270 entries in 0.789s
decimation: Details for how Tesla can offer this quicker option can be found in CEO Elon Musk's blog post (available below), but the gist is that a new advanced smart fuse for the battery allows an increase in the maximum amp throughout from 1,300 to 1,500 amps. This will cost new buyers $10,000, but current P85D owners can get the upgrade pack electronics for $5,000 plus installation labor, for the next six months."
BingoBoingo: popmechanic: Sounds like a solid plan. Probably would be prudent to register. The you can self voice to ask questions. WHen asking questions you will probably get links which will lead you to the golden six months of logs to read.
mats: rather than force you to forego the opportunity the op presents, or spend six months to a year spinning up
mircea_popescu: yeah. like hdds : either dead in six months or good forever.
mircea_popescu: and the same people will be selling the farm three to six months down the road.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-06-2015#1180042 << pretty much. HOWEVER, more movement has been made towards sanity in this chan over the past six months than since 2009. ☝︎
asciilifeform doesn't recall doing the 'six months' thing personally, either
funkenstein_: I had a dream, something happenend in channel, and you or someone said "six months! right on schedule"
ben_vulpes: try again in six months?
ascii_field: a petrol or naptha wick lighter dries out if left alone for six months between uses.
mircea_popescu: the thing the "community" prefers to ignore is that its continued existence is fully predicated on it being made 80% of people who are not older than six months and don't intend to be.
mircea_popescu: who and where told them "we're getting wiped, at the most last out another three, maaaaybe six months" ?
mats: " Obama noted that the controversial bulk phone collections program, which was exposed by National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, is reformed in the House bill, which does away with it over six months and instead gives phone companies the responsibility of maintaining phone records that the government can search."
cazalla: bit more drama added to the roger ver post http://qntra.net/2015/05/six-months-in-okcoin-relinquish-control-of-bitcoin-com/
scoopbot_revived: Six Months In, OKCoin Relinquish Control Of Bitcoin.com http://qntra.net/2015/05/six-months-in-okcoin-relinquish-control-of-bitcoin-com/
mats: mircea_popescu: wait six months i guess
mircea_popescu: Namworld so do it for six months, take a year or two off.
mircea_popescu: "The certificate was filed seven months after the entry of the district court's order and six months after the filing of the government's notice of appeal. It was filed only after the defendants raised the issue of its absence in their briefs to this Court."
mats: pete_dushenski: notrly. i'm actually thinking about taking six months to a year off, my carpal tunnel has been getting worse recently so the timing may be fortuitous after all
mircea_popescu: if i had a pick of 2-30 men from my youth, i could take over this country in six months. make any random whore of your choosing president.
mircea_popescu: cuz i suspect this is the deep reason asciilifeform doesn't want offspring. i tell you if the 19 yo snot that imagines he's better than me (like you know, every single fuctkared 19 yo snot "being famous in the bitcoin community" etc that we see here periodically bubble up his idiocy and then six months later fail abjectly and disappear) actually grew up in my house, i'd shoot it to death with blunt toothpicks.
BingoBoingo: The batch of kids who were expected to make it another six months without treatment were lucky (or unlucky) if they made it past three weeks on the trial
ben_vulpes: after of course six months of actually reading the logs instead of diving in and you know what nevermind
nubbins`: precisely six months after this promotion, i tendered my resignation
assbot: Logged on 05-04-2015 05:55:23; mircea_popescu: sure, someone could. the moment someone does you get ubuntu - two years of unusable, six months of barely usable and then insta-poettering.
mircea_popescu: sure, someone could. the moment someone does you get ubuntu - two years of unusable, six months of barely usable and then insta-poettering. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: but as an amusing bit of color : presidential elections six months away. eight people are candidates - none of them has a running mate.
mircea_popescu: it "seems to be working" because placebo effect, a sugar pill "seems to be working", and then six months later guy with tb is dead of iodine poisoning or w/e.
mircea_popescu: he's new. give him six months.
mircea_popescu: lol the guy is trying, give him six months.
