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BingoBoingo: The full six months?
BingoBoingo: BitcoinPropagand: Take some time and read. Everyone expects everyone else to try for six months on the reading anyways.
asciilifeform: (lifespan of a strong man in B. was reportedly six months.)
mircea_popescu: course you did say six months
mircea_popescu: six months later ALL the kids in that class do ALL the homework ALL of the time flawlessly.
mircea_popescu: funny how this shit works, too, after april he took a six months break
Mats_cd03: he was there this last year for six months in the north, and apparently everything is literally polluted
mircea_popescu: six months down the road you will be kicking yourself.
Dimsler_: its the i'll take all your money and in six months i'll be gone plan
mircea_popescu: well doh. plead guilty to a 5 year tops first offense you get out in six months.
BingoBoingo: Oh my close encounters with mortality were mostly* self inflicted. My biggest pains totally came from dentists waiting Six more months to see how fucked up this mest batch of molars would grow in
knotwork: How much (ballpark) would an option to buy bitcoin in say six months or nine or a year for today's price cost?
mircea_popescu: i dunno but i mean... 100x in six months ?!
benkay: he can yell for six months at that rate before
mircea_popescu: "On September 3rd, my dad died due to a very agressive and rare cancer of the kidney called collecting-duct carcinoma just six weeks after first experiencing symptoms. This was nine months to the day after my mom died from metastasized breast cancer two years after her initial diagnosis.
mircea_popescu: basically the imf is about six months late to the party. real countries mine since summer.
mircea_popescu: so some kid bets 20 bucks on btc being over 1000 in six months, he gets 5 grand out."
nubbins`: pre-order hardware, six months down the road, is like a fine prince, turned into a toad
mircea_popescu: six months ago they were 1/80 of that.
mircea_popescu: yes, the idea is it takes six months to a year of lurking to catch up to speed.
mircea_popescu: mike_c the reason the girl keeps saying "six months to a year" is quite this : so much shit needs pondering.
asciilifeform: lab girl had round-the-clock headaches for six months. went to every conceivable doctor, brain scans, the whole shebang. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "never had cause to use sendmany yet we've consistently had more custom than mpex in our six months of existence" ?
mircea_popescu: "A fire ravaged Copersucar's sugar terminal in Brazil on Friday, paralyzing operations of the world's biggest sugar trader and putting 10 million tonnes of export capacity offline for six months or more."
kleeck: That will be difficult. THey are about three to six months too late for that, imo.
mircea_popescu: well their idea is something like... oh computer programming ? sure, we got this guy, he took a six months java course.
mircea_popescu: it'd have taken all of six months and landed him in jail for 800 years on account of it being bought by a dozen different undercover agents working for five or six different agencies.
mircea_popescu: dude we gotta stop, we created more value than the ipo market in the past six months.
coingenuity: BingoBoingo: i've had lots of trouble getting any libs for six months, give or take
mircea_popescu: nah, atm there's going to be a six months stretch of wtf amongm the various bureaucrats in the us
mircea_popescu: for the first three to six months.
mircea_popescu: and now six months later everyone;'s doing it
mircea_popescu: this wasn't much of an issue six months ago. it's becoming a huge issue quite rapidly,
thestringpuller: Hmm. In crytpo-news: Both RSA and Diffie-Hellman encryption rely on there being no efficient algorithm for that problem, but French math professor Antoine Joux has published two papers in the last six months that suggest one could soon be found. Security researchers that noticed Joux's work recommend companies large and small begin planning to move to elliptic curve cryptography, something the NSA has said is best practice for years. Unfortunat
mircea_popescu: that seems to be the scammer consensus, lay low for six months, you're good as new.
mircea_popescu: six months ago. little has changed.
mircea_popescu: it makes sense, right ? you make in six months while having fun more than you've made in your entire life of druggery
sgnb: I received mine six months ago
deadweasel: every six months her total mass is reduced, thus your shares become more valuable, as the total is reduced.
mircea_popescu: six months later glbse is dead
mircea_popescu: Chaaang-Noi aren't you the guy who went into hiding for six months cause "teh gobinmint" was after you ?
mircea_popescu: six months or so ago
mircea_popescu: read here for six months or a year
MJR_: if you redraw the six month chart...and connect this point to the prior 6 months, it looks like a nice steady growth
_aeon: “we are always listening to customers and they were clear, where is your fax access? For some VNC just isn’t performant enough. This new service is a world first for CloudSigma and the result of six months innovation. Customers can now remotely view their screens from anywhere in the world via fax.
mircea_popescu: it will just fade for six months or a year, then some clueless nitwit a la Ryan Singer will "bring it back"
mircea_popescu: most people need about six months.
burnside: <mircea_popescu> now what happens if six months down the road friedcat pulls a gigavps ? -- I think we would have to do the AML paperwork.
mircea_popescu: now what happens if six months down the road friedcat pulls a gigavps ?
mircea_popescu: truffles give it six months. everyone's story floats to the surface.
pigeons: basically lets copy the forbes article http://arstechnica.com/business/2013/01/bitcoin-based-casino-rakes-in-over-500000-profit-in-six-months/
mircea_popescu: assbot smokes teh cok since he was six months old.
mircea_popescu: in six months muppets a la eskimoblob will be all pleased to interact and exchange opinions and pats on the back
mircea_popescu: then three, six months later is back
mircea_popescu: Each successful applicant will receive $37. This will cover the cost of six months of hosting at prgmr.com and a productivity-enhancing hot beverage.
mircea_popescu: dude srlsy, six months ago nefario was in here explaining how omg wtf am i fud-ing his great exchange by saying the session get hijacked
mircea_popescu: pigeons in its defense, it's the first time it was down in like six months.
mircea_popescu: i was thinking, what a genius move. buy aapl in btc, six months later aapl is -40% in usd, the usd is -50% in btc... you've made a great investment
mircea_popescu: what's that ? six months worth of bitcoins ?
mircea_popescu: still doesn't indicate why six months is more reasonable than six weeks
mircea_popescu: and you depend on the entire system surviving by itself for six months
mircea_popescu: so you're stuck waiting for six months
mircea_popescu: repost of mpoe-pr's story, six months later.
mircea_popescu: something i've been working on for what, six months now.
mircea_popescu: six months
mircea_popescu: back to the land of the all-night stand-where the nights are six months long.
mircea_popescu: he'll keep shooting his mouth as if that wasn't plainly known six months from now.
mircea_popescu: wright was disreputable six months ago
mircea_popescu: queue ordering ? he's implementing my features, six months late.
mircea_popescu: otherwise it becomes more and more glaring how no offerings there are older than six months.