1200+ entries in 0.4s
asciilifeform: the string 'jpg', for instance, occurs in none of my 3.
mircea_popescu: and ftr, auto-repl is for the dogs. i want proper repl : string evaluated when I say, either by clicking the preview button or typing enter or w/e.
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504809 << just fyi the new 1.82M ssh key diff won't have that keyword in there, as i've shortened the comment string, as per various grumblings re this. ☝︎
asciilifeform: could search by generic string, but it'll be slow.
asciilifeform: all hardcoded string.
shinohai: Change your version string to "21co Bitnode" and see how fast it makes top of list
trinque: if _e were emitting empty string that'd be one thing
mircea_popescu: grep for the string what you got there ?
mircea_popescu: lol that's not claled "it dun work" now is it. for instance, if youy;d like your current "Your email is never published nor shared. Required fields are marked *" to read like my "If this is your first comment, it will wait to be approved. This usually takes a few hours. Subsequent comments are not delayed." then grep for the first string replace with 2nd string.
asciilifeform: buterin: 'Remove the signature from a transaction (ie. set the field to the empty string) before computing its hash for the purposes of future transactions consuming that UTXO [alternatively, I like the idea of adding new OP_CHECKSIG-like opcodes that do this so that this new transaction type can be made backward-compatible]'
mircea_popescu: error_prepend_string no value no value
mircea_popescu: error_append_string no value no value
mircea_popescu: shinohai yeah, i don't always care. i like nano when it's a simple matter of "i know what i'm looking for, but approximately, so it's easier to ctrl-w and look at context than to grep string"
mircea_popescu: adlai forced mistakes ; long string thereof.
mircea_popescu: Corsets (bitcoin address i mean. 1blabla something a long string like that)
asciilifeform: why why why can't we have grep -i "string".
a111: Logged on 2016-06-23 14:26 mircea_popescu: now, it is real easy to grant that "machine can't resolve because irl it takes more neurons than there's atoms in the cpu". but this is a total cop-out, i can string together an infinity of computers, as bitcoin has shown.
mircea_popescu: now, it is real easy to grant that "machine can't resolve because irl it takes more neurons than there's atoms in the cpu". but this is a total cop-out, i can string together an infinity of computers, as bitcoin has shown. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Like any other string that doesn't parse to meaningful code.
BingoBoingo: alf failed to pars the "just want to" and made a point of the statement not parsing. It's not made for parsing though because jwz just wants to. Nothing wrong with tossing around the "just wants to" as a string like any other though.
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: in fact, this is recommended practice, say something in in the username string re 'this key generated by ... for ...' or the like.
asciilifeform: such as when rsa-signing a small string.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-14#1482510 << whether you can be said to have "written" it, in the manner of genre fiction, is even a separate matter from "having written it" in the manner of code, which means you control it, which is a superset of you understand it completely, which has really little to do with "here's a string i dreamed up now publish it and clal it a book". ☝︎
mircea_popescu: can be as long and lettery as you want. still a hail mary string of no actual practical benefit.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the peculiar string you use does not work the magic better.
mircea_popescu: phf the problem is there's no good way to extract that alias string. maybe yours is bitcoin and mine is Bit-coin
asciilifeform: reddit, apparently, censoring all string matches of mr. jihad's name.
gribble: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
asciilifeform: where are the massive piles of burning paper, topped off by 10,001 hog-tied lifelong string practitioners ?
mircea_popescu: well, it does as much as guarantee if your string is finite you're operating on an irrational.
asciilifeform: (raw n-bit string that hasn't been fed to nextprime() nor the other tests, is not a key!)
asciilifeform: or, for instance, the fact that datetime has NO DEFAULT string representation
trinque: just one string of whatever per entry in feed
mircea_popescu: i'm just preparing a string of these q's for the future historians. "are you picking up chix!?" "are you fucking a dude ?!" "did you just shoot that guy ?!?!?!"
a111: Logged on 2016-05-22 02:00 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-22#1470366 << no it's not worthless omaigerd. that's how i search for things. you want to search for the string use "
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-22#1470366 << no it's not worthless omaigerd. that's how i search for things. you want to search for the string use " ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-05-20 14:44 BingoBoingo pretty happy with yesterday's string trimmer purchase. Just kinda regrets going cordless electric and not 2-cycle.
