385 entries in 0.5s
mp_en_viaje: because for their sins computers were born after the capacity for serious activity died in the esltard. so it's all comicon all over, "this is some doodle i made please don't hate me" psychoweird.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-05 14:02:30 asciilifeform: thinking again today about this , and dug, found in fact that toshiba & coupla others offer ~single~ cell led<->photovoltaic pieces. and that could prolly connect these in series for the desired effect...
asciilifeform: thinking again today about this , and dug, found in fact that toshiba & coupla others offer ~single~ cell led<->photovoltaic pieces. and that could prolly connect these in series for the desired effect...
snsabot: Logged on 2017-01-27 17:54:54 asciilifeform: al schwartz wrote about the roofs, iirc it was. semiconductor firms replaced cathedral roofs all over europe, for 0 cost. just to get the valuable pre-hiroshima metal.
asciilifeform: 'They’re not going to be able to easily replace these parts with new, in-house designs - the semiconductor industry in China is nascent.' << rly nao
BingoBoingo: And we appear to have an ethically sourced, wild caught question in the Qntrmments http://qntra.net/2019/05/semiconductor-market-headed-towards-downturn-as-more-intel-data-leak-flaws-emerge/#comment-129460
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/05/semiconductor-market-headed-towards-downturn-as-more-intel-data-leak-flaws-emerge/ << Qntra -- Semiconductor Market Headed Towards Downturn As More Intel Data Leak Flaws Emerge
a111: Logged on 2019-04-17 18:33 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in february, chinese 'gowin semiconductor co' cloned ice40. but if anyone thought this means 'open spec', guess again, only worx with their 'YunYuan' closed shitware toolchain.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in february, chinese 'gowin semiconductor co' cloned ice40. but if anyone thought this means 'open spec', guess again, only worx with their 'YunYuan' closed shitware toolchain. ☟︎
asciilifeform: the only semiconductor i've so far baked with own hands is cu oxide diode.
asciilifeform: and tend to bake semiconductor
asciilifeform: in fact, genius shoemaker pissed right into the mouth of the 'comcon' sanctions, bought semiconductor fab line straight from ti
asciilifeform worked for a while with crystallographers and their output, but in 'traditional' domain, nuffin pertaining to semiconductor
asciilifeform: in asciilifeform's extended meatwot, there was a greybeard d00d who agreed, in 1980s, to leave a u.s. semiconductor co and chair a jp one. (but was eventually lured back, quietly)
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> this thing looks exactrly like argentina "comicon". bunch of braindead orcs, wtf. << Just about. Would be improved ~500% simply by moving it to the Kibon Pavilion or any number of other venuesfor beach proximity
mircea_popescu: this thing looks exactrly like argentina "comicon". bunch of braindead orcs, wtf.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-14 19:33 asciilifeform: reportedly items like this are being orbited , as cost-saving measure in place of ye olde saphire semiconductors. but there's ~nuffin publicly written re just how built.
asciilifeform: reportedly items like this are being orbited , as cost-saving measure in place of ye olde saphire semiconductors. but there's ~nuffin publicly written re just how built. ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( semiconducts and then shorts and welds solid at the juncture! hence the early radiotelegraph's little hammer that whacked the tube each time it went conductive )
asciilifeform: consider early age of radio, with 'coherer' -- tube of iron filings , nobody had any idea how worked until 1980s (!) when somebody bothered to look and found that yes feo2 semiconducts
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: for good chunk of later 1800s folx were using 'accidental' semiconductor ( ever built 'crystal radio' ? ) , but it sucked
asciilifeform pictures an alt-planet where http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-28#1759568 scenario but with ~semiconducting~ doped volcanic sands... ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Miconazole got fucked for being stupid
danielpbarron: pretty sure they got micon of seals with clubs in a very similar situation
a111: Logged on 2018-11-16 19:03 ave1: one may be for a semiconductor machine builder
ave1: one may be for a semiconductor machine builder ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i admit to a curiosity re vietnam. ( not only famously succeeded in crushing the anglo-roaches , but persistent rumours that at least part of the reason why invaded was to prevent a native and 'red' semiconductor castle from appearing , was showing symptoms )
asciilifeform: ( how exactly to persuade idjit orc king to build semiconductors , when just 2 or 3 oil wells spoodge out moar moolah than entire taiwan ic industry put together )
asciilifeform: nobody said it ~gotta~ semiconduct.
asciilifeform: btw -- and iirc we had the thread -- there are even deeper crackpotteries potentially in the mix : it is possible to have strictly magnetic logic, without semiconductor. if can simply etch fine metal mask, interleaved with insulator, potentially can have a kind of slow 'z80' from miniature toroid logic (as seen in '60s su)
asciilifeform: nao missing ingredient, find a carrier medium that you can do this to, that can be doped to semiconduct...
