725 entries in 1.582s
kdomanski: [01:41] <mircea_popescu>
hm, what's a normal temperature for a normal desktop videocard to normally run at ?
mircea_popescu: <mircea_popescu>
hm, what's a normal temperature for a normal desktop videocard to normally run at ?
mircea_popescu: this is only the...
hm. 5th time it's divvied up by greedy neighbours ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes you gonna pro-rate me for the ~3 hours gone already ?
hm ? HMM ?
hm, anyone ever compiled the us civilian death toll yet ?
mircea_popescu: dub
hm, what do you hate about it ? that there's not really any "you lose 100%" ?
hm, i dun has a vision. what am i, some sort of reformer ?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves can't be large ?
hm. the hansa was very large. i believe it can be quite large.
hm, so you can actually have multiple accounts id'dasthesame gpg id ?!
hm, is "OS X 10.10" pronounced "oh-ess ten ten point ten"?
hm. if gribble is not here to have not seen gribble, is gribble really gone ?
hm, maybe that was opaque. what's your background fluffypony ?
hm, am i the only one that knows what the heavenly forge is ?
hm, iks it me or is bitbet bereft of its favicon nao ?
mircea_popescu: and i guess moiety. she...
hm. hey moiety do you code ?
hm can't comprehend that "i don't suppose" ?
hm. anyone have a link handy to that number guesser asciilifeform made ?
mircea_popescu: what "?" ?. your S01067cb21b2a491c.
hm.shawcable.net (on which you also run a node, huh ?) comes from caledonia, ontario, canada. dimsler's dhcp-20-aa-4b-fd-a4-ce.cpe.sourcecable.net comes from... wait for it... hamilton. ontario. canada.
mircea_popescu: she looked at me kinda
hm ? got a doctor asap, they did the blood clotting thing
mircea_popescu: and to all ye ltc haters : if there were no ltc what would we do with all the ltc entrepreneurs ?
hm /
mircea_popescu: bgupta
hm ? so that's the sort of thing wired has been doing for the past coupla decades, to turn itself from a respected trade magazine to a pulp publication nobody credits worth five cents.