BingoBoingo pretty happy with yesterday's string trimmer purchase. Just kinda regrets going cordless electric and not 2-cycle. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: I will in a couple hours, gotta get a string trimmer and re-piece. Or you know you could do the tie ins from Argentina bsns perspective.
mircea_popescu: "The bug that lasted 347 days was the confusion between a string and an array of integers. This made the ECC private keys ridiculously small because they passed a string of decimal digits into a function expecting an array of 17, 15 bit integers." ahaha ok that's pretty good.
Framedragger: every time a re-read.. "The bug that lasted 347 days was the confusion between a string and an array of integers." 'nuff said. it's just good entertainment value
asciilifeform: where folks would string themselves up, properly, with a noose, and (most of the time) live
mircea_popescu: the agent string is arbitrary.
mircea_popescu: lol @alfie introducing actually signed messages to the supposed "seclist". which is like... the first time ever the string "sha 512" even appeared in that archive i guess ?
mircea_popescu: "string"
mircea_popescu: so is the logical thing here to just proclaim "rsa key, as per the republic, is a e, N, string tripled" and then, jurov can dump to THAT format and you'll import from that format later ?
mircea_popescu: even base64(csv of e,N,string) would be better than the current shit.
asciilifeform: ''ImageMagick allows to process files with external libraries. This feature is called 'delegate'. It is implemented as a system() with command string ('command') from the config file delegates.xml with actual value for different params (input/output filenames etc). Due to insufficient %M param filtering it is possible to conduct shell command injection. One of the default delegate's command is used
ascii_butugychag: then someone else takes your modulus, and welds own username string to it
BingoBoingo: Turned out box rented back then was crap still running node at home and not advertising, programable version string for reason
asciilifeform: GyrosGeier: the caveat is that anyone can create a key with whatever name string in it.
mircea_popescu: certainly conde nast isn't publishing anything matching "phuctor" string ever again.
a111: Logged on 2016-05-01 14:43 mircea_popescu: phf : could a111 answer to !s "string", on the basis of http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=string ?
mircea_popescu: phf : could a111 answer to !s "string", on the basis of http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=string ? ☟︎
jurov: trinque: that's not string, but s-expr :D
trinque: that's just a string error message
mircea_popescu: yet somehow inexplicably, the lengthy string of apologies and mp-worship does not seem to in any sense balance out the very short chain of vitriol and mp-bashing.
PeterL: perhaps it would be better to write up a full description instead of trying to string it out bit by bit?
mircea_popescu: same way you process any other string.
mod6: I think it would encrypt a string. Then decrypt it, but it wouldn't/couldn't take any different input. haha.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Did you just google the string "horseface"
phf: Had to connect from phone to address this one, searching "from:something" greps for that exact string, rather than semantic messages "from" "something". So only finds 100 or so messages with "from:mircea" in them
gribble: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
mircea_popescu: but be that as it may : the cathars (from greek, with a k there) are one in a string of organised anticlerical opposition to the official doctrine, politically speaking.
BingoBoingo: Wait "<mircea_popescu> fwiw /msg ChanServ FLAGS #trilema deedbot +AOhiortv still works, so w/e." A string fleanode accepts contains "Ohio" and "tv" could this thing be more John Kasich
mircea_popescu: You will be given a random passphrase to clearsign with your key <<< this is the wrong way to proceed. how about "we'll encrypt a random string to your key, which you must send back".
mircea_popescu: why even call this "an array". it's not an array ; it's a string.
phf: An array is a superset of string
mircea_popescu: a string ?
mircea_popescu: similarly a string doesn't "turn into anything". and main section stars don't turn into really large conglomeration of bathroom rubber duckies.
mircea_popescu: this is the golden means between the abaccus of filling the log with #twitter #dumb #shit and the insanity of string-searching gb of material each pageload.
