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mircea_popescu: sag mir wo die Dicken sind!!1
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-11#1625537 entirely. ther'es hordes of chicks who are taught to dick about with "google analytics". there's hordes of dicklets who docker. there's a whole population of people who in 1817 would have been making textiles by hand. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: it's great for otherwise idle dorks to dick about with.
ben_vulpes: no dick sucky, no javascripty
mircea_popescu: understand the problem fairly and well. hojo sanemasa got out of bed, and went to the beach. he could have stayed in bed and pulled on his dick (not! very pointedly not, pulled on concubine's clits and nippes -- that's exactly like showing up for war. if you want an equivallent -- checked his reddit.) what does this fundamental breach entitle him to ?
mrottenkolber: right, I'm a dick
mircea_popescu: holy shit, the imbecile lists FUCKING NAPOLEON among "truth, beauty and seriousness" ? the dude with the white dickpants ? THE CAMPIEST CHARACTER OF ALL HISTORY ?!
mircea_popescu: aha. suddenly they would swallow any dick, just as long as it's not trump.
ben_vulpes: worse than being stomped on, dick at least has somewhere to go relative to tiny feet. NO ESCAPE FROM THE DIAPER
ben_vulpes: don't forget swingin' dick in #trilema
mircea_popescu: hey, i wrote & published two articles today, did a major game design update, planning for infrastructure refurbishment, started a whole new network of agents AND read some inane shit some dickless failawyer published on medium.
BingoBoingo: http://oglaf.com/dickjerky/
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform $idiots here takes values from {set of dorks working for usg thinking dicking around with freenode connectivity does something}
mod6: but heck, what do i know. when it comes down to it, any gun, with live ammo, is better than standing there with your dick in your hands.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes, actually. i saw some harvest an acre of dicks, on their hands and knees.
mircea_popescu: these idiots, they get entirely disrupted by admittedly heavy rains twice a year, they flail about helplessly on tv about it THAT DAY and that's that, that's it, go right back to their regularly scheduled dickholding and netflix.
mircea_popescu: every dick and jane's expectation that "we did it reddit" is the faint echo of, man walked on the moon and generally speaking drove a wedge forcing a reevaluation of the celestial peerage. "as eternal as the nile flood" is no longer equal to "as eternal as the tide".
mircea_popescu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrB9pG10PZ4 << 8. 8 engineers. 8 skd guys. 8 dicks up my ass.
ben_vulpes: http://archive.is/idhye << to quote $wot, "try our reboot, new look, same great mongo, even more dick-holding"
shinohai: I have received 8 DM's on twitter this week containing dick pics, thinking I wish to forward them to models.
mircea_popescu: o ya, major shortage of dick pix at chateau mp, derp's a lifesaver.
mircea_popescu: holy shit, suck a dick once, replay a million times ? every boring housewife's dream come true!
mircea_popescu: (altogether a fine example of ~genuine~ fag aesthetic ; visually as well as eg http://www.buttmagazine.com/magazine/sexreviews/artist-is-compelled-to-suck-jawbreaking-dick-during-random-grindr-hookup-with-cocktease/ )
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel_p you're going the wrong direction. you don't need something MORE abstract to dick around with.
mircea_popescu: consider the fine case of mod6 's vtron since he said something. so he built a vtron, then later we decided didn't like how it works, he put the time in to understand the thing, fix it... all this happened because he made the first one ; and wouldn't have happened if we were just sitting 6months ago holding dicks and discussing it theoretically.
mircea_popescu: but basically is merging with an older "niggers are sex fiends" theme of racist thought. so by now it's "good white guys with small dicks being accountants" vs "evil niggers with clubdicks" sorta nonsense
pete_dushenski: hey, mom could've give dude a lift, cut him some slack that his dick's dry as the sahara.
pete_dushenski: to use a mod6ism, it's slick as a minnow's dick out there.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-17 22:35 trinque: is this precedent for chopped off dick == pardoned ?
trinque: is this precedent for chopped off dick == pardoned ? ☟︎
mod6: warmed up, now its raining and freezing. slicker than a minnow's dick out there.
