1225 entries in 0.527s
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski anyway, it's actually been in the logs.
danielpbarron: http://satoshiroundtable.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/escudo-shatoshi-779x1024.png << they even got the dogecoin dog in the logo
jurov: midnightmagic: mircea_popescu: i don't see the bash as place to put mollification statements, they need to be funnier. it's in the log already, just have the url handy at all times
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes et al: happen to remember what block height was at the time 0.5.3 was current? if this is in the log, i have utterly failed to find it
mircea_popescu: well, at least now it's in the logs.
ben_vulpes: anything interesting in the logs today?
mircea_popescu: the stuff one finds in the logs i swear.
mod6: yeah, there was a whole discussion surrounding this entire process. it's in the logs.
mircea_popescu: above in the log
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel: I may have missed it in the logs, but is someone explicitly working on an assbot with gribble functionality or are we going to wait for wotnet / gossipd? << kakobrekla has been, for a while now
gabriel_laddel: I may have missed it in the logs, but is someone explicitly working on an assbot with gribble functionality or are we going to wait for wotnet / gossipd?
mircea_popescu: AaronvanW you're on the right path , at any rate. prolly start your research in the logs
mircea_popescu: iu think it's said in the logs too.
artifexd: mircea_popescu: A << in the logs caused http://trilema.com/2015/artifexd-a-better-ircd-rfc/#comment-111384 to get half eaten, so I reposted it without that line. Hence the double post.
mircea_popescu: not by humans. and it doesn't properly fit allogenic succession definition, but because, like the putative anthropogenic climate change that allegedly is being prevented by that dumb teenager in the snow up in the log, is caused by fucking living things.
pete_dushenski: since there's no ;;later function, you'll note that i left you a msg in the logs
asciilifeform: punkman: [fpga thread] would MIPS be easier than x86? or does the problem lie in connecting the thing to outside world (fast RAM, peripherals, etc) << problem is that you can't make so much as a barrel shifter on any extant fpga without using a closed turd from the vendor - actually, two turds: one in the logic library part itself, other - the synthesis toolchain
assbot: Logged on 03-01-2015 21:52:59; mircea_popescu: davout: who decided, and why, that the contents should be gpg signed ? << oh for cryssakes it was in the log like 20 times.
mircea_popescu: davout: who decided, and why, that the contents should be gpg signed ? << oh for cryssakes it was in the log like 20 times. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: in the log?
ben_vulpes: please, at least, link to the point in the log where you explained how these small transactions are a ddos.
ben_vulpes: it's in the logs somewhere
mircea_popescu: [Namworld] pretty much all. but it'd show in the log for merely asking for the page, anyway
punkman: badon: you should probably watch out for that ddos bot, now that your links are in the logs
mircea_popescu: ^ there's a lot of coin discussion in the logs, including offers to sell stuff etc.
kakobrekla: this will get a bit spammy, but i want to have it in the log, so lets just get it over with.
cazalla: don't go putting my name in the logs lol
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes> dat feel when you start seeing your own lines in the log from today << srsly.
ben_vulpes: dat feel when you start seeing your own lines in the log from today
BingoBoingo: It's in the log, he did a persian penis trick compulsively to quash his boners, and this time it went wrong
davout: not to mention a story that's carved in the logs rock
decimation: heh sorry I'm not there yet in the logs
decimation: really, it traces the general breakdown of social heirarchy expounded in the logs
decimation: those 'blasze.tk' links he put in the logs are ip loggers, probably trying to find more targets
mircea_popescu: but do you know how it dies ? anything in the logs ?
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> anyone else find it mildly interesting that the last 5 chars in deed ID of jurov's signed treasurer's contract are "urovj"? << it's in the logs.
mircea_popescu: PeterL well, it should be obvious in the logs :D!!!
kakobrekla: saifedean what we do si in the logs, what you do is i dunno, tell us
mircea_popescu: somehow the quotes collected together get FUNNIER than they were in the logs. http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=304 << had me laughing out loud.
mircea_popescu: the problem are all the edge cases. did you catch that discussion in the logs, as to what localbitcoins is vulnerable to ?
mircea_popescu: dude no way it';s in the logs.
mircea_popescu: gernika it's in the logs, yeah.