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel: take'em to usa and feed for six months or so (not longer!)
mike_c: btcalpha, never more than six months late. http://www.btcalpha.com/mpex/stocks/s-qntr/
mircea_popescu: six months or a year down the road, we can continue this conversation in a better position.
assbot: Successfully added a rating of -1 for phillipsjk with note: get back to me in six months
ben_vulpes: <the_scourge> mircea_popescu: yah cool, i did read through some logs << some lol. the point is that you've gotta pick up the variety speak, and that comes from reading logs in near-real-time for six months, not "some" or "a few" or "the ones i found interesting and/or easy" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the_scourge generally the advice given to noobs is to read the logs for six months to a year.
mircea_popescu: is it perhaps because the path of evil is really quite narrow ? funel shaped at first, line thin six months later ?
davout: "how about the fucktards spend six months reading the logs like it's the words of their father, first." <<< no. because cult.
mircea_popescu: how about the fucktards spend six months reading the logs like it's the words of their father, first.
gavinandresen: Pierre_Rochard: But we’d get probably at least six months, maybe a year or two of substitution because it takes time to roll out a hard forking change
Pierre_Rochard: then let’s stay there for six months to collect the data
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i can't speak as to the quality of instruction or the milongas, but there's some sort of hustle involving procuring dollars in portland during the rainy season down south and then going down south to dance for the other six months
mircea_popescu: and for that matter, i marked mtgox for death in april, they struggled to prop it for six months before abandoning it ignominously, i do not believe they do not know they can not stand.
mircea_popescu: i fully expect them to try, fail, and then spend the next six months writing how mp is a scammer all over reddit/the boy's bathroom
mike_c: six months of my life and $5k?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: well, in one case (~2? years, not six months) - hard-wedge.
asciilifeform: what if 'incoming' happens every six months, when the mail ships sail in ?
asciilifeform: decimation: so it can fade in six months? yuck.
BingoBoingo: <Apocalyptic> <thestringpuller> 6 months thing hasn't changed either // should be 12 maybe << Nah it is the same six months, test is picking the right 6
mircea_popescu: i guess im updating the "six months" thing.
nubbins`: wait, six months is a long time
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> "It is a known fact that I personally opposed any proof of solvency, but agreed to conduct it for the sake of a few dozen small and medium investors." <<< "see what you guise made me do? seeya in six months with a new name!"
mircea_popescu: <ThickAsThieves> i think new regs on btc should amount to giving pre-existing institutions an avenue for entering the bitcoin fray << not helpful. the only helpful thing they can do is say "every financial institution of the fiat persuasion has six months to get mp's okay or lose its fiat license"
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves or maybe the same six months or who knows.
nubbins`: thickasthieves in the guy's defence, he waited six months before his emails even started to turn snippy
mircea_popescu: doesn't even get a trial, the judge can just sentence him for contempt, six months, no problemo
mircea_popescu: six months or so to go ?
mircea_popescu: srsly ?! try every six months, maybe his retardation now fits reality ? go sulk for another six months, try again ?
mircea_popescu: then six months down the road let's wonder why the asshole's stretched and there's no path back to innocence.
mircea_popescu: but yea srsly, in the space of six months i went from >1bn to like what, 200mn ?
mircea_popescu: and also, had you asked this on teh blog post, this comment'd have ended up on the blogpost. now it;s on the log. if some guy reads the post six months from now, i'll remember it, but vaguely, and i'll say "it's in the logs". how does that help him ?
mircea_popescu: then about six months or so later some people involved had a very public breakup replete with tardstalk scam tag requests, much in the manner the bitcoin magazine takeover worked
BingoBoingo: <mike_c> speaking of curses, this means the btcalpha income investments page is going dark too. From 3 investments -> 0 in six months. << Probably a good indicator of incredible volatility being likely ahead
mike_c: speaking of curses, this means the btcalpha income investments page is going dark too. From 3 investments -> 0 in six months.
assbot: 82 results for 'six months' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=six+months
mircea_popescu: !s six months
mircea_popescu: jurov incidentally, this reminds me : supposedly people plunked down 5k btc to be locked away in an ethereum address for at least six months, if not more
mircea_popescu: btc111_ the notion that they have the discipline to maintain work on that thing after 9 months' delay six months from now is beyond ridiculous.
mircea_popescu: that'd be up in about six months. so by all means.
mircea_popescu: "let me tell you what i read on trilema six months ago, in my own words".
