600+ entries in 0.24s
mircea_popescu: sometimes, pencildick designs benefit immensely from liberal application of mailed fist. ☟︎
fromdeedbot: if my aunt had a dick, she'd have been my uncle
asciilifeform: 'This book is the result of a learning process over many years, during which, I have been fortunate to learn from some very bright minds. In particular, I thank Tuur Demeester, Ryan Dickherber, Pete Dushenski, Michel Fahed, Akin Fernandez, Viktor Geller, Michael Goldstein, Konrad Graf, Pontus Lindblom, Mircea Popescu, Pierre Rochard, Nick Szabo, Kyle Torpey, and Curtis Yarvin for writings and discussions that were instrumental in dev
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> wait, who else ate dick on beach ?! << Who hasn't https://archive.is/0KDXf
mircea_popescu: wait, who else ate dick on beach ?!
BingoBoingo: lobbes: ty. I don't see a danger of that. Just when the disupte leads to confusion and a beachdick eating thread... The description of the behavior helps.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, of course they do. just, not for random dick.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-20 18:17 trinque: because dick-pulling comes before the republic. immature bullshit to be weeded out.
trinque: because dick-pulling comes before the republic. immature bullshit to be weeded out. ☟︎
trinque: stop pulling your dick and do some work, nobody cares
mircea_popescu: mod6, you understand, refinancing is people putting money on a proposition. it depends immensely what the proposition is. P1 = "our book value is ~11 and consists 95% of exotic hardware nobody else can get where it is" is very different from P2 = "we ate through our seed A+++ would do some more dicking about with files we download. oh and there's also some hardware."
ben_vulpes: dickintheass"
mircea_popescu: talk about enforcing the patriarchy. DICKTRUCK
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, oh oh. for a moment i thought big black man had as much dick as nero, went and fucked husband and wife for a wedding blessing.
mircea_popescu: (for the innocent : "don't put your hands or your dick in the food". because to people familiar with latin and its derivatives, "manipulacion de alimentos" sounds 100% like the wrong approach to handling food.)
mircea_popescu: anyway, the fact that between 4th of may and 6th of may it churned ~2mn moduli and cracked 76 is, in the terms, context and for the mind of us limp dick "researchers" nothing short of staggering.
BingoBoingo: But the Cowork is frankly boring. Insufficient turnover there. Same Uruguayos dicking around on photoshop and playing Pinoy all the time.
asciilifeform: in unix world it is the buttons that ~don't~ biteyerdickoff , that are remarkable.
trinque: whether the thing has a "bite your dick off" switch, or bites your dick off by default, either way discussing degree of idiocy, I fully agree.
trinque: you came in asking for help with the one you already stuck dick in.
trinque: course he does; he's the white girl sucking black dick
ben_vulpes: "hey man how are you?" "oh just losing my dick in crypto"
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-12 06:48 mircea_popescu: anyway ben_vulpes here's where you thank me profusely for having saved you dicking about with entirely nonbroken stacks for an alfternity.
mircea_popescu: anyway ben_vulpes here's where you thank me profusely for having saved you dicking about with entirely nonbroken stacks for an alfternity.
mircea_popescu: because teh bitcoin ain't going anywhere, the "judge" can hold his breath until he's done dicking about.
mircea_popescu: they apparently haven't learned how not to sound like fringers with tiny dicks.
mircea_popescu: http://links.net/daze/17/01/26-i-was-searching-the-web-for-information-on-lipstick-and-saw-your-excellent-post-catdick.html << aaand here's justin hall being a total n00b.
mircea_popescu: like two-three meters out on the balcony, you know... at first i thought it's swooping in for my dick.
mircea_popescu: with a pencildick or ?
ben_vulpes: why bother fucking if your dick's going to pop out?
ben_vulpes: that's enough i'm going to stop slamming my dick in the drawer now
lobbes: Dick-pulling aside, it seems there is Schism 2.0 happening (which I think is fucking retarded but okay). Are there going to be two republics now or wat? This goes beyond a mere ISP, hence hard to enumerate the future.
asciilifeform: trinque: the flavour of 'emo' is unfortunate, but i for instance have an oath to mp that i have not been released from. and is the only reason i am still tuned in. the disposition of snsa after asciilifeform's pending anathemization , is a strictly practical matter, rather than 'pulled dick' thread.
trinque: gotta say this dick-pulling soup, sharing of our feelings, and etc., is tiresome.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-17 04:31 mircea_popescu: mod6 you are talking to a man who spent his time dicking about and as a result is getting delorded.
