1200+ entries in 0.783s
trinque: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=01-09-2015#1257911 << strikes me how well mass-surveillance fits with American narcissism. Look ma, I'm on reality TV! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: but i suspect the makers of fucking TV boxes were mandated to put the source in
assbot: Logged on 30-08-2015 09:55:08; pete_dushenski: "It is not just property ownership that is creating more UK millionaires. While the TV game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? was axed in the UK in 2014, the National Lottery says it has created more than 3,900 individual millionaires since 1994.
pete_dushenski: "It is not just property ownership that is creating more UK millionaires. While the TV game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? was axed in the UK in 2014, the National Lottery says it has created more than 3,900 individual millionaires since 1994. ☟︎
thestringpuller: reminds me of tv show wehre characters are like "Is Molly his wife or his dog?"
punkman: “We know his goal is to make America great again,” a woman said. “It’s on his hat. And we see it every time it’s on TV. Everything that he’s doing, there’s no doubt why he’s doing it: it’s to make America great again.”
mircea_popescu: i think it must have been in an old tv movie or something.
williamdunne: For a good laugh, a socialist using words they don't understand. Particular lols around bogeymanning options contracts; www.dailymotion.com/video/x2mxebi_the-super-rich-and-us-episode-2_tv
assbot: 'Mr. Robot' Finale Postponed Over Plot Similarity to Virginia TV Shooting - Hollywood Reporter ... ( http://bit.ly/1JnVzFA )
trinque: just knows how having one looks on tv
assbot: A-Team Firing - TV Tropes ... ( http://bit.ly/1hfL7pT )
Adlai: PeterL: if there's more than one, and they're old enough not to try eating the stones, i'd suggest replacing the TV with a goban
thestringpuller: "And so I ask you this one question. Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them? " - Bender
PeterL: I don't have my kids watch TV for development, it is just entertainment
PeterL: A few days ago somebody asked about kids TV shows, my kids like "Phineas and Ferb" and "Teen Titans Go", not horrible to have in the other room like most kids shows these days
cazalla: well, what do i know, i don't watch tv on tv
assbot: Mr. Robot (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1hCiUua )
fluffypony: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Robot_(TV_series)#Ratings
assbot: Logged on 24-08-2015 04:29:15; phf: there was a series of catchy commercials in constant tv rotation in the early 90s, that are simultaneously associated with collapse, "wild 90s" and plebs getting fucked left and right by yeltzin, oligarchs, tv spiritualists, scams, central bank etc.
phf: there was a series of catchy commercials in constant tv rotation in the early 90s, that are simultaneously associated with collapse, "wild 90s" and plebs getting fucked left and right by yeltzin, oligarchs, tv spiritualists, scams, central bank etc. ☟︎
jurov: mostly cuz it was on rtl2 when we had tv allowed
BingoBoingo: Ashley Madison at some point took in serious fiat though. They had prominent TV ads which means either VC suckers or customer suckers
funkenstein_: the "president" tv show seems mostly produced for foreign consumption, kinda like friends or baywatch
mircea_popescu: "i have an idea for a us tv network - primarily targetting spanish daytime soaps and more languages programming".
ben_vulpes: http://right-now.shithouse.tv/
trinque: http://sicp.shithouse.tv/
pete_dushenski: 30 rock might actually be the last tv show i watched that had me in stitches
mircea_popescu: for that matter, looky here. when i was younger, we had this constant problem where kids watched who knows what on the (recently available) tv and decided they're gonna be MOBSTERERS!!11 LIEK IRL!!
pete_dushenski: been too long since i had cable tv i guess
pete_dushenski: they should be hosting daytime tv shows or something
pete_dushenski: if u.s. politics is a tv game show, which it so often seems to be, how could trump (or someone equally outrageous) lose ?
