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mircea_popescu: "vague interest based on having seen something on
tv once"
mircea_popescu: just like it doesn't really matter what specifically you watch on
tv, it's still turning you into a single fat middle aged woman.
BingoBoingo: So tiptoes on stacked jujewgidgets all because
tv said so.
mircea_popescu: and since we're on this : egypt is, for the arab world, a sort of holywood/bolywood. it is where the official
tv arabic is spoken on the street, and it is where every flea bitten hussy aims to go. fulla sudanese hotties just like burbank is fulla kansas ra ra fuck ma a'.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, trump's
tv scripts crew is engineering a "100th day govt shutdown". reality has over fiction the enduring advantage that fiction can't be this fucking ridiculous.
trinque: comcast isn't an ISP; it's a
tv company
ben_vulpes: relatedly, i recently saw a pitch for a very 'colorful' animated
tv show (?) that would teach children the basics of html/css/js
mircea_popescu: by 2010s it's literally a case of "watch
tv and vicariously participate in the salvation of imaginary creatures". the keywords are of course "raise awareness" and "educate the public". fruits of a long shriveled vine, that nevertheless the trained eye can readily distinguish.
BingoBoingo: take the fucker's
tv and put the old man on a strict diet of AM radio
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform forget
tv, put up an ad on airbnb/craigslist/whatever the "Conference" dorks favour this year.
diana_coman: no, no, no shinohai you don't get it; the whole point is to NOT LOOK like a
tv dinner
shinohai: Or just buy a damned
TV dinner.
mircea_popescu: the big secret re rape is that it's a happy occasion. the fundamental state is two bored people watching
tv, too lazy for even the copacetic nonsense they call proper. let alone any kind of rape.
mircea_popescu: though in fairness the argentines have been argentining for a whole lot longer than cable
tv existed. they're just bad stock.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform turns out no. "watching us
tv -> retarded, guaranteed".
Framedragger: especially their leader, this ridiculous fat turd who nevertheless is featured in various
tv shitshows ('to popularise history', you know) -- he's just plain jelly as fuck, (quote) "i don't even know this schmuck, some kind of driver (sic; literal), i would have great doubts as to the document's authenticity [meanwhile confirmed by germany archivists etc etc etc]", so on and so forth, in a complete caricature-like jelly manner.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-18 22:32 asciilifeform: 'The situation is somewhat akin to a retarded girlfriend trying to flood your apartment, that not only opens all the faucets and stops all the drains, but also takes the "extremely clever" measure of puncturing the water pipes, so she can then preciously inform you that "turning off the faucets won't help" and you must work with her to somehow create a raft out of your widescreen
TV so as to navigate the marshy terrain that used to b
mircea_popescu: enjoy teh
tv fiction, i say, tis as close as you're fucking getting.
trinque: microwaves that turn into cameras? hawhawhaw, who let that woman speak on
mircea_popescu: not unlike
tv advertising to my chained girl, "a better life". really ? i think if she wanted that "better" she'd have found her way by now.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-08 15:02 phf: unless you're an mp, you don't have a choice to tell fuck you to local fauna, and the whole "i can pay whatever" only plays it out well in shitty miami based
tv shows
phf: unless you're an mp, you don't have a choice to tell fuck you to local fauna, and the whole "i can pay whatever" only plays it out well in shitty miami based
tv shows
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-08-18 22:32 asciilifeform: 'The situation is somewhat akin to a retarded girlfriend trying to flood your apartment, that not only opens all the faucets and stops all the drains, but also takes the "extremely clever" measure of puncturing the water pipes, so she can then preciously inform you that "turning off the faucets won't help" and you must work with her to somehow create a raft out of your widescreen
TV so as to navigate the marshy terrain that used to b
mircea_popescu: different, how ? corporations, both, trying to advertise, both, hiring the same fucking
tv crews, pr agencies, what is the specific difference ?
mircea_popescu: there's a lot of cunt, beer,
tv etc given away for free every day ; doesn't make these not markets.
mats: somehow not surprised both whiners that appeared on
tv are black...
mircea_popescu: pity that dork went on to spawn a whole series of reality
tv shits.
mircea_popescu: in other make daytime
tv great again, fox now so far ahead #1
tv station it pussygrabs.
mircea_popescu: the same dynamic repeats, yes, the dorky kids who took programming class hate the jocky kids who took fast and furious on
diana_coman: they get...disrupted? from what? by the sound of it, they just get one day of
tv out of it; only twice a year, too, how unfair
mircea_popescu: these idiots, they get entirely disrupted by admittedly heavy rains twice a year, they flail about helplessly on
tv about it THAT DAY and that's that, that's it, go right back to their regularly scheduled dickholding and netflix.
mircea_popescu: his winning strat is to watch
tv in bathrobe all day, and underline press reports. which is what's literally eating their hearts out.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile gramps goes along with the charade, "for as long as they think i watch
tv, what can they break"
mircea_popescu: averagetard excepts to crochet a culture out of what he sees on
tv and
tv expects to crochet programming out of averagetard culture.
