631 entries in 0.78s
phf: asciilifeform: yep, grafx2 in its DOS incarnation
mircea_popescu: in dos. through intimate knowledge. in vmware gentoo on windows ? ouch.
asciilifeform: recall writing games for dos. it was quite possible to have 0 flicker.
trinque: the fuck, I'm supposed to develop for DOS now?
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: the ms-dos way is used on the gameboy
mircea_popescu: first they can't have halloween candy ; then they can't fight, or climb trees ; or be home alone ; or touch ; or etcetera. by now it's ... pretty much endless re-dos of carmen winstead.
shinohai: Apparently a new round of DoS attacks on ETH ... this time on *parity* clients
PeterL: dos it have to do with the way the color did not end properly at the bottom of the quote from the cat-v chan?
asciilifeform: either this, or boot dos etc., drive card directly.
asciilifeform: https://blog.ethereum.org/2016/09/22/ethereum-network-currently-undergoing-dos-attack << in other lelzies
Framedragger: nice. what of DoS via replay, asciilifeform ? or should this get ignored? i.e. enemy just floods with identical packets (so both checksum and sig ok), and those get redistributed
phf: i'm not sure mezzano boots on native hardware, movitz i did boot, and it's basically what you would expect out of DOS
mircea_popescu: well i don't see any c/linux/dos/etc in here ?
mircea_popescu: now you're going to import dos into this discussion ?
phf: you know dos "com", which was just a flat sequence of bytecodes and when you did foo.com it would just start executing foo.com with the first byte
phf: programs that have to run on linux don't behave like dos COM files
shinohai remembers this scam site called "mybitcoinjob.com" that was being hosted on a cellphone and could be dos'd with a simple nmap scan.
Framedragger: then the argument does admittedly slide a little: yes okay, this is great that it can't be DoS'd that easily when the time comes; and yet it still has to parse multiple packets before it determines that hey, i don't know this fingerprint.
Framedragger: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160909/#343 << isn't the reason it's currently able to do that (send otps to check) is because it's not interesting enough so parties flood it with bogus requests and generally DoS it to shreds?
asciilifeform: trinque: u.s. dos.
asciilifeform: the thing is deliberately designed 'ms-dos'-style
Framedragger: i'm sure you're right, no bot would have survived. wonder if you could use sth like fastnetmon (if it can eat your logs or if you can format them accordingly?) to analyse the DoS / sql attack further..
asciilifeform: and hey, usg dos reads trilema, that was the year they tried to 'colourize' moscow
mircea_popescu: i do, but to quote myself, "Grecii sunt scutul, nu sulita, ca de obicei exact altfel, exact invers, exact pe dos decat ne asteptam noi, in convingerea noastra ca i-am inteles. Si ca de obicei, au dreptate."
asciilifeform: for dos.
phf: mircea_popescu: oh bunch of random shit, first name last name comment date generated random DOS era flags. all the stuff that's been brought up before
mircea_popescu: (but yes, the fact that the dos did NOT put into obama's files the observation that the "labour" dispute in silicon valley was chinese driven test run is exactly the sort of thing that feeds my spite for the whole of usg as a "state". it's a state like a collection of mahjongg players is a state.)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform a ms-dos lisp would not, at this point, be a bad machine.
asciilifeform: melissasexy: dos tetas completas por favor.
mircea_popescu: or for that matter, that old "fuck you and netbase" http://trilema.com/2014/ubuntu-is-a-worse-piece-of-shit-than-ms-dos-ever-was/#selection-145.0-145.98
asciilifeform: this is not really a dos vector.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506980 << emacs has (standard-display-cyrillic-translit "Russian"), which i remember being enabled on the dos build of emacs ☝︎
mircea_popescu: hanno boeck ( http://trilema.com/2016/psa-hanno-bock-still-a-deceitful-shitbag/ ) definitely hoax. turkish "coup", not hoax - major usg.dos success. as far as those go these days.
asciilifeform: even came with isa (yes) card for dos (yes) box to drive the old steppers (dead)
mircea_popescu: incidentally, if any web / css / designer people wants to do something useful, an old amiga/dos style theme for the tmsr wp would be apparently mucho appreciated.
trinque: por que no los dos?
phf: only acceptable solution is 200 lines of ADA, that you can run on dos (equivalently baremetal) and needs www interface
asciilifeform: http://hackingdistributed.com/2016/06/28/ethereum-soft-fork-dos-vector << parent link, explains what mircea_popescu was suggesting last night ?
mircea_popescu: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4q9ewf/ethereums_dao_wars_soft_fork_is_a_potential_dos/d4r8060 << sauce for given quote
asciilifeform: the interesting bit re dos is that it was felled precisely by the same hardware tower of babel which gave us a multi-MB linux turdkernel
mircea_popescu: if it is linux, it probably is more like debian sarge or gentoo whatever from 2003 than anything visible in the wild. fuck, it probably should be more like ibm-dos really.
