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assbot: Informed Ability - TV Tropes ... ( http://bit.ly/1N4KiJ7 )
BingoBoingo: Do the holes in the ground have tv's
ascii_field: if you wanna equate this to 'watch tv' - whatever.
assbot: Logged on 20-11-2015 21:54:18; mircea_popescu: but anyway, maybe the answer actually has little to do with a "west worship" thing, and simply is that the sort of people who have goals and set about to pursue them simply no longer exists. for all i know the problem of mauretania is exactly the problem of missouri : everyone in sight principally desires to sit down in front a tv.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, maybe the answer actually has little to do with a "west worship" thing, and simply is that the sort of people who have goals and set about to pursue them simply no longer exists. for all i know the problem of mauretania is exactly the problem of missouri : everyone in sight principally desires to sit down in front a tv. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: it's that the market is very sharply divided : you have the actual professionals, part of an actually professional tradition. these are, without exception, white men living in the west. and consequently they suffer from the mental diseases incumbent on watching too much dead empire tv.
mircea_popescu: it is, to them, the reality of the daytime tv drama. the scholarly term for this is, "cargo cult".
phf: tv diners, canned vegetables, bag of crisps, and when feeling fancy (or don't want to deal with cooking for the kids) it's time for a mcdonalds trip!
mircea_popescu: <pete_dushenski> less show-offy, more 'vertical' social life << jurov you are fucking crazy if you imagine the thirld worlders are BETTER at being real. they all got tvs over here. every god forsaken favela in brazil, salta, what have you has a tv. no fridge, but tv.
assbot: Mystisk rødt slim dekker millioner av kubikkmeter i fjorden - NRK Troms - Lokale nyheter, TV og radio ... ( http://bit.ly/1NYUhTn )
mircea_popescu: or as george points out, "you take tv out of this relationship, it is just murder"
mircea_popescu: this is like saying "abundance makes lazy apes want to watch tv". guess what ? it doesn't have to! nobody forces you to misuse your freedom!
gribble: Friends - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friends>; Friends (TV Series 1994–2004) - IMDb: <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108778/>; The Original Friends Site: <http://www.friends-tv.org/>
BingoBoingo: But seriously none of the republicans are going to stop before the first primaries because they gotta build their profile in public to become TV hosts
mircea_popescu: let's limit this discussion to "after tv"
BingoBoingo: robotnum1: I've got a movie about market crashes to psych you up if you are short: "My Name is Bill W", has James Woods, not bad for made for tv
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: That 80's TV show. They didn't want other arrangements. They wanted Texas's loving arms and ended up with a bunch of empty Yankee promises.
mircea_popescu: 100 man "special forces" teams are impressive on tv, owing to the poor quality of the camera as a perception mechanism.
asciilifeform doubts there are any discrete fets to be found in a modern tv
mircea_popescu: they wanna learn how to arrange mosfets, take a job in a tv repair shop for a summer.
ascii_field: (turned out, it was a time machine from an ancient british tv series where a multiverse-travelling demigod picks up british chix and fights alien vermin etc)
pete_dushenski: power hair dryer + tv + smartph0ne charger
mircea_popescu: <davout> i can't wait for this to actually be a thing on TV once 3D printing is advanced enough << when i was a kid there was a 1hour midnight show that actually played z80 tapes
davout: i can't wait for this to actually be a thing on TV once 3D printing is advanced enough
PeterL: xotika.tv
mircea_popescu: "An observation: Sheen went publicly insane early last week. It wasn't until this Tuesday night, after Extra and Today started showing the goddesses, that the court ordered an extraction team to medivac his kids. He's had a week of full on insanity, 20/20 had an entire crew in his house last Saturday, Radar was in there all day and no one felt obligated to rescue the children, but go on TV and publicly say you like mu
assbot: Logged on 25-10-2015 22:26:01; mircea_popescu: (and, note, colber's power has EXACTLY NOTHING to do with "TV" in the sense of "system". the franchises use actors in masks now, because they want to keep the copyrights, it's their "Character"| and why should an actor get to own the face of their character. but colbert is not that. so, no, it's not the system.)
mircea_popescu: (and, note, colber's power has EXACTLY NOTHING to do with "TV" in the sense of "system". the franchises use actors in masks now, because they want to keep the copyrights, it's their "Character"| and why should an actor get to own the face of their character. but colbert is not that. so, no, it's not the system.) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the tv personality went there AS A TV PERSONALITY, to confront the other tv personalities. because that's what everyone in congress is : a b lister, of dubious talent, coming not from central casting but from ballot casting.
