900+ entries in 0.331s
a111: 703 results for "dick", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=dick
mircea_popescu: !#s dick
trinque: where does putting hatch chile on my dick before sex fall in the prank to assault continuum?
ben_vulpes: touch your dick next
mircea_popescu: optionality follows wealth not will. this is a point young dicklets love to eschew, which is why violence is a societal requirement.
trinque: loyalty does precisely dick for sales
ben_vulpes: voila, polished dick.
ben_vulpes: put /dick/ in girl, put girl in tumblr.
mircea_popescu: great idea! it's predestined for it : appen-dicks
mircea_popescu: anyway, think of all the great stuff blockchain technologies allows, guise! you could have like, a satoshi dice based aviator's club, whereby the men all put their house keys in a pile and the women pick from there as previously, BUT whether the dick works or not is now blockchain lottery based!
mircea_popescu: though i suppose it should be a bunch of tiny azn dicks rather than one big one... hm...
mircea_popescu: vacciness work through stimulating the expression of pre existing genes/proteins/complexes, not by creating a magical forcefield around your dick.)
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> tell you what, if we're ever shipwrecked on a deserted island with hillary, we'll fuck hillary. << think she coughs now? wait until she chokes on all that dick!
ben_vulpes: "not interested in any dick"?
pete_dushenski returns to watching doped up and remarkably virile looking chinamen beat up on scrawny, malnourished, and probably 'cleaner' nodicks in 2012 olympics men's doubles badminton finals. gotta love the drive of the children of parents who knew famine.
trinque: ah, someone's dicking you for sql injection
mircea_popescu: kinda lulzy how wrapped up in their own alt-world teh kids become. mexican whoever "doesn't discuss business" privately. you know, business. because he;'s a businessman. because he says so. meanwhile that hardworking kunicks kid made more money hauling ore by hand the past week than the mexican made dicking around with sites in his entire career.
mircea_popescu: (for the non-ro elements : romania had a designated place for fertility treatments, sovata. it had some birthing pools, and a wide selection of not-your-husband's dicks to choose from. because yes, most of the time that's the problem.)
mircea_popescu: in the absence of economic drivers, there will either be a political driver or no movement. which leaves us with the simple explanation. i don't gotta prove that every single individual woman thought of dick up her ass every time she spent too much money on cosmetics.
mircea_popescu: "i wash sword in blood of enemies and dick in ass of their wives. what need has true man for water ?"
mircea_popescu: they're still essentially rubbing their underdicks on each other.
boolcrap: "heres my dick, where do we go from here"
trinque: also, apparently the way to restart a111 is to give the www a good dicking?
trinque: and not trust then get your dick out and dive in blind
mircea_popescu: i barf at the idea that you dicking around with a statistical model has allowed you to cogently discuss the actual events.
a111: Logged on 2015-08-21 01:13 trinque: must've been some serious run-away dick selection in human history
mircea_popescu: besides, if you were god wouldn't you make them sald-shaped dicks ?
mircea_popescu: also, this is trabajadores regime. strictly no dicksucking anywhere.
BingoBoingo: Are you sure? Maybe he waited tables until sucking the right dick? Entertainment is a complex industry.
mircea_popescu: every dick's eventually spent, you can make it of whatever you want, metal, glass, dun matter.
trinque: danielpbarron: it's an insecurity, i.e. "if she has had other dick onoes she might think of that dick at some point"
thestringpuller: Framedragger: in regards to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521475 << I was trying to make a point in regards to Ver's idealism. Currently if 1993 AOL "mass adoption" occurs, the underbanked will inevitably be left out due to lacking infrastructure of the sovereign nature. Ver despite calling himself an anarchist is still willing to suck the USG dick, which helps no one. The fact he responded with "You found a new business opportun ☝︎
mircea_popescu: check out who suddenly grew a pair of balls! the perambulating dickhead "entrepreneur"
mircea_popescu: (literally, dicksfuckarounder or something)
a111: Logged on 2016-08-06 04:53 trinque: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=20015 << if the world ever rights "helpful" is going to be a euphemism for "tries to slip dick in when you turn your back"
mircea_popescu: now that it's private, nothing's to keep the dickface from admitting it. hurr durr.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-06 04:53 trinque: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=20015 << if the world ever rights "helpful" is going to be a euphemism for "tries to slip dick in when you turn your back"
trinque: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=20015 << if the world ever rights "helpful" is going to be a euphemism for "tries to slip dick in when you turn your back" ☟︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-08-05 13:54 mircea_popescu: THIS DOESN'T FUCKING MEAN random dicklet from ohio will be a "successful trader" for "doing coke off whore's asscrack"
mircea_popescu: THIS DOESN'T FUCKING MEAN random dicklet from ohio will be a "successful trader" for "doing coke off whore's asscrack" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and in other big dick news, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTB-kFA-WyE
mircea_popescu: yeah. with dick.