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-27#1472780 <<< DOS nostalgia incoming ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-26#1472329 << i am surprised. next you're gonna tell me old dos games beat ipad offerings. ☝︎
shinohai: In which phuctor unintentionally dos' deedbot
mircea_popescu: it'd prolly be a dos box.
mircea_popescu: phf i don't see how that is different from, "you buy fruit juicer, you can't play dos games on it". yes ?
asciilifeform: 'Allegedly ChainAnchor was looking into paying miners an additional premium if they mine on top of compliant blocks rather than on top of non-compliant blocks; a possible strategy for miners might be to use compliance as a tie-breaker when determining what side of a fork to mine on. It’s also easy to imagine tools like DoS attacks being used, as well as legal, regulatory, and even social pressure. Finally of course, once a majority
BingoBoingo: <mod6> BingoBoingo: eh, yeah, i doubt it. not saying that you're wrong; just that, you can't dos a channel itself. only its individuals if you know its inhabitants. << I'm not trying to imply anything other than timing of my connection's enshittening seems suspish
mod6: like that dos thing that used to sit in #b-a and collect ips
mod6: BingoBoingo: eh, yeah, i doubt it. not saying that you're wrong; just that, you can't dos a channel itself. only its individuals if you know its inhabitants.
asciilifeform: 'I created a proof of concept of this attack. This isn't enough to launch a real attack, because an attacker only has 16 bytes of DOS assembler code, which is very little. For a real attack ... ' << l0l! fella apparently doesn't know that microshit PE format has a (i shit thee not) ~dedicated field~ for 'load exe from url and execute'
mircea_popescu: anyone know how the fuck do i wipe dos blank lines in cli ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes> "DoS" seems rather farfetched, a readthrough of the DoS usage implies it's more of an ad-hoc block/txn rule enforcement mechanism. <<< it is exactly what it is.
ben_vulpes: "DoS" seems rather farfetched, a readthrough of the DoS usage implies it's more of an ad-hoc block/txn rule enforcement mechanism.
phf: ben_vulpes: you mean cblock specifically or the whole cblock/ctransaction DoS mechanism?
gernika: asciilifeform: fyi I made a trip to eetools HQ today and came back home with a curiosity: EmMax plus rom emulator - connects to LPT port - comes with console app. It does *not* however appear to support dos - win95 is as far back as it goes it seems.
asciilifeform: i.e. to get to where i can just have the dos box.
phf: like if forced i could spend rest of life with a dos machine, can't say the same for os x 10.10, but that of course assumes that i somehow don't ever have to work, and in fact live in a "concent" for the rest of life
phf: so did i, but i mean this for the hypothetical, "move back to dos and fuck y'all" retreat :]
phf: i don't mean Emacs, but dos emacs is enough for the "i have text, i need to shape text into new text" tasks
asciilifeform: eh dos emacs sucked arse
asciilifeform: dos pc was also the absolute pinnacle of the make-own-hardware era
asciilifeform: i will have a dos box until i die.
phf: i have love/hate relationship with dos
phf: main reason gpg is turd, because was written for dos and frozen into spec that way. provided functionally is composite and doesn't "do one thing well". instead of freeform key annotation has explicit "name, email, comment" fields, instead of easy way to spawn many keys, has a convoluted key hierarchy, etc.
gernika: It looked like there was a dos util for it -- then I realized that was from 1999.
assbot: Logged on 07-03-2016 02:49:05; nubbins`: advertising 0-fee tx's in a mempool flood is a DOS attack
nubbins`: advertising 0-fee tx's in a mempool flood is a DOS attack ☟︎
kakobrekla: >If you are proposing that you are actually running a node which keeps all 0-fee txn for a week plus, I very much would like to know what machine are you running, and when's the last time you realised what an incredible DoS mechanism this is.
