99 entries in 0.53s

snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 15:45:52 lobbes: hrm, though I just thought of another rub: my mom actually cosigned my student loans. Which means if I default they will come after her for the money. Those damn
octopus arms are everywhere
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 15:45:52 lobbes: hrm, though I just thought of another rub: my mom actually cosigned my student loans. Which means if I default they will come after her for the money. Those damn
octopus arms are everywhere
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 15:45:52 lobbes: hrm, though I just thought of another rub: my mom actually cosigned my student loans. Which means if I default they will come after her for the money. Those damn
octopus arms are everywhere
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 15:45:52 lobbes: hrm, though I just thought of another rub: my mom actually cosigned my student loans. Which means if I default they will come after her for the money. Those damn
octopus arms are everywhere
lobbes: hrm, though I just thought of another rub: my mom actually cosigned my student loans. Which means if I default they will come after her for the money. Those damn
octopus arms are everywhere
mp_en_viaje: nevermind what to disagree. stop sliding around all the time, it's like you have a cuntprocess in your head, the moment money starts being discussed you're suddenly an
octopus on ice.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-01 20:26 ben_vulpes: well now i'm listening to the beatles because a raffi cover of
octopus' garden came on and i'd rather listen to the beatles and totally not 'cause y'all are a bunch of judgemental terrorists
ben_vulpes: well now i'm listening to the beatles because a raffi cover of
octopus' garden came on and i'd rather listen to the beatles and totally not 'cause y'all are a bunch of judgemental terrorists
☟︎ mircea_popescu: now the problem with this is that the stupid beast ~quite deliberately~ (even if uncomprehended by the elements, subhuman as they are, composing that beast) presents them partially. so as to avoid you know, actual results, much like an
octopus would touch a stove.)
mircea_popescu: sometimes i suspect asciilifeform has
octopus helmet but with eyes, reads like that.
mircea_popescu: "we support urethra-only penis ; easier for end user, plus more
octopus compatible this way too!"
mircea_popescu: not really. more because
octopus arm gotta signal its attachment to
octopus so the other worms know what's what.
hanbot: i thought it was "nothing is beyond our reach" or what's that idiocy with the
octopus mircea_popescu: re
octopus - no other effect individually ; but living long is bad for the species, as hillary well exemplifies.
mircea_popescu: the car can handle a little snow just liek the cunt can handle a little
octopus Framedragger: it's pretty cool :) what's that tho? i am most uncultured. lots of
octopus, fish, assorted seafood was had, tho :)
adlai: BingoBoingo: this is top shit but as a Person i take offense at your using personal pronouns in reference to a mere
octopus tentacle. sure, maybe the whole
octopus aspires to tulpahood, but why extend the honor to a mere appendage?
mircea_popescu: no sense of proportion, like they got a coupla
octopus eyes.
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: i momentarily considered stan as an operational partner, but then quickly recalled the ongoing s.nsa saga and how it's basically made "two weeks" (tm) (r) his middle name. not that i fault the 'poor' bastard. he only has so many dr.
octopus tentacles with which to do maffs and whatnot.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: once some chick fucks an
octopus AND CONCEIVES we're in mule territory.
BingoBoingo: All last night, every 15 minutes, squeak squeak squeak as it plays with another mouse for quite a while liek it is eating a korean
octopus dish
trinque: arse too if I recall
octopus anatomy
jurov: what is "nato financial
punkman: today is
octopus day, also known as Clean Monday
Octopus Video | Whitezine | Design Graphic & Photography Inspirations
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: it looks like a B getting probed analy <<< would you prefer an
octopus ?
punkman: fun tip: if you have a shitload of
octopus, cement mixer is a good way to tenderize them
Octopus omlette pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
BingoBoingo: Well, If the US media was really that effective at promoting trends from Japan I would expect more emergency room visits from squid and
octopus related injuries of the genitalia. Alas...
ozbot: Facebook chief depicted as hook-nosed
octopus - Europe - Al Jazeera English
jurov: oh, and i heard cascadian national animal will be tree
octopus :D
mircea_popescu: Bugpowder aww and i was eating all these oranges trying t oturn my stomach into an
punkman: I'm gonna make some
octopus stew tomorrow, maybe blog the recipe
punkman: deadweasel, catching an
octopus is just a great way to start the day
ozbot: Giant
Octopus Eats Sharks at Aquarium - YouTube
chetty: an
octopus would make a cool pet
octopus Mike Hearn defaced bitcoinBull Inaba QuantPlus Raoul Duke cryptoa - Pastebin.com
Octopus – China: The Council Does Not Plan to Accept Bitcoin | I Love BTC Hot News
mircea_popescu: a bright
octopus could probably be trained to break these
ozbot: Save The Pacific Northwest Tree
Octopus truff1es: Cthulhu has been described as a mix between a giant human, an
octopus and a dragon, >>> and i thought u were just hitting buttons
octopus garden at kitsilano