375 entries in 0.96s

decimation: I don't blame redhat et
.al., like larry ellison, they are just exploiting what they can exploit
chetty: ready reserve ..
.all them folks that recnetly got out ..oh yeah thats gonna work
assbot: Full Disclosure: CVE-2014-3671: DNS Reverse Lookup as a vector for the Bashvulnerability (CVE-2014-6271 et
jurov: in half a day i made it actually talk to altcoind (altcoiners, watch your
.altcoin/debug.log ;) )
decimation: obviously Putin et
.al. are convinced that any western opposition is going to be weak and divided. I suspect he even has tacit approval from Germany
decimation: I guess this is why burt rutan et
.al. are so interested in nitrous oxide/kerosene
decimation: yet cisco et
.al. make obscure turdware and charge you to learn how to use it
decimation: interesting that its name derives from a substance whose existence was posited by pseudoscientists until maxwell et
.al. set them straight
moiety: because.
.always backups
fluffypony: [20:08:37] +asciilifeform: let's assume fluffypony was drinking heavily that day. <- probably..
.although I have a feeling I was thinking about serial numbers at the time. too hard to try recall.
moiety: just as well because i don't do anything for profit lol as for fun, i gather as much info on manuls as possible and learn things that I can use in future... oh and I bake...
.along with the usual films, music, bla bla
gribble: alexsanjose was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 days, 19 hours, 12 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: <alexsanjose> if you come across in humans in Central America who have bitcoin gambling operations and they want to talk to a reporter, tell them i dont bite alexandra
alexsanjose: if you come across in humans in Central America who have bitcoin gambling operations and they want to talk to a reporter, tell them i dont bite alexandra
decimation: ANDREESSEN: One of the characteristics of a new idea is all the experts who came up in the old regime look at it and laugh..
.Almost exactly 300 years ago, a Scottish economist, ironically, named John Law basically invented at the time this crazy idea of paper currency or fiat currency. ... And every economist on the planet 300 years ago thought that he was a complete lunatic. And so I think this is just the story, the recurring story of how
nubbins`: <script>window
.alert("altcoin sucks cocks")</script>
InfiniteRadio_: Shirts are great...i put "Justin Bieber stole my girlfriend" on 25 shirts and sold em all for $20 on my campus..
.although my "I don't care about pizza...i only care about parties" didn't do so hot....broke even though with the biebs
herbijudlestoids: mike_c: yall seem convinced that you have taught me some kind of lesson...or that im learning it...or whatever..
.all i can see is approx what i said would happen if undercapitalised, happened. i dont really take any exception to it happening, but to the idea that there was some kind of inherent lesson, or some point, whatever... i dont see it
jurov: and what about sth like X
.ALT ?
pankkake: and you already should have a
.altcoin directory created
ThickAsThieves: <pankkake> otherwise you can also add nodes in ~/
.altcoin/altcoin.conf that path exists?