1100+ entries in 0.316s
Framedragger: (note, some of those version strings contain OS string, some of them don't; these TXTs store versionstrings-as-they-were-seen, without any ssh-server/OS version separation.)
Framedragger: (the criterion for choosing which banner to report is a simple "max string length.") (again, note, all of those "multiple" banners were from a single scan event, same date, so no historical knowledge is lost by only reporting single banner per single (ip,port) pair.) hope this makes sense.
Framedragger: (format in TXTs is simple CSV: ipv4address,banner -- the latter may contain spaces, commas etc, but any surrounding whitespace (incl newlines) is stripped. there's only one banner per ipv4 even though *same* scan sometimes returned multiple (slightly different, e.g. includes or excludes OS string) banners.)
Framedragger: imma dump all this in a nice format now, i'll separate OS string from ssh versionstring i guess
Framedragger: btw i'm going thru those ssh banners from ssh scan logs finally, and there's some inconsistent crap there (thanks openssh): same ip&port may respond with two different banners during same scan (the ssh-keyscan utility may spit banners for same server multiple times). it seems usually the mismatch is in adding a minor version onto ssh server string only (e.g. [SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.8] vs. older [SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.8p2])
mircea_popescu: no, we'll have phf indulge us, nuke specific magic string from log, replace it with something. LETS BUILD UNICODE!
asciilifeform: (because there can never be a guarantee against said string occurring therin)
asciilifeform: well yes. any magic string can make the all-time-log undeedable.
mircea_popescu: phf these are palleative solutions, you understand i'm sure. the fundamental problem here is that clearisgn is a "magic char" driven thing like nonsense "nullterm" string constructions
adlai: asciilifeform: hypothetical program gets two files as input, old version and new version. proceeds to make diff itself, rather than relying on gnudiff; doesn't need to use awk matching since it's not massaging grudiff output but rather producing the vpatch directly itself, thus bypassing this magic string. am i missing something?
asciilifeform: adlai: how does that fix the 'magic string' problem ?
trinque: it's like smooshing moar string on what
phf: i've been asking people to implement StringIO/StringBuilder/string-output-stream pattern. my original thinking was that while totally self contained problem it's a nice segue into gc, memory/runtime tradeoffs, threading, etc. just a baseline "are we on the same page" phone screening. i've went through about 35 "send us your resume" people and none of them could do it :o
a111: Logged on 2016-12-07 14:50 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-07#1578953 << just fyi, while you can diff an intermediate ~state~ of an image as a sexp, common lisp's input is a ~character stream~. builtin dispatch ~mostly~ operates on forms (like #p #. (concatenate 'string "foo" "bar")), but not always, like #\; comment reads till end of line.
mircea_popescu: do you know the "why are you pulling that string" ?
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-07#1578953 << just fyi, while you can diff an intermediate ~state~ of an image as a sexp, common lisp's input is a ~character stream~. builtin dispatch ~mostly~ operates on forms (like #p #. (concatenate 'string "foo" "bar")), but not always, like #\; comment reads till end of line. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: the simple notion that i shall read the string X as /y" rather than /z" because the entity labeled X "knows how their name is spelled", for instance, is exactly of the nature of "you must include X in your item because Y law" ; or of the "sexual harassment" ; or of ALL OTHER THINGS.
