500+ entries in 0.171s
mircea_popescu: meanwhike * * * "GET /2016/to-the-dao-and-the-ethereum-community-fuck-you/ HTTP/1.1" 200 185133 "https://twitter.com/@dan_pantera" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0"
mp_en_viaje: whether it works or doesn't ima still take everything they have any time i feel like, as a matter of course. because that's the hierarchy, republic owns empire-anything, no possible question about it.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-17 05:49 mircea_popescu: in other http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-05#1917374 obscura : apparently the "just as good" (spoiler : not very good) replacement is something called "paxum". also the hardcore wannabes / rape victims gathered around "ethereum" made a localethers something or the other clone, of course.
mircea_popescu: (ethereum people are really 100% about bitcoin, kinda like how us-based, nominally "protestant" supposedly independent "churches" are 100% about catholicism ; or us-based "nigger hating" / "taking down the zog machine jew by jew by jew" "white power" groups are 100% about please fuck my wife now, she's ovulating. it's the us thing, don't ask me to explain it.)
mircea_popescu: in other http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-05#1917374 obscura : apparently the "just as good" (spoiler : not very good) replacement is something called "paxum". also the hardcore wannabes / rape victims gathered around "ethereum" made a localethers something or the other clone, of course. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: ethereum next, then mit, then "mission district", then ...
mircea_popescu: one of these days they're gonna figure how to mount a touchscreen on this ethereum business, and then they'll be cookin' with gas!
mircea_popescu: or if you prefer https://www.coindesk.com/sharding-already-ushering-radical-new-ethereum-designs/ << this guy.
asciilifeform: or take 'Permanence also includes security. Except for the on-chain PKI, in which case you're trusting Ethereum, you shouldn't yet trust Urbit's security at all. Sorry!'
a111: Logged on 2019-01-15 00:30 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in darkest lulzafrica, 'Today we’re happy to announce that Urbit’s address space, now called Azimuth, is live on the Ethereum blockchain... We want Urbit to be a reliable, durable, permanent computer that’s simple to use. Today Urbit is still a prototype, not a consumer product. But we’re making great progress'
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in darkest lulzafrica, 'Today we’re happy to announce that Urbit’s address space, now called Azimuth, is live on the Ethereum blockchain... We want Urbit to be a reliable, durable, permanent computer that’s simple to use. Today Urbit is still a prototype, not a consumer product. But we’re making great progress' ☟︎
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/01/ethereum-classic-experiences-chain-reorganization-100-blocks/ << Qntra -- Ethereum Classic Experiences Chain Reorganization > 100 Blocks
BingoBoingo: I suspect USG is going to try pushing some power ranger to an ethereum type "evil address" fork
Mocky: just got back from blockchain event. I told them their ideas of humanity 3.0 governed by blockchain smart contracts was a delusion. And then critcized both the ethereum-roll-backers and the ethereum-continue-with-broken-shit
diana_coman: the inherited slides are the usual mixture of "blockchain new techhxxx" + "ethereum!!!"
asciilifeform: apparently i was still subscribed to... urbit ml. where today we learn that : 'The tooling around the PKI transition to Ethereum is coming along nicely. Contracts are pretty much frozen. It’s all UI and key generation now.'
a111: Logged on 2016-06-27 23:46 mircea_popescu: ethereum being "smart", it's not just mempool, but also cpupool. and the "soft fork" being essentially a "enumerate badness" attempt, you still gotta check and make sure tx isn't on the verboten list. which computation you do for free, because you believe in mit, socialism and buterin.
mircea_popescu: i expect as the empire loses any hope of "oh, mp doesn't matter, we got ethereum" we'll be coming right back to that, "consensus" stuff.
mircea_popescu: the ethereum of 2013.
brazilish: mircea_popescu: i know your blog after the ethereum disaster, then a couple of weeks ago discovered irc logs
mircea_popescu: "extension scripts", fancy that wonder. koch put ethereum in gpg before ethereum was even "a thing"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, it'll be ethereum. bitcoin, like trilema ~also~ something official policy is to not admit exists (aside, of course, how it's what they save in / read themselves).
mircea_popescu: now, the "creation" of "ethereum" is entirely out of the playbook of clinton "bringing rock'n'roll dollars to moscow" or mp bringing dollars to buenos aires etc.
fromdeedbot: What do you guys have against Ethereum (if anything, maybe i am not rembering the logs correctly)
fromdeedbot: 1I have read a fair bit from here, and a lot of gitter.im logs from web3 and go-ethereum
mircea_popescu: You are the early BTC adopter and IIRC you were or had used DAO's findings/theft (whatever you call). I thought your name seemed familiar, but I do not always participate in the chatter. I was an early bitcoin adopter too. Then I got around to ethereum. Did a fun ICO - http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/news/2147-2017kybernetwork-loiluu/ But near December last year, I donated the cash value of almost all of my bitcoins to Bill & Meli
mircea_popescu: anyway, re bitcoin options (and strictly bitcoin options -- ethereum is not a thing nor can be considered as one anymore than you can consider "real estate" on imaginary planets a part of this discussion) there are two problems.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-04 12:28 fromdeedbot: deedbot sounds like the first implementation of a smart contract. I was wondering if you guys thought anything of ethereum. More specifically if you have continued to develop deedbot, or know of a smart contract type platform being devolped on BTC
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808808 << - >> http://trilema.com/2016/to-the-dao-and-the-ethereum-community-fuck-you/ ☝︎
fromdeedbot: I was just curious to see if there was a platform similar to Ethereum being built on BTC at the current time
fromdeedbot: deedbot sounds like the first implementation of a smart contract. I was wondering if you guys thought anything of ethereum. More specifically if you have continued to develop deedbot, or know of a smart contract type platform being devolped on BTC ☟︎
douchebag: Have you guys seen the BGP hijack that allowed a bunch of peopels Ethereum to be stolen?
mircea_popescu: and big surprise usg.ethereum-court hardforks itself
mircea_popescu: you were complaining ows was about as productive as ethereum... well...
mircea_popescu: such a credible effort, that shitpile. imo ethereum is very useful in the following sense : it shows EXACTLY what bitcoin'd have been like if it occured to the ustards.
ckang: it is 'better' in same sense as ethereum 'better than' paypal <- so its slightly better than the worst? ;)
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796071 << it is 'better' in same sense as ethereum 'better than' paypal. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://www.contravex.com/2018/03/29/announcing-the-newest-bitcoin-infrastructure-node-or-why-ethereum-is-so-utterly-fucked/ < in other news.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/to-the-dao-and-the-ethereum-community-fuck-you/ < item
shinohai: In Sunday morning lolz: https://ret2got.wordpress.com/2018/01/19/how-your-ethereum-can-be-stolen-using-dns-rebinding/
mircea_popescu: oh, where are ye bluestate.doge, mit.ethereum, orcistan.bch... it was such nice knowing ye...
ben_vulpes: https://blog.positive.com/predicting-random-numbers-in-ethereum-smart-contracts-e5358c6b8620 << prnglolz
mircea_popescu: i guess. stuff like http://trilema.com/2016/to-the-dao-and-the-ethereum-community-fuck-you/ pays better.
shinohai: To point fingers and laugh at the combination of Ethereum + SSL
shinohai: They have some chic in a chatbox on their website supposedly, imma link her to: http://trilema.com/2016/to-the-dao-and-the-ethereum-community-fuck-you/
BingoBoingo: In other news, ethereum is now not metaphorically, but literally a tire fire https://news.slashdot.org/story/17/12/07/1951257/cryptocurrency-miners-are-using-old-tires-to-power-their-rigs
a111: Logged on 2017-12-07 18:14 asciilifeform: meanwhile shitfinex : 'Over the last few days, we were hit by a mixture of huge real customer demand for deposits & withdrawals, at the same time as we experienced ddos in the form of malicious microdeposits and withdrawals (a heavily funded attack). On top of this, both the Ethereum and Bitcoin networks were under high congestion (blame the kittens, not us.)...'
asciilifeform: meanwhile shitfinex : 'Over the last few days, we were hit by a mixture of huge real customer demand for deposits & withdrawals, at the same time as we experienced ddos in the form of malicious microdeposits and withdrawals (a heavily funded attack). On top of this, both the Ethereum and Bitcoin networks were under high congestion (blame the kittens, not us.)...' ☟︎
shinohai: How to DoS Ethereum, part iv http://archive.is/Y9u1o
mircea_popescu: in which sense, ethereum (not as the item, but as the prion set) is necessary for bitcoin to go into the millions. just a step on teh road.
shinohai: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/useless-ethereum-token/ <<< I thought this was all of 'em
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the number is ~same as say "ethereum market cap". if you trust the printers, it's whatever they print.
mircea_popescu: anyway. pretty fucking epic keks. ethereum became a sort of jokecoin after the rape, which i suppose brings the moral home : rape is educative.
mircea_popescu: too many failure levels. who the fuck is vinay gupta and what the fuck is ethereum to opine on things ?
mircea_popescu: rando indian is somehow in a position to speak for "ethereum", an on-again-off-again acquarium of rank imbeciles who couldnt manage to as much as paint the basement they inhabited, if it came to it ?
mircea_popescu: if all the "here's the usg-bitcoin, accept it in exchange" doesn't work as it hasn't with ripple/ethereum/bitcoin-core/crash/whatever, the only remaining avenue is the idly papal claim to "all the bitcoins".
davout: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734153 <<< it does beat "your house lock on the ethereum chain" ☝︎
davout: who knows, maybe that leads to an "Ethereum Classic 2"
a111: Logged on 2017-11-01 14:00 mircea_popescu: and in other great victories, ethereum-info.de
mircea_popescu: and in other great victories, ethereum-info.de ☟︎
mircea_popescu: dat bitcoin crash, > ethereum
shinohai: http://archive.is/ICNd9 <<< I'd almost bet 1 BTC some redditard suggests they put this on "The Ethereum blockchain!!!" and it wouldn't happen.
shinohai: https://atlanta.craigslist.org/eat/sys/d/150-mh-rx-470-ethereum-mining/6352367772.html <<< lulzy post from same
shinohai: http://archive.is/CbLsp <<< If adding ethereum, shapeshit, and BitcoinCrash wasnt enough ......
ben_vulpes: believe it he proudly writes ethereum shits now
mircea_popescu: "In case you did, i hope this will be a lesson to you. Stop trading obscure tokens/coins!" << if THIS is "the lesson", then one wonders wtf is supposed to be the "ethereum value proposition" ?
a111: Logged on 2017-10-03 00:38 hanbot goes abroad for a week, neglects yahoo inbox (srsly), comes back to knee-deep ethereum spam (incloods both phishing and meta-phishing!)
a111: Logged on 2017-10-03 00:38 hanbot goes abroad for a week, neglects yahoo inbox (srsly), comes back to knee-deep ethereum spam (incloods both phishing and meta-phishing!)
hanbot goes abroad for a week, neglects yahoo inbox (srsly), comes back to knee-deep ethereum spam (incloods both phishing and meta-phishing!) ☟︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-28 14:53 asciilifeform: 'Given the “stark difference between the abnormal rate and the actual market prices of bitcoin and ethereum on April 19”, B2C2, which Quoine called a “sophisticated” investor with experience trading virtual currencies, should have suspected the “abnormal rate” was a mistake. '
asciilifeform: 'Given the “stark difference between the abnormal rate and the actual market prices of bitcoin and ethereum on April 19”, B2C2, which Quoine called a “sophisticated” investor with experience trading virtual currencies, should have suspected the “abnormal rate” was a mistake. ' ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'Quoine in turn claims that B2C2 is “being opportunistic and seeking to profit from a technical glitch” It said the trades were “inadvertently” executed at the “abnormal rate of... 10 bitcoins for one ethereum, which was approximately 125 times higher than the actual market price of ethereum on April 19” because of a technical glitch.'
asciilifeform: in other lulzies, https://archive.is/ImVWv >> 'An electronic market maker is suing Quoine, one of the world’s major bitcoin exchange operators, over trades that were allegedly wrongfully reversed... series of trades on April 19, resulting in B2C2 paying 309.2518 ethereum for 3092.517116 bitcoin.... But the next day, the trades were reversed by Quoine... Quoine told B2C2 that it was entitled to do so because the trades were “mostl
mircea_popescu: so which hits 0.05 first, ethereum or crash ?
