mircea_popescu: it'd also be ungodly long. pubescent girls are usually too derpy to manage in under a coupla minutes.
mircea_popescu: did that fucktared 5 columnist in the hat sink or is he still derping about ?
a111: Logged on 2017-04-04 00:25 asciilifeform: ( i will say, 0 of the things that drove mircea_popescu barking mad about the place, bother me at all. then again i was there for a week.. )
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-20#1836601 <-- afaik they make aggressive use of k-othrine (possibly others) in public places. /me has been hearing the bug-spray cars consistently pass by during warm seasons. I dun remember being stung by mosquitoes for more than a coupla times in the last few years.
☝︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-07-20 13:12 asciilifeform: spyked: very interesting -- did they bring back the use of ddt ??
spyked: ftr, this does nothing for flies. still fulla them.
spyked: also ftr, there are places throughout town which are abundant in vegetation (e.g. the vacaresti delta) which I expect are populated with the variety huge of mosquitoes.
spyked: in other news for the rotaku:
spykedbot: muddle things together/ up, to: a amesteca/ incurca lucrurile
spyked: also works the other way around:
spykedbot: a acoperi cheltuielile, a face fata cheltuielilor: to meet the expenses
a111: Logged on 2018-06-05 12:49 spyked: I'm reserving another bot for the rss functionality. but I want to use spykedbot to make a small trilemabot example for implementing prefixed commands. spoiler: I have some code that looks up definitions in asciilifeform's ro-en dictionary (
http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2211 ), it's the smallest application that I could find that also does something useful.
spyked: (currently bot only looks up expr dictionary. if anyone is interested by this functionality and wants moar, lemme know)
mircea_popescu: prolly 3x like brits, because gotta show they to real country.
mircea_popescu: except when subs don't work by themselves, of course. that's unfair comparison.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform notrly. lotta people had btc for accident, in the 2010s.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-21 09:59 spyked:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-20#1836601 <-- afaik they make aggressive use of k-othrine (possibly others) in public places. /me has been hearing the bug-spray cars consistently pass by during warm seasons. I dun remember being stung by mosquitoes for more than a coupla times in the last few years.
mircea_popescu: hey, third world shithole is third world shithole, what.
BingoBoingo: AHA, back in old country they did Malathion
mircea_popescu: lmao. so great that the fucktard pantsuit fought apartheid. 10 years later, they can fight the first white massacre since haiti.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform eh, that was rank nonsense. VERY fucking stupid choice. 1990 ru was a) perfectly equipped to produce 10-100mn smq of hruscheba living space per month. b) 1990s ru was EXACTLY in the position where the best use for its effort was to do just that. buy the losers 30 years in which to decide if they really wanted petrograd residence.
mircea_popescu: they TOTALLY should have laid track, brought in the cranes, prefab to the skies.
mircea_popescu: eh gimme a break. everyone fucking knew except for the "factors responsible"
mircea_popescu: fuck them with a sharp stick for being condolezza rice without even being niggers.
mircea_popescu: i'd say "they should have come to #trilema and asked", but i guess they get a break for pre-trilema age.
mircea_popescu: just those 10 trn cubic meters of poured concrete would have created "russian miracle" by itself.
mircea_popescu: who the fuck asked shittington any fucking thing jesus christ.
mircea_popescu: this is EXACTLY like, instead of using programmable machines to talk to every girl on fetlife and enslave some, i'd use them to "start-up". because "san francisco never said it wants a bunch of enslaved women with computers".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform made wrong raft the wrong way. mine fucking floats. theirs floated so fucking well, putin's cut their heads off.
mircea_popescu: the reason soviet industry imploded was lack of demand. construction drives all sectors, the building itself would have bought them ~decade to figure shit out.
mircea_popescu: and in a decade of figuring shit out, they may have found something. that's ~their~ fucking job.
mircea_popescu: coupled with a general feeling of "cheap life" (ie, all the ukr whores going to moscow instead of milan), it'd have attracted, eg, me.
mircea_popescu: if russia went as described, i'd have likely moved there when i was looking around in early 2000s
mircea_popescu: not ~easy~ to compete with milan, but spring over idiots-speaking-idiot-language is not a pushover.
mircea_popescu: the mistake, as usually when people make large scale mistakes, was in incorrectly handling cunt.
mircea_popescu: and the above, ftr, is not idle "woulda coulda". i actually did send both people and materiel, and even followed briefly in early 2000s, research expedition.
mircea_popescu: set moron bit on new-soviet exactly as on previous set and moved on.
mircea_popescu: all graham's wank re "omg, what does it take to produce silicon valley" is entirely besides the point. what it takes to produce the town is the town-lie, and "take your pick of teenaged cunt, weekly auctions" is much better implementation of that than mission district's own "money for nothing".
mircea_popescu: amusingly, 100% of requisites were on the table. just, blockhead "leadership" assembled pc into wooden block.
mircea_popescu: same could be said of whatever tmsr reject. yet THEY DIDNT HAVE TO not have a brain
mod6: yeah, i like this ^
esthlos: speaking of which asciilifeform : past two weeks have shown that 4 logs a day is unsustainable. my log reading time is not decreasing as I had hoped it would
esthlos: current plan is to push the reading hard I can manage next few weeks, and get a better sense of the sustainable rate
mircea_popescu: 2/day is still pretty good, you'll be caught up before you die. i expect it's actually the natural limit
BingoBoingo: And there may be a couple days requiring more than a day to digest
trinque: !!gettrust mircea_popescu elaineo
deedbot: L1: 2, L2: 0 by 0 connections.
trinque: !!rated mircea_popescu elaineo
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated elaineo 2 at 2017/09/26 04:47:52 << somehow manages to write unirritatingly while also academia. i have yet no theory as to how this is possible.
trinque: thing's running daily as expected
trinque: I'll still see about narrowing the loop when I find time
Mocky: seems like mircea_popescu tends to !!v in private. everyone sees intent, nobody knows when concretized
trinque: no, because the thing considers $placeToRespond = $sourceOfCommand
Mocky: sounds like spam vector
Mocky: anyone can reg a key and rate, neh
trinque: also sounds like "feature creep in response to circumstance that isn't really killing anybody"
mircea_popescu: and seriously, this "i shall use wot without talking to people" tack is self defeating. the ONLY item wot tells you is whom to ask. nothing more. absolutely nothing more.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> Mocky: not if squelched to l1-raters only <
mircea_popescu: you wouldn't operate on basis of wikipedia. what, you think lordship less serious than medicine ?
mircea_popescu: me will link here an article he's publishing later, because "I really feel no need to be notified each time my dumb bimbo and some random loser exchange e-grams." is worthy quote.
mircea_popescu: yet another one of the very many disadvantages for the cattle outside the walls, is that our private lives are public matters for them, that they can't touch. whopsee.
trinque: !!rated mircea_popescu elaineo
trinque: he's seriously going to keep on with the "buggy" thing eh?
trinque: I did nothing, the man had an OTP spare out of the many. it happens
mircea_popescu: i have nfi how ; but out of the 200 or so otps one died en route.
mircea_popescu: i also don't know how i picked as example THE ONLY EXAMPLE
trinque: deedbot was also "connected but not" just earlier, ben_vulpes alerted me
trinque: freenode is as shitty as ever, not that I'm grabbing that as a catch-all for weird behavior
trinque: in compounding ironies, I stood up my own ircd_ratbox earlier out of curiosity
☟︎☟︎ trinque: works alright, oughta spend more time with it before recommending. claimed to be what runs efnet.
mircea_popescu: but yes, all of fetlife is public, idle posturing to the contrary notwithstanding.