX