662 entries in 0.736s

pete_dushenski: benoit's definitely in the taleb vein, or perhaps
vice versa
decimation: I thought that the 'political meeting' was for the party to tell people what to think, not
vice versa
trinque: motherboard (
vice) probably thinks they're being edgy having an article written by Shrem
nubbins`: "Claiming that his operation would be “completely dicked over” by an influx of product,
Vice President Joe Biden reportedly became increasingly worried this week that the recent legalization of marijuana in Washington, D.C. could seriously cut into his business."
mircea_popescu: if you wish to be equity neutral the more common strategy is "buy the equities short the index" or
assbot: Someone On a British Airways Plane Took a Shit So Bad That It Had to Turn Around and Come Back Again |
VICE | Canada ... (
http://bit.ly/19wrpD4 )
assbot: Logged on 16-03-2015 19:51:07; ascii_field: may I live to see all these valley fuckheads impoverished << optimist. i expect to have my skull used by them as ashtray, rather than
ascii_field: may I live to see all these valley fuckheads impoverished << optimist. i expect to have my skull used by them as ashtray, rather than
☟︎ ben_vulpes: tbf i'm more likely to get fucked into quiescence than
vice versa
mircea_popescu: but
vice-versa : money and the economy decide what people are.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well, us had a much better view of the soviets than the soviets, and
mircea_popescu: b) agency means growth. you can recast any actual situation into something that's a personal experience, and
vice-versa. this is a major power.
nubbins`: anyway, as actually derpy as everything
Vice produces is
mircea_popescu: nubbins` yeah i totally want to hear what
vice has to say o.O
nubbins`: there's a short
Vice documentary on it, if you can stand to watch
decimation: another good one from the same podcast: " A man named Northly[?] came--he was the Executive
Vice President of the North Carolina Peanut Association. Wonderful guy. He stood up as this conference was ending, and he said, 'Let me tell you about the peanut program. There's only two people in America who understand how the peanut program works. It's my job to keep it that way.'"
decimation: "system 1" thinking
vice "system 2" thinking
mircea_popescu: fluffypony it is the government that lives in their house, not
mircea_popescu: Most troubling are charges of decades of revolving-door cronyism surrounding Joe Glicker, a
vice president of CH2M Hill, the company awarded the contracts to build the new covered reservoirs for Portland. Not only was Glicker a former chief engineer of the Portland Water Bureau (PWB), he also worked as a core consultant with the EPA to write the very LT2 rules that now require these massive "emergency" water infrastruc
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> Only really differs in that some outside idiots consider things that emerge from there as worthy of consideration as virtue, instead of
vice as in the case of English gin. <<< there;'s tons of "gin as virtue" songs and oral liuterature.
BingoBoingo: Only really differs in that some outside idiots consider things that emerge from there as worthy of consideration as virtue, instead of
vice as in the case of English gin.
artifexd: So what is the value of this
vice a private stock ircd with a gribble?
ben_vulpes: oh yeah the moviefication of the pynchon novel inherent
vice releases next week.
badon: In fact, my business style is to be suspicious of anyone who insists on formal contracts. If they don't trust me, I don't want to do business with them, and
vice versa.
BingoBoingo likes the approach he observes locally where the hajis sell substances of
vice because revenue
mircea_popescu: fizzled as one'd expect. there's a reason india was a colonial empire and not
mircea_popescu: There is the moral of all human tales '(tis but the same rehearsal of the past) : first Freedom, and then Glory when that fails. Wealth,
vice, corruption, barbarism at last. For History, with all her volumes vast, hath but one page.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: this is a standard usg 'lie detector.' << the funny thing is, i dunno if the scientologists copied the ohmmeter after the usg "lie detector", or
vice-versa, the fbi is tring to find yout tethans
mircea_popescu: why do you think you take the bitch to the dog, not
vice-versa ? males are shy.
mircea_popescu: but the politicos of the time were caught in the very real
vice of "well, rome's poor or the vandals, about as trustworthy"
cazalla: BingoBoingo, what i read as a fix is just as likely to be now broken and
vice versa, so i would prefer to defer to those smarter in here, i'm sure someone will discuss the addition of elliptic curve keys at some point
mircea_popescu: "I would like to inform anybody involved in this kinda thing, that there's a maximum penalty of $100,000, one-year in jail, or both," Phil Bradford, an FCC spokesman, told a reporter the following day." << also appears on two spots on the interwebs.
vice.com and b-a logs. thanks to the power of logic we now know ben_vulpes writes for motherboard.
thickasthieves: “The scenario of deflation is not there, because indeed we don’t consider that deflation is going to happen,” said the ECB’s
vice-president, Vitor Constancio, ECB
vice looked into their "factory" and found rats and mold
decimation: romanian must have borrowed it, or
vice versa
jurov: as in, you can host spares for other services and
vice versa to be switched quickly in case of ddos?
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu reddit is bitcoin and
vice versa so bitcoin winning is because of derpage!
decimation: I suspect that usg is apple's bitch and not
vice versa
ben_vulpes: "don't denominate the btc in usd, and
vice versa"
ThickAsThieves: "Specifically, the testimony of several former employees and
Vice President of Product Development Josh Zerlan shows that instead of fulfilling orders immediately, Defendants used their customers’ machines to mine Bitcoins for themselves before shipping the now-used machines to their customers."
vice grips (3, various sizes), wrenches, socket set, bike manipulation tools
mircea_popescu: the famous uncanny valley of mixed race matrimony : the least seen it is, the more acceptable, and
mircea_popescu: yeah and
vice-versa. speaking in english to womenz in romanian cabs, driver picks the idea i'm like from boston
mircea_popescu: the problem with this approach is that if they're to be trusted they're sops by definition, and
assbot: How to Have a Non-Monogamous Relationship |
VICE United States
mircea_popescu: anyway, his mistake, duly noted. lee can have a job, ezra klein can not nor can vox have a future anymore than
vice can.
punkman: can't spell
vice without Disney and Hearst
Vice Raises $500 Million in Its Quest for 'Total Media Domination'
assbot: Things You Learn Designing Porn Banners for a Living |
VICE United Kingdom
assbot: I Ghostwrite Chinese Students' Ivy League Admissions Essays |
VICE United States
assbot: I Spent an Afternoon with Montreal Squeegee Punks |
VICE Canada
nubbins`: man,
vice is like reality tv. not great but you end up getting stuck
assbot: This Guy's Eaten Nothing but Raw Meat for Five Years |
VICE Canada
assbot: This Guy's Eaten Nothing but Raw Meat for Five Years |
VICE Canada