Naphex: xotika.tv referral program is up and available for those interested. 2.5% of the tippings received or sent by users you invite. Everything is tracked real time and available from withdraw from the platform.
mircea_popescu: before fucking tv executives tried to turn it into money, the expression denoted the sort of crammed, unsanitary, sexually repressed housing usians lived in post ww2 and brtught up the boomers.
gribble: Picket Fences (TV Series 1992–1996) - IMDb: <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103512/>; Picket Fences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picket_Fences>; Picket Fences - TV.com: <http://www.tv.com/shows/picket-fences/>
ben_vulpes: phf: http://how-i-feel-rn.shithouse.tv/
trinque: this is a man who hosted reality tv, rememeber
cazalla: my missus had an elective c-section, made the day somewhat of a non-event when compared to hollywood/tv births
ben_vulpes: http://anti-feminism.shithouse.tv
ben_vulpes: http://feminism.shithouse.tv
mircea_popescu: people used to try and suck producer cock to "be a tv star"
mircea_popescu: anyway. makes for great tumblr stars, goes splendid for an ama, can prolly retire to doing voice-overs for "did you know" factoid tv/nature show.
mircea_popescu: wait a second. you're not seriously trying to understand "what executives do" by reading bloggers' commentary on tv shows ?!
punkman: mircea_popescu: trinque you old enough to remember when neobee took over cypruss or notrly ? << I remember their derpy tv ads, unfortunately couldn't find them recently, wanted to show a friend
mircea_popescu: at least that tv dude without a station is a fag. what's this guy got ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: realize that udp ddoes only ever existed because the net is willing to route packets 'from victim's' machine to the idiot tv boxes, who 'answer' them
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: They missed alien messages in Satellite TV shows
asciilifeform: and anyway, snowden is a tv character
mats: http://www.metacritic.com/tv/halt-and-catch-fire this is p good
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> is it some brain infection ? << Yes, disease was 1950's USia. The appearance that came from the plenty of being only "civilized" area not torn to shit in the 1940's and agriculture's strain to provide real food. Marketing got really good at pushing "tv dinners"
asciilifeform: if you're a kid in calcutta watching a b&w tv, where americans drink it - then yes!
assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 04:00:50; decimation: when was the last time you heard someone advocate the local tv station justify their monopoly on the supposedly public spectrum?
decimation: when was the last time you heard someone advocate the local tv station justify their monopoly on the supposedly public spectrum? ☟︎
shinohai: wait ... xotika.tv is *your* project mircea_popescu ?
assbot: goldcakes comments on I'm the developer of Bitcoin Adult Streaming service XOtika.TV AMA! ... ( http://bit.ly/1fzCbuL )
assbot: I'm the developer of Bitcoin Adult Streaming service XOtika.TV AMA! : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1DIKrOZ )
assbot: AT&T buys DirecTV, now biggest traditional TV provider in US - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1emJtRx )
mircea_popescu: so watch italian tv
BingoBoingo: cazalla: Canon Casino Royal not that bad, has TV Hannibal
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-07-2015#1211860 <<< his old stuff, and by that i mean his old stuff on australian tv before he was in movies is preddy gud for a laugh, but ya sorta need to grasp the context which is difficult for americans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpS31FJO8_o ☝︎
decimation: I remember watching a tv show about B-2 bomber crews. they showed a 'simulated bombing' of baghdad from nebraska
phf: russian (and european) literature borrows from greeks as much as it did from italians. i grew up intimately knowing greek mythos and not just from watching Hercules on tv, because you can't read a single russian novel without some greek allusion or outright a direct reference. when i went there i knew places from before even seeing them
asciilifeform: the miracast almost makes me wish i had a tv set. would plug it in, watch blockchain go
cazalla: he's pretty clever, stacked a couple pillows in order to get up on the tv unit
mircea_popescu: apparently either there's none or everyone else in bitcoin is just watching tv.
assbot: XOtika.TV: Bitcoin adult live streaming community. ... ( http://bit.ly/1KeN1nq )
Naphex: https://xotika.tv/#/channel173/AliceRichard
assbot: XOtika.TV: Bitcoin adult live streaming community. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Iamc1x )
Naphex: https://xotika.tv/#/channel99/hotgirlforyou
TheNewDeal: you know. Seeing pencilneck prick drive a jaguar down the road. Slober at him, then go home and watch tv to forget
decimation: asciilifeform: worst case you can use it to watch turd tv
mod6: (is this like a google tv-like thing?)
