1000+ entries in 0.302s
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-07#1639649 << i would like to static the whole thing, but currently have nfi how to do that while retaining the 'what are all keys with mod M ?' , 'what are all mods with factor F?' , 'search for string S in userids' etc ☝︎
mircea_popescu: consider the string : "hurr\n1-1-1-1\ndurr\n2-2-2-2\nfoo54-54-54-54". the job is to turn it into "hurr\n1\ndurr\n2\nfoo\n54"
danielpbarron: er um, signing it too. or i can send you random string to enclude with it if you want
mircea_popescu: this is usually included by the shorthand string "bibliography" ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i can trivially patch gcc such that anything later built that uses any string ops whatsoever, with external inputs, is exploitable.
mod6: was thinking maybe something V-like, since it's fresh in my mind. but the string manip might get tedious and ugly and detract from the overall goal.
asciilifeform: TomServo: is the linked snippet the earliest occurrence of the string InvalidChainFound in your debug.log ?
mircea_popescu: ~everyone i knew using it for srs first composed a string for paper.
asciilifeform: oh and then search for certain hex string in one of selfsame files.
asciilifeform: there is no way to compress infinite string into finite space.
danielpbarron: what would that be? a concatonated string of woman ids?
ben_vulpes: because that's a constant string in the universe
asciilifeform: there is also the possibility of not doing the idiot growing-string-of-zeroes method for difficulty growth
phf: there's also a search function that lets you search through patchset, and it shows ~first appearance~ of particular string with corresponding file/vpatch
mircea_popescu: consider the point! http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-11#1625177 << to this i could say, "the defensive play, of course, being to always link to the baseline when a field is discussed" to which his retort would be, of course, "yeah and he;ll just say a string with kindergarten in it". ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ie empty error string.
asciilifeform: oh and, unrelated, BingoBoingo : http://qntra.net/2017/03/fake-news-figure-arrested-for-string-of-anti-semetic-threats/#comment-88670
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/03/fake-news-figure-arrested-for-string-of-anti-semetic-threats/ << Qntra - Fake News Figure Arrested For String Of Anti Semetic Threats
asciilifeform: aaaapparently it is supposed to be homomorphic over multisigulation. i.e. you can glom multiple sigs of same string into 'one value'.
asciilifeform: it is worth recalling the gedankenexperiment where it turns out that all you'd need to build 'martian bank' on earth, is if martians merely supplied an infallible 'martian clock', a service whereby they take a string S , at regular, say, daily, interval, and return its hash H ☟︎
asciilifeform: you replace a block you know to have been fully lubyized with a 'if you want this, go and find'. BUT what, now you have an empty string there ..
asciilifeform: say the miner has to find a string in an old block , as part of mining, that fits a nonce-derived pattern.
mircea_popescu: at all points the blockchain is a linear string of blocks though.
mircea_popescu: if anyone has issues resolving which string of bits is block n, that someone is invited to fix his hear, his node or both.
asciilifeform: veen: there's the one you described (conventional gpg with string '/dev/random' ripped out and replaced with the correct) ;
mircea_popescu: speaking of which trinque : it's somewhat dubious you send plain otps. you should send request.string+otp.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if mr.t raised the banner, i suspect there would be plenty of folx, in particular army, who would happily string up judges, berkeley 'professors', j00yorktimes journarasts, etc.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: you want random words in a string, you shoulda seen the guy pitching "a cryptocurrency blockchain signature solution to the marijuana regulatory burden" the other night
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes listen, you're quoting a bullshit mfa trying to product place some inept dork. he did nothing ; is nobody ; random words in a string.
thestringpuller: Why are OpenSSL types so ridiculous to work with? EC_KEY needs to plug into BIO which has to plug into TTY before you can even print the thing to stdout or a string.
mircea_popescu: "being a faggot is ok" through the simple avenue of the web admin deleting any occurence of the string "being a faggot is not ok".
ben_vulpes: in which it is shown that xcode's "find occurences of string in project" ACTUALLY FUCKING DOES NOT
asciilifeform: 'The extension uses nativeMessaging, so this magic string is enough for any website to execute arbitrary code (!!).'
mircea_popescu: the problem with "string" isn't there just to fuck with mp's ai bot.
phf: thestringpuller: which string did you use originally?
mircea_popescu: jurov "Mr." is rapidly becoming the superlative of that whole string with "embattled" and "controversial"
mircea_popescu: oh, because string matches but domain doesn't see.
mircea_popescu: now i made a string of qntra comments lol
davout: also "echo -n" will not append a newline at the end of the string to be hashed, which might be best, otherwise you could end up in a world of wtf trying to reproduce it with some other setup
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform basically, the rhodesia of rhodesia was just the first in a string of rhodesiaings.