mircea_popescu: somehow exactly nobody in the idiocratic party stood up at the convention and said "the reason we couldn't get our girl elected is that for 30 years while we had the resources, we squandered them on sucking black dick instead of spending them on whips for the same blacks"
adlai: it's just one example. some knowledge is too specialized to appear in general aggregations; and it's also way too easy to estimate who is germinating which ideologies if you have access to eg which news they read. anyway, i'm supposed to be prepping for my lab tomorrow... this is the fun one, where we dick around measuring boring stuff but end up with ice cream
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-09#1599727 << i'm with her. a woman may be assumed to be cowardly, and a black man may be assumed to be a thief, and an asian guy may be assumed to have a small dick, and if that works for you all the better. but it dun work in general, i don't think, nor in my experience. all children are born cowardly, all modern society tends to encourage it, the few who get out of infantilism aren't very gen ☝︎
oglafbot: http://oglaf.com/dickens/
mircea_popescu kind-of has a hankering to dick around with "ai", but no time to fuck with linux eigenstates.
trinque: also loller at the private evidence; must've been a small dick pic
trinque: unsigned. better to know if you're sticking your dick in crazy tonight.
mircea_popescu: it ~never had a corpse to eat, it sucked its own dick for as long as that lasted.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> do they pump white smoke off the chimney if his dick is on the right side ? << Election by Throckmorton's Sign!
mircea_popescu: do they pump white smoke off the chimney if his dick is on the right side ?
BingoBoingo would say he's confused but doesn't want to invite a dick into his mouth.
mircea_popescu: i honestly don't know anyone (who is someone, i don't mean kids with no money, no power and no value dicking about ; and who isn't actually nsa) is still using the thing.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: where does this tiny jewdick meme originate ? i can't say it, um, measures up with anectodal experience.
mircea_popescu: a munch is generally just dicking around a food court, child safe sort of events.
mircea_popescu: there's no "good at math" anymore than there is "white dicks cunt"
mircea_popescu: either your brain works or doesn't. if it does, you can use it for all brain things, much like either your cunt works or doesn't, and if it does it does for all dicks.
ben_vulpes: relatedly, there are interesting fault lines at work in the left: anti-sex activists masquerading as feminists (see the CoC mentioning "sexualized language") vs the rad-fems who are cooking a whole pile of wtf for the left's pet "feminists" on the topic of "but i love cock and babies and mothering and what precisely is wrong with that and no you chicks with dicks can't come to my moon party"
trinque: "he can fuck my wife; his dick's small anyway"
mircea_popescu: not like they're sitting around wearing kimonos and laughing at the idiocy of dicking around with a small plastic lavalamp.
phf: haha, most definitely. cocaine is all the upper echelons (the drug of choice on capitol hill), alcohol is for the grunts. aspiring managers notably prefer vodka redbulls are a nodick compromise
mircea_popescu: i wouldn't necessarily mind one for eulora. the problem is that in this, like every other field, the tinydicked western men are entirely infertile. all they want is to copy and reimplement, which is how they ended up doing THE SAME FUCKING GAME 500 times. ever heard of ultima ? how about runescape ? guess what - it's the same fucking thing, down to the t, by which initialism we mean the fucking tutorial. EXACTLY. oh and plane
mircea_popescu: and the meagre 20 bux they get now and again for sucking my dick
mircea_popescu: mats kinda the wrong color with small dicks ?
trinque: machine is labeled "dick blender" whether you fuck it or not
Framedragger: inb4 "standard practices can suck my dick" - fair, i guess
mircea_popescu: won't be worth anyone's time to dick around with monthlies
BingoBoingo: linked for https://encyclopediadramatica.se/File:Trumpdickinghillaryborder.gif
mircea_popescu: the dick will go in, and all the way.,
mircea_popescu: because hey, the dick that's not up my ass this moment never existed or somesuch.
mircea_popescu: look at it from the historical perspective : music was invented in babylon to quell the wail ; because the males there had the wisdom to kill the boys - for "no reason" but did it. then the jews came along and put it in their book to not do sacrifice children - and so the dumb women flocked to them, and they birefly prevailed. only to go to shit in a handbasket soon thereafter, so much so the fucking short-legged short-dicked
mircea_popescu: the girls just think he's a tall black man with a small dick.
mircea_popescu: anyway, who the fuck knows, just dicking around
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-31#1561048 << Dicks also works. << You can't have a fucksaw without a sawzall ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-31#1561048 << Dicks also works. ☝︎
shinohai: The brunette with the tat on side, one star for each gargled dick ?
mircea_popescu: i'm sorry, i wanna rephrase that. because they really meant anything other than "you're this dubiously sexed derp who's going to end up with a buttfulla dick because the other dude said so."
mircea_popescu: because they really meant anything other than "you're this dubiously sexed derp who's going to end up with some dude's dick up your ass because the other dude said so."