mircea_popescu: mod6 you are talking to a man who spent his time dicking about and as a result is getting delorded. ☟︎
asciilifeform: rack full of dick^H^Hskless blades, booted via lan for every shot.
mircea_popescu: > head site/dickpix ; < site/dicks-today ; > get site/dicks-today
mircea_popescu used to dick around on girls' ipad, playing games w/e.
mircea_popescu: stop hitting it with your dick!!
mod6: nothing looks funnier than two dudes on a bike, dick to ass.
mp_en_viaje: "african is only good for muscles/big dick" + "do not step on the grass" => parkour. "we tell you when you can have a drink" + "MILITARY SIKRITS" - this thinghow you call it
mp_en_viaje: in no case is the farc-ready colombian any kind of argentino dickless "letrado".
mircea_popescu: $900 writeoff for "expert" that didn;t as much as write on her tits, now $3k write-off for "month of pulling dick atop empty rack", the joys of business over here.
trinque: just, the dickpulling can now go.
trinque ftr thinks it's nice to see someone that shows up and wants to do *anything* aside pull his dick
BingoBoingo: Apologies for the brainmush lemme disambiguate: That has worked so far, until the pretty girl who invited me to her place offered a beer and she met my "no" with a series of gentle teases. Since I was in her home when my dick asked "what's the worst that could happen" my brain wasn't ready to answer with "Look at all these other pretty girls"
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, everything also means dick or cunt, depending on pov
mircea_popescu: diana_coman obviously ; but the trick is that "meat" also means dick.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-16#1771296 << they could always come back to the republic they failed to create back in 1960 when they should have, instead of dicking about mit as if mit is to fucking be a thing. there was no need of symbolics, nonsymbolics and other symbolics, there was need of tmsr. but... even extremely late is better than never. somewhat. ☝︎
trinque: or they'll circumambulate a shitty statue with dicks in hand, hoping this is the ritual that calls meaning down from god
mircea_popescu: anyway, iirc they even had a "camp for whores that picked the wrong dickheads" there.
mircea_popescu: chief among the list -- the notion that useless 20something dicklet is ever going to repay six figure debts, as if he's some kind of fucking aeroplane or something.
mircea_popescu: scam of all time, a horde of useless 20somethinfg dicklets burdened under an immense pile of debt to "repay" for the "Service" they were rendered, which 99% consists of utterly unjustified and absolutely unsustainable self-expectations
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if you're curious, by the way, the origin of the "corporatization" so to speak is that ancient trick from, if i memory serves, dickens (but could be any other pulp copywriter) : that the visible boss prefers to pretend a silent partner is there disallowing the whatever, so he can have both cake and eat it too (ie, comiserate with worker but not indulge worker idiocy).
trinque: to date the guy has produced zero anyone uses, and I dunno why anyone entertains the larping and dick-pulling
shinohai: Now I am left wondering if there were ads all over ancient Greece selling dick-shrinking pills.
ben_vulpes: subject of circles where does this timecop feller and this otherguy with the uhf dick swinging habit all hang out?
mircea_popescu: and the problem with heuristics is -- they self-reinforce. BOTH if broken or if sound. proper knowledge only self-reinforces if sound, but heuristic approaches don't know their own dick from a hole in the ground.
mircea_popescu: btw, that's a decent string for his early bb posts, back when he was a dicklet at nyu.
mircea_popescu: he's got a joysdick tho
mod6: apparently if you can suck your own dick...
a111: Logged on 2017-12-23 09:34 trinque: anyhow weevlos, and all you miserable, worthless 4chan fucks. the fact of the matter is there's less than one part per million worthwhile human being on this wretched planet, and while I spent my evening drinking pinot noir and chatting with a worthwhile lass that bought me Feynman's Lectures on Physics for xmas, you spent it pulling your dick on social media. when the world turns over, you will have much
trinque: anyhow weevlos, and all you miserable, worthless 4chan fucks. the fact of the matter is there's less than one part per million worthwhile human being on this wretched planet, and while I spent my evening drinking pinot noir and chatting with a worthwhile lass that bought me Feynman's Lectures on Physics for xmas, you spent it pulling your dick on social media. when the world turns over, you will have much ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-22 05:49 mircea_popescu: oh, 2 bitcent dick pix ? shall we do a today-only special ?