Adlai: mircea_popescu: actually not in the logs, unless anybody paid attention when i brought it up :)
diametric: couldn't find anything easily in the log, whats up with bitbet? ddos?
mircea_popescu: it's in the logs lol. <bounce> trent, the bored math grad hipster
decimation: I can't find it in the logs, you mentioned him months ago
mircea_popescu: i even said in the log, a year or so ago, now it will be bought off a bankruptcy auction
TheNewDeal: going to need a meme for this. It's not in the logs?
mircea_popescu: Adlai this was discussed in the logs :D
TheNewDeal: mkay, I'll tell them it's in the logs https://imgflip.com/i/9iu9z
mircea_popescu: bounce only because people see it in the logs.
mircea_popescu: tis in the logs, i wonder how it's keyed
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal well it;s in the log, but anyway, guy goes "we're doing x with a b c and d". since b worked on x' 5 years ago and x' went nowhere after initial enthusiasm, a reasonable probing.
thestringpuller: i just saw that in the logs
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves you've missed a lot in the logs.
mircea_popescu: decimation not even what i had in mind. i think i ruined someone's life with frege earlier in the logs.
mircea_popescu: fivezerotwo that's in the logs.
mircea_popescu: Adlai this is in the logs. search!
ben_vulpes: <danielpbarron> wah.. i searched for it in the logs and everything :< << good example of the persistent connection's utility.
danielpbarron: wah.. i searched for it in the logs and everything :<
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: for all his sin-sistience, mircea_popescu does miss things in the logs
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: i had actually read that qntra "pending announcement" bit in the logs, though meanwhile forgotten. in my defense, you never mentioned much in the way of terms or wtf you were even alluding to :D
Adlai: the best kinds of misunderstandings are the ones not yet present in the logs
decimation: ah I see his note in the log, thanks for the tip. I wonder what kind of processor they are using
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski: ;;later tell mircea_popescu are you paying the lovely folks over at qntra ? << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-10-2014#865961 whadda ya know, you did miss it in the logs :D ☝︎
pete_dushenski: actually, this raises a question i might've missed in the logs...
mircea_popescu: iirc asciilifeform mentioned some pdf textualizer in the logs ?
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol it's in the logs.
mircea_popescu: it's in the logs
mircea_popescu: MolokoDesk as to your what happens : he becomes a stakeholder. there's a nice little fable re the nsa stash in the logs relating to this.
mircea_popescu: youi're doing this substitutive thinking thing wrong, it's amply discussed in the logs.
thestringpuller: thanks pete hopefully you see this in the log
kakobrekla: if you see assbot then you wont see anything new in the log
mircea_popescu: bwahaha the gems in the log.
nubbins`: it's in the logs!
mircea_popescu: like ten lines up in the log.
kdomanski_: I definitely saw MP speak, but it's not in the logs
mircea_popescu: as to trusted humans, read up on fixing, as a pricing procedure. it's been explained in the logs a year ago, too
pete_dushenski: in the logs, it reads like a fisherman toying with his catch before gutting him
BingoBoingo: As notated in the logs from April - May this year after my scrotum's previous brush with illness and danger, the surprise Hearnia would be a most unwelcome guest.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform according to himself in the log, any ?
mircea_popescu: well now it is, what with being in the logs an' all :D
BingoBoingo: Pretty sure previous discussion on this subject are in the logs
thestringpuller: how are tweets not referenced in the log?
punkman: MolokoDeck: in case you didn't see this in the logs: https://github.com/maraoz/proofofexistence
mircea_popescu: and also, had you asked this on teh blog post, this comment'd have ended up on the blogpost. now it;s on the log. if some guy reads the post six months from now, i'll remember it, but vaguely, and i'll say "it's in the logs". how does that help him ?
mod6: <+kakobrekla> prolly costs more to store this line in the logs. << lol
kakobrekla: prolly costs more to store this line in the logs.
decimation: somewhere in the logs I linked to a modern German who expressed absolute dismay at "german culture" in America
mircea_popescu: also, this is well disputed in the logs. they dont "fall under ny jurisdiction because they were issued in ny". they specifically say they do, because of a previous default.
mircea_popescu: some weird discussion burried in the logs.
HeySteve: dunno if you caught it in the logs, but I'm working on a new kind of gambling
mike_c: in the logs
decimation: the answers (and/or speculation thereof) to these questions can be gleaned from the wisdom in the logs of the channel
mircea_popescu: ahh i'm totally putting these in the logs :
mircea_popescu: it's in the logs :D
mircea_popescu: benkay tumblr, linked earlier IN THE LOGS
mircea_popescu: benkay what's the count ? no way we have 10k lines in the log today
chetty: <asciilifeform> bitcoinpete: this (as discussed in the log) is not a thing in every u.s. uni, but only at the 'ivy' ones (most expensive, direct ladder to the lizardocracy)//trickle down will get there
asciilifeform: bitcoinpete: this (as discussed in the log) is not a thing in every u.s. uni, but only at the 'ivy' ones (most expensive, direct ladder to the lizardocracy)