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ti is epic example of sad -- at one time 1 of the largest semiconductor houses in usa, and built not only a lispm ( flopped ) but fairly beefy 80s micro ( ti-99/4 , also flopped )
asciilifeform: somebody oughta have told'em that they oughta bug a ~diode~ instead ; it is not difficult to detect a capacitor that semiconducts inside somewhere ( it'll rectify rf ) .
mircea_popescu: semiconducted out ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: lulzily, modern chemists found that it... semiconducts
asciilifeform: they move, like electron hole in semiconductor.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/08/semiconductor-fabricator-tmsc-struck-by-virus-on-production-equipment/ << Qntra - Semiconductor Fabricator TMSC Struck By Virus On Production Equipment
asciilifeform: the schoolboy explanation, 'money went with ibm/microshit', dun hold water, xerox had ~infinite moneys, ditto texas instruments ( 1 of the largest semiconductor houses of its time ) , made 0 diff
asciilifeform: recall ancient thread re semiconductor houses buying up hulls of sunken ww1 ships , cathedral roofs, etc
asciilifeform: the only open documentation seems to be from semiconductor houses , there's some material from altera co, i did not bother to link ( who wants pdf ) , can prolly dredge it up again if somebody really wants
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 3MEv is , if the satellite folx are to be believed, squarely above the boundary where enuff energy is transferred to flip bit , but not so much as to thermonuke the semiconductor
asciilifeform: ( taiwan semiconductor manuf. co. ltd. )
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-11#1769458 << i find these lulshits, "alien conference" held by the la comicon whores in the la comicon hangars as a very useful sugar trap. rms -- opted to go to nefario's lulference, is now fucked. ☝︎
phf: sounds like a decade update attempt to cryptonomicon
a111: 339 results for "\"micon\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22micon%22
mircea_popescu: !#s "micon"
mircea_popescu: see also http://thewhet.net/2016/12/argentina-comicon-bonbon/
BingoBoingo: gabriel_laddel: Seriously get styling leather boots "Redwing Heritage" or sane world alternative (new, not broken in). Powder limb with with miconazole poweder and strap into the boot.
mircea_popescu: you know ro made its own semiconductors. what exactly ?
asciilifeform: semiconductor -- was the item about which gave a shit.
asciilifeform: he describes the usa trips as specifically for the purpose of building cred, to get access to semiconductor goodies
asciilifeform: pacepa describes the afaik factual reason why his master gave a shit : semiconductor
mats: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/09/trump-blocks-chinese-purchase-lattice-semiconductor-170914045430005.html
kanzure: we currently are not processing beach sand for semiconductor wafers
asciilifeform: and - while we're on subj -- the naive replacement, a ball-in-pipe tilt switch, is NOT suitable for rng -- contact bounce is patterned; and oxidized contacts -- semiconduct.
asciilifeform: ( hg can semiconduct but not under the conditions contemplated here )
asciilifeform: the added noise immunity you get from the analogue business end ~not being a semiconductor~ is considerable.
asciilifeform: http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=57375&utm_source=GoogleShopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Lattice%20Semiconductor&utm_campaign=ICE40HX1K-STICK-EVN&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtpDMBRC4ARIsADhz5O6lYGXDb4mfQa-6T-bZvt35DjOq1AJNVMLPxBN2i_K_lje_fekDtFoaAoUMEALw_wcB << 20.
asciilifeform: that leaves semiconductors (pin diode) and semiconductor+scintillator combo.
a111: Logged on 2015-05-01 03:02 asciilifeform: re: how, famously, semiconductor folks used to buy up medieval lead roofs from cathedrals, etc. to get low-rad material
asciilifeform: dunno re mircea_popescu's planet, on mine, semiconductors sorta stopped, in 2009-ish, and aren't threatening to develop mega-improvement
asciilifeform: even terrible semiconductors typically are quite durable -- so this is unlikely to play out literally
asciilifeform: or hm, nm, you need atomic layer epitaxy rig. you will need to infiltrate a semiconductor fab.
asciilifeform: al schwartz wrote about the roofs, iirc it was. semiconductor firms replaced cathedral roofs all over europe, for 0 cost. just to get the valuable pre-hiroshima metal.