phf: my current goal is to have better compartmentalization, like have a gaming machine (i.e. libretto running dos, i've been unwinding with ~~'95 games), a work machine (i.e. a thing that can run intellij and which is compromised for all the practical purposes) and a b-a machine whatever that evolves into, because i don't think the future of a computer as a progrock moog station is panning out
assbot: Logged on 26-02-2016 18:41:28; punkman: lol "@petertodd: Whomever is DoS attacking f2pool please stop. You're only making it harder to come to consensus."
assbot: Logged on 26-02-2016 18:41:28; punkman: lol "@petertodd: Whomever is DoS attacking f2pool please stop. You're only making it harder to come to consensus."
assbot: Logged on 26-02-2016 18:41:28; punkman: lol "@petertodd: Whomever is DoS attacking f2pool please stop. You're only making it harder to come to consensus."
punkman: lol "@petertodd: Whomever is DoS attacking f2pool please stop. You're only making it harder to come to consensus." ☟︎☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: when i say dos, i mean '90s dos.
asciilifeform: fortunately there are more wonderful dos titles than i have expected life left
punkman: there have been a lot of DoS bugs since 0.5.3
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-01-2016#1388394 << current wisdom is mere dos through resource exhaustion ☝︎
pete_dushenski: thestringpuller: he plays more games than i do. except he plays on dos or w/e
PeterL: died under a dos, iiuc
BingoBoingo: "In initial implementations, old nodes which are not yet aware of NODE_BLOOM and use a protocol version < 70011 may still send filter messages to a node without NODE_BLOOM. This feature may be removed after there are sufficient NODE_BLOOM nodes available and SPV clients have upgraded, allowing node operators to fully close the bloom-related DoS vectors."
gribble: CVE-2015-3641 - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures - The ...: <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-3641>; [bitcoin-dev] Upcoming DOS vulnerability announcements for Bitcoin ...: <https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-June/009135.html>; CVE-2014-3641 - NVD - Detail: <https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2014-3641>
mod6: <+trinque> thestringpuller: the script had dos line endings, which is why in recent logs I mentioned running it through dos2unix << wat?
trinque: thestringpuller: the script had dos line endings, which is why in recent logs I mentioned running it through dos2unix
ascii_field: without identity, anti-dos measures are simply buttons which usg can push to make you disconnect a friend.
BingoBoingo: DOS 3 is still around
trinque: I played with BASIC on DOS back in the day; I can think of worse gifts.
assbot: Logged on 28-11-2015 21:02:41; jurov: my proposition is that if packets signed by key in WoT come from an address, it's unlikely DoS will come from there too.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-11-2015#1333245 << this then doubles as both a dos avenue (your upstream router can say packets come from any ips it wishes to say they came from) and a dos avenue (the wot member in question will no longer be able to connect now) ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 28-11-2015 21:02:41; jurov: my proposition is that if packets signed by key in WoT come from an address, it's unlikely DoS will come from there too.
jurov: my proposition is that if packets signed by key in WoT come from an address, it's unlikely DoS will come from there too. ☟︎☟︎
jurov: until there's DoS that spoofs the address, i know.. but that bar is much higher
phf: i'm not sure what's to be done about DoS attacks though. body size caps? we have a handful of protections allowed by the carrier (only accepting messages from certain ips, etc), but ultimately can get a spoofed 4gb bundle and will not know that the data is spoofed until have the whole thing, and try and verify/decrypt it
mircea_popescu: "De esta manera, liquidó US$ 560 en la semana y lleva vendidos US$ 1750 millones en lo que va del mes. Así, el proceso electoral presidencial, tomando el lapso que va desde las dos semanas previas a las PASO hasta ayer y el propósito de mantener el status quo cambiario (aunque no sea sustentable), insumió US$ 8015 millones de las reservas."
ascii_field: or the removal of the 'orphan' blk and tx dos vectors ? etc
jurov: you'er basically insisting that anyone who wants to do 8bit stuff in unix should sit themselves on a stake instead, or resort to ms-dos style wankery
mircea_popescu: why do you suppose it is we don't all run dos ?
ascii_field: i have the source code to dos 6.22.
mircea_popescu: for the same reason you used old dos.
mike_c: plus, some kinda DOS on any service that imports keys from a keyserver