phf: so apparently cl-who's escape-string which produces the &#xf0... bits simply takes character's char-code which in sbcl corresponds to character's unicode code point
phf: the log website ~and the bot~ render everything as unicode, because you can't mix multiple encodings in rendering. before rendering a decision needs to be made about the validity of original content. the validity check is "if this is not valid utf-8, then assume it's latin-1, in which case take latin-1 string and encode it as utf-8"
BingoBoingo: most contemporary lawn mowers have moved on to 4-cycles. 2-cyle however dominates the more noble string trimmer.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-18 12:32 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform since we're on this btw, the way i want tmsr-rsa key generation to work is as follows : a contains a number of entropy bytes specified by user in tmsr-rsa.conf read whenever tmsr-rsa.conf specifies (such as urandom); b contains a base-tmsr string specified by user. c = base-tmsr(a).b ; p = nextprime(cut(sha512(c),257)) ; process is repeated for q = nextprime (cut(sha512(c'),258));
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-02#1576658 << the way i intend THAT to work is that client connects to server, by sending encrypted magic packet which includes its fp ; if server has that fp it sends challenge string and logs in the player ; if server has not that fp it sends challenge string and proceeds ot character creation. nice and streamlined. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and note that the only fact in your list of facts is my dying. which imparts some fact-flavour to the rest of the string.
danielpbarron: trinque, not; at least in current model only the bot is the iffy part. my decryption of the string proves tothe bot that i am me
danielpbarron: i don't see the benefit in signing the rating string; if it gets mitm'd it won't match on the bot's end and the user will clearly see something is amiss
mircea_popescu: for a while a very popular ~tv format~ was this string of factoids going in a sort of free association from a noun back again to it. the whole thing read too fast and with "bbc noises" in the background (you know the idiocy, chimes intended to propose THE IMPORTANT IS OCCURING!)
asciilifeform: utf8 or any other variadic encoding is an evil thing, makes any nontrivial operation on a string O(N)
mircea_popescu: in principle there is a strong argument to say "alphabet size = machine word size" even if this didn't hold on pre-8 bit machines. and consequently you ~could~ have a type string that always takes 4 bytes and represents whatever the fuck. the problem is that this gives you a 400% memory allocation bloat for that type of string.
asciilifeform: trinque: how much sweat would it take to add procedure, attempt http (80) and https (445) on phucked ip, then post http title, if found, and in case of ssl, cert id string
mircea_popescu: trinque i don't think there's anything meaningful there ; should prolly purge all those with a nil reputation string.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-18 12:32 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform since we're on this btw, the way i want tmsr-rsa key generation to work is as follows : a contains a number of entropy bytes specified by user in tmsr-rsa.conf read whenever tmsr-rsa.conf specifies (such as urandom); b contains a base-tmsr string specified by user. c = base-tmsr(a).b ; p = nextprime(cut(sha512(c),257)) ; process is repeated for q = nextprime (cut(sha512(c'),258));
shinohai: !~later tell mod6 so after roughly 10 minutes, trb will accept a 8192 char string as label :D
mircea_popescu: "Allocate an array and free the middle third? Sure! Why not? Multiply a character string times a bit string and assign the result to a float decimal? Go ahead! Free a controlled variable procedure parameter and reallocate it before passing it back? Overlay three different types of variable on the same memory location? Anything you say! Write a recursive macro? Well, no, but Real Men use rescan."
ben_vulpes: decrypt those and !!v <string in pad>
Framedragger: trinque: i meant as a generic string - trying to avoid the term 'domain' as the latter is not accurate..
asciilifeform: if telnet - the greeting string
mircea_popescu: there's no reason ~you~ should know aforehand what the dns servers will tell you to ask if you look for "string containing substring x" ; and the fact that you DO know who to ask for ".com" is just another sign of the above "some bs hacked together by people who didn't go to school for cs 30 yearsd ago"
a111: Logged on 2016-11-13 19:45 mircea_popescu: any string is any string.
mircea_popescu: none. any string is any string.
mircea_popescu: any string is any string. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-11-11 00:20 mircea_popescu: the inuitive approach (oh ~obviously~ i know what a string is, just like when anne sexton writes in her spiral notebook amirite ?) utterly fails ; and even in the hands of very subtle thinkers it can explode loudly - witness the many day disagreement with alf over the matter of utf/ansi, which unearthed disputes all the way to the greek ikonoclasm and the fundaments of literacy/alphabet.
