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asciilifeform: and i'm told now the farmerz have tv sets, which they stare at instead of old, good, wholesome hobbies like sister-fucking
ben_vulpes: my morning: http://wordpress.shithouse.tv/
mircea_popescu: phf i'm like the emperor-god xenomorph from the future, i go "what was that bullshit tv series from the early 90s with all the boats" and wihin minutes a woman pops the name. unfuckingbelivable.
ascii_butugychag: speaking of, i'm told that latest recycled shitoshi is now being paraded on american tv
ascii_butugychag: ~same as a fella who watches 8h of tv a day, i imagine.
mircea_popescu: see what's here, see what's there, live of www.tv
davout: i like the idea of sending the kids outside to learn from mother nature instead of mother tv, and having the horses around instead of having to suffer a 30km drive to get to ride
gribble: But for Me, It Was Tuesday - TV Tropes: <http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ButForMeItWasTuesday>; Bison remembers Tuesday - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlhOUyy4wbs>; It was Tuesday - Street Fighter 1994 - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVzAMmpMra8>
mircea_popescu: lms, they impersonate entities that they dislike, a practice that they call "identity correction". The Yes Men operate under the mission statement that lies can expose truth. They create and maintain fake websites similar to ones they intend to spoof, which have led to numerous interview, conference, and TV talk show invitations. They espouse the belief that corporations and governmental organizations often act in dehumanizin
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not mega-seekrit, if i turn on a radio or tv set, 9 in 10 chance i hear precisely this wail.
BingoBoingo: Wait "<mircea_popescu> fwiw /msg ChanServ FLAGS #trilema deedbot +AOhiortv still works, so w/e." A string fleanode accepts contains "Ohio" and "tv" could this thing be more John Kasich
asciilifeform: it was like a sports bar with no tv
trinque: ben_vulpes │ ... and recognizing the futility-cum-insubordination of a footsoldier asking anything << what foot soldier was this? All I saw was a Ricky from Trailer Park Boys impersonation shouting words he heard on terribly written TV about biznis
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2016 02:19:49; ben_vulpes: http://dream-job.shithouse.tv/
ben_vulpes: http://dream-job.shithouse.tv/ ☟︎
ben_vulpes: in other news, i finally put a tv in the conference room and it is now apparently the dedicated "5 hours of rocket explosions on a loop" device
phf: "jewish lawyers" on tv
mircea_popescu: to summarize said argument attempts : line 1. "high voltage is dangerous" "mkay, throw out your tv" ; line 2 : "you will have to protect the line" "yes you will" ; line 3 : "this was done historically" "yes it was".
mircea_popescu: eh get out ; if he has a tv set he has 2kv or some shit in the house already.
asciilifeform: where you get ~hour/day to power up the tv.
jurov: what about genjix? he was on TV, must be teh enemy!!!
deedbot-: [» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] The Aviator and the flying Apple TV. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/03/08/the-aviator-and-the-flying-apple-tv/
asciilifeform: recently i contemplated doing a rotor port to a chinese tv box, 1G of ram, available for ~30 usd in qty. infinite. but when the fuck would i do this, a student ought to do this
gribble: Pinoy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinoy>; Urban Dictionary: pinoy: <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pinoy>; Pinoy Tambayan | Watch Pinoy TV Shows Online: <http://www.pinoytvshows.org/>
mircea_popescu: did he say, on tv, "bitch you either eat out marylin or ima flay you alive and hang your disgusting carcass by the south gate" ?
shinohai: Most TV is garbage anyway
punkman: is anyone making smart-tv/fridge/microwave botnets yet?
mircea_popescu: roughly speaking the equivalnt of a shelf of make-up in the workshop or "i wanna watch tv on my computor" sorta things. get a husband / get a tv set if that's what you're trying to do and get out of everyone's way.
mircea_popescu: i end up spending 150 pesos on cabs and 50 pesos on coffee across the fucking square, because argentines are truly and utterly retarded. why make a grand off a fellow when you could just as well make nothing at all and go home to the tv ?
asciilifeform: i won't make tv either.
