600+ entries in 0.464s
asciilifeform: an interesting exercise, for patient folks, is to follow the usg tendrils backwards in time, observing what subjects had been dealt with by seeding public forum with crank bait, long before 'blocksizs wars' etc.
asciilifeform: i used to bait these folk regularly.
asciilifeform: yeah but petrocheese is a peculiarly demoocratic bait. muhammed has other bait.
a111: Logged on 2016-05-19 15:51 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-19#1468573 << i'ma bite this bait. tell me, what constructive thing have improvements in finance in past 30y enabled ?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-19#1468573 << i'ma bite this bait. tell me, what constructive thing have improvements in finance in past 30y enabled ? ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: phf to me that seems very much bait-and-switchy. if i were to judge, it'd make me guess they do not have it.
jurov: re:2 i was being IRONIC. and waited whether you take the bait
asciilifeform: and in fact i'm in a fish store, in the bait tank.
asciilifeform: remarkably stale for bait
mircea_popescu: smells to me like long dead bait job some 3rd line derp is trying to spring back to life on us, but hery.
thestringpuller: Eventually there'll be enough good porn links in the logs to have a !bait command
thestringpuller: punkman: so the suckers took the bait...
adlai: https://twitter.com/BitcoinBelle/status/674365484029059072 (panel moderator, seems to have been the bait that fished out the good doctor)
pete_dushenski remembers learning about shift from 'gnp' to 'gdp' as boy and apparent shadiness of this bait-and-switch even then
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, the fact they're dumb doesn't mean the bait ain't there.
mircea_popescu: You&#8217;ve taken the bait and put all your <a id="itxthook2" class="itxtrst itxtrsta itxthook" href="http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2014/05/cyberbll.html#" rel="nofollow"><span id="itxthook2w" class="itxtrst itxtrstspan itxtnowrap">energy</span></a> into accepting the form of the argument.
trinque: ^ bait
funkenstein_: crank bait seems likely :)
assbot: 29 results for 'crank bait' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=crank+bait
ascii_field: !s crank bait
mircea_popescu: fits in head, i suspect, is just your bait and switch to make the world "fits in ass".
Vexual: .bait
thestringpuller: who need .bait when mircea_popescu is around
copypaste: a troll wrote that to bait people, it worked
cazalla: tbh was more trying to bait you into a maddox is the best/worst discussion
assbot: Logged on 09-09-2015 05:27:16; pete_dushenski: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/09/08/a-white-guy-named-michael-couldnt-get-his-poem-published-then-he-became-yi-fen-chou/ << "Hudson’s critics said the literary bait-and-switch was fraudulent, racist and fundamentally different from Charlotte Bronte publishing “Jane Eyre” under the name Currer Bell."
pete_dushenski: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/09/08/a-white-guy-named-michael-couldnt-get-his-poem-published-then-he-became-yi-fen-chou/ << "Hudson’s critics said the literary bait-and-switch was fraudulent, racist and fundamentally different from Charlotte Bronte publishing “Jane Eyre” under the name Currer Bell." ☟︎
ascii_field: as per the 'crank bait' thread.
assbot: 25 results for 'crank bait' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=crank+bait
ascii_field: !s crank bait
ascii_field: mats: the way it works is, there are precisely two kinds of permitted mass media in usa: 1) usg 2) usg crank bait ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 03-12-2014 23:20:00; asciilifeform: crank bait is normally factual material that blows 'official truth' out of the water, placed deliberately in the public domain.
assbot: 22 results for 'crank bait' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=crank+bait
asciilifeform: !s crank bait
jurov: !pornctl bait
phf: yeah, the whole "nerd culture" bait and switch. i watched some anime growing up, mostly because cyberpunk, ghost in the shell, armitage, akira, so when moved here was somehow was also expected to enjoy shit like evangelion or what's that one with rubber guy
gribble: bait.bitcoin-assets.com is up
jurov: ;;isup bait.bitcoin-assets.com
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> decimation: doubt that it's as complicated as all that. probably just straight mental mapping of the lion in the washington zoo, or even in some cartoon, to the real thing << Last time I went to St Louis zoo they had balding malnourished lions. Surprised local bangers didn't take them as bait for training their pitbulls.
asciilifeform: (in more recent times, the 'loot' is in the form of bait, handed out monthly at welfare office)
mod6: im hoping I can figure something out with gcc tomorrow. if I don't get anywhere, perhaps time to cut bait and head in a different direction.
mod6: So, I think I'm gonna stay the course on trying to patch 4.8.4... if we get into a giant hassle with it, we'll cut bait for the time being and try to build something like 3.7 and try that.
mircea_popescu: just like the "community" of high voltage wire lickers, or "transsexuals" or what have you may only exist for as long as it's entirely made of either fresh idiots or the trolls that bait them
assbot: 850 results for '.bait' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=.bait
BingoBoingo: !s .bait
shinohai: That's not even good dangle-bait.
pete_dushenski: it's usual dangle-bait shit for shartups with moar capital than brains
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: if you want to make a bait bot that's not retarded (which is to say, it fetches good quality, always fully nude, slightly fetish stuff) you can prolly have it voiced here. where to get good porn tho... << have d00d dredge through tumblr and put together a list manually for the bot to take from lol!