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-07-2015#1204558 << the on ewith the watching tv ☝︎
Naphex: Will be launching a non x-rated Xotika.TV spin-off called otika.tv. For whatever people wanna stream that doesn't need lots of disclaimers ;]
Naphex: i'll be launching a refferal program for xotika.tv later this week. hopefully it will help with the activit
assbot: Betty White Bea Arthur Golden Girls TV Show Television Wall Clock | eBay ... ( http://bit.ly/1CBMut7 )
jurov: lol why not these? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Betty-White-Bea-Arthur-Golden-GIrls-TV-Show-Television-Wall-Clock/141715392312
trinque: so this guy cut his dick off to land a TV series?
ascii_field: user would have to plug the thing into a tv set to configure 802.11
assbot: E6 Wireless Display Dongle Miracast HDMI WiFi Display TV Stick Black ... ( http://bit.ly/1CC93h7 )
ascii_field: http://www.pandawill.com/e6-wireless-display-dongle-miracast-hdmi-wifi-display-tv-stick-black-p94914.html
decimation: I think most 'adults' in the west would prefer to live in a tv program
mircea_popescu: italian daytime tv conquered the fucking world.
trinque: deleted by some guy that edits a lot of movie/tv pages, south park in particular.
Naphex: https://xotika.tv/static/munin/main/main/mbitcoin_transactions.html for the interested
Vexual: opposition leader is explaining to the royal commission here on tv, how to build roads that don't need fixing all the time
gribble: naphex was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 days, 10 hours, and 28 seconds ago: <Naphex> https://xotika.tv/#/channel115/LovelyTaya enjoy xD
ben_vulpes: well for as long as nobody here uses shithouse.tv nothing here can be considered actual shitposting.
scoopbot_revived: French TV Venture CANAL+ Hacked, Suppresses News with DMCA http://qntra.net/2015/07/french-tv-venture-canal-hacked-suppresses-news-with-dmca/
assbot: Logged on 05-07-2015 12:06:08; hdbuck: is this news worth hitting qntra? https://torrentfreak.com/tv-giant-canal-hacked-hits-github-with-dmca-complaint-150613/ < « surprisingly » not that much media cover + total failure of security + hacker mined bitcoins
assbot: Logged on 05-07-2015 12:06:08; hdbuck: is this news worth hitting qntra? https://torrentfreak.com/tv-giant-canal-hacked-hits-github-with-dmca-complaint-150613/ < « surprisingly » not that much media cover + total failure of security + hacker mined bitcoins
assbot: TV Giant CANAL+ Hacked, Hits Github With DMCA Complaint | TorrentFreak ... ( http://bit.ly/1JOuew2 )
hdbuck: is this news worth hitting qntra? https://torrentfreak.com/tv-giant-canal-hacked-hits-github-with-dmca-complaint-150613/ < « surprisingly » not that much media cover + total failure of security + hacker mined bitcoins ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: the legions of hell are truely an infinite headcount. why do you care so much about some particular schmucks in the chorus ? why not that tv scammer dude while you're at it, what was his name
trinque: yeah mine's collecting dust on the tv stand
trinque: and turn the trip to mars into a reality tv show
mircea_popescu: otherwise, same tv-driven rank nonsense & feelings.
assbot: XOtika.TV: Bitcoin adult live streaming community. ... ( http://bit.ly/1FO5HSK )
Naphex: https://xotika.tv/#/channel115/LovelyTaya enjoy xD
Vexual: tv here shows greeks complaining that germans don't understand greece
fluffypony: replaced our TV with a Canon WUX400ST