739 entries in 0.225s
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this month's turd is mailed.
asciilifeform: the real lulz - idiot lifts ancient material from ru forums, passes it off as fresh turd!
asciilifeform: it is a statement of fact. in that, encountering an animal turd in the forest, you know only approximately what is its composition.
asciilifeform: when people say x86 is a turd - this is more than an aesthetic opinion
asciilifeform: (random turd from net)
asciilifeform: Diablo-D3: it downloads a turd, needs space to decompress it
asciilifeform: what can one accomplish on fpga, knowing nothing about your opponent's future purpose for it, with a small turd ?
asciilifeform: so the turd has to be subtle
asciilifeform: before even i forget - kakobrekla, mircea_popescu - where's my lenat turd mirror ?
asciilifeform: lol that turd reads like it was a 'mad libs' product
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: uploading turd...
asciilifeform: 'positive displacement' here means, easily, that no more turd can emerge from the needle than is actually inside the needle
asciilifeform: http://console-cowboys.blogspot.com/2014/09/arris-cable-modem-backdoor-im.html << not the glorious turd tower that is 'headbash', but still great.
asciilifeform: (note that you could just as easily end up eating a dog turd from the market and a blade of grass from the dump)
asciilifeform: decimation: classic vendor lock-in. disgusting turd.
asciilifeform: mp_colonist: i am very glad they did not fix. relying on black box turd for a critical piece of mechanics was stupid, and it was necessary to pay with suffering for it (did.)
asciilifeform: a small aluminum turd.
asciilifeform: in such a way that the turd would interfere with proper operation unless fed the correct magic
asciilifeform: so then final lock was placed as a turd in the fissile core (in fusion nukes, fissile initiator, almost same)
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: feed'em something interesting (let's say mismatched delimiters) & then fetch their turd a few msec after.
asciilifeform: they have a 2560 x 1440 glossy, and a 900 line turd.
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: no 'F' keys! what a steaming turd.
asciilifeform: certainly the tabloids would love to print a sensational turd about the sub. but then editor's phone rings, and 'editors can also have problems'
asciilifeform: when i read the 'rebecca' piece, i immediately assumed it was a green hills turd somebody dug up for old time's sake.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: bad example, 'pi' is a pseudo-open turd
asciilifeform misses crt, but every time he buys 'amazing!11! well-preserved111! trinitron' - it's a faded turd.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: bozo orders $turd, uses 'satoshi' email addr, snore.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: yes, they want to replace init.d scripts with a hearn-style binary turd. surprised ?
asciilifeform: presently you can do a kind of basic 'iq filter' just by, e.g. ignoring anything whatsoever distributed as an ms-word turd
asciilifeform: not the phoundation turd
asciilifeform: chetty: the 'lies per kByte' in this turd must be some sort of record.
asciilifeform always imagined that dentures must be serious business in the turd world, but never seen this before.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it was a chicom die-on-pcb turd. no debug outputs; what was inside (other than clearly, a micro with state) only satan knows. so, i never learned.
asciilifeform: many people write, e.g. a 'mips' (or other small instruction set) emulator and cross-compile for it. when you get hold of one of these, you can just extract the turd and disassemble using toolset for that cpu.
asciilifeform: this is the most riotously funny nsa turd yet.
asciilifeform: so now we see that these (likely same, but usg never commissions just one turd of a particular variety) idiots did indeed crap out something like a $1B version of 'ida hexray.'
asciilifeform: Xplosionist: the url contains just a random turd, encrypted to your pgp key. gribble wants the value of the turd, when it gets it - you're authed.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what intel overestimated was the ability of microshit to shoehorn their turd into exotic cpu. turned out to be nil. (nt on alpha - never entirely worked. etc)
asciilifeform: doesn't support comments, in the usual sense. instead, when you 'comment', it... reposts the turd on your own 'tumblr'
asciilifeform: afaik it's the only turd of its kind.
asciilifeform: life in literal sense. little oasis in a parched desert of dry turd.
asciilifeform: to be fair this is precisely the kind of turd i would order 'leaked' as a hangout op
asciilifeform: Yann Collet << not because he wrote the turd. (though it alone might suffice!) - because of what he said afterward.
asciilifeform: mycelium machine << it still isn't clear to me - are they actually sampling an sram, or just using atmel's turd which purports to do so internally
asciilifeform: justusranvier: let's try degenerate case. 'mr x owes mr y the following amount, in satoshis...' [followed by a 100MB turd from rng]
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if it's a 'xilinx' or 'altera' - you're stuck with the vendor's closed turd.
asciilifeform: no space for a multi-GB turd.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ba-turd.txt.gz
asciilifeform: does somebody still have log gaps? i've got a nearly continuous ~90MB turd starting at oct. 2012
asciilifeform: these will get upgraded. because they're already running on crashy turd, no big change
asciilifeform: so, not really hardware wp. kernel level turd can (and will) diddle an u3 partition
asciilifeform: a more interesting fact is that, if you open a consumer usb turd that has a wp toggle, it is - afaik - never connected to the flash rom proper
asciilifeform: ^ turd concerns the use of a well-known mitm gizmo for cellular
asciilifeform: at one point, some years ago, i tried to build the turd intel was passing off as their version of 'open source bios'
asciilifeform: mine was an ascii turd that came with the warez.
asciilifeform: afaik only to bury turd
asciilifeform: they will see to it that as much of the turd as possible lives on, remains ubiquitous.
asciilifeform: zeus trojan << very educational case. zeus is a very poorly designed turd, but it is smashingly popular on account of a thousand spamz0r idiots buying 'custom' builds and paying to have them spammed out to chumps. see also one of mp's old articles on spam being a 'cargo cult.'
asciilifeform: jurov: olpc was a microshaft brainwashing project (admitted as much! hence why it shipped with an x86 turd instead of a cheaper risc cpu)
asciilifeform: your simulated annealing turd won't converge, you'll sit & curse the gods
asciilifeform: the 'votrax' voice synth that the ubiquitous unix 'speak' command was originally meant for came as a huge breadbox-sized potted turd
asciilifeform: i really can't fathom the purpose of buying a mystery meat hardware rng. if you're willing to eat mystery meat, why not use the vlsi turd found in current cpu? ☟︎
asciilifeform: watching sewer pipe cleaning was more interesting than the linked reddit turd.
asciilifeform: people buy something with 'triz' in the title, and get... a turd
asciilifeform: bitcoinpete: read that turd; kept waiting for the seemingly-obligatory mention of 'galt's gulch' - disappointed! not there!
asciilifeform: there was at least 200g of turd in there.
asciilifeform: lucky none of my apple boxes have this turd installed.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that apple turd was an epic derpamatic, incidentally. ~500k views to date.
asciilifeform: i'd have bet, on account of the first page or two of the turd smelling of crafted disinfo
asciilifeform: that turd includes at least one outright lie
asciilifeform: bitcoinpete: not sure why they should talk to me. instead, they should talk to the poor schmucks who buy the closed turd. and apologize to them.
asciilifeform: fluffypony: that came out a hex turd here.
asciilifeform: go, polish a turd.
asciilifeform: anyone who is curious what mr. spam wants should put on gas mask and read the turd.
asciilifeform: a turd 'by any other name would smell as...'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: just about anything that involves a book-length standard, esp. with the familiar committees, is an inevitable turd.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: it's a bigger issue than one particular C turd
asciilifeform: or rather, broadcom's on-chip turd
asciilifeform: yeah - but the new turd craps out a blob rsa'd to square's public key.
asciilifeform: i set the 'bozo bit' on 'square' when they caved in to the FUD and replaced their purely-analogue card reader with an elaborate crypto turd
asciilifeform: (last turd. anyone who wants more can visit the site)
asciilifeform: where'd the turd come from?
asciilifeform: amazing how $300K machine comes with visual basic turd that often physically destroys the enclosure when the thing boots (carriages get sent to the axis limits, because $300K apparently doesn't buy you limit switches...)
asciilifeform: curtis found a dog turd, dried for years, and decided that it is hard enough to whittle bullet from
asciilifeform: bounce: not because the thing isn't a turd - it is - but it is then necessary to explain why other people's coins have stayed put.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: raspi is a turd in 20 different ways.
asciilifeform: author of that turd 'knows' that he won't be personally sold, and it shows. (not by itself damning - authors of designs for meat processing plants don't expect to ever become chickens, either. but in this case it spoils the flavour in a rather obvious way.)
asciilifeform: but when using a turd downloaded from ? (was it lavarand? or john walker's geiger? wish i remembered) it took minutes.
asciilifeform: (so they can make up arbitrary turd and attribute it to the victim)
asciilifeform: lol. intel's porta-turd cancelled?
asciilifeform: i don't have anything against a man who eats turd. but i will eat, and serve my friends, sausage. not turd.
asciilifeform: i read the first turd, and my puny brain was utterly unable to determine wtf the deal was.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: a turd that port scans wantonly would appear to be uncommonly poor workmanship even for usg.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the 'entropy' link was epic. author deserves some kind of medal. 'Order of Golden Turd, First Class' ?
asciilifeform: anybody got the binary turd?
asciilifeform: this also works at the turd stand
asciilifeform: that is, 'look at the flies, it must be a turd'
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: imagine if technology were possible! he could simply whisper 'this turd will not bear my pgp signature' and be done.
asciilifeform: it is so i need a shoebox full of these phones, rather than 1 or 2, to extract whatever turd may be of interest therein.
asciilifeform: the turd is unremarkable; quite like the usual winblows rootkit, except for the fact of 1) ships in stock bios on most x86 laptops and 2) c&c servers eschew authentication or crypto (!)