ThickAsThieves: Secret, one of the many anonymous social networks that’s risen to prominence over the past six months, today announced a $25 million Series B round led by Index Ventures.
benkay: i'm not an oddsmaker, guys. i make like one trade every six months and sit the fuck on top of it.
mircea_popescu: i suppose the results should be informative, for normally socialised individuals. we're dealing with idiots coming out of urbana however, so he's prolly still in denial about just how utterly he got humiliated over the past six months
mircea_popescu: please keep buying shit at par, we'll give you rented hashes for 5% six months later
punkman: from comments: "Should be sentenced to serve six months hard labia."
asciilifeform: 1) collect usd, coin, whatever from chumps 2) bake chips 3) mine for six months, boost difficulty 4) profit !!11! 5) hand over now-marginally-useless hardware to idiots
Mats_cd03: its a hobby, although i recently tricked someone into paying me to document and reimplement an obscure network protocol. lucrative stuff, six weeks of work was equivalent to four months worth of my usual earnings
BingoBoingo: Sounds like a waste of six months you could have spent with a reasonable girl
chetty: Suggests Full Employment Could Be Reached In Six Months ---hmm does that count all those that have quit looking?
mircea_popescu: back when benkay was liek... correcting my math. how's this benkay baby! six months fixed my broked math.
benkay: <mircea_popescu> things that wouldn't be hard at all usually take upwards of six months. << this again and again
mircea_popescu: things that wouldn't be hard at all usually take upwards of six months.
mircea_popescu: soo, some twerps in spain decided "trilema" sounds kinda cool, started a foundation whatever. i sent them a friendly note about six months ago pointing out that it's a registered trademark and they're playing with fire. which they ignored.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo "To understand this by repeating this, only 20 members have posted on the Big Rock Candy Foundation 's forum in the last six months."
BingoBoingo: Interesting point: Discus Fish. Was a nothing six months ago. Now relayed to b.info 2 of the last six blocks first
asciilifeform: had doubled every six months: five more years like the first two, and the
asciilifeform: had doubled every six months: five more years like the first two, and the
nubbins`: someone should just IPO a series of magazine ads and six months salary and get it over with
mircea_popescu: it was.... six months ago ?
mircea_popescu: maybe there is hope for our "stfu and go read for six months" approach to life.
mircea_popescu: the six months old chipper != the ten year old user.
VanCleef: Is Russia ready to cut up its plastic? After Visa and MasterCard stopped processing some Russian transactions in response to U.S. sanctions, Moscow says it could launch a homegrown payment system that could be ready in as little as six months
ozbot: More Than 30% Of Americans Haven't Visited A Bank In The Last Six Months
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'six fucking months to break down the male blocks on killing, and even then it only works sorta 50-50' << i've yet to see this confirmed for homo sapiens vs. homo americanus circa 1940s
mircea_popescu: it takes six fucking months to break down the male blocks on killing, and even then it only works sorta 50-50.
mircea_popescu: i don't mean the newest scamcoin, i get it, Reggie Middleton is a random noob who figures that he's special and doesn't need to first spend his six months reading here.
ThickAsThieves: "There was no evidence that hundreds of thousands of coins were missing when Roger Ver made the so-called “hostage” video six months ago." for reference: http://imgur.com/gHrMX1y
mircea_popescu: careful who you tell or you may end up convicted to six months' eyeroll therapy.
ninjashogun: so out of a $50K investment, probably a few hundred would go to server costs and $47K would sit in the bank for six months. while we build it (Though I know that is not what investors like to hear)
mircea_popescu: "i suppose this is what should be on my business card : i'm the guy who came up on his own with a better system than what the nyt came up with, six i mean eight months later"