mircea_popescu: "hey, i didn't lose any weight on that mcdonalds diet - because corporations are evil ; nor when i went to that magical fairy wicca woman, because she was a scammer. but it didn't even work while i was PRETENDING to be working out while watching chicks work out on tv! clearly dieting doesn' work! certainly being fat is the natural state of stupid people!"
asciilifeform: for the bloke with bad-habits, baggage, debt, tv - what other thing is possible ?
mircea_popescu: "woman" as in, overweight, with college debt, with bad habits, with the entire baggage of having watched as much as 5 mionutes of for-women tv is worth less than a pig.
assbot: Logged on 12-12-2014 00:01:28; asciilifeform: emp arms powered by chemical explosives are 'sexy', suck in grant money like nothing else, even deployed (!) by usa in gulf war 1 - taking a tv broadcast antenna out of action for a few hours (they had to change an amp)
mircea_popescu: but yes : do you think sumner rothstein gives a flying fuck that his car producing subsidiary paid his tv producing subsidiary a billion in advertising with no roi, when the result of this expense is that china now THINKS the truth about china is on viacom released movies and argentines think citibank is a thing that may exist in buenos aires ?
mircea_popescu: Political TV punditry is like sports for the intellectual set. You get to keep track of who's on which team, who gets traded, who made what play last night...and none of it could possibly matter less to what actually makes the world go 'round. At least sports fans don't have the same delusion of their choice of entertainment "mattering".
mircea_popescu: he reasons "people matter", and since "people are ignorant louts" ERGO "tv matters".
mircea_popescu: e." << and ballas' tv fixation is explained.
mircea_popescu: brazil has actual rich people. but it also has poor people who do not fucking expect to be on tv.
ascii_field does not own a tv
thestringpuller: is it possible to watch too much TV in America? That's all there really is to do around here.
mircea_popescu: i have to google ALL his dumbass popculture references, and that is ALL i ever have to chase. somehow the medicine he knows, i know. fucking "gosselin" ? i actually have to look at a phrase going "Katie Irene "Kate" Gosselin (born Kreider; born March 28, 1975) is an American television personality. She achieved national and international recognition on the US reality TV show Jon & Kate Plus 8, in which she and Jon Goss
mircea_popescu: somehow it doesn't occur to him he really is watching too much fucking tv.
assbot: XOtika.TV Statement - 08/06/2015 to 06/10/2015 ... ( http://bit.ly/1NWsW7h )
mircea_popescu: deedbot- https://xotika.tv/static/report_06102015_v2.html.asc
assbot: XOtika.TV: Bitcoin adult live streaming community. ... ( http://bit.ly/1MDWAYZ )
Naphex: new talent on XOtika :o https://xotika.tv/#/channel297/FleurRebelle
pete_dushenski: blocked in browser, none in here, don't pass many billboards, don't hardly watch tv
mircea_popescu: you can run a bunch of tv specials about "ratcism", they're still gonna do exactly what they did before
mircea_popescu: http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2009/09/kanye_west_and_the_video_music.html << reading this thing i come to the realisation that having a GREAT kids show on tv is the worst fucking thing you could ever do. the muppets was probably better than anything else that was on tv for three decades, and contrary to what everyone imagined, it DIDNT help kids.
mircea_popescu: tv has tits on display in this passive-agressive manner tho
shinohai: Or I can turn off the TV and read an actual book ....
mircea_popescu: he;s the type of guy like that marginal tv derp what's his face, with the icelandic coin scam
phf: a common acquaintance once said that she sometimes flips through tv channels while having sex with her boyfriend
mircea_popescu: amusingly, even the people who claim not to watch tv.
punkman: http://cdn.i24news.tv/upload/image/27d4f58fa5ca8689fe549394a791de21ad7a64fb.jpg more putin
funkenstein_: look at tv for example or alcohol
assbot: Logged on 06-10-2015 19:36:34; mircea_popescu: <Naphex> https://xotika.tv/static/report06102015.html << speaking of which, plox to give the guy's numbers a good shakedown, because im considering listing xotika this month.
Naphex: i also have otika.tv domains ready for non adult related content
assbot: XOtika.TV Statement - 08/06/2015 to 06/10/2015 ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gv2DwI )
Naphex: after some feedback i have cleaned the xotika.tv report some. A revised version is available here: https://xotika.tv/static/report_06102015_v2.html
mircea_popescu: <Naphex> https://xotika.tv/static/report06102015.html << speaking of which, plox to give the guy's numbers a good shakedown, because im considering listing xotika this month. ☟︎☟︎
Naphex: https://xotika.tv/static/report06102015.html
Naphex: i didn't know psychadelic shows were a thing (https://xotika.tv/#/channel280/Fluxable)
mircea_popescu: the average tv show is what you get when nothing's plugged in, that static buzz.