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-06-2015#1153723 << if you want to make a bait bot that's not retarded (which is to say, it fetches good quality, always fully nude, slightly fetish stuff) you can prolly have it voiced here. where to get good porn tho... ☝︎
jurov: assbot had a !bait command, we all much miss now
jurov: !bait
asciilifeform: tasty bait, a little bit of poison - perfect recipe, every exterminator knows
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-05-2015#1127582 <<< pretty sure that's bait so he can turn around and say see, people troll me regardless of what i say therefore my 20mb blocksize limit argument has merit ☝︎
mircea_popescu: the bait and switch thing here is that the "modified thing" can only exist by itself, so it really needs us to you know, give up on bitcoin proper.
jayk: .bait
Vexual: !bait
mircea_popescu: see it's from fishing, when a fish bites so hard it eats not just the bait, but with it the hook, and the bit of fishing line all theway to the floating thing
Vexual: he he, not bait, but an enviable comparison
mircea_popescu: or else 4b) if society doesn't bite the bait, they "street cred" because were going to 4evar totally do it.
mircea_popescu: then 4a) if society bites the bait, they "change their mind" "learn better" "unfortunately..." "they were just kids" etc, the circle / dwolla /etc playbook
asciilifeform: simple bait, works.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's bait
cazalla: <BingoBoingo> a) For violent accidents that lead to death killed is used frequently <<< that was my thinking, was not an intentional click bait title as some alleged
asciilifeform: the sucker bait's $0
asciilifeform: sucker bait?
asciilifeform: 'crank bait'
asciilifeform: most egregiously in the english-speaking press: 'crank bait' sensationalism - 'every box on the planet is owned!' designed to chip away at the credibility of kaspersky
nubbins`: also the second time i took the bait ;(
asciilifeform: ^ crank bait
asciilifeform: if actually happens, even - it's chump bait. 0.8.6 nodes that will be 'seamlessly upgrades' to gavincoin (how? easy - will lose most history, faux verification from that point on, etc.)
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: .bait
gribble: Error: "bait" is not a valid command.
davout: ;;bait
davout: .bait
mats: http://i.imgur.com/21o3yku.jpg manually cranked .bait
asciilifeform: with bait component
Vexual: worst .bait evar
asciilifeform: ^ prime example of 'fda grade-A' crank bait.
asciilifeform: crank bait is normally factual material that blows 'official truth' out of the water, placed deliberately in the public domain. ☟︎
assbot: 15 results for 'crank bait' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=crank+bait
asciilifeform: !s crank bait
BingoBoingo: .bait
ben_vulpes refuses the bait
BingoBoingo thinks kako gives his bait names of excessive obvious. What's Wrong with Tom?
assbot: 13 results for 'crank bait' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=crank+bait
asciilifeform: !s crank bait
asciilifeform: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2826980/Winston-Churchill-s-bid-nuke-Russia-win-Cold-War-uncovered-secret-FBI-files.html << ideal example of 'crank bait' method. perfectly factual allegation, regarded as nearly hundred percent proven by ru historians for decades. 'smoking gun' finally out. what does lizard hitler do? orders it printed in 'daily mail.'
asciilifeform: how? because it then serves as bait, sugar so that you will swallow the shit.
BingoBoingo: Crank bait also refers to a sort of fishing lure with parts that move in the water to increase the attention it commands of the fish
BingoBoingo: ;;ud crank bait
thestringpuller: "could you use it in a sentence" "asciilifeform: der wagen was decorated with a number of 'end the fed' stickers. apparently this is considered adequate crank bait."
asciilifeform: 'crank bait' is a deliberate (whether engineered or through sheer neglect) hole in an Official narrative, whose purpose is to do for doubters what a 'bug zapper light' does for insects.
assbot: 5 results for 'crank bait' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=crank+bait
asciilifeform: !s crank bait
asciilifeform: saying merely that usg loves 'crank bait'
asciilifeform: wut << bait
cazalla: http://qntra.net/2014/10/as-ipo-fails-breakout-gaming-plan-a-bait-and-switch/
ben_vulpes: that's why bring .bait back
nubbins`: yeah .bait sucked
mircea_popescu: you hated the old .bait ?