mircea_popescu: (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)" s:12:"QUERY_STRING" s:0:"" s:13:"" s:14:"REQUEST_METHOD" s:4:"POST" s:11:"REQUEST_URI" s:11:"/xmlrpc.php" s:18:"REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT" d:1484362254.992538928985595703125 s:12:"REQUEST_TIME" i:1484362254 s:4:"argv" a:0:{}s:4:"argc" i:0 }
phf: asciilifeform: there are two incompatible eating methods, "eat" function and the ^( mode. i added the latter for my own convenience, because number of times i want to type a sexp is way higher than a literate string that opens with paren. obviously doesn't scale to a channel full of people, who have much less need for a repl bot
candi_lustt: The symbol "PASTE" is not external in the MPBOT package.Line: 1, Column: 72, File-Position: 72Stream: #<sb-impl::string-input-stream {1007504E23}>
trinque: ben_vulpes: if you princ that error iirc it wont fart out the format string
candi_lustt: error: The symbol "PASTE" is not external in the MPBOT package.Line: 1, Column: 72, File-Position: 72Stream: #<sb-impl::string-input-stream {10071B3B53}>
davout: mircea_popescu: i see the point in general, but i'm not sure i'd take it as far as considering some additional string primitives as being evil
davout: asciilifeform: the reason some of the string primitives aren't included, e.g. "substring" is that they're O(n)? In other words, that the convenience comes at the cost of incentivizing operator idiocy?
mircea_popescu: see the whole point of "string" as a concept (and from it, as a type) is based on a fundamental ambiguity. now it's this, now it's that.
davout: it's still not very clear to me how the ability to manipulate string a bit more easily is equivalent to heresy
mircea_popescu: not so. i can go from everything i do in an infinite string of correct whys to prime logic. broken shit can't do that.
davout: string manipulation just seemed very painful
ben_vulpes: i had nfi what joy could be had watching people play with a toy you made out of two tin cans and a string
mircea_popescu: but the solution of course would be, i'll register a key for it and have it speak the !!v string.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 01:16 a111: Logged on 2017-01-04 08:25 ben_vulpes: http://imgur.com/a/KuPJv << some kind of voodoo magic in there knows i moved that format string around
a111: Logged on 2017-01-04 08:25 ben_vulpes: http://imgur.com/a/KuPJv << some kind of voodoo magic in there knows i moved that format string around ☟︎
asciilifeform: or rather, it is a literal string, and ought to be subsumed in one of the above forms.
ben_vulpes: http://imgur.com/a/KuPJv << some kind of voodoo magic in there knows i moved that format string around ☟︎
asciilifeform: and nobody needs to 'search by random string', phuctor eats fp.
mircea_popescu: this is so horribly stated. so what you want is, for trinque or you, these being the only "et al" curtrently keeping pgp data ; to implement a search through it by random string ?
mircea_popescu: which is NOT a random string, nor the result of a markov process, run on dry sand or wet protein.
asciilifeform: if there's a forbidden char or string --- that is called magic.
deedbot: http://fr.anco.is/2016/two-cans-one-string-kraken-edition << fr.anco.is - Two cans, one string. Kraken edition.
asciilifeform: there is NO reason to 'enmagic' the string 'genesis'
davout: it doesn't occur to their two-cans-and-a-string fork that it can use the same fucking 10kEUR to buy back the asset I borrowed
davout: it is broken in such retarded ways i'm wondering whether i'd have been better off using bitstamp's string'd cans
a111: Logged on 2016-12-28 02:17 phf: there's not much discipline on unix with stderr/stdout. particularly gpg seems cavalier with it. so i wouldn't even bother with error/output separation. i'd make it always return a single value, string that's combined stdout/stderr, and fail when status code is not equal to zero. maybe add a key argument, that splits them if need be, but only once there's need.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-28 02:17 phf: there's not much discipline on unix with stderr/stdout. particularly gpg seems cavalier with it. so i wouldn't even bother with error/output separation. i'd make it always return a single value, string that's combined stdout/stderr, and fail when status code is not equal to zero. maybe add a key argument, that splits them if need be, but only once there's need.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-28 01:58 phf: also as a rule you don't really want to let string output streams escape their scope. they don't have standard type (one cmucl it's lisp::string-output-stream for example), so you can't test for it, and for all intents and purposes they act as incomplete builders: you can't do anything with them except get their value, so why not get value there and then?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-28 02:17 phf: there's not much discipline on unix with stderr/stdout. particularly gpg seems cavalier with it. so i wouldn't even bother with error/output separation. i'd make it always return a single value, string that's combined stdout/stderr, and fail when status code is not equal to zero. maybe add a key argument, that splits them if need be, but only once there's need.