asciilifeform: didja know, the string 405145 now means embed_spam_video() !111
mircea_popescu: that one can't find the string he's looking for in the algebra is, at most, an indictment of the one.
pete_dushenski: well there are trb nodes and there are nodes displaying version string 99999
mircea_popescu: well if you're curious, free money is the basis for the existence of the republic which is the reason stuff like v ended up existing. but i suppose from outside this string of actual events may as well be coincidental.
assbot: Logged on 21-03-2016 07:43:11; mircea_popescu: hanbot mod6 maybe an extension to deedbot where people could go !tag <string> and then a collection of clickable tags is published somewhere, each leading to a list of loglines ?
mod6: phf: well, other than saying "interesting" and "cool", i couldn't figure out how to do that either. unless we create a vtron signature style in 'g' or is it 'p'? i cant recall.. cause how will someones vtron be able to pull the bit string out to know how to categorize someones seal?
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> hanbot mod6 maybe an extension to deedbot where people could go !tag <string> and then a collection of clickable tags is published somewhere, each leading to a list of loglines ? << This could work -- it's in the vein of the 'BUTTSECKS' flag. Which seems simple enough. And the given topic-'tag' is a decent idea, i.e. 'OOM' or 'Cramer-Shoup' or 'keccak'
assbot: Logged on 21-03-2016 07:43:11; mircea_popescu: hanbot mod6 maybe an extension to deedbot where people could go !tag <string> and then a collection of clickable tags is published somewhere, each leading to a list of loglines ?
mircea_popescu: hanbot mod6 maybe an extension to deedbot where people could go !tag <string> and then a collection of clickable tags is published somewhere, each leading to a list of loglines ? ☟︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: out of every Nth preceding block, the nonce-th byte is put in a string ; the combine hashed.
mod6: also: /bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string << i think you can resolve this locally by installing gawk
assbot: Logged on 12-03-2016 13:14:31; mircea_popescu: let me enlighten you : it's "take a string that is definitionally misformed html, aka html soup, and transform it into sufficiently well formed html to render".
mircea_popescu: let me enlighten you : it's "take a string that is definitionally misformed html, aka html soup, and transform it into sufficiently well formed html to render". ☟︎
mircea_popescu: what, next you're going to say we have actual proof the usg had been running a string of massive conspiracies, such as you know, inserting backdoors in software, such as "parallel construction", such as iran contra, such as whatever the hell.
gribble: Request successful for user JuliaTourianski_, hostmask JuliaTourianski_!68c89707@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Your challenge string is: freenode:#bitcoin-otc:0ae7ad23affed4fee02c6fe2d6a4b48efb8dbeb2660539f943f9ae9c
mircea_popescu: i have no fucking idea, it's a random string. it certainly didn't have some sort of intention, and i was certainly not thinking of you.
BingoBoingo: Of course not, but mebbe keccak miner can be pet project for pet to play with? Every cat needs string, or in their absence lasers.
asciilifeform: *string
danielpbarron is currently dealing with a debian problem: stuck on "Reading package lists... 0%" and don't want to reboot as per top search result for this string of text
mircea_popescu: fucking state in the string processor, are you kidding me ?
mircea_popescu: but the fucking concept of putting a turing complete machine in the bitstream/string mapping has got to fucking burn already. who the fuck even hatched this idiocy.
phf: i've been mulling over that question with logs. fwiw, entire log can be kept in memory for analysis, annotation, whatever, 180mb as utf-8 byte arrays. with unicode strings takes up twice the memory on 16-bit cmucl, and ~~4 times on 32-bit sbcl. i'm not yet convinced that transcoding everything you get into string and then transcoding it back to a bytearray onto the wire is the best strategy ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform as long as "unicode was sent" neatly transforms into "we received a broken string of ascii" all is well.
phf: (pprint (read-from-string "(let ((things ()))
assbot: Invalid verfication string.
assbot: Invalid verfication string.
phf: i think the idea is to have a slightly more constrained awk. patchmachine takes string, manipulates it, returns new string
assbot: Invalid verfication string.
assbot: Invalid verfication string.