662 entries in 0.974s
mircea_popescu: and vice-versa.
coconut: I was watchning vice doc, they have some hipster blend of kebab
dub: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/what-do-the-latest-nsa-leaks-mean-for-bitcoin
nubbins`: it was on a Vice compilation that my friend's band was on
mircea_popescu: why is vice "hiring" all these marginally literate college dropouts to write about shit they've never done/seen/understood ?
ozbot: Why Girls Should Never Have Anal Sex | VICE Canada
mircea_popescu: http://www.vice.com/en_ca/read/why-does-anyone-like-anal-sex
fractal: mircea_popescu: " will ship their 25 and 400 gigahash mining units before september 1" I take this to mean that if only 25GH units are shipped, or vice versa, the bet will end in NO, correct?
thestringpuller: i heard that vice article was bogus
ozbot: The Confidential Memo at the Heart of the Global Financial Crisis | VICE United Kingdom
jurov: http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/larry-summers-and-the-secret-end-game-memo
jcpham: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/super-mario-meets-bitcoin-in-silvia-dal-dossos-1-up-fever
Omen1855: otherwise these guys seem like a good choice: http://www.vice.com/en_uk/rule-britannia/the-debt-collector-part-1
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell jborkl hey, if you're still doing that news blog thing : see if you can get an interview with the mazzant character and ask him a. if it's true that he cut his vacation short so he could participater in the sec lawsuit and b. how come the pro hac vice was accepted the same day when their website says it takes a week or two.
dexX7: the api declares a trade as sell if someone sold into a bid and vice versa
mircea_popescu: During the relevant period, Shavers transferred at least 150,649 BTC to his personal account at an online BTC currency exchange which, among other things, he then sold or used to day-trade (converting BTC to U.S. dollars and vice versa). As a result of this activity, Shavers suffered a net loss from his day-trading, but realized net proceeds of $164,758 from his net sales of 86,202 BTC.
ThickAsThieves: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/one-third-of-kenyans-now-have-a-bitcoin-wallet
thestringpuller: ThickAsThieves: do you know why GTA has become so successful? Because of the subtle and gross content you desire in a game. Lets take Fruit computers for example: http://www.grandtheftwiki.com/images/FruitComputers-GTAVCS-advert.png That advert is from Vice City, which takes play in the 80's. The fake brand perpetuates throughout the entire series. Only hardcore players will actually read the shit, but it's still
cads: and vice versa - when would regular customers be more likely to purchase from you because they see that you also take bitcoin?
ozbot: Should Trans People Have to Disclose Their Birth Gender Before Sex? | VICE Canada
dub: http://www.vice.com/en_ca/read/should-trans-people-have-to-disclose-their-birth-gender-before-sex
Bugpowder: wait, that is not vice.com
Bugpowder: has vice been around since longer than 2012?
mircea_popescu: it's 2013. who the fuck do you think acts upon or even cares what "vice" says
mircea_popescu: anyway, i wonder who outside of the famished inters of vice/forbes/etc actually thinks that "pro marketing" does anything
ozbot: Interview with a (virtual) drug tsar | All Things VICE
furuknap: We need both; drama makes people mad and vice cersa.
ThickAsThieves: In fact, it turns out that BDF was actually started by Butterfly Labs' own employees—a fact disclosed nowhere on the BDF site. When Ars reached out to the only e-mail address listed on the site, the response that came back was from Jeff Ownby, the BFL vice president."
BitHub: BF mpex intergration example, i could have an account at bf and mpex and buy shares from bf and transfer it to mpex for a fee, both exchanges share the fee. Now i can trade my sdice shares on mpex, vice versa
WILLdude: Ah so the total is calculated by BTC/Share times shares, not vice versa?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it only does in the retard land of vice interns
mircea_popescu: the chick is a Vice intern :D
KRS-1: they're maybe "in between" mass and energy then..since mass IS energy and vice versa
mircea_popescu: vice-versa with puts.
mircea_popescu: sometimes vice-versa.
MJR_III: since the transactions can go both ways, you could put cash in and get bitcoins out or vice versa
bgupta: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/the-worlds-first-bitcoin-atm-to-dispense-cyprus-bills
mircea_popescu: A person must exchange the currency of two or more countries to be considered a dealer in foreign exchange.19 Virtual currency does not meet the criteria to be considered "currency" under the BSA, because it is not legal tender. Therefore, a person who accepts real currency in exchange for virtual currency, or vice versa, is not a dealer in foreign exchange under FinCEN's regulations.
jcpham: http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/rob-rhinehart-no-longer-requires-food
mircea_popescu: http://www.vice.com/read/new-york-cops-will-arrest-you-for-carrying-condoms
dub: http://www.vice.com/en_au/read/the-strange-beauty-of-the-chinese-politician-who-lost-his-shit-at-the-airport
mircea_popescu: vice versa
mircea_popescu: well, the president and the vice president or w/e
mircea_popescu: you can represent your power coming from 100 units as a single unit and vice-versa if you so please.
pigeons: prolly vice versa as well
truffles: vice.tv is free on utube
mircea_popescu: Diablo-D3 ok, so get vice.com forums to take btc
mircea_popescu: vice-versa
jurov: or vice versa hehe
smickles: (and vice-versa)
mircea_popescu: apparently, there's a bad vice.com article about everything
mircea_popescu: La prova di assunzione per quell'unico ambitissimo posto di aiuto del vice corruttore laterale mafioso, consisteva nel risolvere un problema di contabilità nera, basata su codici segreti di esponenti piduisti dell'intrallazzone politico-camorrista.
mircea_popescu: dude vice is fucking retarded.
jurov: bucharest is LA minus fresh air? that means in bucharest there's fresher air or vice versa?
thestringpuller: So for calls when your purchase the option, the strike price has to be below the current price, and vice-versa for puts? (being issued from bot that is)
mircea_popescu: and vice-versa on btctalk
Bane_Capital: It seems I have taken some of your statements out of their intended context and vice-versa.
mircea_popescu: maybe vice-versa.
nefario: from Miami Vice?
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining if he imediately trades (ie, customer buys btc on platform, platform buys btc on mtgox, and vice-versa) and the sums are small enough it should be ok
Anduck: maybe he crashes btc-e and not mtgox is following? or vice versa
mircea_popescu: well yea. greed i suppose would be the vice of excessive appetite