385 entries in 0.5s
mp_en_viaje: because for their sins computers were born after the capacity for serious activity died in the esltard. so it's all co
micon all over, "this is some doodle i made please don't hate me" psychoweird.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-05 14:02:30 asciilifeform: thinking again today about
this , and dug, found in fact that
toshiba & coupla others offer ~single~ cell led<->photovoltaic pieces. and that could prolly connect these in series for the desired effect...
snsabot: Logged on 2017-01-27 17:54:54 asciilifeform: al schwartz wrote about the roofs, iirc it was. se
miconductor firms replaced cathedral roofs all over europe, for 0 cost. just to get the valuable pre-hiroshima metal.
a111: Logged on 2019-04-17 18:33 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in february, chinese
'gowin semiconductor co' cloned ice40. but if anyone thought this means 'open spec', guess again, only worx with their 'YunYuan' closed shitware toolchain.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> this thing looks exactrly like argentina "co
micon". bunch of braindead orcs, wtf. << Just about. Would be improved ~500% simply by moving it to the Kibon Pavilion or any number of other venuesfor beach proximity
mircea_popescu: this thing looks exactrly like argentina "co
micon". bunch of braindead orcs, wtf.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-14 19:33 asciilifeform: reportedly items like this are being orbited , as cost-saving measure in place of ye olde saphire se
miconductors. but there's ~nuffin publicly written re just how built.
danielpbarron: pretty sure they got
micon of seals with clubs in a very similar situation
a111: Logged on 2018-11-16 19:03 ave1: one may be for a se
miconductor machine builder
ave1: one may be for a se
miconductor machine builder
☟︎ phf: sounds like a decade update attempt to cryptono
micon BingoBoingo: gabriel_laddel: Seriously get styling leather boots "Redwing Heritage" or sane world alternative (new, not broken in). Powder limb with with
miconazole poweder and strap into the boot.
mircea_popescu: you know ro made its own se
miconductors. what exactly ?
kanzure: we currently are not processing beach sand for se
miconductor wafers
a111: Logged on 2015-05-01 03:02 asciilifeform: re: how, famously, se
miconductor folks used to buy up medieval lead roofs from cathedrals, etc. to get low-rad material
Framedragger: hah that reminds me, i'm too young to properly remember but after looking into this i've concluded that best 3d audio was in 90s (before creative labs patent-trolled aureal se
miconductor). (maybe i already ranted about this).
Framedragger: btw regarding "there is no sane NIC out there" problem and appreciating the fact that designing a whole proper NIC may not be an efficient effort ("ip stack should be eventually abandoned", lots of work, economies of scale at work in se
miconductor production, whatnot), i wonder why asciilifeform hasn't considered investing time not in seeking a sane nic, but rather designing / using a sane transport protocol via *radio* (i don't mean shi
mircea_popescu: encryptions/decryptions without a se
miconductor in sight.
mod6: put this in the cryptono
micon ^
punkman: Taiwan Se
miconductor Manufacturing Company Limited