178 entries in 1.153s

mircea_popescu: which is why i'm famous for being tyhe guy that sent the irs packing / tore
fetlife a new one. cuz ~it is actually there~. concretely.
mircea_popescu: but it seems to me talking to the pantsuit youth ~in groups~ is a complete waste of time. from one end to the other,
fetlife yielded via private messaging ; okcupid did not yield through public and visible
group dominance, i dunno the whys and wherefores but they evidently ignore all group anything.
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-30#1890713 << the fundamental problem with these amateur cryptographers (as well as with other amateur everythings, from amateur presidents of the united states to amateur socioideologues on
fetlife ) is that they go by what "is" rather than by what ~does~.
☝︎ mircea_popescu: i suppose the question might be a little like "why are they all in flip flops, terrible design, utterly inconvenient, how the fuck is every dumbass on
fetlife amange to pick em". ie, "pick nothing, it's what they had at the store. ALL they had at the store."
mircea_popescu: open code has this fundamental capacity, of doing for you what my
fetlife bots do for me.
mircea_popescu: see, my
fetlife morons are WAY THE FUCK SMARTER, in their bovine idiocy & petriferous lassitude, than these utter fucktards.
mircea_popescu: this is the point im making. before
fetlife lulz, i thought as you do, "eliza a+ idiot emulator"
mircea_popescu: this whole
fetlife thing has firmly convinced me i'd have been deeply unequipped to convincingly write a millenial before. one really needs to experience the unleashed stupid to be able to conceptualize just what garbage these shitstacks are.
mircea_popescu: a la
fetlife not coming with a "list females under 25" button. becase "reasons", of course.
mircea_popescu: is it THAT FUCKING HARD to just have a relay ? i mean... not like i use the
fetlife app for fucks sake. because why would i.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in the "running into mp on
fetlife first 20something moron girly's formative experience, literally NEVER encountered negative reinforcement before in whole lyf" files,
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i doubt 22 yo
fetlife moron has the werewithal to reference anything that happened last week, let alone years ago.
mircea_popescu: fuck this dumb shit, this is not written by anyone i wish to have any dealings with. he can go pluck his "feelings" with the rest of the
fetlife "dominates".
mircea_popescu: i think i even linked a
fetlife discussion re this. "bitch, YOU are doing the work to see if you'd fit in my harem, not i. wtf!"
mircea_popescu: which i stand behind, ftr ; and it is also what informs the "if they had any sense -- they'd be here" stance. the fact that rando can't cut through
fetlife to find the meat / can't cut through internet to find trilema / can't cut through femstate to find bitcoin / can't cut through pantsuitism to find republic etc specifically means that rando is dull, ie, not smart.
☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: i would guess about 60% or so of 2?F "sub" girlies exist on
fetlife only as the fruit of the overactive imagination of a beta "M" somewhere.
mircea_popescu: the puzzler of all time for the average
fetlife-grazed chickie, too. "wait... you mean to tell me ~you~ don't really care to talk ~to me~ ?!@?!?! but pantsuited hilarity gave us our rights!!!" sorta "this development goes neatly against everything i've been told to believe."
mircea_popescu: i suppose people'd fall over if they discovered i own the most messaged-to acct on
mircea_popescu: as slavegirl observes, "im sure the entirety of
fetlife is offended!"
mircea_popescu: or what, you think my interest in poetry comes from how i can't get cunt because
fetlife, it's so fulla mp ?
mircea_popescu: as it stands right now, i and i alone, with the thin sliver of others who presumably exist and presumably can afford to sift through millions of
fetlife tards can afford women.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-23#1852927 << thinking about it, there's actually a LOT of societal change underway. take
fetlife : it consists, as far as identifiable human life is concerned, of one dude who made some money (usuaully, "tech", which is to say computers -- but as girl points out, "i also know a lot of computer geeks who have no money ; ie, "ILLEGAL" computers) who have a cunt that's looking for another cunt. be
☝︎ mircea_popescu: in point of fact, historical aristocracy did not enjoy quite as deep or strict cleavage from the peons. yes your count would be "brave" where your peasanrt would be "cowardly", but this is very fucking little when compared to "in alte stiri umoristice, prostalaii astia cu
fetlife si-or angajat uameni si-or schimbat saitu', pen'ca li se parea lor cam nedrept ca de ce fac io ce vreau pe-acolo. ca rezultat, mi-or murit tate scri
mircea_popescu: o btw -- if anyone's excited of the prospect of trying to avoid my scraping and messaging bots,
fetlife's hiring a senior ruby on rails dev.
mircea_popescu: to quote 8.75% or so of all
fetlife profiles of girls under 25, "do women seriously jump in a plane to come hang out with you???"
mircea_popescu: is this how you date, also, check your
fetlife profile now and again see if any subbies sent... INVITATIONS !?
mircea_popescu: and i do mean ~every single last one~. i talk to every single chick on
fetlife, meaning EVERY SINGLE ONE. that's the job of existence. nothing else passes muster.
☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: way to rob yourself of your own , hard earned benefit, usg.
fetlife, usg.blue, usg.*
mircea_popescu: but yes, all of
fetlife is public, idle posturing to the contrary notwithstanding.
mircea_popescu: this is EXACTLY like, instead of using programmable machines to talk to every girl on
fetlife and enslave some, i'd use them to "start-up". because "san francisco never said it wants a bunch of enslaved women with computers".
mircea_popescu: and think in terms of confusable ~by whom~. as far as 50% or so of
fetlife female moron population is concerned, they have "a master" or whatever in that vein.
mircea_popescu: i find
fetlife sluts are about 10kx more interesting than hikikomori bois a la whatever set we've been contemplating, from curtis yarvin to rms.
mircea_popescu: there's been a definite uptick in schmucks trying to pretend they're me on
fetlife. and i suppose similarly on obscure webshits i don't know about.
mircea_popescu: i dunno if you appreciate this, at all, but consider : i follow
fetlife for ~purely private~ reasons. on my own time, off my own money, for the lulz/orgasms of my own girls, and so on. yet i've published multiple articles including summaries, schematics, various discussions, on it goes. on the other hand, a bunch of you guys have been involved in a very comparable effort for about as long, and if tomorrow you put out ten thou
mircea_popescu: and even given this, in order to convert
fetlife leads into utility you actually need a dungeon, and the other slavegirls and you know, being the guy whio actually built all that.
mircea_popescu: mod6 honestly, if i thought any of this is worth doing i'd do it. from actual experience and as far as i can myself see so far, besides
fetlife there's no utility in the fiat bubble-makers.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform or, for that matter, to the feat of interfacing with
mircea_popescu: so here's some wonderment for today : random
fetlife slut follows a webirc link (doh, what, irc exists ?!?!?!) and ends up here, at 14:58. sits here quietly, and patiently, until at 15:05 i say something. that's SEVEN WHOLE MINUTES. this alone, you know ? and then, puts another FOUR solid minutes in wtfing this thing, so that at 15:09 she can <kiyleeslut> Found it :).
mircea_popescu: and it doesn't stop there ; are you aware "modern browser" won't even allow luser to set referrer string ? it's either "nothing at all" or else "Speak the truth". why ? so that
fetlife can imp[lement faux security a la "oh, your referrer is incorrect, best relogin".
mircea_popescu: mah work in reddit /
fetlife / whatever machine-infiltration is pioneering specifically because ~nobody else~ ever fucking does this. because it's expensive.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, there's such a thing as "bitcoinbrat" on
mircea_popescu: anyways, whatever. who cares about yet another "52 M Dom"
fetlife profile ? he never was more than that.
mircea_popescu: but populace eminently is not the criteria, which is why the "totally not a dating site" "community" of
fetlife can't stand up to... me.
mircea_popescu: do you realise ~every single fucktarded sub 25 yo girly on
fetlife~ thinks "her relationship is great" and "my guy gives me everything i want, which you couldn't" ?
mircea_popescu: and boy howdy, does anyone on earth, including its subinept management, derive more fucking value from the
fetlife holding pens than yours truly.
mircea_popescu: in other
fetlife lulz, "You look like you run a cult so Im gonna pass."
mircea_popescu: and same for chicks you pick off any other
fetlife, whether they call themselves "localzon" or "amabitcoins" or ANYTHING ELSE. meat markets, all of them.
mircea_popescu: reminds me of this chick on
fetlife, "So you don't want to have a smart discuss, you're here for what ? What do you research here ? Because I'm agree with your description."
☟︎ mircea_popescu: this is not singular :
fetlife is at least half by weight people who want a good pretext as to why they're not getting laid (community!) ; gaming is at least half by weight people who want a good pretext as to why they suck at video games (community!) and so on and so following. look at expert sex change in this vein, you'll discover a few things about the sort of questions asked and the placesd they come from.
mircea_popescu: there's a large (and good god vocal!) population on say
fetlife, which is only there to steal the having been stolen from wrt sex. specifically, they're mental 12yos who are there to not have to notice they're entiurely asexual, "how could you think that of me, i'm here engaging in the exact sort of slut-in-training perisexual and cvasisexual behaviours typical of pubescence!". here, sampler : "Law_And_Chaos 26M Dom ah you se
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in
fetlife lulz, "<title>503 All backends failed or unhealthy</title>"
mircea_popescu: it's just... jesus christ i am at a loss to comprehend what the problems involved are. fuck me, i'm working on an ai sex bot to
fetlife ? really ?
mircea_popescu: this entire exercise in idiocy has, practically speaking, resulted in me paying various hard working ticos a grand or so, to the people fucking in the ass the "security" paradigm of pantsuit.
fetlife. IN LIEU of having paid that much, and rather more, to the
fetlife itself.
☟︎☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: in other lulz of the ongoing
fetlife saga, they've MASSIVELY rate limited profile views. check out ~100 people in an hour or so, get timed out.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes hey, does
fetlife want to hire you too, or did they taylor the pop-up ?
mircea_popescu: sure ; meanwhile consider this : the article the
fetlife bot keeps linking to the
fetlife tards ISNT in the top 20 of the month.
mircea_popescu: the very definition of an orc, this. one who can subsist on pantsuit diet, one who is satisfied with facebook for his culture and with dellenovo for his hardware and with the
http://trilema.com/2018/best-of-fetlife-such-as-it-is/ girlies for his amorous needs and so on. that's what an orc is, what the fuck else would it be.
mircea_popescu: hanbot bonus points : if you actually go through one of their dumbass "organized tours", other than the herd of
fetlife cowsies everywhere, you're not even allowed to hold them!
mircea_popescu: well, sorta like libtarded precious cuntlet in 2018. "i wonder why nobody writes to me on
fetlife!!!" "where's your nudie shots ?" "ummmm..."
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in operation enduring lulzmine,
fetlife still beastforum'd. 5 hours.
mircea_popescu: back to teh
fetlife lulz : the amusing part, at least toi me, is that friend-adding still works! i'm the happy owner of an account with 7890 of them. which i expect is the site record.
mircea_popescu: in other "i'm back here let's check things", teh
fetlife bot has been going unmolested for the interval. it must suck to work for these website-business-technologies.
mircea_popescu: you got a blog, you saw teh
fetlife/okcupid/whatever write-ups, knock yourself out in a mead of fermented detail.