1225 entries in 0.406s
asciilifeform: decimation: it is in the log (dpaste link to the spew from serial port on boot)
ascii_field: kakobrekla: iirc it is in the log
asciilifeform: decimation: in the log
gabriel_laddel: I'm just leaving this in the logs on the off chance someone decides to play around with it.
asciilifeform: this is all in the logz.
ascii_field: i did, long ago; in the log
pete_dushenski: that it's already in the logs... i dun really give a shit about ag3nt_zer0's hormones !
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i believe it is in the logz
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: i specifically want to see what ends up in the log
decimation: ag3nt_zer0: was already done, look in the logs
gabriel_laddel: phf: Nothing interesting. Twas already covered in the logs...
gabriel_laddel: hrm.. I'll drop something in the logs about forwards compatibility sometime.
mircea_popescu skips the Luke-Jr, vexual etc lines in the logs. not sure why people keep feeding the weird, but anway.
mod6: ok, i had thought that I read somewhere that he said he was gonna let it be until he could examine the fork closer. I never could find it in the log though. Thought maybe I imagined it.
asciilifeform not a big fan of the whole 'mempool' scheme, but has said this before, it's in the logz
asciilifeform: at any rate, down in the log, i point out that it would be absolutely trivial to serve diddled ntp solely to known btc nodess.
ascii_field: funkenstein_: it's in the log
funkenstein_ is loving the discussion of time in the logs
punkman: can't find it in the logs :(
mod6: im looking for the exact txid we hit.. it's somewhere in the log im sure.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field nuts. i tell you ... the load is < .2 and has not peaked above 1 (this is on 8 cpu machine). there is nothing deferred or anthing suspicious in the logs. the eth card is doing fine. two dozen connections, routinely hitting 1mbps. etc.
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: I saw that in the logs earlier. It doesn't really matter - they don't have any other options.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-06-2015#1173030 << ahh, such sweet logs await you in the logs. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: a nm is in the log
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: i see in the logs where you had a node fail to snarf seed from the old irc
mircea_popescu: what's in the log ?
mircea_popescu: was in the log earlier
trinque: ascii_field: right, did you also see (I think I put it in the logs) Apple's move to compile to apps to an intermediate bytecode, which is then transformed to whichever back-end machine code?
thestringpuller: i don't see anything in the logs.
pete_dushenski looks forward to suggestions for "ben+pete's magickal skool for kidz who can mebbe not suck" in the logs
mircea_popescu: this of course is in the logs
mircea_popescu: nubbins` you know i left you a ding in the logs while back, you ever got it ?
asciilifeform: (Apocalyptic may have posted the proof somewhere in the logs already. i can't recall.)
lobbes: thanks for dropping this in the logs, alf: http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/thematic_tutorials/numtheory_rsa.html
mod6: it's in the logs.
gabriel_laddel: copypaste: re: your ddos / anon problems, have you read about wotnet in the logs? \
mod6: how do you know they're subkeys? did I miss this in the log?
mircea_popescu: optimized bubble-like process, was discussed in the logs iirc
BingoBoingo: gabriel_laddel: Did you stumble upon my 11 year plan in the logs yet?
gabriel_laddel: Testing the install process has been impeded by possibly faulty hardware (my testing box reliably kernel panics as of today - idkwtf). I'm stalled until I've new boxen. If someone were willing to set aside a few hours to test the install process, please leave it in the logs. I'll follow up with you via PM.
cazalla: anyway if ya like shanti, her porno is in the logs
mod6: ah, ok. thought /maybe/ i saw that in the log.
mod6: <+jurov> can't we just use namecoin? << yeah, I thought maybe this was addressed in the logs before...
mircea_popescu: tis in the logs!
mircea_popescu: take einstein. he died lieing about his gfs. didja get that bit in the log ?
mircea_popescu: heh. was example earlier in the log about how "police work for them". was re three strikes ballot in ca.
mircea_popescu: this lol was in the log last year.
trinque: as noted earlier in the logs, these days our chief export is bullshit
danielpbarron: it's in the log which you should read
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel: 1. A WoT host has been mentioned a few times in the logs - MP's new hosts << yeah i had sent teh guy an invite. all it takes is for him to actually show up etc.
gabriel_laddel: 1. A WoT host has been mentioned a few times in the logs - MP's new hosts (abusehosting.ru) accept bitcoin. It is probably easier to get them into the WoT than to start a new hosting company, which (understandably) no one wants to do. See also: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-03-2014#565389 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: in other news, noiw im getting shit like Host: H\x92_\x02 in the logs.
ascii_field: l0l sure in the logs. but what of the lusers - none of them actually want to live ?
mircea_popescu: ascii_field in the logs.
trinque: reading asciilifeform's blog and various excellent threads in the logs would be instructive there
gabriel_laddel: Naphex: regarding security - read more. A few links that have turned up in the logs are available at http://gabriel-laddel.github.io/arsttep.html#sec-6-2-3
asciilifeform: in the log, somewhere.
pete_dushenski: perhaps later today i'll stumble across something in the logs or in the news.