BingoBoingo: Getting one's dick sucked not a problem. Sucking the dick, problem.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform can you even get hiv sucking dick ?!
mircea_popescu: besides, i think there's ~a century worth of pent up blue balls. american girl gotta suck some dick.
trinque: man, that dick bending shit is the worst.
adlai: 40? all you need do for nearly double that is blow your own dick off while aiming for an apostate
mircea_popescu: see, this is how the cunt that runs on perl works. "oh, dick moving inside is detectable".
mircea_popescu: as if i actually give a fuck how many dicks it can or does take.
trinque: pete_dushenski: people have been making Gary Johnson dick jokes for a while now
mircea_popescu: more generally, human culture is not the product of a bunch of dorky dicklets sitting around and "coming up" with "ideas". human culture is the product of dorky dicklets chanting, mindlessly, the words of the masters, untill they either fall over or stop being mindless.
mircea_popescu: ahhh watching the failed "blockchain technology" attempt on the us election is lulzy. http://archive.is/DGofp << nytimes (joan vennochi) can't quite gather to guts to go for "embattled" ; wjs (janet hook) http://archive.is/4mnFs "gop scrambles to... SALVAGE!!!1". salvage what ? "the election". after sitting on their dicks for six months after it become evident gop==whatever the fuck trump says, and nobody other than him has a
mircea_popescu: the dicklet seriously believes ANYONE gives a flying fuck ?
mircea_popescu: oama i thought they just aimed to suck the dick.
mircea_popescu: then wonder wtf is wrong with them. well... how about "they didn't suck any 30yo dick when they were 16."
mircea_popescu: lulzy as fuck ; both vorhees and casares were there with me when i told them i'm taking mtgox down. in spite of everything teh usg could come up with, i took it down. yet they STILL believe the entity to suck the dick of is the usg.
shinohai: http://archive.is/X4eIQ <<< a poor copycat of http://trilema.com/2016/my-first-bitcoin-or-how-do-i-get-some-satoshi/, 4 of the entires are the exact faucets trilema warns of dicking around with.
mircea_popescu: hm, i suppose this is a different class indeed. old guy who goes to the gym and so forth. a sort of lafond pencildick version.
mircea_popescu: anyway. yes it wouldn't stretch the bounds of the plausible, seeing how eg tesla was dicking around with high electrostatic potentials for his principal entertainment.
mircea_popescu: in other news, this priviledge issue is starting to get on my nerves. so some schmucks decided to "fix" random bit of english sometime in the 80s. because nothing soothes the pencildick socialist soul more than changing things for others.
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-21: [00:10:00] <pete_dushenski> maybe! let a guy stick his dick in the electrical outlet woudlja
pete_dushenski: maybe! let a guy stick his dick in the electrical outlet woudlja
trinque: what it means is this limp dicked "I did a thing but don't judge me pls" that produced the mountain of filth in which we live
mircea_popescu: so then for shame, all these dickheads going around holding their heads in their hands and talking about dumb shit while doing no useful work.
trinque: bad enough I stuck my dick in this crazy
mircea_popescu: in practical terms, if you'll be going to prison for limp dick shit, your best move is to have bitcoin and a wot. the personnel is poorly paid, greatly infiltrated by gold diggers who correctly intuit this is their easiest way to endear themselves to the sort of people who can touch real money, however briefly, and generally very supportive. for as long as you got leverage outside you'll be fine.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-16#1542754 << i was trying to translate dao-kakao and realized that it's impossible, since there's no equivalent of мат in english language. fuck, cunt, dick, grunt ☝︎
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-12: [22:06:45] <trinque> where does putting hatch chile on my dick before sex fall in the prank to assault continuum?
a111: 707 results for "dIcK", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=dIcK
mircea_popescu: !#s dIcK
a111: 1155 results for "\"dIcK\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22dIcK%22
mircea_popescu: !#s "dIcK"
a111: 1153 results for "\"dick\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22dick%22
mircea_popescu: !#s "dick"