ben_vulpes: "look! you are now holding your dick."
ben_vulpes: "in this webinar, i will teach you how to hold your dick."
mircea_popescu: anyway, back to the romans : the whole "dickus maximus" bit in monty python is actually very strict scholarship. to the "rugged men of the fronteer", the speech of proper roman citizen sounded so fucking faggoty you can't imagine.
mircea_popescu: "o ya ? then put echo "come suck my dick"; in bash!"
phf: hehe, i don't care about dickens :>
mircea_popescu: but nevermind stevenson : dickens.
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: Maybe he'll promise to slip some femayo a bit of dick if she kamikazes Saddam
mircea_popescu: so they're stuck dicking around on capacitive displays
mircea_popescu: fucking dickhead brian armstrong. literally, i'd rather look at a picture of an animated penis.
mircea_popescu: (note that whatever you ask you get no less socialism. if someone asked the gurlz if they wanted the job, they'd have said no, they'd prefer to dick around on smartphones, upvoting each other on social media. net result - still tb.)
ben_vulpes: > b64 encoded screenshot of ascii dickbutt
mircea_popescu: you're dicking around on tardstalk etc anyway, might as fucking well sit down and write something that'll be useful later.
asciilifeform: which is why they kick folks out of restaurants when dick cheney or his latest incarnation drives by, etc.
shinohai: I'm just sitting here licking my dick, how 'bout you?
pete_dushenski: danielpbarron: well, dan isn't a nickname for daniel.... except it is. that different people are better known by one or the other doesn't change the fact that 'king dick the lionheart' is perfectly valid
mircea_popescu: gtfo. the sluts at home and the limp dicks at the bar demolished it.
BingoBoingo: Well that's how 1944 Bretton Woods work, through the bond created by touching all those other people's dicks.
BingoBoingo: ANd they will all sit in a circlejerk and ski the dicks next to them
trinque: sure there's skewer and whatever other *awful* madness I've dipped my dick into now and again
mircea_popescu: while you're all dicking about, the trishop's doin' all the partying.
trinque: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDdzPzk-e-U << I've never heard a worse bunch of dickless cucks.
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: if you call punching someone in the dick when they get out of control a bribe...sure
mircea_popescu: nor do they need to. there's yet to be invented some manner of keeping the dickless from being totally handpuppetted out.
mircea_popescu: and for anyone who deludes himself into fucking thinking that "women voting" and "divorce" is "what made '''america''' ungreat again", seriously, come to fucking argentina. they're just as dickless as you are and women here don't get to divorce anyone.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-22 06:07 mircea_popescu: anyway. the lulz has cost usg more turkey dollars than mit has cost usg this year. that's an accomplishment right there, they could have made ten thousand hookers and fifty thousand "aides" happy for that money. this means 10k angry hookers and 50k passive-agressive pencildicks extra to deal with.
mircea_popescu: anyway. the lulz has cost usg more turkey dollars than mit has cost usg this year. that's an accomplishment right there, they could have made ten thousand hookers and fifty thousand "aides" happy for that money. this means 10k angry hookers and 50k passive-agressive pencildicks extra to deal with. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-06-20 18:49 phf: Framedragger: despite the rhetoric people here are extremely pragmatic. but when you think about these things there's no reason to allow sloppy thinking. the question is "how much of a dick up your ass is too much dick", and the healthy answer is "none at all". llvm is good technology (it gives you same kind of layering that a decent common lisp compiler does, but for languages that are not used to that kind of richnes
mircea_popescu: (undersigned john hat, workman without a dick : why should i pay the tax when i can't fuck ? warmly esteemed mr john hat, workman without a tool : while you've got your fingers & tongue the law stands.)