mircea_popescu: the inuitive approach (oh ~obviously~ i know what a string is, just like when anne sexton writes in her spiral notebook amirite ?) utterly fails ; and even in the hands of very subtle thinkers it can explode loudly - witness the many day disagreement with alf over the matter of utf/ansi, which unearthed disputes all the way to the greek ikonoclasm and the fundaments of literacy/alphabet. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: trinque but the fundamental problems with the concept of "string" aren't.
trinque: pete_dushenski: peculiarities of python string handling are really only interesting entomologically
asciilifeform: spits out signed string, which you then drop in the hopper of an operating node.
mircea_popescu: "Donald Trump gained on Hillary Clinton among American voters this week, cutting her lead nearly in half despite a string of women accusing him of unwanted sexual advances and the furor over his disputed claims that the election process is rigged, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday."
mircea_popescu: it's not a centralized thing, you're trying to build a string out of a vector.
asciilifeform: eh dope habit is ~mandatory for the muppets, is as good a string as any to pull
BingoBoingo: Not to mention Texas has a string of ready allies to the north provided war breaks out along mostly ideological lines
PeterL: I am also not convinced my way is the best way of getting a binary string for the encoding
PeterL: there is probably a better way to convert into hex, but I was getting hex with an L at the end of the string, because python
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: same thing as was with the version-string regrind.
asciilifeform: and especially string operations that never see their null and fail to terminate!
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-29#1550160 << lulzily enough, the fact that it is physically impossible to generate a ~private~ privatekey from a public string... didn't stop usg from trying! see old thread, http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-02#1084135 ☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: "To make use of such a key, the owner hashes the payload being signed, and for each bit that is equal to 0 in the resulting hash, reveals the original pre-hash string from column A, whereas if it is equal to 1 he reveals a pre-hash string from column B." << this is the RIGHT THING.
asciilifeform: so, for convenience, i'll reprint: 1) at time T, i publish Ksign(H(S)), where S is a lengthy random string; at time T1, when i wish to invoke the continuity i publish H(S+J) ; at time T2: J; at time T3, S.
asciilifeform: ok, can haz algo? i found a string J, which is a public key for an asymmetric cryptosystem, that purports to belong to mircea_popescu, and published after the rsacalypse. what do i do with it.
asciilifeform: it is just a string of bits, for the purposes of this gedankenexperiment.
asciilifeform: at time T, i deedbot Ksign(H(S)), where S is a lengthy random string.
BingoBoingo: And type the string into your chatbox: !~ty
ben_vulpes: "fuck, buddy, if i ever see the string `PHPSESSID` i /know/ things have gone /completely/ off the rails"
anond: mod6, how i do a search? ...what to put in 'Search String:'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform re gfh : i dunno if it's evidently a scamsite ; but it's one placed on a random keyboardmash string.
mircea_popescu: and the reason coinbase doesn't deserialize for you is that it contains that string arbitrarily.
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: with the example you've provided I send the "foo" string and nothing occurs on the other side. If I remove the "-u" option from nc, (UNKNOWN) [] 8002 (?) : Connection refused
gabriel_laddel: Am currently trying to send a string from A to B (must be over the ethernet cable) so as to make networked CLIM.
asciilifeform: they go 'i'm gonna try to make a string of bits that tells me if someone copied it' and end up in same idiot spots as copyrasts making 'copy protection' etc.
mod6: ok cool, it did msg me the help string.
Framedragger: https://apps.db.ripe.net/search/query.html?form_type=simple&full_query_string=&searchtext=-s+ARIN%25252CAPNIC%25252CRIPE+AS5650&do_search=Search#resultsAnchor
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski please add entries to the bot page for !% !Q !W !R !A !S !X !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !q !w !r !a !s !x with the mention "not currently allocated" or such, and a note at the end saying in sum that if one wants to make a bot for #trilema they're to take the next unallocated string for his bot's UNIQUE control code, and display what it does to us in channel.
asciilifeform: enemy controls not only fleanode but most large isp, so it can send whatever string wherever.
