700+ entries in 0.441s
assbot: Logged on 04-05-2014 09:08:41; Hasbro: .bait
assbot: 807 results for 'bait' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bait
mircea_popescu: !s bait
mircea_popescu: that when i say .bait your bot spits out a link to an image
mircea_popescu: to replace the old .bait function
mircea_popescu: <punkman> "hello I want a 60watt bulb" "here take this 7 watt stealth CFL, same thing" << lol yup. commerce now meas bait and switch apparently.
assbot: 804 results for '.bait' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=.bait
punkman: !search .bait
JuliaTourianski: *waiting for someone to take low blow bait
ThickAsThieves: .bait
ben_vulpes: !bait
Duffer1: .bait
moriarty: xmj, but you won't bite the bait if you had some modicum of intellect
assbot: Logged on 29-08-2014 04:53:06; asciilifeform: church's version is more like 'you go to harvard if you're the billionaire's son and need to be merit-washed before being awarded your crown grant - or if you're an idiot, took bait, had parents with good credit'
assbot: 3 results for 'crank bait' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=crank+bait
asciilifeform: !s crank bait
thestringpuller: !bait
thestringpuller: when will assbot have !bait
Duffer1: what no bait?
Duffer1: !bait
ben_vulpes: <BingoBoingo> "Easy to handle" compared to what? Cocaine-soaked cobras? << "crater bait"
BingoBoingo: !bait
gribble: Error: "bait" is not a valid command.
BingoBoingo: ;;bait
Vexual: .bait
asciilifeform: church's version is more like 'you go to harvard if you're the billionaire's son and need to be merit-washed before being awarded your crown grant - or if you're an idiot, took bait, had parents with good credit' ☟︎
asciilifeform: i suppose one might even then include a 'd)', 'sow crank bait'
usg_press_machin: Reductio ad, not going to take the bait there.
Mexual: .bait
fluffypony: I just hate this bait-and-switch tactic that seems to be common
cazalla: that shit is constantly on 4chan but it's shitty bait
jurov: .bait
mike_c: ah. this is a good point. chocolate is just wrong bait.
asciilifeform: container with, say, banana, and a hole big enough for the beast's hand, but not if it holds the bait
mircea_popescu: i tend to bait a lot.
benkay: <nubbins`> wait, so taleb didn't take the bait from that really super cringey video you paid for? // 30 second doses were all i could handle
nubbins`: wait, so taleb didn't take the bait from that really super cringey video you paid for?
cazalla: http://ohpi.org.au/4chans-pol-and-the-trouble-with-dean/ there is an aussie jew who takes the bait
ThickAsThieves: "Coin Fire was started because I got sick and tired of reading reviews on sites that were full of advertisements, dishonest statements and news that was just posted to create link bait."
BingoBoingo: !bait
gribble: Error: "bait" is not a valid command.
BingoBoingo: ;;bait
asciilifeform: der wagen was decorated with a number of 'end the fed' stickers. apparently this is considered adequate crank bait.
mircea_popescu: You may at this point roll your eyes epileptically and retort, "well, who cares 'what the system wants', the fact is anonymity does embolden the lunatics, shouldn't we try to restrict it?" Great question, too bad it's irrelevant. You've taken the bait and put all your energy into accepting the form of the argument. The issue isn't whether we should abolish online anonymity, since this will never happen. For every Ameri
benkay: $bait
benkay: $bait
FabianB: <+mircea_popescu> FabianB how does it do bait ? <-- not exactly, i mean this:
mircea_popescu: FabianB how does it do bait ?
mircea_popescu: $bait
FabianB: mircea_popescu: jurov: it should do bait << it should do mp approved bait. <-- it kind of does now, even probably not what you expected
Mats_cd03: i can't tell if you're trying to bait college feminists into marketing trilema
mircea_popescu: jurov: it should do bait << it should do mp approved bait.
jurov: it should do bait
assbot: SSD shadiness: Kingston and PNY caught bait-and-switching cheaper components after good reviews | ExtremeTech
punkman: http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/184253-ssd-shadiness-kingston-and-pny-caught-bait-and-switching-cheaper-components-after-good-reviews
gribble: ClubOrlov: The Rationale behind the Boston Psy-ops: <http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-rationale-behind-boston-psy-ops.html>; JOURNAL: Dmitry Orlov on Collapse - Global Guerrillas: <http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2010/11/journal-dmitry-orlov-on-collapse.html>; Mario's Fresh Bait - Geelong, VIC - Shopping & Retail | Facebook: (1 more message)
asciilifeform: ;;google crank bait orlov
mike_c: good for click bait. /2014/06/05/bitcoin-declared-illegal-everywhere/ "Bitcoin has not been declared illegal everywhere"
BingoBoingo: "This bait and switch defense procurement situation, one that has become eerily circular in nature, is a much larger threat to national security then uneducated men in mud huts with AK-47s. A foe which we have spent trillions targeting and killing for over the last decade with little to show for it." http://aviationintel.com/disgrace-navys-f-35b-carrier/
BingoBoingo: Like Brock bait
assbot: VICE to Gawker: Fuck You and Fuck Your Garbage Click-Bait 'Journalism' | VICE United States
asciilifeform: even if it works 'as printed on the box' - feels like gasenwagen bait.
bitcoinpete: fluffypony: did you fall for the bait?
Vexual: Assbot bait would be scary
BingoBoingo: " /msg ozbot .d .bait, .etc
thestringpuller: assbot needs a bait feature or something
Vexual: .bait
Duffer1: i imagine .bait models dancing around a shrine of spreadsheets
BingoBoingo: Oh, it's just about the opposite of .bait
mircea_popescu: fluffypony your manual bait is meh.
fluffypony: manual bait coming up
fluffypony: omw no bait
gribble: .bait
thestringpuller: ;;echo .bait
thestringpuller: !bait
benkay: .bait
benkay: .bait
mircea_popescu: like the best bait to date
BingoBoingo: .bait
Jezzz: .bait
mircea_popescu: actually Jezzz : how about better .bait!
BingoBoingo: ;;rate Jezzz 1 .bait
mircea_popescu: also, where does .bait pull the pix from ?
benkay: .bait
mircea_popescu: benkay funny how bait died. those pics really sucked too
Hasbro: .bait ☟︎
mircea_popescu: wow a bait that didn't suck.
mircea_popescu: .bait
BingoBoingo: .bait
fluffypony: plus it'll be fun, I'm tired of .bait
mircea_popescu: .bait
mircea_popescu: meh shitty bait ozzie. how am i to restore world balance thus ?
mircea_popescu: .bait
BingoBoingo: .bait
mircea_popescu: .bait ed breath
jurov: .bait
TestingUnoDosTre: .bait
BingoBoingo: The Wizard of .bait
[\]: .bait
mircea_popescu: .bait with purses pls