BingoBoingo: Apparently they premised a
TV show episode around it
mircea_popescu: i guess most people lacking such cousin especially in the us are stuck with the
tv version.
mircea_popescu: i have nfi what some luser must be thinking to join "dutch secret services". it's like joining the new jersey
tv station. dude what.
mircea_popescu: (the newspaper edition, not the bastardized
tv version)
trinque: there's this prevalent american myth of the impotent nerd, probably generated by insecure
TV/"film" writers in the latter 20th century
mircea_popescu: i saw a pretty lulzy thing in this vein today, there was a horde of zombies going by an advertising to a
tv show about zombies.
mircea_popescu: watching
tv people do "creative" things is like watching laundromat attendants cook.
mircea_popescu: and WHY does everythiong look&feel exactly like black mirror these days! wtf, they went from reality-
tv to the same sort of twilight zone docudrama.
mircea_popescu: gotta fill the air ; everything but talk is expensive. so "news" and "talkshows" and "reality
tv" and anything. it'll be talking.
mircea_popescu: anything but sitting and talking is expensive. this is the fundamental mantra organising all
mircea_popescu: anyway, for the noobs : to specific objections are raised here. one speaks to corectness : a random "reality
tv" show may include elements which, inasmuch as they factually exist, are actually true, such as a curb, or a window pane. nevertheless, this does not make the reality
mircea_popescu: if i don't agree with what you mean by dog, pointing to the
tv set is unlikely to resolve much.
mircea_popescu: but do you suppose christel feels the need to ANSWER ? no, he'll just speak. because hey, we're all on fucking
tv over here.
mircea_popescu: it's the irony of all time that while the progre press was derping about how trump will lose the election and try to turn it around into a television show, the reality turned out to be he won the election AND OBAMA is trying to turn his losership into a
tv personality
mircea_popescu: in other news, obama's been doing more reality
tv work than the entire kardashian extended family these past few days.
mircea_popescu: it is this that distinguishes human from
tv-consumer, be the
tv delivered over analog cable or digital cable as "www".
phf: well, sucks. i have fond memories of it, so i'm not even going to try. like i watched a
tv show that was popular in ru in mid90s, "quantum leap". i could barely sit through a handful of eposides and only because i was trying to see if it'll get any good..
phf: i always thought of him as a pretty boy who can hold a certain pose. that's why i think purple noon is great, where he fits perfectly because he looks young, fresh, aloof and arrogant. but his other stuff is forgettable. i think he had some
tv show where he played a middle aged detective, where he was great again, by virtue of being the right age
mircea_popescu: anyway, you're right in that the "free world" is significantly impeded in sane / reasonable reaction by the unwarranted, wholly baseless conceit that "all people matter", so they can't go on
tv and tell every woman she has a week to find a master after which will be packed on catle ship and auctioned off in iran.
mircea_popescu: i've watched about a half hour of
tv total since seinfeld.
mircea_popescu: for a while a very popular ~
tv format~ was this string of factoids going in a sort of free association from a noun back again to it. the whole thing read too fast and with "bbc noises" in the background (you know the idiocy, chimes intended to propose THE IMPORTANT IS OCCURING!)
mircea_popescu: just like everything else "worked", just like how "liberalism" even became a thing. except it never was much more than the vague notions of life&everything of the friends
tv show crew.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-26 17:02 mircea_popescu: Really, the big one was money. When $50 a month is critical to survival you know it ain't the time for that. So we got through our 10 years of law school, money pit foreclosure...and finally on the other side debt eliminated, lifestyle downsized, we are ready to jump in again." << probably the best in the lot. "reality
tv stars" / 10 years of lawschool can't afford 50 bux. AMERICA! and do you know what comes right after ?
mircea_popescu: Really, the big one was money. When $50 a month is critical to survival you know it ain't the time for that. So we got through our 10 years of law school, money pit foreclosure...and finally on the other side debt eliminated, lifestyle downsized, we are ready to jump in again." << probably the best in the lot. "reality
tv stars" / 10 years of lawschool can't afford 50 bux. AMERICA! and do you know what comes right after ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "We have televisions in our house, we just stopped paying for the service around 2006. Was it a coincidence that we soured on television viewing in the same months we had just finished filming our own debut on HGTV? Probably not, if you've read my explanations of the aftermath. Being on "reality
TV" after an intense week of acting made my favorite shows lose the glitz I'd viewed them with. But that wasn't the only reason.
BingoBoingo: And in reality
tv "A well-connected Kanye source tells us Kanyes psychological problems are significant enough so that his insurance policy which covers lost profits and financial obligations for cancelled concerts due to illness will almost certainly cover the losses for the 21 concerts hes cancelled."
mircea_popescu: this is how
tv works in the third world (which more and more includes the us) : derp floats something "because why not".
mircea_popescu: hey, i'd totally see trump go on
tv first day of term and say "all us college degrees are utterly worthless anyway, so nobody should have to pay back anything to anyone for them."
Framedragger: (also, if there was one
tv series you may want to watch, it'd be "black mirror". i watched their "christmas special" ("white christmas") yesterday, and somehow on an emotional level it made me feel easier about not having much hope in the "populace". the smarter the technological tools that the populace gets to play with, the more they fuck themselves and others up.)
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-08#1564306 << 'arrested development' (fox
tv show) was brought back once before, unfortunately. whereas family guy was also cancelled after a few seasons before getting the christ-on-easter treatment, cartoons don't have, actors do. and the +5yo actors on arrested development were ~the saddest reunion of hollow meatsacks since cheers.