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> o lol look at that, btc down 17%, ethereum 20, bitcoin crash 25, litecoin 30. it's like harmonics. << Ah yeah, just USD noise spike. All altcoins have a few of those as they die
mircea_popescu: o lol look at that, btc down 17%, ethereum 20, bitcoin crash 25, litecoin 30. it's like harmonics.
shinohai: BingoBoingo: I'm not interested if it doesn't have it's on HOSE blockchain on Ethereum.
BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-01#1708137 << Until they try to run a node... Syncing TRB far less painful that keeping up with Ethereum... ☝︎
mircea_popescu: he could believe orcas fly through the (1900s version of) ethereum at the behest of a burning goat's skull ; for as long as this strange array of notions doesn't get in the way of his daily life it's called subclinical.
mircea_popescu: gl condemnation of jd was related to ethereum not technical dispute.
shinohai: "If Ethereum is Law"
mircea_popescu: in fact, the difference between power rangers and "ethereum developers" is entirely nil, which is why the "ethereum community" is flattering itself into relevancy : they compare themselves to the power rangers, and come to the conclusion that "similar kind, dispute to be resolved by headcount".
shinohai: http://archive.is/9Hcc8 <<< spam the ethereum db with tits
mircea_popescu: i'm giving it even odds it's some ethereum expert in his spare time.
mircea_popescu: ethereum could buy bitcoin!
mircea_popescu: i only did it to get ethereum tokens
mircea_popescu: next step on ethereum's fascinating journey being "the one weird trick hacker used to make 74 trillion"
shinohai: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/zmvg58/hacker-allegedly-steals-dollar74-million-in-ethereum-with-incredibly-simple-trick <<< This is so hilarious I almost wrote it up ....
a111: Logged on 2017-07-14 13:07 shinohai: "shwifteey described FUCK token as the new Dogecoin," >>> https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/evd5je/an-ethereum-token-called-fuck-raised-dollar30000-in-30-minutes
shinohai: "shwifteey described FUCK token as the new Dogecoin," >>> https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/evd5je/an-ethereum-token-called-fuck-raised-dollar30000-in-30-minutes ☟︎
mircea_popescu: but yes, the grand plan for june was "bitcoin prices drop while ethereum to the moon". it worked as well as the "liberation" of some town of a name i meanwhile forgot it was so long.
mircea_popescu: hey, it's just like ethereum
mircea_popescu: mit selling me its ips to pay for the ethereum.
mircea_popescu: the crazy batshit they have to argue. "oh, ethereum is rapemeat but totally worth the money also ethereum never happened also ethereum has nothing to do with the enthusiams, also black chix code, also that doesn't matter, also"
asciilifeform: on of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance) — yet the price continues to rise.' didjaknow
a111: Logged on 2017-07-01 13:25 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673312 << https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*0L0vei31AKXnhV3yxjDfJQ.png "experienced traders" "honestly can't believe" (https://medium.com/@MattPrusak/an-ethical-dilemma-is-the-ethereum-bubble-amount-to-pop-3b020a866264)
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-01#1678068 << lulzgold, >> '...price of Ethereum Classic...product of a schism in the blockchain community last year, is not interchangeable with the main Ethereum blockchain. In fact, market commentators have predicted that ETC will more or less die off. While it has the same fundamental technology, ETC has essentially nothing to do with the mass adoption of Ethereum by recent projects (and the formati ☝︎
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673312 << https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*0L0vei31AKXnhV3yxjDfJQ.png "experienced traders" "honestly can't believe" (https://medium.com/@MattPrusak/an-ethical-dilemma-is-the-ethereum-bubble-amount-to-pop-3b020a866264) ☝︎☟︎
shinohai: Mine ethereum for scam ICO's of course.
shinohai: Apparently they made a "Mobile ethereum interface w/ encrypted messaging"