631 entries in 0.727s
Naphex: without captcha it just opens up with all sorts of csrf/dos attacks
assbot: Logged on 13-09-2015 20:25:04; trinque: ah I loved playing lemmings on DOS
nubbins`: so i guess it was DOS
danielpbarron: i think i played it on DOS or windows 95
trinque: ah I loved playing lemmings on DOS ☟︎
assbot: Airborne ranger (1987) review for MS-DOS, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum ... ( http://bit.ly/1LkI8Ep )
shinohai: til you really don't need anything special to perform a DoS attack on reddit besides a script that constantly f5's the page.
assbot: Crime Wave DOS Longplay (1/4) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1NVugXr )
shinohai: "Of course this doesn't help mining pools. They would need to find ways to sink the DoS attacks themselves." LOL
trinque: ! DOS toys
asciilifeform: gernika: what would you have done, snuck dos box into exam ?
asciilifeform: boots cleanly on actual dos box, tested.
phf: what isn't. at some point freedos was legit in a poc||gtfo kind of way, i.e. "we did it for the lulz", but now it's positioned as the only legitimate way to run dos programs. that you of course purchased from GoG.
asciilifeform: or think of even something so humble as msdos. despite the fact that you could fill several bookcases with material like 'norton's guide', 'undocumented dos', etc. the thing was never fully reverse-engineered by anyone
assbot: Logged on 30-08-2015 16:22:18; punkman: asciilifeform: it's the DoS protection right?
punkman: asciilifeform: it's the DoS protection right? ☟︎
asciilifeform: <phf> mats: dos dev is sop multimachine. if you read early gamedev reminiscence professional setup almost always involved two machines, the dev environment and the game testing machine, with some rapid way to synchronize the two... <<< this is how 'embedded' work is still done, and imho it is the correct way to program
asciilifeform: phf: hp200lx dos machine does astonishing things with tsr
phf: mats: dos dev is sop multimachine. if you read early gamedev reminiscence professional setup almost always involved two machines, the dev environment and the game testing machine, with some rapid way to synchronize the two. not that are you necessarily limited to a single task at a time, you can load a tsr to perform a handful of auxiliary task, like notes or calculator or whatever. i think that's how "widgets" were implemented in apple's system
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: There surprisingly hasn't been a qntra DoS that I have noticed since the XT'ening
asciilifeform: 'We are unable to explain the true nature of these patches in public because they guard against absolutely terrible DoS exploits that can take down ANY Bitcoin node. So instead we called it, "Minor efficiency improvement in block peer request handling." which is somewhat true of the patch.'
punkman: also, if have some automated system that works with gpg messages and you aren't running one of the latest 1.* version, messages can be crafted that will DoS/hang your system
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> jurov: why long, set up a dos box, enjoy the maxint games which were maxint times better than anything available today. << word.
trinque: asciilifeform | jurov: why long, set up a dos box, enjoy the maxint games which were maxint times better than anything available today. << /me wishes to see asciilifeform's DOS game list, as I was too young to truly appreciate the era
asciilifeform: dos is to game as greece is to philosophy.
asciilifeform: to me game on computer is fucking ~synonymous~ with dos.
asciilifeform: jurov: why long, set up a dos box, enjoy the maxint games which were maxint times better than anything available today.
asciilifeform: jurov: there's no role for a single byte of the dos in ther
jurov: would be more like "dos extender"
assbot: Logged on 20-08-2015 18:34:19; ascii_field: so a 'dos port' is more appropriately a 'bare metal' port, and doesn't need the dos for anything
assbot: Logged on 20-08-2015 23:11:28; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-08-2015#1245604 << actually a dr-dos version would be pretty cool. in fact i would guess an attempt to write private bitcoinfs and make dr-dos check blocks and an attempt to ada-bitcoin would necessarily end with a very similar if not outright identical product.
mircea_popescu: wait. pd-dos was the os one not dr-dos.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-08-2015#1245604 << actually a dr-dos version would be pretty cool. in fact i would guess an attempt to write private bitcoinfs and make dr-dos check blocks and an attempt to ada-bitcoin would necessarily end with a very similar if not outright identical product. ☝︎☟︎
ascii_field: so a 'dos port' is more appropriately a 'bare metal' port, and doesn't need the dos for anything ☟︎
kakobrekla: 'dr-dos' ?
chetty: dos
asciilifeform: 'CIPGroupData... A group of logically related IP addresses. Useful for banning or deprioritising sources of abusive traffic/DoS attacks.' << that would be, presumably, us.
assbot: Introduce the beginnings of anti-DoS resource scheduling. · bitcoinxt/bitcoinxt@73c9efe · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jkc0Ea )
assbot: Introduce the beginnings of anti-DoS resource scheduling. · bitcoinxt/bitcoinxt@73c9efe · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1JkbXbv )
phf: it's probably same year, that i was switched to freebsd, so never actually programmed for dos. i did write a tsr to do a memory dump on a keypress few years later
assbot: Edna, PC DOS (1997) [CZ] - Gameplay + CD Audio Music - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1ffztKu )
chetty: well perhaps she dos something other thna carry rocks now
mircea_popescu: ag3nt_zer0 you have to understand that this entire "market" thing is more of a DoS thing than a local thing. there isn't a substantial similarity between ukraina and china that makes both appear in the press you read as "so and so square".
BingoBoingo: <shinohai> I spent 2-3 hours in PM's trying to get him up to speed on gpg and stuff << Going into the future this is a serious meat DoS attack vector
assbot: Introduce the beginnings of anti-DoS resource scheduling. · bitcoinxt/bitcoinxt@73c9efe · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1Nmohr0 )
kakobrekla: >I cooked up a multi-user general ledger system based on this hardware in '79. My client was a rural Iowa accountant who (what a prophet!) was afraid of hacks, so he insisted it NOT be compatible with anything else on the planet. So, though NorthStar DOS was way ahead of it's time, I had to ditch it. I burned my own boot EPROMs, wrote the whole thing using Ashley's assembler. You just can't do that anymore.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1218934 << check it out, linux might catch up with fucking ms-dos on its next release. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: <decimation> It would be interesting to see what weird stuff like 'green hills os' looks like << Probably just like 64-bit DOS
BingoBoingo: That was the moment where the transition went from every individual computer manufacterer's branded Microsoft DOS to the unified Windows monolith. It really is no wonder... considering what was going on at IBM in retrospect... that people though OS/2 had a chance
assbot: George R.R. Martin writes on DOS-based WordStar 4.0 software from the 1980s. ... ( http://bit.ly/1I32Vvc )
asciilifeform: http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/05/14/george_r_r_martin_writes_on_dos_based_wordstar_4_0_software_from_the_1980s.html << and many other pro writerz also
BingoBoingo: Sorry DoS left Qntra a bit constipated, news bowels should be clearer for a bit
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: DoS returned. Will try to get it up when possible.
ascii_modem: dos.
mircea_popescu: 2004 kinda late for dos.
ascii_modem: dos!!
ascii_field: 'As you may have noticed, Bitcoin unfortunately has run out of capacity due to someone DoS attacking the network.'
punkman: asciilifeform: don't even need mitm, dozens of DoS vectors in there
assbot: rest: remove JSON input format for getutxos to avoid potential DoS problems · Issue #6192 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1RZSYDx )
jurov: iirc there's vfat driver for ms-dos.. some 200k
decimation: ran in dos
assbot: [bitcoin-dev] Upcoming DOS vulnerability announcements for BitcoinCore ... ( http://bit.ly/1Nm5IDd )
decimation: although I also enjoyed several classic dos games like master of orion and x-wing
ben_vulpes: old ms-dos cli flags
mircea_popescu: ./proggy -? << iirc this is the old ms-dos standard.
ascii_field: ('corebios' aka linuxbios ships with a simple dos-compat. layer that will boot winblows if you must)
asciilifeform: dos wasn't really 'present' in the sense unix is
assbot: Logged on 10-06-2015 19:42:15; ascii_field: ms-dos was not asked to do very much. at least, at first. but i still remember screwing with qemm, xms, etc. towards the last years.
jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-06-2015#1159677 haha i concur. and if you exposed ms-dos to untrusted data and got it to crash or worse, it was *your* fault. ☝︎
ascii_field: ms-dos was not asked to do very much. at least, at first. but i still remember screwing with qemm, xms, etc. towards the last years. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: ms-dos worked.
assbot: Ubuntu is a worse piece of shit than MS-DOS ever was. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Igf6XB )
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-06-2015#1153728 << lol. more stuff from the empire of http://trilema.com/2014/ubuntu-is-a-worse-piece-of-shit-than-ms-dos-ever-was/ ☝︎
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Is the qntra server under DoS?
copypaste: nah, it was a layer 7 DoS against post.pp
asciilifeform: i still regard it as not entirely unlikely that the attack is a pure 'dos'
ascii_field: for all we know, this is a straight 'dos' and no one actually knew the privates to these
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-05-2015#1137812 << imo dos is actually better than unix. ☝︎
asciilifeform: trinque> praise to the guy still using the DOS point of sale << saw this alive in b-a
trinque: praise to the guy still using the DOS point of sale... I bet nobody knows how to break into that anymore
mircea_popescu: kinda funny that drm never got as clever as viruses. even back when both these were clever, the ms-dos era.
decimation: justJanne: Someone compiled a list of ips that originate dos'er
justJanne: or, rather DoS
BingoBoingo: justJanne: Well the person doing it at first called themselves the reddit police and started by DoS'ing sites affiliated with regulars here. Then the sites beefed up and weren't so easy to DoS. So now they's had to settle for messing with home internet connections.
asciilifeform: (in point of fact, a modern pc actually will run dos. but i also want to run classic sound card in dos)
asciilifeform: decimation: of course it will run dos
decimation: asciilifeform: does the 486 'headless client' run dos?
decimation: if it runs dos - then kermit!
ascii_field: but - somehow - mostly compatible from dos
assbot: Game over: Twitter disables support for embeddable MS-DOS games- The Inquirer ... ( http://bit.ly/1ALJvaV )
asciilifeform: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2406542/twitter-now-lets-you-embed-playable-ms-dos-games-into-tweets?utm_source=Outbrain&utm_medium=Cpc&utm_campaign=Inquirer%252BReferral&WT.mc_is=977=obinsource << mega-l0l
ben_vulpes: i gather the friendly micro-dos is back
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> the problem here is that we're regressing to the past (srsly, the varnish adventure is so reminiscent of "dos utilities" scene it bleeds) but with much more powerful tools and with much more societal dependency on them. << lamport's article on brokenness+helplessness leading to return to 'voodoo' methods (electronic homeopathy, sympathetic magic, all the way to prayer healing)
mircea_popescu: the problem here is that we're regressing to the past (srsly, the varnish adventure is so reminiscent of "dos utilities" scene it bleeds) but with much more powerful tools and with much more societal dependency on them.
asciilifeform: right now there is only the retarded 'Dos(N, ...)' thing
EllieAsksWhy: Hah, hah re "The proxy links became a thing to discourage people from dropping honeypot links to harvest home ips to DoS". This isn't a good place for Blythe Masters.
BingoBoingo: EllieAsksWhy: The proxy links became a thing to discourage people from dropping honeypot links to harvest home ips to DoS
mircea_popescu: trinque re the dos point of sale, best breakfast p[lace here had one, made like 1985 or some shit
trinque: converation with my biz partner comes to mind where he praised this old DOS point of sale
Naphex: to defend from any exposing dos attacks