douchebag_: kk i got dick pick
mircea_popescu: aite, so write 4b1e6528 on your dick, take a pic, make 2 bitcents.
mircea_popescu: oh, 2 bitcent dick pix ? shall we do a today-only special ? ☟︎
trinque: eh nazis that can't and now I guess the kids are pulling out their dicks
mircea_popescu: you use machinery to turn data to comfortable representation ; the "human readable" is not about "being able to stuff my dick in power socket".
mircea_popescu: dick masterson
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform money is nothing without a dick.
mod6: Yeah, otherwise you get the ole dick-cheney to the face.
cazalla: can't remember when i first dick on tv, but he's as old as maddox surely when it comes to the net
cazalla: poor ol' maddox even went to court telling them dick said bad things about him, his gf, stole his ex-gf and on it goes, funniest thing maddox has ever done to date imo
cazalla: maybe a year or 2 ago now, maddox thought everyone was listening for him, but turned out they were tuning in to hear dick, so maddox went his own way expecting all the patreon bucks to come to him, but only a couple hundred while dick pulling in thousands lol
cazalla: mircea_popescu, you see maddox trying to sue dick for 20m for saying mean things about him on the net?
cazalla: dick masterton cucked poor maddox
mircea_popescu: http://www.menarebetterthanwomen.com/erect-the-man-billboard/ << in case anyone was wondering who patreon/gofundme/the rest of silycon valley webscams were ripping off : dick masterson.
mircea_popescu: bwahahaha this gotta be in teh logs : http://www.menarebetterthanwomen.com/dick-mastersons-2009-man-challenge/#more-1207
mod6: dick dick dick dick dick dick
mircea_popescu: https://www.tailhook.net/AVSLANG.htm << better list than the hacker lexicon, in purely lexical terms, and an evident source of the pencildick's envious, unreferenced cultural appropriation.
mircea_popescu: great tits, great asses, as tall as your dick altogether.
mircea_popescu: in which vein, "why does this place smell of dick ?!" "i farted."
mircea_popescu: which reduces to "there ARE practical limits to labels for things ; and they are unrelated to the sizes of the things, i expect the WORD for ant, dick, car and aeroplane to all fit the ~5.6 characters rule as universally enforced in alphabet"
RagnarDanneskjol: I am totally with you on "where is it written" Fuckin A, these Cali chicks always trying to prove something in the sac. I'm having the same conversation all the time - 'where is it written that you have to grind my dick off like a jackhammer before you even start to get wet?
mircea_popescu: felipelalli BingoBoingo what are you two dicking about with already ? gpg -aer name ; put it in p.benvulpes.com and that is all you need.
cazalla: need to be 6'3, 10" dick, rich, perfec 10/10 chad
cazalla: could have 20" dick no matter
BingoBoingo: In other woodchipper dick slashings: Senator Jeff Flake not seeking reelection in Arizona. Make Great Great Again!
jessie_: if i do NOT hand out the privkeys, well, i will sacrifice my dick, suicide a couple of days after, but also being acclamated as the "moar deflation guy" on reddit and gain a lot of karma points
jessie_: and then when the sadic russian picked the chainsaw to cut my dick in a very gory way i woke up
a111: Logged on 2017-10-25 15:01 jessie_: so, i will keep plain and simple: if I wake up bound with a thick rope on a table, find out that i'm kidnapped, then some angry and sadic russian appears and yells to me "give me the private keys or i'll cut off your dick". What is the most effective exit move aimed to keep both the btc and the possibility to happily ejaculate again?
a111: Logged on 2017-10-25 15:01 jessie_: so, i will keep plain and simple: if I wake up bound with a thick rope on a table, find out that i'm kidnapped, then some angry and sadic russian appears and yells to me "give me the private keys or i'll cut off your dick". What is the most effective exit move aimed to keep both the btc and the possibility to happily ejaculate again?
jessie_: so, i will keep plain and simple: if I wake up bound with a thick rope on a table, find out that i'm kidnapped, then some angry and sadic russian appears and yells to me "give me the private keys or i'll cut off your dick". What is the most effective exit move aimed to keep both the btc and the possibility to happily ejaculate again? ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: hickeryfuckigdickerydock
mircea_popescu: or wait, this actually is dick rather.
mircea_popescu: "well there's no shoulders on dick, honey."
mircea_popescu: extroverts make great dickteases.
BingoBoingo: Anyways, Dickson (unsure if singular or plural): "Thanks for your enquiry, we will study your requirements and get back to you ASAP."