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell josh_garza There should be enough information in the past 24 hours in the logs to determine which person with my slave name I am, please pursue legal action over http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/08/29/what-the-fuck-is-a-hashlet/ please unbored me with civil suit. Would love the chance to become a priority creditor with claims upon your whatever.
mircea_popescu: some link in the logs.
trinque: take the example in the logs above, asciilifeform is using an alternate nick while traveling, and it appears someone decided to spoof as him
mircea_popescu: you could just as well hire indonesians to write random shit. there's a bunch of "reviews" sites spamming this crap, there was one even discussed in the logs, made an entry about "the bitbet casino"
ascii_field: build own linux. instructions can be found in the log.
pete_dushenski: williamdunne: it's in the logs
mircea_popescu: actually iirc was even discussed in the log, of all places, somewhat recently.
lobbes: <nubbins'> lobbes guy threatened to do unspecified things to me << O.o Link in the logs? This guy sounds like a full-time scammzor (with the 'miner group buy' scam, et al). Plenty of sustenance in that forum, too
decimation: it's in the logs somewhere. point is, there's a whole cottage industry around trying to 'support' C for missions that matter
Adlai: well at least it's in the logs now, maybe a sportsman lurker will pick this up
mike_c: aw fuck me, i got buterin in the logs? that feels dirty.
pete_dushenski: i didn't see it in the logs, figured it was freshish
mircea_popescu: TomServo you couldn't have missed it in the logs ? we want a bitcoin hosting corp.
trinque: hm, well hardware rev's in the logs
mircea_popescu: heck, i said it in the logs too.
mircea_popescu waits patiently for the vc funded, world changing "start-up" predicated on having read the above lines in the log.
PeterL: btw, I'm a couple days behind in the logs
cazalla: so bitcoin pete quotes rassah and i was going to use it for an article, but the quote is nowhere to be found in the logs
mircea_popescu: but, the discussion is in the logs, you can traverse it by searching. prolly a good start as any :
cazalla: ben_vulpes, ah you mentioned him in the logs so i thought otherwise
trinque: fucks sake, how to use it was in the logs
cazalla: ah nevermind, in the logs..
adlai proposes nothing, just dumps links in the logs
ascii_field: damn it it ought to be in the logs
decimation: I came upon a google+ stat awhile ago in the logs: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-01-2015#987609 ☝︎
airgapped: danielpbarron: nice, mised it in the logs
mircea_popescu goes back to catching up oin the log for the 3rd time today
mircea_popescu: looking in the logs, apparently alf created a new word nao, "portatronic"
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: qntra is the news. We maintain credibility by putting that shit in the log now to link later. 5 months old... still toddling
asciilifeform: (if this was in the log - link to log)
mircea_popescu: i think it was in the logs from last time we did this
mike_c: and just because this should be immortalized in the logs: http://phpsadness.com/
mircea_popescu: the discussion is in the logs on this score.
mircea_popescu: thompson's self-diddling compiler is mentioned in the logs on a ~5 month period
mod6: <+thestringpuller> mod6: ben_vulpes it got past the wedge <+thestringpuller> "blocks" : 164713 << looks to me like you just hit a spot where it was slow, maybe a lot of disconnected blocks. this isn't the "wedge" block we were hitting. tx we had issues with (VerifiySignature) was in block 168,001. It's all in the logs.
thestringpuller: "Something something client asked me to change something on live server something something something in the logs." :)
mod6: its all in the logs and there's a permutation matrix, etc.
thestringpuller: was it the "portatronic" or what not you mentioned earlier (which I found in the logs)
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i don't buy the malicious usg. thing is purely reactive, and only within the logic of itself.
asciilifeform: it's all in the logs.
BingoBoingo: On day the phenomenon is in the logs getting discussed, the next it's the angle used to disect a fraud in the news.
pete_dushenski: twas in the logs