102 entries in 1.122s
mircea_popescu: we can talk of power rangers in bitcoin because they got fucking squashed. but nobody before thought "o hey, you know what knight, stallman, richie etc ALL have in common ?! FUCKING POWER RANGERS JESUS FUCK."
mircea_popescu: ^ this was a thing. "bitcoin jesus" was a thing. all sorta lulz lie buried in the everlog.
mircea_popescu: just like i'd rather pay bitcoin tx fees than other chrap. jesus christ.
Framedragger: bitcoin is used by bitcoin jesus, too
Framedragger: lol "bitcoin jesus". yea well. people flock, it's what they do
mircea_popescu: o jesus, don't tell me the new bitbet management decided to you know, eschew bitcoin-handling problems by... holding their money over at bitfinex.
shinohai: http://archive.is/yHDFa 'Bitcoin Jesus' Roger Ver was hospitalized after being found ranting incoherently on a Tokyo street corner, wearing only a soiled toga-like garment.'
asciilifeform: (or was it when bitcoin-jesus was nailed to cross??)
thestringpuller: all who do not accept bitcoin jesus as their cryptolord and savior are ostracized
assbot: jstolfi comments on Roger the Jesus launches uncensored CEO AMA marathon on Bitcoin.com ...everyone except OKCoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1RzUdu0 )
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-10-2015#1307753 << jesus fuck he fucking butchered me. ☝︎
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-09-2015#1283763 << Jesus said to help your neighbor; not to force your neighbor to help some other guy neither of you has ever heard of ☝︎
shinohai: Bitcoin Jesus comes down from heaven to spread the gospel to the darknet netizens https://redd.it/3kx2a
mircea_popescu: i don't remember what exact "bitcoin jesus" nonsense he had in his schedule, but i do recall i made the judgement the person can not possibly be intellectually respectable.
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-08-2015#1246340 <<< jesus christ, put the poor bastard out of his misery instead ☝︎
mircea_popescu: <assbot> ~44% of Bitcoin mining hash power is currently voting to support 8 MB blocks. << jesus fuck look at these idiots, didn't skip a beat
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-08-2015#1231425 << jesus definitely was a socialist. something something all people something. ☝︎
trinque: bitcoin jesus of course
mircea_popescu: i kinda miss the old derpage days. used to have a bitcoin jesus, now all we get is some obscure godfather pedo.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo jesus christ the deluge of verbiage from these people. that two line call-out in #bitcoin-dev has produced almost a million lines of derpage, on irc, on reddit, on personal blogs, everywhere.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, who would win a fight between bitcoin jesus and bitcoin godfather ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what is this, the bitcoin jesus ?
mircea_popescu: jesus fuck i want a buttcoin.org account. the stupidity bitcoin brings out from i dunno where...
assbot: 64 results for 'bitcoin jesus' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bitcoin+jesus
TheNewDeal: !s bitcoin jesus
TheNewDeal: lizard hitler is dating bitcoin jesus?
mircea_popescu: lizard hitler is nowwith bitcoin jesus.
mircea_popescu: Bitcoin's Book of Jesus ?
mircea_popescu: jesus #bitcoin-philosophee
mircea_popescu: incredible the sheer amount of slime bitcoin attracts, jesus.
kakobrekla: <mats_cd03> http://bitbet.us/bet/1034/bitcoin-to-drop-under-350-before-november < jesus all the leeches :(
Dimsler: right up until he became bitcoin jesus' bitch
mircea_popescu: jesus so i'm just going to let these bitcoin-financials.com/net/org expire ? nobody wants em ?
fluffypony: asciilifeform: he's revealing himself as the Bitcoin Devil to Ver's Jesus
mircea_popescu: this situation actually allows a window be thrown into bitcoin, to understand how it works. jesus atc is useful, props tat.
ThickAsThieves: Bitcoin Jesus Crucified
ThickAsThieves: it irks me that bigger media now calls Ver Bitcoin Jesus
diametric: I wonder what Jesus's take on Bitcoin would be.
fluffypony: we have a Bitcoin Jesus
ThickAsThieves: seems it wasnt even a "bitcoin" hack of a "jesus" if the hacker only asked for 37btc
ThickAsThieves: i'm going to write a book about bitcoin systematics and be a bitcoin jesus, later guys
Apocalyptic: kako, the question is does that apply to bitcoin jesus as well ?
BingoBoingo: Thanks to Overstock.com replacing Roger Ver as used electronics Bitcoin Jesus I am kinda confident I am BAC 0.257 drunk
mircea_popescu: wait dudes! do you realise god spelled backwards is dog, and so the black lab meme and the bitcoin jesus meme just came together in a total and complete
moiety: jesus bitcoin e's now? nice encouragement of dogepills too - "Wow. So drugs. Very fucked." wtf
mircea_popescu: Namworld what of bitcoin jesus then ?
midnightmagic twitches uncontrollably at mention of "bitcoin jesus" down in the Caribbean complaining about how slow it is to open a bank account as a recent import from the US
mircea_popescu: well for further mind blown, consider there's no bitcoin jesus, either o.O
mircea_popescu: jesus fuck which of you broke bitcoin
ThickAsThieves: http://www.salon.com/2014/03/09/the_ballad_of_bitcoin_jesus_the_tech_millionaire_evangelist_who_fears_for_his_life/
ThickAsThieves: before he takes the bitcoin jesus torch
mircea_popescu: see, many aspire to be a bitcoin jesus, but this guy actually has enough insight.
mircea_popescu: and the original bitcoin jesus recommended quite strongly a wallet service called mybitcoin
mircea_popescu: so there was this guy by the name of bruce wagner, the original bitcoin jesus.
ThickAsThieves: http://buttcoin.org/bitcoin-jesus-asserts-food-water-value
ThickAsThieves: he'll be bitcoin jesus next week
mircea_popescu: REAL BITCOIN JESUS
pankkake: so Bitcoin Ambassador is much better than Bitcoin Jesus
mircea_popescu: the funniest part in all of this are, of course, the variously non-english speaking romanian doods who had figured they're like... you know... teh bitcoin jesus
mircea_popescu: i guess this dethrones roger ver as Bitcoin Jesus of the Used Computer Parts ?
pankkake: so it is the true bitcoin jesus
BingoBoingo: Unless we get into some weird gnostic Bitcoin theology where Amir Taaki was Satoshi/Jesus and then gave himself downs syndrome to hide his secret.
BingoBoingo: stephengandel, that Bitcoin Jesus
mircea_popescu: bitcoin jesus ?
mircea_popescu: pankkake all bitcoin jesus references are a meme-ish joke @ that nonsense.
pankkake: the bitcoin jesus title claimed by another
kakobrekla: here tat, jesus saves: http://jezus.si:81/render?target=bitcoin.*.transactions&height=500&width=1100&lineMode=connected
benkay: apoplectic bitcoin jesus caused the runup
mircea_popescu: the apostolic bitcoin jesus gets no mention ?
jcpham: i want the bitcoin jesus limited foil
ThickAsThieves: can we get a new bitcoin jesus plz?
ThickAsThieves: Ver interview http://www.londonlovesbusiness.com/business-news/tech/meet-bitcoin-jesus-roger-ver-the-millionaire-who-distributes-free-bitcoins/5951.article
mircea_popescu: i wonder if jerry springer is the next bitcoin jesus.
jcpham: never could get that bitcoin jesus video to load
jcpham: can't believe you guys are doubting the words of bitcoin jesus
jcpham: so i'm guessing it is supposed to be a video of bitcoin jesus reassuring everyone
mircea_popescu: "Even Roger Ver, a.k.a. "Bitcoin Jesus" has to pay his supply chain to keep the Bitcoin Store running, so he can't use Bitcoins either. Roger Ver doesn't accept Bitcoin, he accepts US dollars from BitPay. If even Bitcoin Jesus isn't interested in Bitcoins themselves, then why not let customers use their local currencies from the get-go and take out the Bitcoin middleman?"
HussyAssThieve: Bitcoin Jesus Enterprises
mod6: I liked him better when he only mentioned Bitcoin once in a while.. when he got all "bitcoin jesus" on everyone I'm like, you're not helping, you're just pushing people into something they don't understand yet.
kakobrekla: jesus bitcoin is 1$!
ThickAsThieves: sdice is his dirty little secret that pays for his bitcoin jesus work
mircea_popescu: it's what bitcoin jesus (tm) would do.
ThickAsThieves: be our bitcoin jesus
ThickAsThieves: what would jesus think about bitcoin
ThickAsThieves: doing interviews and being a bitcoin jesus
mircea_popescu: jesus i'm clueless about bitcoin internals.
mircea_popescu: jesus passing the buck is like a tradition in bitcoin-devtalk
smickles: jesus fuck, bitcoin was under 6 usd on may 11 2011. leveraging amazon cloud would made bank
MJR_: that's when bitcoin Jesus came up
[\\\]: did anyone see the tweet from the old, self proclaimed bitcoin jesus?
MJR_: not to confuse but I think bitcoin Jesus was def a topic
smickles: so, it's "bitcoin JESUS!"
smickles: wait, bitcoin jesus was an actual topic?
mircea_popescu: [\\\] for this weeks' bitcoin jesus
smickles: bitcoin jesus? i'll just go back in my hole
mircea_popescu: mod6 is the new bitcoin jesus
Bugpowder: jesus bitcoin is amazing
gigavps: bitcoin jesus
jcpham: or bitcoin jesus water into wine
jcpham: bitcoin jesus like historical jesus