asciilifeform: take an official lcd tv, attach fpga where the panel ribbon cable was.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform honestly i think it's nest building. dudes have discovered that the way to attract washed up ex-whores in family mode is to fill the fridge and mega-tv-couch arrangement.
mircea_popescu: and on it... they watch dumbass 2nd hand us sitcoms and mexican tv productions.
mircea_popescu: that's the other thing you know, every other derp here that i ever visit has bought a huge tv, oft times at a cost that compares to that of his car.
mircea_popescu: but, tv format, who cares, you can push it into one cd per season.
assbot: Logged on 25-02-2016 12:54:31; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-02-2016#1415174. << cracking the disk crypto is 'plugging the wrong end of the funnel'. the hdmi copyprptection key leaked eons ago, just pick the frames up on the other end of the tv cable, emitted by an official player!
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-02-2016#1415174. << cracking the disk crypto is 'plugging the wrong end of the funnel'. the hdmi copyprptection key leaked eons ago, just pick the frames up on the other end of the tv cable, emitted by an official player! ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: "all american women are blonde because that's what i see on tv anchors"
assbot: Check Out the Hottest New TV Shows of 2015! | VICE | United States ... ( http://bit.ly/20HKbue )
phf: shit like https://www.vice.com/read/check-out-the-hottest-new-tv-shows-of-2015-0000560-v22n1
cazalla_: fucking idiots called a CAT (crisis assesment team) on me the other day because hey, if you're not enthusiastic to work shitty jobs to buy coke, watch blah blah housewives on tv and want to pay top dollar for plastic shit out of china, well, ya mentally ill
BingoBoingo: TV goes behind you to provide background noise
pete_dushenski doesn't think he spends an hour a month in front of 'tv'
pete_dushenski: don't make me have a prime time tv press conpherence
assbot: Propaganda Machine - TV Tropes ... ( http://bit.ly/1WqfkkR )
phf: extended version usually deployed by short and fat female cops in american tv shows. "sir, SIR, sir. sir!"
ben_vulpes: http://b-a.shithouse.tv/
mircea_popescu: what the fuck, whore budget for us tv sports team should be in the hundred mil a year sorta thing.
mircea_popescu: as social media and general laziness drove the cost of producing tv shows why the fuck up, forcing ever present decreases in quality,
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: South Park's "Stick of Truth" pretty much set the bar for interactive TV sold as game
mircea_popescu: so in this sense, something like "gpu-powered ipad game, 100ms delayed" is a great competition for cable tv
mircea_popescu: basically [a segment of] gaming has turned into "gimme a minimally interactive tv show"
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-01-2016#1388381 << dude writing that formed his ideas about the world watching cheap tv entertainment. "chinese" is this sole guy, very polite, slanty eyes. ☝︎
adlai: mno. you want the one with the TV and complimentary pogoplugs
asciilifeform: ('video' where i live traditionally refers to game consoles that plug into tv)
mircea_popescu: we know this does promote all the industries - people will hunt and make farms, and then need lumber and tv sets.
assbot: Pizza Hut Gorbachev TV Spot Commercial :60 International version - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1PDHVOQ )
ascii_butugychag: like my grandfather's su tv set with water tank lens.
mircea_popescu: lmao when we started, computers plugged into the tv. and after 20 years spent spinning in the desert, as we age computers plug into the... tv.
asciilifeform: punkman: seems like you are describing a tv set ?
mircea_popescu: epic interview, i think the last one too, on the tv show of that guy with the camera in demo mode
mircea_popescu: show to be rebranded as "OhMySides", to move on F! tv ?
copypaste: hard to film an IRC log in a manner that would be entertaining to the average TV watcher
cazalla: kingking190, she's a cam whore masquerading as a gamer girl, problem is, porn is easily accessible, so i don't really need to see all these cam whores on sites like twitch.tv
cazalla: does she fall asleep in front of the tv?
ben_vulpes: http://dogs.shithouse.tv/
asciilifeform: not to mention that if it is a cable tv sort of cable, you are stuck with some of the most abominable isp monopolists in all of usaschwitz
punkman: my tv runs on freebsd, but can't do anything there
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for naphex with note: Brought together BTC and babes with xotika.tv
BingoBoingo: TV and talk radio conveniently ignore the Bundy ranch is still successfully defended from Federal forces
mircea_popescu: "if he's not o nthe cheap tv set he's probably cruising the highway restrooms"
mircea_popescu: my god has tv died
assbot: The Wrong Mans (TV Series 2013– ) - IMDb ... ( http://bit.ly/22uPq4c )
punkman: http://cdn.theguardian.tv/webM/2015/12/21/151221ChinaLandslide_synd_768k_vp8.webm
BingoBoingo: trump does. he's a tv show
deedbot-: [Qntra] French TV Venture CANAL+ Hacked, Suppresses News with DMCA - http://qntra.net/2015/07/french-tv-venture-canal-hacked-suppresses-news-with-dmca/
PeterL: most just go straight to the tv, "I'll think about burning stuff after I watch my shows and surf facebook for a while"
mircea_popescu: same shit with ustard : does burning down the govt result in immediate payoff ? no ? well... what's on tv ?
assbot: You rated user CoraCrisT on 30-Nov-2015, with a rating of 3, and supplied these additional notes: XOtika.tv CEO - Handles bussiness side, press, recruiting, marketing, hr, pr.
mircea_popescu: so : argentina has many problems, economically, all of which reduce to "it's a country of 40mn useless douches, of which ~10 mn pretend to live like they saw in various imported tv shows, while the country is unfit to even export raw meat, so it lost those contracts and is now exporting soy"
pete_dushenski: and maybe some tv's that can be reverse-engineered
pete_dushenski: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi6RLrJrjLQ << true american innovation at work. tv show pauses when you fall asleep via sock-embedded sensors.
assbot: Kansas City TV crew robbed at gunpoint; 3 suspects arrested : Entertainment ... ( http://bit.ly/1mklQxI )
BingoBoingo: http://www.stltoday.com/entertainment/television/kansas-city-tv-crew-robbed-at-gunpoint-suspects-arrested/article_d0fdc00e-daf9-5525-b07b-4844090702e8.html
pete_dushenski: no tv or even books to distract. why not be an artist at your craft ?
ascii_field: 'WBBH-TV, the NBC affiliate in Ft. Myers, Fla. aired what it thought was the Department of Homeland Security seal but turned out to be a doctored image with a vulgar hidden meaning...'
BingoBoingo: *tv
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: You mean people who don't really watch tv on tc
mircea_popescu: guys at the local bar, you know, watching shark tank on tv...
assbot: Now doctors give boy, 12, gastric band: Youngest ever British patient of extreme weight-loss surgery as experts declare child obesity IS parents' fault in new TV exposé  | Daily Mail Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1OSQRCh )
BingoBoingo: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2953749/Now-doctors-boy-12-gastric-band-Youngest-British-patient-extreme-weight-loss-surgery-experts-declare-child-obesity-parents-fault-new-TV-expos.html
assbot: Logged on 06-10-2015 19:36:34; mircea_popescu: <Naphex> https://xotika.tv/static/report06102015.html << speaking of which, plox to give the guy's numbers a good shakedown, because im considering listing xotika this month. ☟︎
assbot: Multiple bomb threats reported across Massachusetts - 7News Boston WHDH-TV ... ( http://bit.ly/1YNLaKl )
assbot: You rated user CoraCrist on 30-Nov-2015, with a rating of 3, and supplied these additional notes: XOtika.tv CEO - Handles bussiness side, press, recruiting, marketing, hr, pr.
Naphex: !rate CoraCrist 3 XOtika.tv CEO - Handles bussiness side, press, recruiting, marketing, hr, pr
punkman: but said on tv he'd rather live with teh animals
ben_vulpes: unrelated: http://writing-c-unites-workers.shithouse.tv/
pete_dushenski: well 'hudson's bay co did this' and 'east india company did that' is pretty much as far as the minds of american tv watchers go.
assbot: Roger Ebert (Creator) - TV Tropes ... ( http://bit.ly/1TbqwRn )
assbot: Wild Mass Guessing - TV Tropes ... ( http://bit.ly/1PL8ZAQ )