asciilifeform: (though so far i found only 'golden toilet' vendors, e.g., http://www.pyramidsemiconductor.com/products/microprocessor/1750.html )
BingoBoingo: http://thewhet.net/2016/argentina-comicon-bonbon/ << This may be the literary piece of the year
a111: Logged on 2016-12-13 18:14 deedbot: http://thewhet.net/2016/argentina-comicon-bonbon/ << The Whet - Argentina Comicon Bonbon.
deedbot: http://thewhet.net/2016/argentina-comicon-bonbon/ << The Whet - Argentina Comicon Bonbon. ☟︎
Framedragger: hah that reminds me, i'm too young to properly remember but after looking into this i've concluded that best 3d audio was in 90s (before creative labs patent-trolled aureal semiconductor). (maybe i already ranted about this).
asciilifeform: 'What’s more, exploit code requires an attacker to program in the arcane 6502 language designed for the NES processor, relying on the way the virtualized 6502 processor translates this code to deliver malicious instructions.' << cpu produced in greatest number in all of history of semiconductor --- 'arcane' ?!
a111: Logged on 2016-09-23 02:00 trinque: thortron: http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=48524 << linked from the gizmo 1's website
asciilifeform: which are made of something other than semiconductor ?
a111: Logged on 2016-09-24 02:57 trinque: echoing asciilifeform, I recommend anyone that has an interest in the future of republican computing purchases this asap http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=48524
trinque: echoing asciilifeform, I recommend anyone that has an interest in the future of republican computing purchases this asap http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=48524 ☟︎
trinque: thortron: http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=48524 << linked from the gizmo 1's website ☟︎
asciilifeform: !~later tell trinque http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=48194 <<< aaand another
asciilifeform: !~later tell trinque i found another debuggable amd board, http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=48155
Framedragger: btw regarding "there is no sane NIC out there" problem and appreciating the fact that designing a whole proper NIC may not be an efficient effort ("ip stack should be eventually abandoned", lots of work, economies of scale at work in semiconductor production, whatnot), i wonder why asciilifeform hasn't considered investing time not in seeking a sane nic, but rather designing / using a sane transport protocol via *radio* (i don't mean shi
asciilifeform: the fundamental issue re hardware - and we had this thread at least twice - is that manufacture of semiconductor is desperately -ev in small quantities, and so the mass-market luser - and his herder - is king.
asciilifeform: http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=48524 << claims it is still available
asciilifeform: fpga is quite like the semiconductor equiv. of '3d printer'.
asciilifeform: all of the components of everything we're now doing, from the basic maths to the semiconductor, are product of what mircea_popescu derides as 'palace wankery'
hanbot: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-17#1467703 << only conventions i ever attended back in us were sd comicon, seemed markedly less lame (but still fairly lame). ☝︎
asciilifeform: and as it stands, 'hobbyist' semiconductor is roughly in the same place as hobbyist space travel.
asciilifeform: there was a whole world of approaches that people spent their lives on, before cheap semiconductor, and entirely forgotten now
asciilifeform: it is even worth considering that one could, in principle, compute on something ~other than a semiconductor~
asciilifeform: for a while i got into the question of cupric oxide and other exotic semiconductor
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: https://octopart.com/mc68sec000aa16-freescale+semiconductor-488908
asciilifeform: one of the reason we have the profusion of bulky chinese wall warts, etc. is the extreme sensitivity of semiconductor to supply v
BingoBoingo: Here they pronounce it Comicon
asciilifeform: a proper reenactment of the scene depicted in 'cryptonomicon'
mircea_popescu: encryptions/decryptions without a semiconductor in sight.
asciilifeform: 'it cost $300,000 per nuclear bomb to recall bombs to Pantex to remove and repair Sandia's failing semiconductor chips.'
mod6: put this in the cryptonomicon ^
assbot: Logged on 30-01-2016 13:27:06; punkman: http://www.economist.com/news/business/21688871-china-wants-become-superpower-semiconductors-and-plans-spend-colossal-sums
punkman: http://www.economist.com/news/business/21688871-china-wants-become-superpower-semiconductors-and-plans-spend-colossal-sums ☟︎
asciilifeform: the question of 'who was the first to put ' propaganda, semiconductor, coprophagia, etc. 'on a scientific footing' is interesting but not resolvable.
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: the basic problem is that there are no miracles, semiconductors have a temperature ceiling, the heat has to leave as quickly as it appears, or meltdown
asciilifeform: like the one where semiconductors are made out of horse shit in medieval castles
punkman: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited