118 entries in 0.544s
bvt: diana_coman: ty for spotting this. i will regring vpatches p.1 and p.2; i wanted to make the vpatch p.1 name the same in manifest and file system, but did the wrong thing there just editing the line from previous vpatch in vpatch p.2.
diana_coman: and given the two-class system those are effectively priorities: at every ask-opportunity, the Requester will choose first object request and only second file request (those really are the ONLY two types of questions the client may ask the server)
a111: Logged on 2019-05-01 07:14 mp_en_viaje: wherein is a text file : "for linux users, please download the driver for your system from our website".
mp_en_viaje: wherein is a text file : "for linux users, please download the driver for your system from our website". ☟︎
phf: trinque: i'm going to play with some link combinations, but perhaps it would be worthwhile to at least check if the named file exists on the system after failed genesis production.
BingoBoingo: I suspect file system corruption is more likely. This may mean hardware failure or it could mean an accumulation of small errors piling up during those power cycles.
asciilifeform: 'A long time ago, in the late eighties, I myself tried to develop such a system, on a home-made 68K with a cp/m executive (the file system was on a second, z80 processor, that had a floppy drive). It's name was 'li' meaning a half lisp (but it had a simple, non-optimizing JIT compiler that directly generated 68K code)...' << this is at least the 3rd fella i've corresponded with who 'i tried to build lispm in '80s out of 68k'
a111: Logged on 2018-10-24 19:57 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-23#1865503 << i threw your patch on btcbase, it looks good, though i'm not sure i agree with the decision to put temp file in /tmp. the point of putting it in same hierarchy as press, was to avoid the whole cross-file-system issue
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-23#1865503 << i threw your patch on btcbase, it looks good, though i'm not sure i agree with the decision to put temp file in /tmp. the point of putting it in same hierarchy as press, was to avoid the whole cross-file-system issue ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-10-16 11:44 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-15#1863111 << thinking about this in the interim, it is EVIDENTLY the case. "files" as in ~the fucking thing REFERENCED~ in the "file"system names aren't even first class abstractions! the drive's a BYTE device! there's no fucking files ANYWHERE except in the imagination.
mircea_popescu: what passes for a "file system" currently is this attempt to force a byte-device (sometimes with some half-baked geographical allocation bolted on) through a half-baked database model. wtf is a "FAT" or a "journal" besides poorly implemented mysql/postgres dben ?
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 19:24 mircea_popescu: s a file system AT ALL, and the "all things are files" is just a thin wraper on a turd sausage made out of "we have no data model beyond ram and our disk doesn't actually work".
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-15#1863111 << thinking about this in the interim, it is EVIDENTLY the case. "files" as in ~the fucking thing REFERENCED~ in the "file"system names aren't even first class abstractions! the drive's a BYTE device! there's no fucking files ANYWHERE except in the imagination. ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i wrote about this on my www in the past, whole concept of 'file system' is consequence of the nonvolatile memory poverty that gave us the orig ram/disk split
mircea_popescu: so the situation may actually be that no computer system currently deployed actually has a file system.
mircea_popescu: s a file system AT ALL, and the "all things are files" is just a thin wraper on a turd sausage made out of "we have no data model beyond ram and our disk doesn't actually work". ☟︎
asciilifeform: '...If you want to lock a file in $HOME, forget about it as $HOME might be NFS and locks generally are not reliable there. The same applies to every other file system that might be shared across the network. If the file you want to lock is accessible to more than your own user (i.e. an access mode > 0700), forget about locking, it would allow others to block your application indefinitely. If your program is non-trivial or threaded or
bvt: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-15#1862867 -- i'd bet this is file-system- and linux-version-specific. at least in the NFS case lack of support for some versions is explicitly advertised. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 10:26 ave1: btw, gnat specific; System.OS_Lib has 'Create_New_File' (it also has a temp file generator, but I cannot recommend, uses digits). bvt's implemention looks the way to go (Although the string allocations to talk to C should be removed)
ave1: btw, gnat specific; System.OS_Lib has 'Create_New_File' (it also has a temp file generator, but I cannot recommend, uses digits). bvt's implemention looks the way to go (Although the string allocations to talk to C should be removed) ☟︎
bvt: and i'm don't know yet if files created this way can be mv'ed to file system
a111: Logged on 2018-09-22 18:46 phf: asciilifeform: that i can see, but i'm not sure why it's picking up system wide includes. there's an isystem there that points to correct musl include tree, that has the sys/types.h file in it
phf: asciilifeform: that i can see, but i'm not sure why it's picking up system wide includes. there's an isystem there that points to correct musl include tree, that has the sys/types.h file in it ☟︎
ave1: Also no UNIX sockets yet, I was reading the documentation and came accross how linux now supports "abstract" unix sockets which have no equivalent on the file system. Pretty big WTF all over, it's implemented by having a string start with a 0 (zero) byte.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the new biosen are lulzy also, often they have tcp stack nao, and read file system , and even show spam in the setup
diana_coman: logs.minigame.biz/2018-07-21.log.html#t18:54:49 -> for future reference: this required cflags set because it turned out that configure failed to look in the correct place for the .h file; gentoo's own gcc used "--with-system-zlib" and got away with it; ave1's gcc did not
a111: Logged on 2018-06-27 18:03 phf: PeterL: the approach that we've been taking with legacy C code is pulling out autotools, and replacing with a single #ifdef/.. configuration header. outside of linux/bsd code is probably not going to work, and the approach is to look at the configuration header file (http://btcbase.org/patches/vdiff_sha_static/tree/vtools/src/system.h#L145 in case of vtools) and patch it for your system
a111: Logged on 2014-09-03 11:56 mircea_popescu: By default, systemd saves core dumps to the journal, instead of the file system. Core dumps must be explicitly queried using coredumpctl4. Besides going against all reason, it also creates complications in multi-user environments (good luck running gdb on your program's core dump if it's dumped to the journal and you don't have root access)
phf: asciilifeform: is it possible to combine musl and libc on a same gentoo system (gentoo insists i use something they call crossdev, i haven't yet looked into it further) (i'm using your aarch64 gentoo root file system)?
phf: but where this subthread started "_outside of linux/bsd_ code is probably not going to work, and the approach is to look at the configuration header file and patch it _for your system_
phf: PeterL: the approach that we've been taking with legacy C code is pulling out autotools, and replacing with a single #ifdef/.. configuration header. outside of linux/bsd code is probably not going to work, and the approach is to look at the configuration header file (http://btcbase.org/patches/vdiff_sha_static/tree/vtools/src/system.h#L145 in case of vtools) and patch it for your system ☟︎
phf: asciilifeform: you'd be amused by the latest emacs release, "Limited form of concurrency with Lisp threads" "Emacs now uses double buffering to reduce flicker on the X Window System" "Flymake has been completely redesigned" "TRAMP has a new connection method for Google Drive" "A systemd user unit file is provided". it's almost like a self-parody
mircea_popescu: hey, you get a free db with the file system, i never was arsed to do any better on my reports. not that i'm proposing my laziness as the model for anyone else nor that i think the bikeshedding discussion needs to continue, now extented into a theoretical comparison of the merits and dismerits of postgress and implicit-fs-db.
mircea_popescu: bwahahaha "bug in npm changes permissions on / file system destroys productions linux or unix boxes. “sudo npm” will chown “/“."
ben_vulpes: shinohai: system is complaining that the file dun exist when it quite clearly does, gonna hafta look into this but not atm, thanks for chiming in
PeterL: the problem I see with the current system is that you can make a change in one file which relies on a change in behavior of a function defined in a different file. You end up with two "sister" patches, but the second one is invalid without the first.
PeterL: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-06#1765616 << I dun see why patches have to change much? Thinking of the system proposed by mircea_popescu you would have one line change in a "patch version" file, the rest of the patch would be identical to what we have now ☝︎
ben_vulpes: also, single-file vpatches drives the system towards whole sourcetree hashing, otherwise they'll definitionally never depend on one another
phf: fwiw bulk of these tools have been written through the 90s and what was worthwhile from orcland was published that way then. until silent takeover by latex & 1.8gb tex installations happened and none of these tricks work anymore (because the necessary hooks are so deep within the layer of cruft it's near impossible to get to them, and one way they did it is through standard file system lay out, that requires a chain of compilation stages to move files
phf: well, autoconf is not just scripts. it's also compatibility shims, which is a bit tricky in case of a differ, since, unlike mpi, it has a lot of file system interaction code, that might or might not be portable. anyway, we'll see
mircea_popescu: anywya, this system'd be purrfect : if hash unchanged, "this is THE SAME file by a different name (or path, same thing" ; if hash changed "this is DIFFERENT FILE by same name"
asciilifeform: this is an O(1) op in the file system
asciilifeform: this is mainly to build later for microcontroller that just has uart, no file system
mircea_popescu: geting hard numbers on file system performance, something everyone involved in data storage for the past 30 years has been vehehehery deliberately hiding, is certainly better use of time than, for instance, attempting to reason with djb jzw & all.
phf: it does an equivalent of patch, but without calling out to c programs and without the result (or intermediate steps) touching the file system at any point
erlehmann: every idiot who just takes an uploaded file and converts it using ffmpeg is just a 4 line text file away from me filling whatever storage the idiot has on the converter system
mod6: !~later tell mircea_popescu Hi, does seem like my gnat woes were system environment related. Was able to compile alf's ffa after splitting up the file: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Nl0EP/?raw=true
phf: writing out each one of those concerns separately will teach you how to do it (or whether it can even be done, like with "atomic file system")
asciilifeform: !~later tell Framedragger the table system can be easily prototyped , without writing any kernel code, by using 16G file on ordinary disk. (at the obvious speed penalty.)
thestringpuller: "RAND_poll seeds the random number generator using a system-specific entropy source, which is /dev/urandom on UNIX-like operating systems" << so openssl default is PRNG??? RE: "The urandom device may lack sufficient entropy for your needs, and you might want to reseed it immediately from /dev/random. On Unix and other operating systems that provide the block device, you can use RAND_load_file to load directly from /dev/random."
a111: Logged on 2016-07-18 18:08 asciilifeform: i know of no file system that would not choke.
mircea_popescu: (file system structured query language)
Framedragger: asciilifeform: on what does it run again? nfs as in network file system, or sth else?
asciilifeform: 'alf-wp' does not, and will not, because it does not have write permissions for the file system.
asciilifeform: 'BLATSTING's implementers are a big fan of mmap. It seems to be used for all file access, not just for manipulating kernel memory through `/dev/mem`. Is it done this way to reduce the number of system calls, to be less conspicious, as well as not reveal what exactly is accessed when running in `strace`? Or maybe a later stage of the rootkit blocks certain kinds of syscalls on certain "hidden" files.'
asciilifeform: Framedragger: how long does it take to grep a 100G file on your system ?
a111: Logged on 2016-07-18 18:08 asciilifeform: i know of no file system that would not choke.
asciilifeform: i know of no file system that would not choke. ☟︎☟︎
Framedragger: each comment saved as separate file, to be removed etc using normal system tools; any modifcation under tree triggers static content regeneration
asciilifeform: 'When parsing executables packed by an early version of aspack, a buffer overflow can occur in the core Symantec Antivirus Engine used in most Symantec and Norton branded Antivirus products. ... This is a remote code execution vulnerability. Because Symantec use a filter driver to intercept all system I/O, just emailing a file to a victim or sending them a link is enough to exploit it. On Linux, Mac and other UNIX platforms, this res
asciilifeform: ''ImageMagick allows to process files with external libraries. This feature is called 'delegate'. It is implemented as a system() with command string ('command') from the config file delegates.xml with actual value for different params (input/output filenames etc). Due to insufficient %M param filtering it is possible to conduct shell command injection. One of the default delegate's command is used
asciilifeform: there was another project, which did go somewhere a bit, called 'owner free file system'
phf: also it doesn't re-parse txt files from file system on each page hit...
mod6: boy oh boy. looks like all you can hope for with Ada and issuing system commands is to redirect the output to a file, and the read the file.
asciilifeform: state is what the motherfucking file system is for
asciilifeform: e.g., the old mac os had dual-forked file system
gribble: Chromium (web browser) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromium_(web_browser)>; Out of memory handling - The Chromium Projects: <https://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/chromiumos-design-docs/out-of-memory-handling>; Hard Drive filling up? Check Chrome's File System folder - gHacks ...: <http://www.ghacks.net/2015/06/24/hard-drive-filling-up- (1 more message)
asciilifeform: malicious app can only try to trick the user into revealing secret. it cannot, e.g., access the file system (you are not permitted fopen() ... )
asciilifeform: and yes, this is achieved at the cost of apps not having any access to the file system, etc.
ascii_butugychag: my point was that there is not a special knob, you don't need it, your unix file system is the knob
assbot: Logged on 16-01-2016 22:31:04; mod6: the idea of V is a versioning system based upon patches that include SHA512 hashes of the file before and after the given patch is applied -- and checks the given signatures of the wot entities who have signed off on the patch.
mod6: the idea of V is a versioning system based upon patches that include SHA512 hashes of the file before and after the given patch is applied -- and checks the given signatures of the wot entities who have signed off on the patch. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: ok that's not it, does the file it wants actually exist on your system ? can you find it ?
pete_dushenski: "According to an analysis [PDF] by Duo Security, a bundled plugin reinstalls the root CA file if it is removed. First, you must delete Dell.Foundation.Agent.Plugins.eDell.dll from your system (search for it) and then remove the eDellRoot root CA certificate."
assbot: 0 results for '/rotor/TEST2/ourlibs/lib/libboost_system.a: error adding symbols: File format not recognized' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=%2Frotor%2FTEST2%2Fourlibs%2Flib%2Flibboost_system.a%3A+error+adding+symbols%3A+File+format+not+recognized
shinohai: !s /rotor/TEST2/ourlibs/lib/libboost_system.a: error adding symbols: File format not recognized
phf: "The inclusion of OS X default applications in the list [some list of SIP locations --phf] means that they inherit the same file system protections as any other SIP location—if you want to delete Mail.app because you only use your third-party mail application, you’re out of luck."
phf: "The end result is that in El Cap, root is no longer an account with effectively unlimited access to either the file system or to memory and running processes. SIP places kernel-level checks on root’s privilege that can only be bypassed by the kernel itself."
ascii_field: r loads a lot of DLLs from the executable directory first, so by copying the vpndownloader.exe file from Program Files to a temporary directory and dropping an appropriately named DLL you can get code execution as SYSTEM.'
mats: how does anybody meaningfully build on e.g. 'msdos' when it has only one operating mode, is purposed for a 'single-task', and doesn't blow up when some level of the abstraction (that by any reasonable person could be reasoned as multi-task if it is to do anything useful, e.g, graphics, networking, file system access!!1) has a bug in it?
kakobrekla: J_EDGAR_HOOVER is the main security guardian of the system, called upon at process start, file open, user log on, etc. < lmao
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-08-2015#1229941 << similar system in usa. if you don't 'file tax', not only is there a fine levied, but the tax charged will be based on what usg 'thinks' you could have earned that year. ☝︎
gernika: mod6 Built v0.5.4-TEST2 with rotor but can't run it on the system I built it on because: "-bash: ./bitcoind: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error." This is on gentoo built from stage3-i486-20150728.tar.bz2
asciilifeform: really this is quite similar to everyone's file system.
ascii_field: 'In monolithic operating systems, a driver can write to any word of memory and thus accidentally trash user programs. In MINIX 3, when a user expects data from, for example, the file system, it builds a descriptor telling who has access and at what addresses. It then passes an index to this descriptor to the file system, which may pass it to a driver. The file system or driver then asks the kernel to write via the
asciilifeform: 'When this variable was added the usual safeguards that are required when adding support for new environment variables to the dynamic linker have not been used. Therefore it is possible to use this new feature even with SUID root binaries. This is dangerous, because it allows to open or create arbitrary files owned by the root user anywhere in the file system. Furthermore the opened log file is never closed and therefore its f
phf: in my experience it's cheaper to literally go a log file and reconstruct data manually the one time your system crash, then introduce uknowable redundancies that tend to increase complexity and ultimately result in the crash, because doesn't fit in head
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: on my system, 'ulimit' only sets max file size...
pete_dushenski: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxxXk1d3yyuZOFlsdkNMSGswSGs/view << or why you shouldn't use an operating system 'keychain' to store your passwords
gribble: NFS - Wikipedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_File_System>; SettingUpNFSHowTo - Community Help Wiki: <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo>; HOW TO: Share Windows Folders by Using Server for NFS: <http://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/324089>
copypaste: The system also would not handle concurrency well, due to the fact that it comes up with the ID by doing ls, then finding the biggest numbered text file in _g and adding one to it.
ascii_field: but operator should select path on file system and give, e.g., destination pubkey for a ciphergram, as operand on commandline.
ascii_field: '"I suppose the idea is that everything will be in the downloaded file, so nothing depends on the local libraries on the target system. Unfortunately with Linux, and I think anything else using GLIBC, this still isn't quite true. There's this "libnss" (name service switch, some people seem to call it network security system) which provides functions for accessing various databases for authentication, network information,
asciilifeform: you can do this with the file system overlay (see patch and readme) or using buildroot's spiffy user generator (can't help here, never tried)
assbot: Logged on 10-10-2014 17:08:55; asciilifeform: (easiest solution: forget file system in the 1st place, just use raw block device. and then you don't even need msdos for anything.)
asciilifeform: normally when storage is scarce (or data set is huge) one cannot afford the waste of 'file system' that is not the same as the organization for the set
asciilifeform: but can lift from file system timestamp
mats: http://www.scs.stanford.edu/nyu/02fa/sched/xfs.pdf << scalability in the xfs file system
asciilifeform: winblows file system handlers are porous on personal orders of lizard hitler.
asciilifeform: incidentally this is why a correctly-implemented blockchain db is isomorphic to a 'journalling' file system.