a111: Logged on 2016-06-20 18:49 phf: Framedragger: despite the rhetoric people here are extremely pragmatic. but when you think about these things there's no reason to allow sloppy thinking. the question is "how much of a dick up your ass is too much dick", and the healthy answer is "none at all". llvm is good technology (it gives you same kind of layering that a decent common lisp compiler does, but for languages that are not used to that kind of richnes
thestringpuller: of course the cost of that is your life. sometimes a prisoner would rather have dick up butt than shiv in kidney.
thestringpuller: i'm just saying what if option is big dick up butthole or little dick up butthole. i know ideal situation is no dick up butthole at all.
thestringpuller: like if you HAD to have a dick up your butthole.
thestringpuller: not even just a little dick up the butthole?
phf: Framedragger: despite the rhetoric people here are extremely pragmatic. but when you think about these things there's no reason to allow sloppy thinking. the question is "how much of a dick up your ass is too much dick", and the healthy answer is "none at all". llvm is good technology (it gives you same kind of layering that a decent common lisp compiler does, but for languages that are not used to that kind of richness, so everyone's excited abou ☟︎☟︎
trinque: so the ass-dicking continueth
trinque: eh I don't care; the US dicked the USSR in the ass whenever it could too
asciilifeform: because some dickless wonder 'patched'
trinque: asciilifeform │ what's 'dickless' or 'failed' about a 40ft yacht full of benjies ? << the world belonging to someone else
asciilifeform: my q is, if 'dickless failure' gets yacht, what does dickful success get ? aircraft carrier ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the failure and dicklessness attach to the derp not to the item.
asciilifeform: what's 'dickless' or 'failed' about a 40ft yacht full of benjies ?
mircea_popescu: and get yachts quite as long as the "sec compliance" dickless failed lawyers or w/e/
mircea_popescu: the "all intangibles are ip" is a similar clump of crap, sprouted by dickless failed lawyers who want to live the rest of their life in the "ip dept",
BingoBoingo: Tell her to call her boyfriend so he can watch her suck yo dick.
mircea_popescu: well, and until i learn stupid myself, dickens' my man for stupid.
mircea_popescu: so, dickless beta whiteboy figures "islam" is "all about making all men equal", so he'll get a wife from allah.
asciilifeform: granted his reaction involves reversion to living in yurts and taking up rape of dickless plains dwellers as primary hobby
mircea_popescu: if one could somehow be protected from his imbecile ecofeminist mother / limpdick sec compliance father, that is.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-31#1474330 <<< sooo... copy tmsr items, "launch" them, ??? profit... why are these webdicklets so derpy anyway. ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-30#1473834 << eh hey i get it, sure, mircea_popescu is odoacer, and doesn't give half a rat's arse if anybody ever builds another aqueduct or blows a glass vase, esp not if it's a stinking dickless city-dwellin' pedo, etc. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-05-27 11:50 mircea_popescu: and speaking of which, anyone saw "chasing amy" ? the piece of shit is iiiiincredible in terms of sheer soviet propagandaness, it's basically a 1997 intro manual for how to be a "sensitive" aka dickless libtard boi.
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-27#1472629 <<< Never saw, because I can't stand Joey Lauren Adams. Someone needs to sew her mouth shut with a dick in it. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and speaking of which, anyone saw "chasing amy" ? the piece of shit is iiiiincredible in terms of sheer soviet propagandaness, it's basically a 1997 intro manual for how to be a "sensitive" aka dickless libtard boi. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: so how about you stop dicking around and just colocate some boxes and weld the cages shut ?
pete_dushenski: "The Romania-based e-mail admin concluded his video with this proclamation: "It’s raining dicks right now. And the forecast isn’t that good either. There’s a 90 percent chance of dicks tonight and a 90 percent chance of dicks tomorrow."" << gggggold
deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 311016478199379485797517 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Kristian Biss (Mfr Voll Name) <Kristian.Biss@piraten-mfr.de>; Trotzik (Bei Zeus die Dicken schon wieder) <trotzik@piraten-mfr.de>; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/090DE0A92A6663072D4E9A404B6399E98F59D4C4C4825A31B580100BF4CB72B9
pete_dushenski: *asian and no-dick, to be fair
ascii_butugychag: ebcydick lives ?!!!!