AgentScully: I'm chilling on xotika.tv, just if anyone wants to stop by
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for AgentScully with note: Had a great show on XOtika.tv
Naphex: !rate AgentScully 1 Had a great show on XOtika.tv
assbot: XOtika.TV: Bitcoin adult live streaming community. ... ( http://bit.ly/1LYirOW )
Naphex: https://xotika.tv/#/channel205/AgentScully
Naphex: Looking too hire Talent Scouts for XOtika.tv; Job entails discoverying talent to perform on XOtika.TV and introduce them to the wonders of Bitcoin. You get a weekly allowence based on performance and 5% percentage of the tip amount received (permanent and stacking) by talent you find.
assbot: Explosive Leash - TV Tropes ... ( http://bit.ly/1FzUprY )
mircea_popescu: "i once got formed an idea while in front of the tv ergo tv has a gift" ?
psztorc: What follows that section are youtube videos to tv clips about prediction markets.
mircea_popescu: redford is mostly that policeman tv series to me. but newman made excellent films.
asciilifeform: (it was to be a thing in 'every light bulb' and 'every tv set')
mircea_popescu: gas is only good for tv.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-09-2015#1279776 << this is about a tv series, 'silicon valley', which is a merciless parody of the whole idiot culture and actually worth seeing ☝︎
assbot: XOtika.TV: Bitcoin adult live streaming community. ... ( http://bit.ly/1V1dSZG )
Naphex: https://xotika.tv/#/channel17/RoyalTiffany 2 girls 1 channel :)
mircea_popescu: there's really nobody left that both can read and watches daytime tv, is there.
assbot: 2007 flashback: Adult Swim’s ‘Aqua Teen’ bomb scare in Boston | Radio and TV Talk ... ( http://bit.ly/1Fh7y9a )
asciilifeform: my grandfather had a tv (one of the early ru tv sets) that came with a gigantic flask you would fill with water and affix to the screen
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-09-2015#1275363 << ru has seen on tv how "the big boys do it", ie, how the ustard makes everything about itself. would like to copy this to feel grown-up for once. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 12-09-2015 22:49:42; cazalla: trinque, i threatened to shoot a bunch of kids at my school via icq.. made front page of local rag and blurred out face on local tv, no name though :\ probably get 10 years like that isis kid these days
phf: i remember that we were actually taught how to properly treat teachers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcZgoOyalaI amusingly i'd never seen that short on tv, it would always play during "entertainment break" when they would send us to a school movie hall to watch random stuff
cazalla: trinque, i threatened to shoot a bunch of kids at my school via icq.. made front page of local rag and blurred out face on local tv, no name though :\ probably get 10 years like that isis kid these days ☟︎
assbot: Minions (Western Animation) - TV Tropes ... ( http://bit.ly/1Lnw6Ku )
BingoBoingo: So on the local TV news apparently St Louis is going to put in a bid for 1200 syrian refugees.
mircea_popescu: it's about 90% of all us tv i watched, by volume.
mircea_popescu: "In these threads, messages advertising xotika.tv get enormous number of upvotes very fast (way too fast to be legitimate) and the site itself is a fraud - there are a number of different links advertised, for example...:"
Naphex: XOtika.tv report (for the interested): Opened for 3 months, 43.6588 BTC total tipped. 3 BTC the largest single tip; 28348 sessions started, 563 members registered, 263 channels created. 0.7751 BTC payout towards affiliates.
mircea_popescu: what's never going to be good is hiring some inept crowd followrs. they're gay, don't you know, because they saw it on tv.
mircea_popescu: when all is said and done, "the people themselves" do not want a computer but a tv set.
mircea_popescu: in fact... that's imo the driver behind "smartphone" (tablets y compris) : here, have this lighter tv screen you can shove in your ass.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-09-2015#1261703 <<this never worked for me. because i don't just read, i have a tree of activites. it's not even a tree, its a graph, with cycles. line in log leads to documentation or to article writing half the time. and tablets are unusable for any purpose other than tv ☝︎
phf: trinque: i don't have a reference for that rednecks that i go snowboarding and sometimes hunting with are not very religious. they just say all the tv talking points, abortion, gays, liberal elite, etc.
pete_dushenski: also add 'le mans' to only tv category
pete_dushenski: whereas f1 only really works on tv and nascar only works live
pete_dushenski: see wrc cars themselves are epic machines, but the races neither work on tv or live
cazalla: http://www.esquire.co.uk/culture/film-tv/8782/daniel-craig-interview/ "What does it say, too, that Bond is a fantasy figure for a Britain that no longer exists, an Imperial warrior who satisfies the rest of our vicarious appetites – no longer as easily fulfilled as they once were – to travel to exotic locations, execute the natives and then have sex with their women?"