a111: 2019-01-03 <danielpbarron> i did not tell him to join, and i have given up on reaching that crowd
danielpbarron: i'm holding on to a bunch of computer parts but i'm not sure how useful any of them are
BingoBoingo: Seems like a poverty of folks who know how to give a serious shit about crypto
mircea_popescu: things reinforce themselves, you have fg AND pizarro AND AND AND.
mircea_popescu: consider what hanbot had to go through to stand up a working environment ; now consider potential customer has to ~same.
mircea_popescu: that's the limit -- the sum total of folks alive capable of going through one of these bootstrappings is ~5.
mircea_popescu: certainly. nor do electrolytic caps specifically require the pc.
mircea_popescu: whatever, tv, space rockets. it wasn't amateur electronicists in garage, that's for sure.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-06 18:46 mircea_popescu: (ro used the prefab construction process -- first, send mining equipment, flatten land ; then, put in rail ; then, roll out a rail crane, and roll prefab on cars up to it ; then move the derivation
mircea_popescu: that old
http://trilema.com/2014/in-which-you-become-grain/ discussion is not an idle consideration. this is the fundamental structure of everything, from baltimore gangland, where the police shoots the 20-gun tribes to make room for a dozen 2-gun tribes, to whatever you pick, "Merchandise scores in the theme park stores" and Disney is the king of the hill.
mircea_popescu: consider
this item i recently fell upon by accident : "And so the scam rolled on through April and into May. I gathered around fifty active investors, and scammed about a billion non-Morty investments. I was repeatedly pulled into convos, usually lasting only a short time as they asked a few questions. Within the first few lines of communication
mircea_popescu: , I always knew whether or not they would invest. Those who would not become investors always made specific requests for information, requiring several referrals of non-alts who had been playing the game for a few years. Obviously I could not provide this without giving the names of other investors. Since my business' website guaranteed anonymity, this was not practical. But those who did not make specific requests, and inste
mircea_popescu: ad asked open-ended questions like "how can I trust you?" and "how do I know this is for real?"--these were future investors. They were asking me to persuade them. They wanted to believe."
mircea_popescu: there's ~nothing in between~. there's no pyramid, one inch wide the first inch, three inches wide the third inch, and a hundred inches wide the hundredht inch
mircea_popescu: you have the top inch and the bottom foot, and in between miles upon miles of NOTHING
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this sector is not substantial, is the point im making.
mircea_popescu: out of the people going to see some blockbuster, 33% are there because they're mouthdrooling retards, 66% are there because they're with their friends, and <1% are there to see the movie.
mircea_popescu: well this yes, but nothing is different from this. the chronic masturbators making up white esltardland don't suddenly become serious about some selection of topics, or even one topic.
mircea_popescu: they eat like they watch movies like they work like they etc.
mircea_popescu: there's exactly two arguments who can work on
typical moron. the first is, "everyone is doing this" ; the second is "you must this in order to that".
mircea_popescu: the second only works worth half a shit when it's "in order to stay out of jail". and even then very dubious.
mircea_popescu: so what you want to do, is exactly the "everyone is doing this", hence systematization.
mircea_popescu: "While much of the data affected is public profile information, it includes usernames, emails, hashed passwords and the salt (allowing the hashed passwords to be reversed). We care deeply about our users’ security and are taking numerous steps to prevent this from happening again and to protect against the misuse of information."
hanbot: BingoBoingo I attempted a reboot of s.nsa spare box, looks like it's not coming back up. please investigate at your leisure.
BingoBoingo: hanbot: There's a team with one profoundly fat person working deep in the hot aisle putting filling up a rack. The hamplanet's moving about makes keeping a terminal plugged into the machine a precarious proposition. Will dive again later.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Roughly the size. It blocks setting up the keyboard and monitor for an extended period of time without the risk of his ass propelling the setup into the rack because he imagines he can move like a dainty princess.
BingoBoingo: His side of whatever he's contributing to their build is in the hot aisle. But he's ~350 pounds, so he can only stand to be in the hot aisle ~90 seconds at a time. That's a lot of purposeless movement I would rather not deal with when the hippo workday has to end sometime.
lobbesbot: BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
lobbesbot: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.