472 entries in 0.415s
ascii_field: the
obligatory ziptie handcuffs (last photo.)
http://trilema.com/2015/random-weird-shit-2/ <<
obligatory su lul: '— one day, shell landed in a trench. all the men went up. at the end of the day, we turned up an arse and a set of limbs, no head, no torso. — what did you do? — if the head had turned up, it could be a man again. but naturally - it is top brass now. what else.'
obligatory mention of Black Mirror, in case nobody has seen it yet
mircea_popescu: also
obligatory, wilde. "i will leave it to you to fix the ifs and thens and wherefores"
assbot: Logged on 16-02-2014 22:03:29; asciilifeform:
obligatory russian drowning joke
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo:
Obligatory slogan: "Come and get Tanked!" << better yet, "tank top off tuesday"
adlai: ok, the orlov piece is good. i'll settle for equally
BingoBoingo: <lobbes> <+BingoBoingo> Building a deck on top, set up some chairs. Get a limo license and people would probably pay some serious money to get ferried around to bars and parties in that manner <<
Obligatory slogan: "Come and get Tanked!"