phf: the main folly are the unixisms all over the place. lisp works with a clear read/eval/print cycle. read means that you want to take outside input and convert it into a concrete data structure. so you shouldn't have a hash with strings in it. things like (string= "false" (gethash 'hash c)) should not happen so far down the call chain. your ~reader~ should convert the input data into a format that's easy to work with. the check could've
phf: there's not much discipline on unix with stderr/stdout. particularly gpg seems cavalier with it. so i wouldn't even bother with error/output separation. i'd make it always return a single value, string that's combined stdout/stderr, and fail when status code is not equal to zero. maybe add a key argument, that splits them if need be, but only once there's need. ☟︎☟︎☟︎
phf: i think it's actually related. otherwise he'd have to get-output-stream-string there again. all the folly starts with that weird run
phf: also as a rule you don't really want to let string output streams escape their scope. they don't have standard type (one cmucl it's lisp::string-output-stream for example), so you can't test for it, and for all intents and purposes they act as incomplete builders: you can't do anything with them except get their value, so why not get value there and then? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: works on the basis of decimal(hash(date string)) mod banner count.
asciilifeform: where two keys where 1 byte of the selfsigned text (e.g., username string) differs, are to be considered distinct
mircea_popescu: "The SHA-1 is used to compute a message digest for a message or data file that is provided as input. The message or data file should be considered to be a bit string. The length of the message is the number of bits in the message (the empty message has length 0). If the number of bits in a message is a multiple of 8, for compactness we can represent the message in hex. The purpose of message padding is to make the total lengt
asciilifeform: say i discover that sha output is 'heavy' on 1s (in the von neumann coin sense) if the input was a sha output of a sha output of a string containing word 'nuke'. etc
mircea_popescu: i will now proceed to create a string S += hash(S+1011101011) three times. << i mean.
mircea_popescu: i will now proceed to create a string S += hash(1011101011) three times.
asciilifeform: (recall, you want a maximally fragile string. it is quite the opposite of error-correction codes.)
asciilifeform: say i want to encipher (dun matter with what) a string, 'To: mircea_popescu Subj: thermonuke launch codes ...' ☟︎
mircea_popescu: i don;'t get it, wtf is the problem with the string "Galaxy note" whatever.
mircea_popescu: the same exact string, if said by me, is an idea - if said by rando, is nothing.
asciilifeform: what does the string 'Patch for genesis' do in mircea_popescu's paste example ?
asciilifeform: the genesis, note, is not merely a string of code.
mircea_popescu: but that is not ~the~ genesis ; that is merely the same string of code.
mircea_popescu: this is because the "same" string (Foo Genesis, modified.) is NOT THE SAME string, depending on the contemplated context. it is a string in 846fdf... and ANOTHER string in whatever other context.
mircea_popescu: so then all strings S must incluide the antecedent hash. and in this definition string S = foo.txt ; nothing else.
mircea_popescu: let me approach this matter from a different pov. do you agree that a string S consisting of computer code can be, depending on the context in which it is patched, the right thing or a deliberate subversion ?
asciilifeform: 'AI risk is string theory for computer programmers. It's fun to think about, interesting, and completely inaccessible to experiment given our current technology. You can build crystal palaces of thought, working from first principles, then climb up inside them and pull the ladder up behind you.' ☟︎
asciilifeform: yes but let's suppose that mircea_popescu mistyped, deliberately or otherwise, a character(s) in the string, and wrote 'kye x is ym key'
jurov: mircea_popescu: ext4 has 256Binodes, and "The target of a symbolic link will be stored in inode if the target string is less than 60 bytes long."
mircea_popescu: but you don't like string theory!
mircea_popescu: so then : in order to go from a string in greek to a string in english, one has to reconstruct the conceptual underpinnings, the "source code". and this is not trivial.
mircea_popescu: now - translation operates not on the object code (ie, the string quoted, or a string quoted) but on the whole program : any string plus ~the totality~ of conceptual content of the brain that produced it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform to be precise : i can't turn the greek string into an english string for you for the same reason you can't turn trb into lisp code for me. "but alf, it compiles! a lisp version must exist!" hurr. i don't propose "because you can't take object code and make me lisp source it follows no c sources existed" do i ?
mircea_popescu: just the problem of optics in the time of galileo - none of that shit worked in any sensible manner. very much like in the case of string theory - they dispensed with reason. they did.
asciilifeform: the modern string theory folx
jurov: it's exploitable only if someone were calling curl_printf with like "%0128.128L" format string, no?
ben_vulpes: might be interesting to patch trb to dump relevant connection's self-identification string