1225 entries in 0.505s
markedathome: I had thought I'd told him I was having bitcoin-qt problems at the time, but can't find it in the logs.
Urushiol: so I read the log. and no, it hasn't really been discussed to death. at least not in the log buffer I have back 3 hours ago.
mircea_popescu: i would imagine they see them in the log or don't care or something tailored to personal taste
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I'm pretty sure I've told him before, but as long as I don't triple dot elipse it should be in the logs
mircea_popescu: anyway, bloctoc : we were talking to you, look in the log.
Kushedout: There is nothing in the logs besides someone asking the same question and you bashing.
pankkake: I tried to find some things to quote, went back in the logs, but they didn't feel funny afterwards
mircea_popescu: and i asked you because you were discussing it in the log earlier.
dexX7: they are in the logs
fractal: jborkl: I asked mircea_popescu this question , in the logs he said he'd like to see proof of a 400Gh unit as well as a 25Gh unit ... i dont have logs tho
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller lol it's in the log
mircea_popescu: mjoiii you know there's a history linked in the login message.
mircea_popescu: someone needs to explain the logic of this.
evoorhees: dub - please explain the logic of a pump and dump in which investors are paid back roughly what they paid at IPO plus 9 months of >20% APR dividends
cads: in any case, the full problem is an interesting problem in the logging literature and in the AI literature - given some collection of possibly contradictory logs, process them into a single, more trustworthy digest log
ThickAsThieves: called OneSpark, with bombs in the logo...
smickles: mircea_popescu: you might be interested in the logs of here starting at 21:26 utc
smickles: and i can't find any useful error in the logs
DeadWeasel: the Woman is yelling at me. Send me Ideas, they stored in the log
mircea_popescu: its in the log above neh ?
midnightmagic: It *sounds* as though you discovered a hole in the logic of the case, in that there's no real way to determine judge and party collusion.
mircea_popescu: ok, i just looked in the logs for today. there is no 404.
smickles: I suppose so. Is it far back in the log?
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining lol actually, i think if i dig in the logs i can find usagi making the exact claim.
mircea_popescu: lemme look in the logs