asciilifeform: and also: 'The beauty of the headphone cable is just like the beauty of a tampon string: it is there to help you keep track of a very important item, and help you fish it out of whatever nook and cranny it might have fallen into.'
asciilifeform: entries with no id string are ones who did not answer.
mircea_popescu: and you're way too liberal with this "oh, bigint ? sure i'll smush a string in there!"
asciilifeform: trinque: current situation is more or less worst possible - one reads arbitrary, sig-less string from a remote box, in the clear.
gribble: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
gribble: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
mircea_popescu: how the fuck is "sane answer" to be established via regexp with given string is what i want to know.
mircea_popescu: anyway, as per ancient aristotle observation, anything is sufficient algo, even blank string.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-18 12:32 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform since we're on this btw, the way i want tmsr-rsa key generation to work is as follows : a contains a number of entropy bytes specified by user in tmsr-rsa.conf read whenever tmsr-rsa.conf specifies (such as urandom); b contains a base-tmsr string specified by user. c = base-tmsr(a).b ; p = nextprime(cut(sha512(c),257)) ; process is repeated for q = nextprime (cut(sha512(c'),258));
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform since we're on this btw, the way i want tmsr-rsa key generation to work is as follows : a contains a number of entropy bytes specified by user in tmsr-rsa.conf read whenever tmsr-rsa.conf specifies (such as urandom); b contains a base-tmsr string specified by user. c = base-tmsr(a).b ; p = nextprime(cut(sha512(c),257)) ; process is repeated for q = nextprime (cut(sha512(c'),258)); ☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: the dumped string is RAW MPI CRAPOLA
asciilifeform: contiguity of ~shared string~
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what would enemy win if he ~could~ reconstruct the one element he cannot derive from the ciphertext, the userid string ?
asciilifeform: the 'fp as authenticator' only works if you, as mircea_popescu suggested, hash over the id string.
asciilifeform: mats: i think at this point he has an emacs macro that craps this string out, or sumthing
mircea_popescu: i guess technically a string is an n-vector.
mircea_popescu: more like a string.
mats: yes, i also heard about the silly string
mircea_popescu: also endemic problems with procurement. weren't famblies sending silly string over because dod can't afford ?
phf: trinque: so your bot has a bunch of string matches for things that come back from nickserv, but they are all stripped of special characters. like "nick has been ghosted." what i get back is "^Anick^A has been ghosted." is that some setting i'm missing? or something else?
mircea_popescu: anyway. decentralized don't enter into it. the way you play is that you have a dealer bot, which selects a string composed as a) "the hash of the latest known block whose height is divisible be 117 and is not in the last 117 found blocks" + b) a server generated salt for the day + c) a player generated salt, to be changed any time a player feels like. then for any dealt hand, the server concatenates a + b + c for each player
jurov: yea, no two C++people can agree on common string implementation.
mircea_popescu: no it's not gavin coin, because old wedding picture was associated to random string! it's jeff rubin now!
shinohai: Also, I think I'd use doorknob and string before visiting a dentist in that building.
phf: mircea_popescu: "рубить", "топор" has a very nice sound to it in russian, which is that of something crude, rough, but also to the point. can string a few of those together with a lot of breaks and pauses to get a feeling of "honest" crudeness or somesuch
asciilifeform: and guess what else, http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/search?v=asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option&_filestring=&_string=OP_CLTV
lru: a.b is asking for the 'b' property in the object a, which is undefined (the type, not the string), but since types can be automatically converted, and you're working with strings, the undefined type may have been turned into a string depending on use
mircea_popescu: in other holy shit javascript, a.b where a, b are strings results in the STRING "undefined" ; whereas a.concat(b) results in a string that's a followed by b.
mircea_popescu: and in further lulz re http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-24#1509652 i've just had it pointed out that the string "Who were the idiots who valued this scam at $9B and what responsibility do they bear? An experiment, by its very ..." which leads the google description of item 4 (experiment and scandal - AVC) is not actually present on the page. ☝︎